
1 Overview For this assignment you are required to write a Java program that plays (n, k)-tic-tac-toe; (n, k)-tic- tac-toe is3 Classes to Implement You are to implement at least 3 Java classes:,, and Youin the board starting at the top left position and moving from left to right and from top to bot- tom. For example, for the c3.2 Dictionary This class implements a dictionary. You must implement the dictionary using a hash table with separate chainin• public int get(String config): A method which returns the score stored in the dictionary for the given configuration, or -13.3 nk Tic Tac Toe This class implements all the methods needed by algorithm computerPlay, which are described below. The con• public boolean isDraw(): Returns true if gameBoard has no empty positions left and no player has won the game. • public int

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Answer #1

The code consists of a total of 9 .java classes which includes the 3 basic classes as per the question(with all the required functionalities).

To run the code:

$ java Play <board size> <inline to win> <depth> <blocked spots ...>

Example, for basic 3*3 tic tac toe board:

$ java Play 3 3 3

All the codes with the file names are given below.


public class nk_TicTacToe {

private char[][] gameBoard; // GameBoard
private int inLine; // Required number of squares in a row to win
public nk_TicTacToe (int board_size, int inline, int max_levels) {

// Create a new Game Board of size board_size
gameBoard = new char[board_size][board_size];

// Fill board with empty characters
for (int i = 0; i < board_size; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < board_size; j++) {
gameBoard[i][j] = ' ';

inLine = inline;
public Dictionary createDictionary() {
Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(4599);
return dictionary;
public int repeatedConfig(Dictionary configurations) {
String board = getGBString();

if(configurations.get(board) != null){
return configurations.get(board).getScore();

} else {
return -1;

public void insertConfig(Dictionary configurations, int score, int level){
String board = getGBString();

try {
configurations.put(new Record(board, score, level));
} catch (DuplicatedKeyException e) {
public void storePlay (int row, int col, char symbol) {
gameBoard[row][col] = symbol;
public boolean squareIsEmpty (int row, int col){

try {
return gameBoard[row][col] == ' ';
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public boolean wins (char symbol) {

int inlineCount = 0; // Records the number in a row

// Checks each Row for a win
for (int i = 0; i < gameBoard.length; i++) {

// Reset the counter for the row
inlineCount = 0;

for (int j = 0; j < gameBoard.length; j++) {
if (gameBoard[i][j] == symbol) {
inlineCount = inlineCount + 1; // Add one onto count

} else {
inlineCount = 0; // Reset count

if (inlineCount == getInLine()) { // Check if count is enough to win
return true;

// Checks each Column for a win
for (int k = 0; k < gameBoard.length; k++) {

// Reset the counter for the row
inlineCount = 0;

for (int l = 0; l < gameBoard.length; l++) {
if (gameBoard[l][k] == symbol) {
inlineCount = inlineCount + 1; // Add one onto count

} else {
inlineCount = 0; // Reset count

if (inlineCount == getInLine()) { // Check if count is enough to win
return true;

// Check Left Diagonal (top half - Along rows - Descending)
for (int m = 0; m < gameBoard.length; m++) {
inlineCount = 0;
if((gameBoard.length - m) >= inLine){
for (int n = 0; n < gameBoard.length; n++) {

if ( (m + n) < gameBoard.length) { // Keep index in array bounds
if (gameBoard[n][n + m] == symbol) {
inlineCount = inlineCount + 1; // Add one onto count

} else {
inlineCount = 0; // Reset count

if (inlineCount == getInLine()) { // Check if count is enough to win
return true;
} else {
inlineCount = 0;

// Check Left Diagonal (bottom half - Along Columns - Descending)
for (int m = 0; m < gameBoard.length; m++) {
inlineCount = 0;
if((gameBoard.length - m) >= inLine){
for (int n = 0; n < gameBoard.length; n++) {

if ( (m + n) < gameBoard.length) { // Keep index in array bounds
if (gameBoard[n + m][n] == symbol) {
inlineCount = inlineCount + 1; // Add one onto count

} else {
inlineCount = 0; // Reset count

if (inlineCount == getInLine()) { // Check if count is enough to win
return true;
} else {
inlineCount = 0;
// Check Left Diagonal (top half - Along Rows - Ascending)
for (int q = 0; q < gameBoard.length; q++) {
inlineCount = 0;
if((gameBoard.length - q) >= getInLine()){
for (int r = gameBoard.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {

if ( (r - q) >= 0) { // Keep index in array bounds
if (gameBoard[gameBoard.length-r-1][r - q] == symbol) {
inlineCount = inlineCount + 1; // Add one onto count

} else {
inlineCount = 0; // Reset count

if (inlineCount == getInLine()) { // Check if count is enough to win
return true;



// Check Left Diagonal (top half - Along Columns - Ascending)
for (int q = 0; q < gameBoard.length; q++) {
inlineCount = 0;
if((gameBoard.length - q) >= getInLine()){
for (int r = gameBoard.length - 1; r >= 0; r--){

if ( (r - q) >= 0 && gameBoard.length-r < gameBoard.length) { // Keep index in array bounds
if (gameBoard[r-q][gameBoard.length-r] == symbol) {
inlineCount = inlineCount + 1; // Add one onto count

} else {
inlineCount = 0; // Reset count

if (inlineCount == getInLine()) { // Check if count is enough to win
return true;



return false;
public boolean isDraw(){

// Check for empty spots
for (int i = 0; i < gameBoard.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < gameBoard.length; j++) {
if (getTileType(i,j) == ' '){
return false;


// Check if player or computer has won the game
if (wins('o') || wins('x')) {
return false;

// Otherwise, return it's a draw
return true;
public int evalBoard(){

if (wins('o')){
return 3;

} else if (wins('x')) {
return 0;

} else if (isDraw()) {
return 1;

} else {
return 2;

private String getGBString(){
String board = "";

// Iterate through board double array
for (int i = 0; i < gameBoard.length; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < gameBoard.length; j++){
// Add onto board string
board = board + gameBoard[i][j];

return board;
private int getTileType(int row, int col){
try {
// Attempt to look up tile type and return it
return gameBoard[row][col];
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// If out of bounds, return blocked (since this cannot be played)
return 'b';
private int getInLine(){
return inLine;


public class Record {

private String config;
private int score;
private int level;
public Record(String config, int score, int level){
this.config = config;
this.score = score;
this.level = level;

public String getConfiguration(){
return config;
public int getScore() {
return score;
public int getLevel() {
return level;



public interface DictionaryADT {
public int put (Record record) throws DuplicatedKeyException;

public void remove (String config) throws InexistentKeyException;

public Record get (String config);

public int numElements();


public class Dictionary implements DictionaryADT {

private Node[] table;
private int tableSize;
private int elements;

public Dictionary(int tableSize) {
this.tableSize = tableSize;
table = new Node[tableSize];
private int hashFunction(String config) {

int hashKey = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < config.length(); i++) {
hashKey = (hashKey * 43 ) % tableSize;
hashKey += (int) config.charAt(i);

return hashKey % tableSize;
public int put(Record record) throws DuplicatedKeyException {

int hashKey = hashFunction(record.getConfiguration());

// Check if config is already in the table
if(get(record.getConfiguration()) != null) {
throw new DuplicatedKeyException("config is already in the table");

// Key is empty, create a new node
if (table[hashKey] == null){
table[hashKey] = new Node(record);
return 0;
} else {

// Get the Front of the Linked List
Node currentRecord = table[hashKey];
while (currentRecord.getNext() != null) {

// Iterate until end
currentRecord = currentRecord.getNext();

currentRecord.setNext(new Node(record));
this.elements = numElements() + 1;

return 1;
public void remove(String config) throws InexistentKeyException {

int hashKey = hashFunction(config);

Node currentNode = table[hashKey];

if (currentNode == null) {
throw new InexistentKeyException("config not found in the table");
while (currentNode != null) {
if (currentNode.getRecord().getConfiguration().equals(config)) {
table[hashKey] = currentNode.getNext();
} else {
currentNode = currentNode.getNext();
public Record get(String config) {

int hashKey = hashFunction(config);

Node currentNode = table[hashKey];

while (currentNode != null) {
if (currentNode.getRecord().getConfiguration().equals(config)) {
return currentNode.getRecord();

} else {
currentNode = currentNode.getNext();

return null;
public int numElements() {
return elements;


public class DuplicatedKeyException extends Exception {

public DuplicatedKeyException (String message) {


public class InexistentKeyException extends Exception {
public InexistentKeyException (String message) {


public class Node {

private Record record; // Info (TTTRecord) to store in the Node
private Node nextNode; // the next connected node

public Node(Record record){
this.record = record;
this.nextNode = null;
public Node getNext() {
return nextNode;
public void setNext(Node next){
this.nextNode = next;
public Record getRecord() {
return record;
public void setRecord(Record newRecord) {
this.record = newRecord;


import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.util.*;

public class Play extends JFrame {
static final long UID = 0;

// Characters
private final char COMP = 'o';
private final char HUMAN = 'x';
private final char BLOCKED = 'b';

// Timers
private final int MIN_DELAY = 300; // Delay before computer shows move
private final int MAX_COMP_MOVES = 10000; // Number of move tries before computer gives up

// GUI
private JButton[][] gameDisplay; // Game Board
private nk_TicTacToe TTT; // Tic Tac Toe Class

private int maxLevel; // Max level of tree
private Dictionary configurations;
private int numBlockedPos; // Number of positions to block

private int blockedPos []; // Blocked Positions

private ClickHandler handler;

private int numCalls = 0;
private boolean thinking = false;

public Play (int size, int toWin, int depth, int num, int[] blocked) {
Container c = getContentPane();
c.setLayout(new GridLayout(size, size));
gameDisplay = new JButton[size][size];
Icon emptySquare = new ImageIcon("empty.gif");
handler = new ClickHandler(size);

       /* Board is represented as a grid of clickable buttons */
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
gameDisplay[i][j] = new JButton("", emptySquare);

// board_size = size;
maxLevel = depth;
numBlockedPos = num;
blockedPos = blocked;
TTT = new nk_TicTacToe(size, toWin, depth); /* User code needed to play */

for (int i = 0; i < numBlockedPos; ++i) {
int row = blockedPos[i] / size;
int col = blockedPos[i] % size;
gameDisplay[row][col].setIcon(new ImageIcon("blocked.gif"));

TTT.storePlay(row, col, BLOCKED);


public static void main(String[] args) {
int size = 0;
int toWin = 0;
int depth = 0;

       // Check if correct params provided
if (args.length < 3) {
System.out.println("Usage: java Play <board-size> <to win> <depth> <blocked positions ...>");

// Attempt to assign initial game values
try {
           /* Size of the game board */
size = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
toWin = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
depth = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid program argument");

       // Block all BLOCKED positions
int numOfBlocked = args.length - 3;

int[] blocked = new int[numOfBlocked];

for (int i = 0; i < numOfBlocked; ++i) {
blocked[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[3 + i]) - 1;
if ((blocked[i] < 0) || (blocked[i] >= size * size)) {
System.out.println("Invalid board position " + blocked[i]);

       // Create a GameBoard and Start the Game
JFrame gameWindow = new Play(size, toWin, depth, numOfBlocked, blocked);

// Set screen size
gameWindow.setSize(size * 90, size * 100);

// Listen for closing events
gameWindow.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) {

// Randomly choose who goes first
if (Math.random() > 0.5)

private class ClickHandler implements ActionListener {
private int board_size;
private boolean game_ended = false;

/* Constructor. Save board size in instance variable */
public ClickHandler(int size) {
board_size = size;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
if (event.getSource() instanceof JButton) { /*
                                                       * Some position of the
                                                       * board was selected
int row = -1, col = -1;

if (game_ended)
               /* Find out which position was selected by the player */
for (int i = 0; i < board_size; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < board_size; j++)
if (event.getSource() == gameDisplay[i][j]) {
row = i;
col = j;
if (row != -1)

if (TTT.squareIsEmpty(row, col)) {
                   /* Valid play, mark it on the board */
gameDisplay[row][col].setIcon(new ImageIcon("human.gif"));

TTT.storePlay(row, col, HUMAN);
if (TTT.wins(HUMAN))
endGame("Human wins");
else {
if (TTT.isDraw())
endGame("Game is a draw");
} else
System.out.println("Invalid play");


private void displayComputerPlay() {
PossiblePlay pos;

Date d = new Date();
long start = d.getTime();
numCalls = 0;
thinking = false;

pos = computerPlay(COMP, -1, 4, 0);

if (thinking) System.out.println("");
long end = d.getTime();
try {
if (end-start < MIN_DELAY)
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Something is wrong with timer");

TTT.storePlay(pos.getRow(), pos.getCol(), COMP);
gameDisplay[pos.getRow()][pos.getCol()].setIcon(new ImageIcon("computer.gif"));
if (TTT.wins(COMP))
endGame("Computer wins");
else if (TTT.isDraw())
endGame("Game is a draw");

/* Explore the game tree and choose the best move for the computer */
private PossiblePlay computerPlay(char symbol, int highest_score, int lowest_score, int level) {

char opponent; // Opponent's symbol
PossiblePlay reply; // Opponent's best reply

int bestRow = -1;
int bestColumn = -1; // Position of best play

int value;
int lookupVal;

if (level == 0) /* Create new hash table */
configurations = TTT.createDictionary();

if (symbol == COMP) {
opponent = HUMAN;
value = -1;
} else {
opponent = COMP;
value = 4;

if (++numCalls == MAX_COMP_MOVES) {
System.out.print("Please wait ..");
thinking = true;
else if ((numCalls % MAX_COMP_MOVES) == 0) System.out.print(".");

// Scan entries of the game board in random order
int row, column;
row = (int)(Math.random() * board_size);

for (int r = 0; r < board_size; r++) {
column = (int)(Math.random() * board_size);
for (int c = 0; c < board_size; c++) {
if (TTT.squareIsEmpty(row, column)) { // Empty position
TTT.storePlay(row, column, symbol); // Store next play
if (TTT.wins(symbol) || TTT.isDraw() || (level >= maxLevel))
// Game ending situation or max number of levels
// reached
reply = new PossiblePlay(TTT.evalBoard(), row, column);
else {
lookupVal = TTT.repeatedConfig(configurations);
if (lookupVal != -1)
reply = new PossiblePlay(lookupVal, row, column);
else {
reply = computerPlay(opponent, highest_score, lowest_score, level + 1);
if (TTT.repeatedConfig(configurations) == -1)
TTT.insertConfig(configurations, reply.getScore(), 0);
TTT.storePlay(row, column, ' ');

if ((symbol == COMP && reply.getScore() > value)
|| (symbol == HUMAN && reply.getScore() < value)) {
bestRow = row;
bestColumn = column;
value = reply.getScore();

                           /* Alpha/beta cut */
if (symbol == COMP && value > highest_score)
highest_score = value;
else if (symbol == HUMAN && value < lowest_score)
lowest_score = value;

if (highest_score >= lowest_score)
return new PossiblePlay(value, bestRow, bestColumn);

column = (column + 1) % board_size;
row = (row + 1) % board_size;
return new PossiblePlay(value, bestRow, bestColumn);

/* Prompt the user for a key to terminate the game */
private void endGame(String mssg) {
System.out.println("Click on board to terminate game");
game_ended = true;



public class PossiblePlay {
private int row, col; /* Row and column of the play */
private int score; /* play's score */

public PossiblePlay(int v, int r, int c) {
row = r;
col = c;
score = v;

public int getRow() {
return row;

public int getCol() {
return col;

public int getScore() {
return score;

Thank you!

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1 Overview For this assignment you are required to write a Java program that plays (n,...
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