
(Stock Market) Write a program to help a local stock trading company automate its systems. The company invests only in the stock market. At the end of each trading day, the company would like to generate and post the 19.

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Answer #1


#include "stockApp.h"
#include "stockListType.h"
#include "listType.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
   stockApp s;


   return 0;


#ifndef STOCK_APP_H
#define STOCK_APP_H

#include "stockListType.h"
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class stockApp

   void execute();
   stockListType lst;
   void menu();
   int getSelection(string);
   string changeFileName();
   bool fileExists(const string&);

#endif // !STOCK_APP_H


#include "stockApp.h"

stockApp::stockApp() { }

void stockApp::execute()

void stockApp::menu()
   char goAgain = ' ';
   int selection;

   if (fileExists(lst.getFileName())) //if the default input file exists, populate the stock object list with the data  
       lst.populateList(); //populate the list with the items in the default input file.

   else //if the default input file does not exist, display a warning message

       cout << "***Warning: the input file " << lst.getFileName() << " does not exist. " << endl <<
       "Please ensure the file is present or enter the name of a new file by selecting option 4 from the main menu." << endl << endl;

   do {

       cout << "*********   First Investor's Heaven   *********" << endl;
       cout << "*******   Financial Reporting Software   *******" << endl << endl;

       cout << "1: Print a stock reports to file" << endl;
       cout << "2: Print a stock report to screen" << endl;
       cout << "3. Print stock report to screen sorted by percentage gain" << endl;
       cout << "4. Change the input file name" << endl;
       cout << "5. Exit" << endl << endl;

       selection = getSelection("Please make a selection"); //get a valid user menu selection


       switch (selection) //run the desired function based on user input
       case 1: // create file reports
       case 2: //print report to screen
       case 3: //print report to screen sorted by gain
       case 4: //change input file name
       case 5: //exit
           cout << "An Error has occured, the program will now exit" << endl;

       cout << endl;
       cout << "Would you like to retun to the menu? y/n" << endl; //ask the user if they want to return to the menu. If not, exit.
       cin >> goAgain;


   } while (tolower(goAgain) == 'y'); //end do/while

   cout << "The program will now exit" << endl << endl;

int stockApp::getSelection(string prompt)
   bool valid = false;
   string input;
   regex pattern ("^[+]?[1-5]$");
       cout << prompt << endl;
       cin >> input;

       if (!regex_match(input, pattern))
           cout << "This is not a valid selection, please try again" << endl;
           valid = true;
   } while (!valid);

   return stoi(input);

string stockApp::changeFileName()
   bool valid = false;
   string tempName;
   string defaultFileName = "stocks.txt";
   string currentFileName = lst.getFileName();
   regex pattern("^[A-za-z0-9]+\.txt$");

   cout << "The current file being read is " << currentFileName << ". If you would like to keep using this file, type exit to continue." << endl;
   cout << "If you would like to change this file, enter the name of the new file, including the file extension (must be .txt), and press enter." << endl;
   cout << "If you would like to reset the file name to the default file name of " << defaultFileName << ", type default and press enter." << endl << endl;

   do {
       cout << "Make a selection: ";
       cin >> tempName;
       cout << endl;

       transform(tempName.begin(), tempName.end(), tempName.begin(), ::tolower);

       if (tempName == "exit")
           tempName = currentFileName;
           cout << "File name was not changed." << endl;
           valid = true;
       else if (tempName == "default")
           tempName = defaultFileName;
           cout << "File name was set to default." << endl;
           valid = true;
       else if (!fileExists(tempName))
           cout << "The file " << tempName << " does not exist. Please try again" << endl << endl;
           valid = false;
       else if (regex_match(tempName, pattern))
           cout << "The file name was changed to " << tempName << endl;
           valid = true;
           cout << "This is not a valid file path. Please only enter files ending in .txt." << endl << "File Name unchanged" << endl << endl;
           valid = false;
   } while (!valid);

   return tempName;

bool stockApp::fileExists(const string& fileName)
   struct stat buffer;
   return (stat(fileName.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);


#include "stockListType.h"

stockListType::stockListType() : listType<stockType>(), totalAssetsValue(0) { }

void stockListType::populateList()
   ifstream file;;

   int lines = countLines();
   int i = 0;

   stockType temp;  

   if (file.good() && file.is_open())
       while (!file.eof() && i < lines)
           file >> temp;


int stockListType::countLines()
   int lines = 0;
   string s = "";

   ifstream file;;

   if (file.good() && file.is_open())

       while (!file.eof())
           getline(file, s);
           s.erase(remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(), isspace), s.end()); //eliminate all spaces from the read lines

           if (!s.empty())
               s = "";

   return lines;

void stockListType::addToList(stockType obj)
   t.insertAt(obj, t.getLength());

void stockListType::clearList()

string stockListType::getFileName()
   return this->fileName;

double stockListType::getTotalAssetsValue()
   stockType temp;
   double totalAssetsValue = 0;

   for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++)
       temp = t.getAt(i);

       totalAssetsValue += (temp.getNumOfShares() * temp.getClosingPrice());

   return totalAssetsValue;

void stockListType::setFileName(string fileName)
   this->fileName = fileName;

void stockListType::createFileReport()
   ofstream file;"Stock Report - By Symbol.txt");
   stockType temp;


   for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++)
       temp = t.getAt(i);

       file << temp;
   }//end for

   file << "Closing Assets: $" << getTotalAssetsValue() << endl;



   cout << "Files created sucessfully" << endl;

void stockListType::printScreenReport()
   stockType temp;


   for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++)
       temp = t.getAt(i);

       cout << temp;
   }//end for

   cout << "Closing Assets: $" << getTotalAssetsValue() << endl;


void stockListType::createFileReportByGainLoss() //create a report file from the stock data sorted by gain/loss. By Bill Fulton
   ofstream file;"Stock Report - By Gain.txt");
   stockType temp;

   int* sortIndicesGainLoss = new int[t.getLength()];

   sortIndicesGainLoss = sortGainLoss(); //create a list of indices for the stock data sorted by percentage gain

   createHeader(file); //create the file header

   for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++) //iterate over the stock data objects sorted by their gain
       temp = t.getAt(sortIndicesGainLoss[i]);

       file << temp; //output to file using the overloaded stream insertion operator
   }//end for

   file << "Closing Assets: $" << getTotalAssetsValue() << endl; //add the value of all stock assets to the report

   createFooter(file); //create the file footer

   file.flush(); //flush the file stream
   file.close(); //close the file
} //end createFileReportByGainLoss

void stockListType::printScreenReportByGain()
   stockType temp;
   int* sortIndicesGainLoss = new int[t.getLength()];

   sortIndicesGainLoss = sortGainLoss();


   for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++)
       temp = t.getAt(sortIndicesGainLoss[i]);

       cout << temp;
   }//end for  

   cout << "Closing Assets: $" << getTotalAssetsValue() << endl;


void stockListType::createHeader(ostream & file)
   file << "*********   First Investor's Heaven   *********" << endl;
   file << "*********      Financial Report        *********" << endl;
   file << "Stock              Today                  Previous Percent" << endl;
   file << "Symbol   Open    Close    High     Low    Close     Gain        Volume" << endl;
   file << "------   -----   -----    -----    ----- -------- -------      ------" << endl;

void stockListType::createFooter(ostream & file)
   file << "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";

int* stockListType::sortGainLoss()
   double min = 0;
   double max;

   int* sortIndicesGainLoss = new int[t.getLength()];

   for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++)
       sortIndicesGainLoss[i] = i;

   for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < t.getLength() - 1; j++)
           if (t.getAt(sortIndicesGainLoss[j]).getPercentGainLoss() < t.getAt(sortIndicesGainLoss[j + 1]).getPercentGainLoss())
               int temp = sortIndicesGainLoss[j];
               sortIndicesGainLoss[j] = sortIndicesGainLoss[j + 1];
               sortIndicesGainLoss[j + 1] = temp;

   return sortIndicesGainLoss;



#include "stockType.h"
#include "listType.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class stockListType : public listType<stockType>

   void populateList();
   void clearList();  
   string getFileName();
   double getTotalAssetsValue();

   void setFileName(string);

   void createFileReport();
   void createFileReportByGainLoss();
   void printScreenReport();
   void printScreenReportByGain();

   listType<stockType> t;
   double totalAssetsValue;
   string fileName = "stocks.txt";

   void addToList(stockType);
   void createHeader(ostream&);
   void createFooter(ostream&);
   int* sortGainLoss();

   int countLines();  
#endif // !STOCK_LIST_TYPE_H


#include "stockType.h"

           Stream Operator Overloads
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, stockType& temp)
   char tab = '\t';
   out << setprecision(2) << fixed;

   out << temp.getSymbol() << tab << setw(6) << temp.getOpeningPrice() << tab << setw(6) << temp.getClosingPrice() << tab << setw(7) << temp.getHighPrice() << tab << setw(8) << temp.getLowPrice() <<
       setw(8) << temp.getPreviousPrice() << setw(10) << temp.getPercentGainLoss() << "%" << tab << setw(11) << temp.getNumOfShares() << endl;
   return out;

istream& operator>>(istream& in, stockType& obj)
   string temp;
   double val;

   in >> temp;

   in >> val;

   in >> val;

   in >> val;

   in >> val;

   in >> val;

   in >> val;

   return in;

stockType::stockType() { }

string stockType::getSymbol()
   return this->symbol;

double stockType::getTotalValue()
   this->totalValue = closingPrice * numOfShares;

   return totalValue;

int stockType::getNumOfShares()
   return this->numOfShares;

double stockType::getOpeningPrice()
   return this->openingPrice;

double stockType::getClosingPrice()
   return this->closingPrice;

double stockType::getHighPrice()
   return this->highPrice;

double stockType::getLowPrice()
   return this->lowPrice;

double stockType::getPreviousPrice()
   return this->previousPrice;

double stockType::getPercentGainLoss()
   percentGainLoss = ((closingPrice - previousPrice) / previousPrice) * 100;

   return percentGainLoss;

void stockType::setSymbol(string symbol)
   this->symbol = symbol;

void stockType::setNumOfShares(int numOfShares)
   this->numOfShares = numOfShares;

void stockType::setOpeningPrice(double openingPrice)
   this->openingPrice = openingPrice;

void stockType::setClosingPrice(double closingPrice)
   this->closingPrice = closingPrice;

void stockType::setHighPrice(double highPrice)
   this->highPrice = highPrice;

void stockType::setLowPrice(double lowPrice)
   this->lowPrice = lowPrice;

void stockType::setPerviousPrice(double previousPrice)
   this->previousPrice = previousPrice;

           Relational Operator Overloads
bool stockType::operator==(stockType& obj)
   return symbol == obj.getSymbol();

bool stockType::operator!=(stockType& obj)
   return symbol != obj.getSymbol();

bool stockType::operator<=(stockType& obj)
   return symbol <= obj.getSymbol();

bool stockType::operator<(stockType& obj)
   return symbol < obj.getSymbol();

bool stockType::operator>=(stockType& obj)
   return symbol >= obj.getSymbol();

bool stockType::operator>(stockType& obj)
   return symbol > obj.getSymbol();


#ifndef STOCK_TYPE_H
#define STOCK_TYPE_H

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class stockType

   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, stockType&);
   friend istream& operator>>(istream&, stockType&);  



   string getSymbol();
   double getTotalValue();
   int getNumOfShares();
   double getOpeningPrice();
   double getClosingPrice();
   double getHighPrice();
   double getLowPrice();
   double getPreviousPrice();
   double getPercentGainLoss();

   void setSymbol(string);
   void setNumOfShares(int);
   void setOpeningPrice(double);
   void setClosingPrice(double);
   void setHighPrice(double);
   void setLowPrice(double);
   void setPerviousPrice(double);

   bool operator== (stockType&);
   bool operator!= (stockType&);
   bool operator<= (stockType&);
   bool operator< (stockType&);
   bool operator>= (stockType&);  
   bool operator> (stockType&);

   string symbol;
   double totalValue;
   int numOfShares;
   double openingPrice;
   double closingPrice;
   double highPrice;
   double lowPrice;
   double previousPrice;
   double percentGainLoss;
#endif // !STOCK_TYPE_H


#ifndef STOCK_TYPE_H
#define STOCK_TYPE_H

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class stockType

   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, stockType&);
   friend istream& operator>>(istream&, stockType&);  



   string getSymbol();
   double getTotalValue();
   int getNumOfShares();
   double getOpeningPrice();
   double getClosingPrice();
   double getHighPrice();
   double getLowPrice();
   double getPreviousPrice();
   double getPercentGainLoss();

   void setSymbol(string);
   void setNumOfShares(int);
   void setOpeningPrice(double);
   void setClosingPrice(double);
   void setHighPrice(double);
   void setLowPrice(double);
   void setPerviousPrice(double);

   bool operator== (stockType&);
   bool operator!= (stockType&);
   bool operator<= (stockType&);
   bool operator< (stockType&);
   bool operator>= (stockType&);  
   bool operator> (stockType&);

   string symbol;
   double totalValue;
   int numOfShares;
   double openingPrice;
   double closingPrice;
   double highPrice;
   double lowPrice;
   double previousPrice;
   double percentGainLoss;
#endif // !STOCK_TYPE_H


ABC 123.45 130.95 132.00 125.00 120.50 10000
MSET 120.00 140.00 145.00 140.00 115.00 30920
AOLK 80 75 82 74 83 5000
CSCO 100 102 105 98 101 25000
IBD 68 71 72 67 75 15000

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(Stock Market) Write a program to help a local stock trading company automate its systems. The...
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