



HW07 #Q1-Q5

HW08 #Q1-Q2

// Please read the given Word document for the project description with an illustrartive diagram.
// You are given a partially completed program that creates a list of students for a school.
// Each student has the corresponding information: name, standard, and a linked list of absents.
// Please read the instructions above each required function and follow the directions carefully.
// If you modify any of the given code, return types, or parameters, you risk failing test cases.
// Note, Textbook Section 2.10 gives a case study on complex linked list operations. 
// This project is based on that case study. Make sure you read the code in section 2.10.

// The following will be accepted as input in the following format: "name:standard"
// Example Input:       "Tom:2nd" or "Daisy:3rd"
// Valid name:          String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter
// Valid standard:              String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a number eg: 1st 2nd
// Valid date:          String in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010"
// All input will be a valid length and no more than the allowed number of dogs will be added to the linked list.


// included to check for memory leaks

#pragma warning(disable: 4996)

// used to create a linked list of containers, each contaning a "student"
struct container {
        struct student *student;
        struct container *next;
} *list = NULL;

// used to hold student information and linked list of "absents"
struct student {
        char name[30];
        char standard[30];
        struct absent *absents;

// used to create a linked list of absents containing "dates"
struct absent {
        char date[30];
        struct absent *next;

// forward declaration of functions that have already been implemented
void flush();
void branching(char);
void registration(char);
void remove_all(struct container*);
void display(struct container*);

// the following forward declarations are for functions that require implementation

// return type          // name and parameters                          // points
void                            add_student(char*, char*);                              //  5
struct student*                 search_student(char*);                                  //  5
void                            add_absent(char*, char*);                       // 10
char*                           last_absent(char*);                             // 15
void                            remove_one(char*);                                      // 15
//                                                                                                      Total: 50 points for hw07

struct container*       list_of_standard(char*);                                // 25
struct container*       list_by_name();                                         // 25
//                                                                                                                                                                      Total: 50 points for hw08

int main()
        char ch = 'i';

        printf("Student Information\n\n");

                printf("Please enter your selection:\n");
                printf("\ta: add a new student to the list\n");
                printf("\ts: search for a student on the list\n");
                printf("\tr: remove a student from the list\n");
                printf("\tc: add an absence date for a student\n");
                printf("\tl: display last absence date for a student\n");
                printf("\tn: display list of students by name\n");
                printf("\tb: display list of students of a given standard\n");
                printf("\tq: quit\n");
                ch = tolower(getchar());
        } while (ch != 'q');

        list = NULL;

        _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); // check for memory leaks (VS will let you know in output if they exist)

        return 0;

// consume leftover '\n' characters
void flush()
        int c;
        do c = getchar(); while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);

// branch to different tasks
void branching(char c)
        switch (c)
        case 'a':
        case 's':
        case 'r':
        case 'c':
        case 'l':
        case 'b':
        case 'n': registration(c); break;
        case 'q': break;
        default: printf("Invalid input!\n");

// This function will determine what info is needed and which function to send that info to.
// It uses values that are returned from some functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should trace the code and know how it works.
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases.
void registration(char c)
        if (c == 'a')
                char input[100];

                printf("\nPlease enter the student's info in the following format:\n");
                fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

                // discard '\n' chars attached to input
                input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0';

                char* name = strtok(input, ":"); // strtok used to parse string
                char* standard = strtok(NULL, ":");

                struct student* result = search_student(name);

                if (result == NULL)
                        add_student(name, standard);
                        printf("\nStudent added to list successfully\n\n");
                        printf("\nThat student is already on the list\n\n");
        else if (c == 's' || c == 'r' || c == 'c' || c == 'l')
                char name[30];

                printf("\nPlease enter the student's name:\n");
                fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);

                // discard '\n' chars attached to input
                name[strlen(name) - 1] = '\0';

                struct student* result = search_student(name);

                if (result == NULL)
                        printf("\nThat student is not on the list\n\n");
                else if (c == 's')
                        printf("\nStandard: %s\n\n", result->standard);
                else if (c == 'r')
                        printf("\nStudent removed from the list\n\n");
                else if (c == 'c')
                        char date[30];

                        printf("\nPlease enter the date of absence:\n");
                        fgets(date, sizeof(date), stdin);

                        // discard '\n' chars attached to input
                        date[strlen(date) - 1] = '\0';

                        add_absent(name, date);
                        printf("\nAbsent date added\n\n");
                else if (c == 'l')
                        char* result = last_absent(name);
                        if (result == NULL)
                                printf("\nNo absence documented.\n\n");
                                printf("\nLast absent on: %s\n\n", result);
        else if (c == 'b')
                char standard[30];

                printf("\nPlease enter the standard:\n");
                fgets(standard, sizeof(standard), stdin);

                // discard '\n' chars attached to input
                standard[strlen(standard) - 1] = '\0';

                struct container* result = list_of_standard(standard);

                printf("\nList of students with standard %s:\n\n", standard);

                result = NULL;
        else // c = 'n'
                struct container* result = list_by_name();

                printf("\nList of students sorted by name:\n\n");

                result = NULL;

// This function recursively removes all students from the linked list of containers
// Notice that all of the absents for all of the students must be removed as well
void remove_all(struct container* students)
        struct absent* temp;
        if (students != NULL)
                while (students->student->absents != NULL)
                        temp = students->student->absents;
                        students->student->absents = students->student->absents->next;

// This function prints the list of students in an organized format
// It may be useful to trace this code before you get started
void display(struct container* students)
        struct container* container_traverser = students;

        if (container_traverser == NULL)
                printf("\nThere are no students on this list!\n\n");

        while (container_traverser != NULL) // traverse list of students
                printf("Name: %s\n", container_traverser->student->name);
                printf("Standard: %s\n", container_traverser->student->standard);
                printf("Absence on file: ");

                struct absent* ptr = container_traverser->student->absents;
                if (ptr == NULL)
                        printf("No absence documented.");
                        while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of absents
                                printf("\n%s", ptr->date);
                                ptr = ptr->next;

                printf("\n\n"); // formatting
                container_traverser = container_traverser->next;

// hw07 Q1 : add (5 points)
// This function should add student to the head of the list of containers.
// The function search_student() is called before calling this function, 
// therefore you can assume that the student is not already on the list.
void add_student(char* name, char* standard)

// hw07 Q2 : search (5 points)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a student to find his/her standard.
// If the student exists on the list, return a pointer to the requested student. If not, return NULL.
// (You must return a pointer to a node in your list. Do not create a pointer that just includes the standard)
// (Remember that it is enough to search for a student by only their name since no 2 students will have the same name)
struct student* search_student(char* name)
        return NULL;

// hw07 Q3: add_absent (10)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a student and a date of absence.
// You should add the date to the tail of the linked list of the students "absents".
// You can assume that all absents will be added in chronological order.
// The function search_student() is called before calling this function, 
// therefore you can assume that the student is already on the student list and 
// the new absence date is not on the absents list.
void add_absent(char* name, char* date)

// hw07 Q4: last_absent (15)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a student to find the date of its last absent.
// Remember that absents are stored in chronological order,
// therefore the last checkup will be at the tail of the linked list of absents.
// If the student has not yet had an anbsent added to its list of absents, return NULL.
// The function search_student() is called before calling this function, 
// therefore you can assume that the student is not already on the list.
char* last_absent(char* name)

// hw07 Q5: remove_one (15)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to remove the corresponding dog from the list.
// The search function is called before this function so you can assume that the dog is on the list.
// You will need to find the dog and remove it using proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks.
void remove_one(char* name)

/// hw08 Q1: list_of_standard (25)
// This function is used to construct a new linked list of containers from the global list of containers.
// The returned list should only contain students which are of the standard type parameter (container->student->standard).
// No sorting is required for this list.
// The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see registration() function),
// however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too).
// Notice that the returned list will need to contain all student and checkup information to be displayed.
// This function should NOT modify the global linked list.
struct container* list_of_standard(char* standard)
        return NULL;

// hw08 Q2: list_by_name (25)
// This function is used to construct a new linked list of containers from the global list of containers.
// The returned list should be sorted alphabetically by each container's student's name (container->student->name).
// The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see registration() function),
// however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too).
// Notice that the returned list will need to contain all student and absence information to be displayed.
// You can again assume that for this assignment, no 2 students on the list will have the same name.
// You may want to use the function that you have written above as a blueprint for this function.
// This function should NOT modify the global linked list.
struct container* list_by_name()
       return NULL;     
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Answer #1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string>
// used to create a linked list of absents containing "dates"
typedef struct absent {
   char date[30];   
   struct absent *next;
} absent;

// used to hold student information and linked list of "absents"
struct student {
char name[30];
char standard[30];
struct absent *absents;

// used to create a linked list of containers, each contaning a "student"
struct container {
struct student *student;
struct container *next;
*list = NULL;

// forward declaration of functions that have already been implemented
void flush();
void branching(char);
void registration(char);
void remove_all(struct container*);
void display(struct container*);

// the following forward declarations are for functions that require implementation

// return type // name and parameters // points
void add_student(char*, char*); // 5
struct student* search_student(char*); // 5
void add_absent(char*, char*); // 10
char* last_absent(char*); // 15
void remove_one(char*); // 15
// Total: 50 points for hw07

struct container* list_of_standard(char*); // 25
struct container* list_by_name(); // 25
// Total: 50 points for hw08

int main()
char ch = 'i';
printf("Student Information\n\n");

printf("Please enter your selection:\n");
printf("\ta: add a new student to the list\n");
printf("\ts: search for a student on the list\n");
printf("\tr: remove a student from the list\n");
printf("\tc: add an absence date for a student\n");
printf("\tl: display last absence date for a student\n");
printf("\tn: display list of students by name\n");
printf("\tb: display list of students of a given standard\n");
printf("\tq: quit\n");
ch = tolower(getchar());
} while (ch != 'q');

list = NULL;

_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); // check for memory leaks (VS will let you know in output if they exist)

return 0;

// consume leftover '\n' characters
void flush()
int c;
do c = getchar(); while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);

// branch to different tasks
void branching(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a':
case 's':
case 'r':
case 'c':
case 'l':
case 'b':
case 'n': registration(c); break;
case 'q': break;
default: printf("Invalid input!\n");

// This function will determine what info is needed and which function to send that info to.
// It uses values that are returned from some functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should trace the code and know how it works.
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases.
void registration(char c)
if (c == 'a')
char input[100];

printf("\nPlease enter the student's info in the following format:\n");
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

// discard '\n' chars attached to input
input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0';

char* name = strtok(input, ":"); // strtok used to parse string
char* standard = strtok(NULL, ":");

struct student* result = search_student(name);

if (result == NULL)
add_student(name, standard);
printf("\nStudent added to list successfully\n\n");
printf("\nThat student is already on the list\n\n");
else if (c == 's' || c == 'r' || c == 'c' || c == 'l')
char name[30];

printf("\nPlease enter the student's name:\n");
fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);

// discard '\n' chars attached to input
name[strlen(name) - 1] = '\0';

struct student* result = search_student(name);

if (result == NULL)
printf("\nThat student is not on the list\n\n");
else if (c == 's')
printf("\nStandard: %s\n\n", result->standard);
else if (c == 'r')
printf("\nStudent removed from the list\n\n");
else if (c == 'c')
char date[30];

printf("\nPlease enter the date of absence:\n");
fgets(date, sizeof(date), stdin);

// discard '\n' chars attached to input
date[strlen(date) - 1] = '\0';

add_absent(name, date);
printf("\nAbsent date added\n\n");
else if (c == 'l')
char* result = last_absent(name);
if (result == NULL)
printf("\nNo absence documented.\n\n");
printf("\nLast absent on: %s\n\n", result);
else if (c == 'b')
char standard[30];

printf("\nPlease enter the standard:\n");
fgets(standard, sizeof(standard), stdin);

// discard '\n' chars attached to input
standard[strlen(standard) - 1] = '\0';

struct container* result = list_of_standard(standard);

printf("\nList of students with standard %s:\n\n", standard);

result = NULL;
else // c = 'n'
struct container* result = list_by_name();

printf("\nList of students sorted by name:\n\n");

result = NULL;

// This function recursively removes all students from the linked list of containers
// Notice that all of the absents for all of the students must be removed as well
void remove_all(struct container* students)
struct absent* temp;
if (students != NULL)
while (students->student->absents != NULL)
temp = students->student->absents;
students->student->absents = students->student->absents->next;

// This function prints the list of students in an organized format
// It may be useful to trace this code before you get started
void display(struct container* students)
struct container* container_traverser = students;

if (container_traverser == NULL)
printf("\nThere are no students on this list!\n\n");

while (container_traverser != NULL) // traverse list of students
printf("Name: %s\n", container_traverser->student->name);
printf("Standard: %s\n", container_traverser->student->standard);
printf("Absence on file: ");

struct absent* ptr = container_traverser->student->absents;
if (ptr == NULL)
printf("No absence documented.");
while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of absents
printf("\n%s", ptr->date);
ptr = ptr->next;

printf("\n\n"); // formatting
container_traverser = container_traverser->next;

// hw07 Q1 : add (5 points)
// This function should add student to the head of the list of containers.
// The function search_student() is called before calling this function,
// therefore you can assume that the student is not already on the list.
void add_student(char* name, char* standard)
   container *temp = new container();

   temp->student = new student();
   temp->next = list;
   list = temp;

// hw07 Q2 : search (5 points)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a student to find his/her standard.
// If the student exists on the list, return a pointer to the requested student. If not, return NULL.
// (You must return a pointer to a node in your list. Do not create a pointer that just includes the standard)
// (Remember that it is enough to search for a student by only their name since no 2 students will have the same name)
struct student* search_student(char* name)
   container *temp = list;
   while( temp )
       if ( temp->student && strcmp (temp->student->name , name) == 0 )
           return temp->student;
       temp = temp->next;
return NULL;

// hw07 Q3: add_absent (10)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a student and a date of absence.
// You should add the date to the tail of the linked list of the students "absents".
// You can assume that all absents will be added in chronological order.
// The function search_student() is called before calling this function,
// therefore you can assume that the student is already on the student list and
// the new absence date is not on the absents list.
void add_absent(char* name, char* date)
student *stu = search_student(name);
if ( stu )
   absent *new_node = new absent();
   new_node->next = NULL;

   absent **start = &stu->absents;
       absent *temp = *start;
           temp = temp->next;
       temp->next = new_node;

// hw07 Q4: last_absent (15)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a student to find the date of its last absent.
// Remember that absents are stored in chronological order,
// therefore the last checkup will be at the tail of the linked list of absents.
// If the student has not yet had an anbsent added to its list of absents, return NULL.
// The function search_student() is called before calling this function,
// therefore you can assume that the student is not already on the list.
char* last_absent(char* name)

   student *stu = search_student(name);
   if ( stu )
       absent *temp = stu->absents;

       if ( temp != NULL) {
           while(temp->next != NULL)
               temp = temp->next;
           return temp->date;
       return NULL;

// hw07 Q5: remove_one (15)
// In this function, you are passed the name of a dog to remove the corresponding dog from the list.
// The search function is called before this function so you can assume that the dog is on the list.
// You will need to find the dog and remove it using proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks.
void remove_one(char* name)

/// hw08 Q1: list_of_standard (25)
// This function is used to construct a new linked list of containers from the global list of containers.
// The returned list should only contain students which are of the standard type parameter (container->student->standard).
// No sorting is required for this list.
// The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see registration() function),
// however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too).
// Notice that the returned list will need to contain all student and checkup information to be displayed.
// This function should NOT modify the global linked list.
struct container* list_of_standard(char* standard)
return NULL;

// hw08 Q2: list_by_name (25)
// This function is used to construct a new linked list of containers from the global list of containers.
// The returned list should be sorted alphabetically by each container's student's name (container->student->name).
// The list that you return will be cleaned up for you by the remove_all() function (see registration() function),
// however you will need to make sure that you leave no dangling references (those cause memory leaks too).
// Notice that the returned list will need to contain all student and absence information to be displayed.
// You can again assume that for this assignment, no 2 students on the list will have the same name.
// You may want to use the function that you have written above as a blueprint for this function.
// This function should NOT modify the global linked list.
struct container* list_by_name()
return NULL;   

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