
Instructions: Complete all the checklist items below in the APA-formatted template located in Course Documents area...

Instructions: Complete all the checklist items below in the APA-formatted template located in Course Documents area of the course room.

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:

AB209-1: Describe entrepreneurial qualities and legal forms of operations for a small business.

Checklist: Describe the following:

  • The business you have chosen, real or imaginary. This may not be a business that already exists if you are not the owner.
  • Entrepreneurial qualities that will be necessary for you to run your business successfully.
  • The type of legal entity you believe would work best for the business and the stakeholder obligations involved.
  • Why your choice is best in this particular case.
  • Why each of the other business types would be less satisfactory.
  • The drawbacks to your chosen business entity and how you might deal with those.
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Answer #1

The business which I have chosen is Imaginary:


Small businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation. Businesses are defined as "small" in terms of being able to apply for government support and qualify for preferential tax policy varies depending on the country and industry.

               While small businesses can also be classified according to other methods, such as annual revenues, shipments, sales, assets, or by annual gross or net revenue or net profits, the number of employees is one of the most widely used measures.

Entrepreneurial qualities for a small business:

Successful business people have many traits in common with one another. They are confident and optimistic. They are disciplined self starters. They are open to any new ideas which cross their path (Side note: Rich20Something is a great book about this, it covers the mindset of millennial entrepreneurs). Here are ten traits of the successful entrepreneur.

1. Disciplined

These individuals are focused on making their businesses work, and eliminate any hindrances or distractions to their goals. They have overarching strategies and outline the tactics to accomplish them. Successful entrepreneurs are disciplined enough to take steps every day toward the achievement of their objectives.

2. Confidence

The entrepreneur does not ask questions about whether they can succeed or whether they are worthy of success. They are confident with the knowledge that they will make their businesses succeed. They exude that confidence in everything they do.

3. Open Minded

Entrepreneurs realize that every event and situation is a business opportunity. Ideas are constantly being generated about workflows and efficiency, people skills and potential new businesses. They have the ability to look at everything around them and focus it toward their goals.

4. Self Starter

Entrepreneurs know that if something needs to be done, they should start it themselves. They set the parameters and make sure that projects follow that path. They are proactive, not waiting for someone to give them permission.

5. Competitive

Many companies are formed because an entrepreneur knows that they can do a job better than another. They need to win at the sports they play and need to win at the businesses that they create. An entrepreneur will highlight their own company’s track record of success.

6. Creativity

One facet of creativity is being able to make connections between seemingly unrelated events or situations. Entrepreneurs often come up with solutions which are the synthesis of other items. They will re purpose products to market them to new industries.

7. Determination

Entrepreneurs are not thwarted by their defeats. They look at defeat as an opportunity for success. They are determined to make all of their endeavors succeed, so will try and try again until it does. Successful entrepreneurs do not believe that something cannot be done.

8. Strong people skills

The entrepreneur has strong communication skills to sell the product and motivate employees. Most successful entrepreneurs know how to motivate their employees so the business grows overall. They are very good at highlighting the benefits of any situation and coaching others to their success.

9. Strong work ethic

The successful entrepreneur will often be the first person to arrive at the office and the last one to leave. They will come in on their days off to make sure that an outcome meets their expectations. Their mind is constantly on their work, whether they are in or out of the workplace.

10. Passion

Passion is the most important trait of the successful entrepreneur. They genuinely love their work. They are willing to put in those extra hours to make the business succeed because there is a joy their business gives which goes beyond the money. The successful entrepreneur will always be reading and researching ways to make the business better.

Successful entrepreneurs want to see what the view is like at the top of the business mountain. Once they see it, they want to go further. They know how to talk to their employees, and their businesses soar as a result.

Legal firms of Operations for a small business:

Small business owners make a wide variety of legal and financial decisions in their day-to-day operations, including the management of small business insurance costs and identifying their target markets. The following resources will help you get up to speed with marketing, advertising, extending credit, e-commerce, the use of technology in day-to-day operations, business insurance, negotiating leases, managing logistics (such as shipping and inventory), and other topics related to general business operations.

Business Operations:

  • Commercial Leases and Zoning
  • Internet and E-Commerce
  • Marketing and Advertising Laws

Commercial Leases and Zoning

Most businesses will either rent or purchase real estate for a retail shop, manufacturing facility, office building, warehouse, or some other facility. But before you move in, it's important to understand zoning laws, the importance of location, how to negotiate a lease agreement, when you should consider consulting an attorney and related matters. This section also includes a primer on choosing a geographical location and a glossary of commercial lease provisions.

Factors to Consider: Lease or Purchase of a Facility

At some point in a business's life it may be possible to purchase facilities. While this might seem an easy decision to make, there are some considerations that make leasing a superior option, even when acquiring property for the business is affordable. There are certain considerations that can help you make the decision regarding whether leasing or owning is a better option for your business.

Leasing allows a business to conserve its cash flow by limiting the outlay of capital initially. In addition to saving money on an initial investment leasing can often also avoid the cost of maintenance for the property. New businesses may need to be mobile and prefer the flexibility renting provides to rapidly scale the business up or down with the needs of the market. Suitable property may be unavailable, or the real estate market's values may be inflated to the extent that a purchase is unwise. New businesses also frequently struggle to obtain credit since they lack a record of transactions and rent costs can be a valuable tax deduction.

On the other hand, ownership offers long term savings in the form of reduced costs and accrued equity. Ownership also provides better control over the property and a long-term fixed location. Real estate values may be such that the property itself accrues value that can then be accessed on the business's behalf and depreciation to the property and interest on the financing of its purchase may provide some tax advantages.

Commercial Zoning

Zoning dictates the sort of activities that may take place on a property. Zoning laws may control the noise level, waste management, the appearance of the building (its height, size, and setback from the street), parking, and air quality. Before signing a lease it is important to ensure that property is zoned appropriately for your business's needs. Just because the previous occupant used a property for a specific purpose does not mean that the new occupant can safely assume they are permitted to do the same thing.

When zoning laws change a business that is non compliant may be permitted to continue its activities, however the right to this non-conformance may not pass to the next tenant. Prior tenants may have applied for a variance for their activities, though this too is limited to the applicant, not future businesses.

Learn About Commercial Leases and Zoning

  • Factors to Consider: Lease or Purchase a Facility

    What to consider before deciding whether to sign a lease or purchase a business facility outright

  • Types of Leases

    General information about the various different types of leases available to small businesses

Internet and E-Commerce

Having a sharp website and successfully leveraging the Internet can really boost your business, while e-commerce has enabled a whole new breed of retailers and wholesalers. But jumping online without understanding the business and legal implications of the internet can expose you to a host of problems. This section contains resources to help you build website traffic, use electronic signatures, launch an e-commerce site, register a domain name and explore other small business issues pertaining to the internet and e-commerce.

Learn About Internet and E-Commerce

  • Build a Business Website

    Basics of creating a website for your business, whether it is for information only or for e-commerce

  • Protecting Customer Data

    How to keep the personal data of your customers secure, whether it is online or in a filing cabinet

  • Business Data Breach & Customer ID Theft

    Overview of data breaches, how to protect against customer identity theft, and how to recover from a breach

  • Choosing a Domain Name

    What to consider when choosing a domain name for your company's website

Marketing and Advertising Laws

Even the most well-planned and tightly run business needs to reach out to its target market if it hopes to succeed. Effective advertising and marketing will help you understand your prospective customers and entice them to patronize your business, which is especially important for retail and other operations where consumers have a variety of choices. This section provides articles to help you effectively advertise your products or services, understand the legal implications of advertising, develop a marketing plan and build your business image. Links to resources from government agencies, including marketing strategies from the Small Business Administration, also are provided.

Learn About Marketing and Advertising Laws

  • The Basics of Marketing a Small Business

    How to promote a small business by building a great website, using customer surveys, and more

  • Your Target Market

    How to identify and ultimately sell to the market segment most likely to purchase your products

  • Advertising Considerations for Your Business

    Overview of various advertising strategies, including free offers, endorsements, and other methods

  • How to Find New Customers

    Tips for reaching out to new customers or expanding your target market, including coupons and giveaways

The type of legal entity you believe would work best for the business and the stakeholder obligations involved:

For many small businesses, the best initial choice is either a sole proprietorship or, if more than one owner is involved, a partnership. Either of these structures makes good sense in a business where personal liability isn't a big worry -- for example, a small service business in which you are unlikely to be sued and for which you won't be borrowing much money. Sole proprietorships and partnerships are relatively simple and inexpensive to establish and maintain.

Ways to Organize Your Business

Type of Entity Main Advantages
Sole Proprietorship Simple and inexpensive to create and operate
Owner reports profit or loss on his or her personal tax return
General Partnership Simple and inexpensive to create and operate
Owners (partners) report their share of profit or loss on their personal tax returns

In a corporation, a stakeholder is a member of "groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist",[1] as defined in the first usage of the word in a 1963 internal memorandum at the Stanford Research Institute. The theory was later developed and championed by R. Edward Freeman in the 1980s. Since then it has gained wide acceptance in business practice and in theorizing relating to strategic management, corporate governance, business purpose and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The definition of corporate responsibilities through a classification of stakeholders to consider has been criticized as creating a false dichotomy between the "shareholder model" and the "stakeholders model"[2] or a false analogy of the obligations towards shareholders and other interested parties.[3]

Any action taken by any organization or any group might affect those people who are linked with them in the private sector. For examples these are parents, children, customers, owners, employees, associates, partners, contractors, and suppliers, people that are related or located nearby. Primary stakeholders are usually internal stakeholders, are those that engage in economic transactions with the business (for example stockholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees). Secondary stakeholders are usually external stakeholders, although they do not engage in direct economic exchange with the business – are affected by or can affect its actions (for example the general public, communities, activist groups, business support groups, and the media). Excluded stakeholders are those such as children or the disinterested public, originally as they had no economic impact on business. Now as the concept takes an anthropocentric perspective, while some groups like the general public may be recognized as stakeholders others remain excluded. Such a perspective does not give plants, animals or even geology a voice as stakeholders, but only an instrumental value in relation to human groups or individuals.

A narrow mapping of a company's stakeholders might identify the following stakeholders:[4]

  • Employees
  • Communities
  • Shareholders
  • Creditors
  • Investors
  • Government
  • Customers
  • Owners
  • Financiers
  • Managers

A broader mapping of a company's stakeholders may also include:[citation needed]

  • Suppliers
  • Distributors
  • Labor unions
  • Government regulatory agencies
  • Government legislative bodies
  • Government tax-collecting agencies
  • Industry trade groups
  • Professional associations
  • NGOs and other advocacy groups
  • Prospective employees
  • Prospective customers
  • Local communities
  • National communities
  • Public at Large (Global Community)
  • Competitors
  • Schools
  • Future generations
  • Analysts and Media
  • Research centers
Why your choice is best in this particular case.

Decisions you'll need to make when choosing a business type:

  • Debt and Liability: Most small businesses and startups accept the personal liability associated with a sole proprietorship or partnership as a necessary risk of doing business. If you're in a high-risk industry (such as selling CBD or firearms online) or simply want to keep your business and personal matters private, you can limit personal liability by filing for a more formal business structure. The downside is that this typically takes more paperwork, costs more to register, and may have greater reporting or upkeep requirements than simpler business types.
  • Filing taxes: To oversimplify a bit, you have two options when it comes to filing your business taxes. You can file business profits/expenses on your own personal tax returns, or you can have your business file taxes separately as its own entity. Most small business owners prefer the simplicity of filing taxes on their own returns, but filing business taxes individually can help you keep your personal and business finances separate.
  • Partners or Investors: If you're starting your business with a partner or private investor, you won't be able to form a sole proprietorship. You can choose between a partnership, where all responsibilities and liability are shared equally, a limited partnership which lets you dictate responsibilities and liabilities for individual members, or form an LLC to protect all members from personal liability.
  • Hiring employees: Some of the simplest business types like sole proprietorships can make it difficult to hire employees down the road. While it's possible to change your business type to grow with your business, if you already have employees or plan to hire employees it may be better to future-proof with a more formal business structure like an LLC or corporation.
  • Are you starting your business for profit or to help a cause? If you're just concerned with helping others and aren't operating for profit, forming a nonprofit can grant you tax-exempt status - although there's a lot of paperwork required.

Why each of the other business types would be less satisfactory.

Type of Entity Main Drawbacks
General Partnership Owners (partners) personally liable for business debts
Limited Partnership General partners personally liable for business debts
More expensive to create than general partnership
Suitable mainly for companies that invest in real estate
Regular Corporation More expensive to create than partnership or sole proprietorship
Paperwork can seem burdensome to some owners
Separate taxable entity
S Corporation More expensive to create than partnership or sole proprietorship
More paperwork than for a limited liability company, which offers similar advantages
Income must be allocated to owners according to their ownership interests
Fringe benefits limited for owners who own more than 2% of shares
Professional Corporation More expensive to create than partnership or sole proprietorship
Paperwork can seem burdensome to some owners
All owners must belong to the same profession
Nonprofit Corporation Full tax advantages available only to groups organized for charitable, scientific, educational, literary, or religious purposes
Property transferred to corporation stays there; if corporation ends, property must go to another nonprofit
Limited Liability Company More expensive to create than partnership or sole proprietorship
State laws for creating LLCs may not reflect latest federal tax changes
Professional Limited Liability Company Same as for a regular limited liability company
Members must all belong to the same profession
Limited Liability Partnership Unlike a limited liability company or a professional limited liability company, owners (partners) remain personally liable for many types of obligations owed to business creditors, lenders, and landlords
Not available in all states
Often limited to a short list of professions

The drawbacks to your chosen business entity and how you might deal with those.

Type of Entity Main Drawbacks
Sole Proprietorship Owner personally liable for business debts
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