

/* This is program project 2 on page 695. 
 * Before you begin the project, please read the project description 
 * on page 695 first.
 * Author: Your Name
 * Version: Dates

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

class Fraction
        // constructor
        Fraction(int a, int b);
    // generate a fraction which is a/b
        Fraction(int a);
    // generate a fraction which is a/1
    // generate a fraction which is 0/1. i.e 0

        // member functions
        int get_numerator() const;
    // return the numerator of the fraction
        int get_denominator() const;
    // return the denominator of the fraction
    void reduce();
    // reduce this fraction to simplest form. For instance,
    // 2/4 will be reduced to 1/2
    Fraction reciprocal() const;
    // return the reciprocal of this Fraction
    // friend functions
        friend Fraction operator +(const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return the sum of f1 and f2,
    // the result is reduced
    friend Fraction operator -(const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return the difference of f1 and f2,
    // the result is reduced
    friend Fraction operator *(const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return the product of f1 and f2,
    // the result is reduced
    friend Fraction operator /(const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return the quotient of f1 and f2,
    // the result is reduced
        friend Fraction operator -(const Fraction& f);
    // return the negation of f
        friend bool operator < (const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return true if f1 is less than f2.
    // False otherwise
    friend bool operator > (const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return true if f1 is greater than f2.
    // False otherwise
    friend bool operator <= (const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return true if f1 is less or equal to f2.
    // False otherwise
    friend bool operator >= (const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return true if f1 is greater or equal to f2.
    // False otherwise
    friend bool operator == (const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return true if f1 is equal to f2.
    // False otherwise
    friend bool operator != (const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);
    // return true if f1 is not equal to f2.
    // False otherwise
        friend istream& operator >> (istream& in, Fraction& f);
    // input f in the form of a/b, where b cannot be zero. Also,
    // if b is negative, the Fraction will change b to be positive.
    // So, again, 1/-3 will be changed to -1/3
        friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, Fraction& f);
    // output a Fraction f in form of a/b

        int num; // numerator of the fraction
        int den; // denominator of the fraction
        int gcd();
    // A prvate function that is used to find the gcd of numerator
    // and denominator by using Euclidean Algorithm

// all following test functions are given

double test1();
// test all constructors and two get methods.
// All these functions worth 1.5 points

double test2();
// test neg, reduce, and reciprocal functions.
// All these functions worth 1.5 points

double test3();
// test add, sub, mul, and div functions.
// All these functions worth 3 points

double test4();
// test less, greater, equal, less_or_equal, greater_or_equal,
// not_equal. All these functions worth 2 points

double test5();
// test input and output function. This two functions worth 1 points

int main()
        double totalScore = 0.0;
        cout <<"Let's see your grade. \n\n";
        cout << endl;

        // Test constructors, and get functions
        totalScore += test1();
        cout << "Your points so far is " << totalScore << "\n\n";
        cout << endl;

        // Test neg, reciprocal, and reduce functions
        totalScore += test2();
        cout << "Your points so far is " << totalScore << "\n\n";
        cout << endl;

        // Test +, -, *, / operators
        totalScore += test3();
        cout << "Your points so far is " << totalScore << "\n\n";
        cout << endl;

        // Test all >, <, >=, <=, ==, != operators
        totalScore += test4();
        cout << "Your points so far is " << totalScore << "\n\n";
        cout << endl;

        // Test >> and << operators
        totalScore += test5();
        cout << "Your points so far is " << totalScore << "\n\n";
        cout << endl;

        cout << "If you turn in your program to Dr. Zeng now, your will get " << totalScore << " out of 9\n";
        cout << "Dr. Zeng will read your program and decide if you will get 1 more point for program style\n";
        return 0;

// implement all class member functions here, gcd function is given

int Fraction::gcd()
        if(num == 0) return 1;

        int a = max(abs(num), abs(den));
        int b = min(abs(num), abs(den));

        while(b != 0)
                int result = a%b;
                a = b;
                b = result;

        return a;

// test all constructors and two get methods.
// All these functions worth 1 points
double test1()
        double result = 1.5;
        // Test no argument constructor
        Fraction f1; // the fraction should be 0/1
        if(f1.get_numerator() != 0 || f1.get_denominator() != 1)
                cout << "The constructor with no argument was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test one argument constructor
        Fraction f2(2); // the fraction should shoule be 2/1
        if(f2.get_numerator() != 2 || f2.get_denominator() != 1)
                cout << "The constructor with one argument was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test two arguments constructors
        Fraction f3(3, -4); // the fraction should be -3/4
        if(f3.get_numerator() != -3 || f3.get_denominator() != 4)
                cout << "The constructor with two argument was wrong. Make sure that the denomunator always positive.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // finish test
        if(result < 1.5 && result > 0)
                cout << "Test 1 partially failed. You got " << result << " more points\n";
        else if(result > 1.4)
                cout << "Test 1 fully passed. You got 1.5 more points\n";
                cout << "Test 1 completely failed. You may check your constructors and get methods\n";
        return result;

// test neg, reduce, and reciprocal functions.
// All these functions worth 1.5 points
double test2()
        double result = 1.5;
        Fraction f1(12, -15), f2(2, 3), f3, f4;
        // Test neg
        f3 = -f1; // f3 is 12/15
        f4 = -f2; // f4 is -2/3
        if(f3.get_numerator() != 12 || f3.get_denominator() != 15
                || f4.get_numerator() != -2 || f4.get_denominator() != 3)
                cout <<"The negation function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test reciprocal
        f3 = f1.reciprocal(); // f3 is -15/12
        f4 = f2.reciprocal(); // f4 is 3/2
        if(f3.get_numerator() != -15 || f3.get_denominator() != 12
                || f4.get_numerator() != 3 || f4.get_denominator() != 2)
                cout <<"The reciprocal function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test reduce
        f1.reduce(); // f1 is -4/5
        f2.reduce(); // f2 is 2/3
        if(f1.get_numerator() != -4 || f1.get_denominator() != 5 || f2. get_numerator() != 2 || f2.get_denominator() != 3)
                cout <<"The reduce function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // finish test
        if(result < 1.5 && result > 0)
                cout << "Test 2 partially failed. You got " << result << " more points\n";
        else if(result > 1.4)
                cout << "Test 2 fully passed. You got 1.5 more points\n";
                cout << "Test 2 completely failed. \n";
        return result;

// test +, -, *, and / operators.
// All these functions worth 3 points
double test3()
        Fraction f1(-1, 2), f2(3, 5), f;
        double result = 3.0;
        // Test +
        f = f1 + f2; // f is -1/2+3/5 = 1/10
        if(f.get_numerator() != 1 || f.get_denominator() != 10)
                cout <<"The add function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 1.0;
        // Test subtraction
        f = f1 - f2; // f is -1/2 - 3/5 = -11/10
        if(f.get_numerator() != -11 || f.get_denominator() != 10)
                cout <<"The sub function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test multiplication
        f = f1 * f2; // f is -3/10
        if(f.get_numerator() != -3 || f.get_denominator() != 10)
                cout <<"The mul function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 1.0;
        // Test division
        f = f1 / f2; // f is -5/6
        if(f.get_numerator() != -5 || f.get_denominator() != 6)
                cout <<"The div function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // finish test
        if(result < 3.0 && result > 0)
                cout << "Test 3 partially failed. You got " << result << " more points\n";
        else if(result > 2.9)
                cout << "Test 3 fully passed. You got 3.0 more points\n";
                cout << "Test 3 completely failed. \n";
        return result;


// test less, greater, equal, less_or_equal, greater_or_equal,
// not_equal. All these functions worth 2 points
double test4()
        Fraction f1(-1, 2), f2(3, 5), f3(2, -4);
        double result = 2.0;
        // Test <
        if(!(f1 < f2) || f1 < f3 || f2 < f3)
                cout <<"The < operator was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test >
        if(f1 > f2 || !(f2 > f1) || f1 > f3)
                cout <<"The > operator was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test ==
        if(f1 == f2 || !(f1 == f3) || f2 == f3)
                cout <<"The equal function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test <=
        if(!(f1 <= f2) || !(f1 <= f3) || f2 <= f3)
                cout <<"The less_or_equal function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test >=
        if(f1 >= f2 || !(f1 >= f3) || !(f2 >= f3))
                cout <<"The greater_or_equal function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // Test !=
        if(!(f1 != f2) || f1 != f3 || !(f2 != f3))
                cout <<"The not_equal function was wrong.\n";
                result -= 0.5;

        // finish test
        if(result < 2.0 && result > 0)
                cout << "Test 4 partially failed. You got " << result << " more points\n";
        else if(result > 1.9)
                cout << "Test 4 fully passed. You got 2.0 more points\n";
                cout << "Test 4 completely failed. \n";
        return max(result, 0.0); // the student will not get negative points for any test

// test input and output function. This two functions worth 1 points
double test5()
        double result = 1.0;
        Fraction f;
        cout << "This test has to be interactive, please follow the instruction\n";
        cout << "Enter a fraction exactly as 3/-4:";
    cin >> f;
        if(f.get_denominator() != 4 || f.get_numerator() != -3)
                cout << "The input function is not correct\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        Fraction f1(3, -4);
        cout << f1;
        cout << "\nDoes the previous line show you -3/4? Y or N: ";
        char choice;
        cin >> choice;
        if(choice != 'y' && choice != 'Y')
                cout << "The output function is not correct\n";
                result -= 0.5;
        // finish test
        if(result < 1.0 && result > 0)
                cout << "Test 5 partially failed. You got " << result << " more points\n";
        else if(result > 0.9)
                cout << "Test 5 fully passed. You got 1.0 more points\n";
                cout << "Test 5 completely failed. \n";
        return result;

Define a class for rational numbers. A rational number is a number that can be represented as the quotient of two integers. F

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Answer #1

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Rational
Rational(int numer, int denom);
// Setter and getter methods
void setNumerator(int);
void setDenominator(int);
int getNumerator() const;
int getDenominator() const;
Rational operator+(const Rational& f) const; // operator+()
Rational operator-(const Rational& f) const; // operator-()
Rational operator*(const Rational& f) const; // operator*()
Rational operator/(const Rational& f) const; // operator*()
bool operator!=(const Rational& f) const; // operator!=()
bool operator==(const Rational& f) const; // operator==()
bool operator<=(const Rational& f) const; // operator<=()
bool operator>=(const Rational& f) const; // operator>=()
bool operator<(const Rational& f) const; // operator<()
bool operator>(const Rational& f) const; // operator>()
* Friend function declarations
* Output Rational number to an output stream, Example 3+4i
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& dout, const Rational&);
* read Rational number to an input stream
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& din, Rational&);

int numer;
int denom;

this->numer = 0;
this->denom = 1;
Rational::Rational(int num, int den)
numer = num;
denom = den;
// Setters and getters
void Rational::setNumerator(int n)
this->numer = n;
void Rational::setDenominator(int n)
this->denom = n;
int Rational::getNumerator() const
return numer;
int Rational::getDenominator() const
return denom;
Rational Rational::operator+(const Rational& f) const
Rational frac;
int a = numer;
int b = denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
int sumnumer = (a * d + b * c);
int denom = (b * d);
return frac;
Rational Rational::operator-(const Rational& f) const
Rational frac;
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
int subnumer = (a * d - b * c);
int denom = (b * d);
return frac;
Rational Rational::operator*(const Rational& f) const
Rational frac;
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
int mulnumer = (a * c);
int muldenom = (b * d);
return frac;
Rational Rational::operator/(const Rational& f) const
Rational frac;
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
int divnumer = (a * d);
int divdenom = (c * b);
return frac;
void Rational::print()const
bool Rational::operator<=(const Rational& f) const
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
double n1 = a * d;
double d1 = b * d;
double n2 = c * b;
double d2 = d * b;
// cout<<f1<<" "<<f2<<endl;
if ((n1 / d1) <= (n2 / d2))
return true;
return false;
bool Rational::operator>=(const Rational& f) const
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
double n1 = a * d;
double d1 = b * d;
double n2 = c * b;
double d2 = d * b;
// cout<<f1<<" "<<f2<<endl;
if ((n1 / d1) >= (n2 / d2))
return true;
return false;
bool Rational::operator<(const Rational& f) const
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
double n1 = a * d;
double d1 = b * d;
double n2 = c * b;
double d2 = d * b;
// cout<<f1<<" "<<f2<<endl;
if ((n1 / d1) < (n2 / d2))
return true;
return false;
bool Rational::operator>(const Rational& f) const
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
double n1 = a * d;
double d1 = b * d;
double n2 = c * b;
double d2 = d * b;

if ((n1 / d1) > (n2 / d2))
return true;
return false;
// Function implementation which display Rational numbers by using the operator overloading '<<'
ostream& operator<<(ostream& dout, const Rational& c)
dout << c.numer << "/" << c.denom;
return dout;
// Function implementation which read Rational numbers by using the operator overloading '>>'
istream& operator>>(istream& din, Rational& c)
char ch;
din >> c.numer;
din >> ch;
din >> c.denom;
return din;
bool Rational::operator!=(const Rational& f) const
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;

double n1 = a * d;
double d1 = b * d;
double n2 = c * b;
double d2 = d * b;
// cout<<f1<<" "<<f2<<endl;
if ((n1 != n2) || (d1 != d2))
return true;
return false;
bool Rational::operator==(const Rational& f) const
int a = this->numer;
int b = this->denom;
int c = f.numer;
int d = f.denom;
double n1 = a * d;
double d1 = b * d;
double n2 = c * b;
double d2 = d * b;
// cout<<f1<<" "<<f2<<endl;
if ((n1 == n2) && (d1 == d2))
return true;
return false;

int main()
Rational f1, f2, result;
// int tmpN, tmpD;
// char divideSign;
// Rational 1
cout << "Enter Rational 1: <numerator>/<denominator>" << endl;
cin >> f1;
// cin >> tmpN >> divideSign >> tmpD;
// f1.setNumerator( tmpN );
// f1.setDenominator( tmpD );
// Rational 2
cout << "Enter Rational 2: <numerator>/<denominator>" << endl;
// cin >> tmpN >> divideSign >> tmpD;
// f2.setNumerator( tmpN );
// f2.setDenominator( tmpD );
cin >> f2;
result = f1 + f2;
cout << f1;
cout << "+";
cout << f2;
cout << "=";
cout << result;
cout << endl;
result = f1 - f2;
cout << f1;
cout << "-";
cout << f2;
cout << "=";
cout << result;
cout << endl;
result = f1 * f2;
cout << f1;
cout << "*";
cout << f2;
cout << "=";
cout << result;
cout << endl;
result = f1 / f2;
cout << f1;
cout << "/";
cout << f2;
cout << "=";
cout << result;
cout << endl;
bool boolean = f1 < f2;
if (boolean)
cout << f1 << " is less than " << f2 << endl;
cout << f1 << " is not less than " << f2 << endl;
boolean = f1 > f2;
if (boolean)
cout << f1 << " is greater than " << f2 << endl;
cout << f1 << " is not greater than " << f2 << endl;
boolean = f1 <= f2;
if (boolean)
cout << f1 << " is less than or equal to " << f2 << endl;
cout << f1 << " is not less than or equal to " << f2 << endl;
boolean = f1 >= f2;
if (boolean)
cout << f1 << " is greater than or equal to " << f2 << endl;
cout << f1 << " is not greater than or equal to " << f2 << endl;
boolean = f1 == f2;
if (boolean)
cout << f1 << " is equal to " << f2 << endl;
cout << f1 << " is not equal to " << f2 << endl;
boolean = f1 != f2;
if (boolean)
cout << f1 << " is not equal to " << f2 << endl;
cout << f1 << " is equal to " << f2 << endl;

return 0;



C:AProgram Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\bin\ RationalOperatorOverloading LessGreaterDoubletd Enter Rational 1: <numerator/Kden

___________________Thank You

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