
Use WebGL to write a program that plays tic-tac-toe. The program should begin by drawing the...

Use WebGL to write a program that plays tic-tac-toe. The program should begin by drawing the game board (two vertical lines and two horizontal lines). When a player left-clicks on an open space, the program should draw an “X” in that square. When a player right-clicks on an open space, the program should draw an “O” in that square. The Xs must be different colors from the Os. Both of those colors must be different from the lines making the game board. In addition, each line or circle must have a width greater than one pixel.

Your program must not use any WebGL primitives other than points. You must write and use your own method that draws a circle given a center point and a radius. You must also write and use your own method that draws a line given two endpoints. The circles should be drawn using the Midpoint Circle algorithm. The lines should be drawn using Bresenham’s Line algorithm.

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Answer #1

Main HTML code for tic-tac-toe:



    <script id="vBoardShader" type="x-shader/x-vertex">

      attribute vec4   aValues;

      varying vec2 vTextureCoord;

      uniform vec2 uTextureCoord[16];

      void main() {

        int textureIndex = int(aValues.w);

        vTextureCoord = uTextureCoord[textureIndex];

        gl_Position = vec4(aValues.x, aValues.y, aValues.z, 1.);



    <script id="fBoardShader" type="x-shader/x-fragment">

      precision mediump float;

      varying vec2 vTextureCoord;

      uniform sampler2D uTexture;

      void main() {

           gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture, vTextureCoord);

           //gl_FragColor = vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.);



    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="resources/ticTacToe.css">

    <script src=""></script>



    <canvas id="canvas" class="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>

    <div id="controls" class="control-panel">

        <h1>Tic Tac Toe</h1>

        <label>Choose a Setting:</label>

        <form id="gameType">

            <input id="PvP" type="radio" name="gameType" value="PvP"><label for="PvP">Player vs Player</label><br>

            <input id="PvE" type="radio" name="gameType" value="PvE"><label for="PvE">Player vs Computer</label><br>

            <input id="EvE" type="radio" name="gameType" value="EvE"><label for="EvE">Computer vs Computer</label><br>


        <button id="start">Start</button>

        <button id="reset">Reset</button>


    <script type="text/javascript">

    "use strict";

    /* CONSTANTS */

    // Web GL Only

    var kTEXTURE_O     = 0;

    var kTEXTURE_X     = 4;

    var kTEXTURE_WHITE = 8;

    var kTEXTURE_BLACK = 12;

    // Constants for the Game

    var kPOSITION_Y_TOP = 8;

    var kPOSITION_Y_MID = 4;

    var kPOSITION_Y_BOT = 0;

    var kPOSITION_X_LEFT  = 16;

    var kPOSITION_X_MID   = 28;

    var kPOSITION_X_RIGHT = 40;

    var kPOISTION_INVALID = -999;

    var kSYMBOL_X = 36;

    var kSYMBOL_O = 0;

    var glContext, glCanvas, glProgram, glVertexBuffer, glIndexArray,

        glIndexBuffer, glTexture, glValueArrLocation;

    var bTextureReady = false;

    var glGameVertexCoords = [];

    var glTextureCoords = [];

    /* Dynamically generates the cross-stitch grid for the game */

    function generateGrid() {

        var height = 1;

        var width = .4;

        var z = 0;

        var texture = kTEXTURE_BLACK;

        for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {

            height *= -1;

            if (i % 2 === 0) {

                if (i != 0) {

                    if (Math.abs(width) === .4)

                        width = .3;


                        width = .4;



            if (width > 0 && (i < 4 || (i >= 8 && i < 12))) {

                width *= -1;


            if (i >= 8) {



            } else {





            glGameVertexCoords.push(texture + (i % 4));



    /* Dynamically generates the panels for X and O */

    function generatePanels(texture) {

        var size = .6;

        var baseXOffset = 0;

        var baseYOffset = 0;

        var xOffset = 0;

        var yOffset = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) {

            if (i % 4 === 0 && i != 0) {

                baseYOffset += .7;


            if (i % 12 === 0 && i != 0) {

                baseXOffset += .7;

                baseYOffset = 0;


            yOffset = baseYOffset;

            xOffset = baseXOffset;

            if (i % 4 === 1) {

                yOffset += size;


            if (i % 4 === 2) {

                xOffset += size;


            if (i % 4 === 3) {

                yOffset += size;

                xOffset += size;


            glGameVertexCoords.push((-1 + xOffset).toFixed(2));

            glGameVertexCoords.push((-1 + yOffset).toFixed(2));


            glGameVertexCoords.push(texture + (i % 4));



    glTextureCoords = [

            // O

            0.00, 0.25,

            0.00, 0.00,

            0.25, 0.25,

            0.25, 0.00,

            // X

            0.25, 0.25,

            0.25, 0.00,

            0.50, 0.25,

            0.50, 0.00,

            // White

            0.50, 0.25,

            0.50, 0.00,

            0.75, 0.25,

            0.75, 0.00,

            // Black

            0.75, 0.25,

            0.75, 0.00,

            1.00, 0.25,

            1.00, 0.00


    /* Initalize the webgl program by compiling the shaders */

    function initWebGL() {

        glCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");

        // Get WebGl context

        glContext = canvas.getContext("webgl");

        if (!glContext) {

            alert("Your browser does not support WebGl");


        //Init Vertex Shader

        var vSrc = document.getElementById("vBoardShader").text;

        var vShader = glContext.createShader(glContext.VERTEX_SHADER);

        glContext.shaderSource(vShader, vSrc);


        //Init Fragment Shader

        var fSrc = document.getElementById("fBoardShader").text;

        var fShader = glContext.createShader(glContext.FRAGMENT_SHADER);

        glContext.shaderSource(fShader, fSrc);


        // link shaders to create our program

        glProgram = glContext.createProgram();

        glContext.attachShader(glProgram, vShader);

        glContext.attachShader(glProgram, fShader);




    /* The texture needs to be loaded into the WebGL layer AFTER the image is

     * "loaded" from the "server" */

    function initTexture() {

        glTexture = glContext.createTexture();

        glTexture.image = new Image();

        glTexture.image.onload = function () {

            glContext.bindTexture(glContext.TEXTURE_2D, glTexture);

            glContext.texImage2D(glContext.TEXTURE_2D, 0, glContext.RGBA,

                    glContext.RGBA, glContext.UNSIGNED_BYTE,



            glContext.texParameteri(glContext.TEXTURE_2D, glContext.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, glContext.LINEAR);

            var uniformTextureLocation = glContext.getUniformLocation(glProgram, "uTexture");

            glContext.uniform1i(uniformTextureLocation, 0);

            bTextureReady = true;


        glTexture.image.src = "resources/ticTacToeMap.png";


    /* The first initalization of the arrays used by WebGL. The vertices and

     * texture coordinate are loaded in here as well as the initial index

     * array that draws the gird. */

    function initArrays() {




        glIndexArray = [];


        // Enable the attribute array used to draw vertices

        glValueArrLocation = glContext.getAttribLocation(glProgram, "aValues");


        //Vertex Buffer

        glVertexBuffer = glContext.createBuffer();

        glContext.bindBuffer(glContext.ARRAY_BUFFER, glVertexBuffer);

        glContext.bufferData(glContext.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(glGameVertexCoords), glContext.STATIC_DRAW);

        glIndexBuffer = glContext.createBuffer();

        glContext.bindBuffer(glContext.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, glIndexBuffer);

        glContext.bufferData(glContext.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(glIndexArray), glContext.STATIC_DRAW);

        glContext.vertexAttribPointer(glValueArrLocation, 4, glContext.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

        var uniformLoc = glContext.getUniformLocation(glProgram, "uTextureCoord");

        // tell webgl how buffer is laid out (pairs of x,y coords)

        glContext.uniform2fv(uniformLoc, new Float32Array(glTextureCoords));


    /* The initalizations functions need to fire in a specific order. The

     * WebGL layer might be delayed by the texture coming from the server. */



    var textureCheck = setTimeout(isTextureReady, 50);

    function isTextureReady() {

        if (bTextureReady) {


            //Draw Grid





    function glDrawGrid(){

        for (var i = 0; i <= 12; i += 4) {

            // Triangle 1


            glIndexArray.push(i + 1);

            glIndexArray.push(i + 2);

            // Triangle 2

            glIndexArray.push(i + 1);

            glIndexArray.push(i + 2);

            glIndexArray.push(i + 3);



    // Master update function used to draw elements to the canvas

    function glUpdate() {

        //Clear the canvas


        //Update Index Buffer

        glContext.bindBuffer(glContext.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, glIndexBuffer);

        glContext.bufferData(glContext.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(glIndexArray), glContext.STATIC_DRAW);

        // Draw

        glContext.drawElements(glContext.TRIANGLES, glIndexArray.length, glContext.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);


    // The WebGL function used to add an X or an O to the grid

    function draw(symbol, x, y) {

        var startVertex = x + y + symbol;

        // Triangle 1


        glIndexArray.push(startVertex + 1);

        glIndexArray.push(startVertex + 2);

        // Triangle 2

        glIndexArray.push(startVertex + 1);

        glIndexArray.push(startVertex + 2);

        glIndexArray.push(startVertex + 3);



    function clear(){

        glIndexArray = [];





    /* UI Management */

    $('#start').click(function (e) {

        if($('input[name="gameType"]:checked').length <= 0) {

            alert("Please select a game type!");



        //  This logic was based on:


        var gameType = $('input[name="gameType"]:checked', '#gameType').val();



    //Reset the game on reset click


//  This logic was based on:


    $('#canvas').click(function (e) { //Offset mouse Position

        var posX = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left;

        var posY = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top;

        var x;

        var y;

        if(posY < 116)

            y = kPOSITION_Y_TOP;

        else if(posY > 141 && posY < 257)

            y = kPOSITION_Y_MID;

        else if(posY > 282)

            y = kPOSITION_Y_BOT;


            y = kPOSITION_INVALID;

        if(posX < 116)

            x = kPOSITION_X_LEFT;

        else if(posX > 141 && posX < 257)

            x = kPOSITION_X_MID;

        else if(posX > 282)

            x = kPOSITION_X_RIGHT;


            x = kPOISTION_INVALID;


            move(x, y);




    /* Game Logic */

    /* Constants */

    var kGAME_TYPE_PVP = 0;

    var kGAME_TYPE_PVE = 1;

    var kGAME_TYPE_EVE = 2;

    var gameType;

    var bUserTurn = false;

    var bCompTurn = false;

    var bGameRunning = false;

    var gameMode;

    var turnSymbol;

    var board = [['','',''],



    function startGame(mode) {

        turnSymbol = kSYMBOL_X;

        bGameRunning = true;

        gameMode = mode;

        if (gameMode === 'PvP' || gameMode === 'PvE') {

            bUserTurn = true;

        } else {

            bCompTurn = true;




    function computerMove() {

        setTimeout(function () {

            var randX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

            var randY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

            while (board[randX][randY] !== '') {

                randX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

                randY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);


            var xConsts = [kPOSITION_X_LEFT, kPOSITION_X_MID, kPOSITION_X_RIGHT];

            var yConsts = [kPOSITION_Y_TOP, kPOSITION_Y_MID, kPOSITION_Y_BOT];

            move(xConsts[randX], yConsts[randY]);

        }, 1000);


    function move(x,y) {

        if (bGameRunning) {

            if (x === kPOISTION_INVALID || y === kPOISTION_INVALID) {

                alert("Invalid Selection! Please try again");



            var boardX;

            switch (x) {

                case kPOSITION_X_LEFT:

                    boardX = 0;


                case kPOSITION_X_MID:

                    boardX = 1;


                case kPOSITION_X_RIGHT:

                    boardX = 2;



            var boardY;

            switch (y) {

                case kPOSITION_Y_TOP:

                    boardY = 0;


                case kPOSITION_Y_MID:

                    boardY = 1;


                case kPOSITION_Y_BOT:

                    boardY = 2;



            if (board[boardX][boardY] === '') {

                board[boardX][boardY] = turnSymbol;

                draw(turnSymbol, x, y);

            } else {

                alert("Selection Already Taken. Please try again.");



            if (!evaluateGame()) {


                if (gameMode === 'PvE') {

                    bCompTurn = bUserTurn;

                    bUserTurn = !bUserTurn;


                if (bCompTurn) {






    function reset() {

        bGameRunning = false;

        board = [['', '', ''],

            ['', '', ''],

            ['', '', '']];



    function swapSymbol() {

        if (turnSymbol === kSYMBOL_O) {

            turnSymbol = kSYMBOL_X;

        } else

            turnSymbol = kSYMBOL_O;


    // I'm aware of the nested for loop in this function but this grid is 3x3

    // so I didn't feel the need to optimize. Just like if the grid isn't full

    // enough for a win this check will still occur. TODO:Optimize this check and when it occurs

    function evaluateGame() {

        //Diagonal Check 1

        if (board[0][0] !== '' && board[1][1] !== '' && board[2][2] !== '' &&

                board[0][0] === board[1][1] && board[1][1] === board[2][2]) {

            console.log('Diagonal :' + 0 + '' + 0 + ' Wins!');


            return true;


        //Diagonal Check 2

        if (board[0][2] !== '' && board[1][1] !== '' && board[2][0] !== '' &&

                board[0][2] === board[1][1] && board[1][1] === board[2][0]) {

            console.log('Diagonal :' + 0 + '' + 2 + ' Wins!');


            return true;


        for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {

            //Column Check

            if (board[i][0] != '' && board[i][0] === board[i][1] &&

                    board[i][1] === board[i][2]) {

                console.log('Column :' + i + ' Wins!');


                return true;



            if (board[0][i] != '' && board[0][i] === board[1][i] &&

                    board[1][i] === board[2][i]) {

                console.log('Row :' + i + ' Wins!');


                return true;



        for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {

            //Check for empty slots

            for (var j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++) {

                if (board[i][j] === '')return false;




        return true;


    function win(symbol) {


        if (kSYMBOL_O === symbol) {

            alert('O wins!');

        } else if (kSYMBOL_X === symbol) {

            alert('X wins!');

        } else

            alert('Oops! This shouldn\'t happen! Symbol: ' + symbol);

        bGameRunning = false;

        bUserTurn = false;


    function stalemate() {






CSS code:

float: left;
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
width: 50%;


Map file:

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Use WebGL to write a program that plays tic-tac-toe. The program should begin by drawing the...
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