
Using Python:

curve80.txt contains the following:

3.4447005e+00 -8.8011696e-01
4.7580645e+00 4.6491228e-01
6.4170507e+00 3.7397661e+00
5.7949309e+00 3.0087719e+00
7.7304147e+00 2.9210526e+00
7.8225806e+00 4.1491228e+00
7.7304147e+00 3.3888889e+00
7.7764977e+00 3.7105263e+00
8.6751152e+00 2.9795322e+00
6.4631336e+00 3.9736842e+00
5.1267281e+00 1.1403509e-01
6.7396313e+00 4.1491228e+00
3.1451613e+00 -5.0000000e-01
9.1589862e+00 4.0906433e+00
8.2373272e+00 2.8040936e+00
4.8041475e+00 -5.0000000e-01
3.5714286e-01 -1.4941520e+00
8.0069124e+00 4.0321637e+00
2.2465438e+00 -7.6315789e-01
6.7626728e+00 4.4122807e+00
5.0115207e+00 1.0204678e+00
8.7211982e+00 3.0087719e+00
1.6935484e+00 -6.7543860e-01
4.8502304e+00 3.7719298e-01
8.6059908e+00 4.6461988e+00
8.2142857e+00 4.1491228e+00
8.1797235e-01 -1.4649123e+00
5.7488479e+00 2.1023392e+00
6.7165899e+00 4.0321637e+00
2.0391705e+00 -9.9707602e-01
5.1036866e+00 1.8976608e+00
4.3433180e+00 5.8187135e-01
4.4815668e+00 -7.6315789e-01
7.3156682e+00 4.9385965e+00
8.5138249e+00 3.4473684e+00
9.0207373e+00 2.8625731e+00
5.4953917e+00 2.1023392e+00
6.0483871e+00 3.5935673e+00
4.5506912e+00 -7.6315789e-01
2.6843318e+00 -6.4619883e-01
6.8087558e+00 4.7046784e+00
1.7857143e+00 -1.3187135e+00
5.4723502e+00 1.7222222e+00
3.3755760e+00 -9.9707602e-01
7.7304147e+00 4.5584795e+00
6.7396313e+00 5.1432749e+00
4.2741935e+00 -1.0263158e+00
4.7811060e+00 1.5467836e+00
5.8870968e+00 2.4532164e+00
8.8133641e+00 4.1783626e+00
5.9101382e+00 3.6228070e+00
4.8502304e+00 7.8654971e-01
6.6013825e+00 4.4707602e+00
1.2557604e+00 -1.2309942e+00
4.1129032e+00 -9.6783626e-01
7.1774194e+00 2.8333333e+00
4.8271889e+00 -2.9532164e-01
2.9147465e+00 -1.0847953e+00
5.1728111e+00 1.6345029e+00
5.8410138e+00 2.8625731e+00
8.4907834e+00 2.3070175e+00
7.4078341e+00 3.7982456e+00
8.1797235e-01 -9.9707602e-01
7.2580645e-01 -4.7076023e-01
7.5921659e+00 4.1491228e+00
8.8133641e+00 3.4766082e+00
2.4769585e+00 -9.3859649e-01
4.5737327e+00 -1.1988304e-01
8.6751152e+00 3.7982456e+00
6.1635945e+00 2.6871345e+00
8.3525346e+00 3.5643275e+00
6.5783410e+00 4.5292398e+00
4.8271889e+00 6.6959064e-01
2.5230415e+00 -1.2309942e+00
2.4193548e-01 3.4795322e-01
6.2327189e+00 4.1783626e+00
8.7903226e+00 3.0380117e+00
2.2695853e+00 -1.0847953e+00
6.3709677e+00 6.1959064e+00
6.0253456e+00 3.0964912e+00

Train polynomial regression models of degree d-1,3,5,7,10,18, and: (a) For each model, plot the learned prediction function f (x). (10 points) (b) Plot the training and test errors on a log scale (semilogy as a function of the model degree. (10 points) (c) What polynomial degree do you recommend? (5 points)

The following has been given:

In [17]: degrees[1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 18] # Plot settings plt.rcParams[figure.figsize] - (18.0, 7.0) fig, ax- plt.subplots (2,3) axFlat [a for row in ax for a in row] # 2x3 subplots as simple list err train = [] errtest[] for i, d in enumerate (degrees): # Create polynomial features poly = PolynomíalFeatures (d, include-bias-False).fịt (Xtr) # Scale features to standard distribution (mean 0, variance 1) scaler -StandardScaler().fit (XtrP) # Fit the model # Plot the prediction function axFlat [i].plot ( ) #plot the train and test datapoints axissize axF1at [ j . axis ( ) axFlat [i].plot() #plot the fitted curve axFlat[ i].axis (axisSize) # Make predictions YtrP pred - YteP pred .. . # save train and test errors for (b) err_train.append(...) err test.append(. . .) ee 1 Degree 3 Degree 5 VC 18

Above is the expected plot output of part a

b) Plot the training and test errors on a log scale (using pyplot.semilogy) as a function of the model degree. In 181: plt.rcParams[figure.figsize](15.0, 8.0) # plot degrees vs. err-train and degrees vs. err-test on the same plot plt.semilogy(...); plt.xticks ([1,3,5,7,10,18]) out [ 181: <matplotlib.image.FigureImage at 0x123792b70> Training Error Test Error 102 VCI 10 10° 10 18 c) From this plot, degree x has the lowest test error based on this experiment. BecauseAbove is the expected plot output of part b

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Answer #1

import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures, StandardScaler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

data = np.loadtxt('curve80.txt')

X = data[:,0]
X = np.atleast_2d(X).T
Y = data[:,1]
Xtr, Xte, Ytr, Yte = train_test_split(X,Y,test_size=0.25,shuffle=False)

degrees = [1,3,5,7,10,18]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,3)
axFlat = [a for row in ax for a in row]

err_train = []
err_test = []
for i, d in enumerate(degrees):
    poly = PolynomialFeatures(d, include_bias=False).fit(Xtr)
    XtrP = poly.transform(Xtr)
    XteP = poly.transform(Xte)
    scaler = StandardScaler().fit(XtrP)
    XtrP = scaler.transform(XtrP)
    XteP = scaler.transform(XteP)
    lrP = LinearRegression().fit(XtrP, Ytr)
    xsP = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0.0,X.max()+1,(1000,1)),axis=0)
    ysP = lrP.predict(scaler.transform(poly.transform(xsP)))
    axFlat[i].scatter(Xte,Yte,c='green') # plotting the train and test data points
    axisSize = axFlat[i].axis()
    axFlat[i].plot(xsP,ysP,c='black') # plotting the fitted curve
    # make predictions
    YtrP_pred = lrP.predict(XtrP)
    YteP_pred = lrP.predict(XteP)
    # Save train and test errors

plt.semilogy([1,2,5,7,10,18],err_train, c='orange',label='Train Error')
plt.semilogy([1,2,5,7,10,18],err_test,c='green', label='Test Error')

D matplotlib.pyplot scatte × Polynom al fit Matpl × ■ Plotting Cross Validated × . matí tib.p plotse mil × ● matplotlib.p plot legen X + ⓘ localhost: Jupyter HomeworkLib Last Checkpoint. 2 hours ago (unsaved changes) Logout File Edit View Insert Cell Kemel Help TrustedP Python 3 GO In [11] import numpy as np from sklearn.model_sclection import train test_split, KFold from sklearn.linear model import LinearRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures, Standardscaler import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline In [2]: datanp.loadtxt(curve80.txt) In [28]: X= data [:,0] xp.atleast_2d (x) .T Y-data [ 1,1] Xtr, Xte, Ytr, Yte-train test split (X,Y, test size=0.25,shuffle-Palse) - - - In [681 degrees [,3,5,7,10,18] plt.rcParamsfigure.figsize fig, ax = plt . subplots (2,3) axFlat = [a for row in ax for a in row] -(18.0,7.0 crr train [1 err test = [] for i, d in enumerate (degrees): poly PolynomialFeatures (d, include bias-False) .fit(xtr) XtrP poly.transform (Xtr) Xtep-poly. transform (Xte) scaler- Standardscaler).fit (XtrP) XtrP scaler.transform (XtrP)D matplotlib.pyplot scatte × Polynom al fit Matpl × ■ Plotting Cross Validated × . mat lotlib.p plotse mil × ● matplotlib.p plot legen X + ⓘ localhost: Jupyter HomeworkLib Last Checkpoint. 2 hours ago (unsaved changes) Logout File Edit View Insert Cell Kemel Help TrustedP Python 3 GO plt.rcParamsfigure.figsize 1-(18.0,7.0) fig, ax = plt . subplots (2,3) axFlat = [a for row in ax for a in row] err train[l err test[1 for i, d in enumerate (degrees): poly PolynomialFeatures (d, include bias-False) .fit(xtr) XtrP poly.transform (Xtr) Xtep-poly. transform (Xte) scaler-Standardscaler ).fit (XtrP) XtrP scaler.transform (XtrP) Xtep = 3caler. transform (Xtep) lrP LinearRegression ).fit(XtrP, Ytr) xsP ysp np.sort (np. randan. uniform (O.0, X. max () +1, (1000, 1)), axis-0) 1rp . predict (sealer, transform(poły. transform(X8P))) = = axPlat[1],scatter (Xte, Yte, c- green) # plotting the train and axFlat [i].scatter (Xtr, Ytr,c-red) axisSize axFlat [1] . axis () axFlat [1] .plot (X3P,ysp, c-black) # plotting the fitted curve axFlat[i] axis (axisSizc) test data points # make predictions YtrP pred lrP.predict (XtrP) YtcP_pred lrP.predict (XteP) # save train and test errors err_train.append (np.mean( (Ytr-YtrF_pred) 2)) err test.append (np.mean ((Yte-YteP pred)*2)) HomeworkLib matplotlib.pyplot scattexm 2 New Messages! × ■Plotting Cross Validated× . mat lotlib.plotse k× matplotlib.pyplotlegenX+ ⓘ localhost: Jupyter HomeworkLib Last Checkpoint. 2 hours ago (unsaved changes) Logout File Edit View Insert Cell Kemel Help TrustedPython 3 O -2 -2 In [691 plt.rcParamsfigure.figsize 1-(15.0,8.0) plt.semilogy(Il,2,5,7,10,181,err train, -orange ,label- Train Error) plt.semilogy([1,2,5,7,10,18],err test, -green label-Test Error) plt.xticks(1,2,5,7,10,18]) plt.legend() )HomeworkLib matplotlib.pyplot scattexm 2 New Messages! × ■Plotting Cross Validated× . mat lotlib.plotse k× matplotlib.pyplotlegenX+ ⓘ localhost: jupyter HomeworkLib Last Checkpoint 2 hours ago (unsaved changes) Logout File Edit View Insert Cell Kemel Help Trusted Python 3 O +鈊 In 169]: 龟 pit .rcparameltigure.士1431ze|-(15.0, 8.U) plt.semilogy(I1,2,5,7,10,181,err_train, c-orange, label-Train Error plt.semilogy(I,2,5,7,10,18),err test,c-green, label-Test EEO plt.xticks (,2,5,7,10,181) plt.legend() pit·show ( ) ㅑ역 Train Error Test Error 10 101 100 18

from the above experiments degree 10 has the lowest test error because it gives us the best fit of our data.

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Using Python: curve80.txt contains the following: 3.4447005e+00 -8.8011696e-01 4.7580645e+00 4.6491228e-01 6.4170507e+00 3.7397661e+00 5.7949309e+00 3.0087719e+00 7.7304147e+00 2.9210526e+00...
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