
Project 3 Objective: The purpose of this lab project is to exposes you to using menus,...

Project 3


The purpose of this lab project is to exposes you to using menus, selection writing precise functions and working with project leaders.

Problem Specification:

The PCCC Palace Hotel needs a program to compute and prints a statement of charges for customers.

The software designer provided you with the included C++ source and you are asked to complete the code to make a working program using the given logic. The function main () should not change at all.

Given Information:

Your input to the program consists of the customer’s name, room number, and the number of days they stayed in the hotel.

A sample input for the program would be:

The customer name please: Eddie

Room Number: 318

Number of days stayed in the Hotel: 3

Room Requirements:

This is a multi-level hotel where the room number ending with

  1. are Single rooms.

20-39 are Family rooms

40-50 are Suites.

Rooms ending with a number > 50 are an error because they don’t exist.

Room Rates are defined as local constants and are for each day as follows:

  1. Single room Single bed $99.99
  2. Family room double bed $149.99
  3. Suite $199.99

Internet Access Requirements:

a prompt to see if there was internet access such as:

Internet Accessed (Y/N): Y

options are chosen from menus to handle each of the inputs

A sample input if there was access would be:


1 - Wired

2 – Not-wired (Wireless)

Enter Choice 1 or 2 : 1 (note that input may be 1, W, w, 2, N, or n)

Internet Access rates are defined as local constants and are for each day as follows:

  1. Wireless $5.95
  2. Wired $3.95

TV Access Requirements:

A prompt to see if there was TV access such as:

TV Used (Y/N): Y

options are chosen from menus to handle each of the inputs

A sample input if there was access would be:

TV Usage

1 - Basic Channels

2 – Cable Channels

Enter Choice 1 or 2 : b (note that input may be 1, B, b, 2, C, or c)

TV Access are defined as local constants and are for each day as follows:

  1. Cable Channels $4.95
  2. Basic channels $1.95

Complete the application based on the given source code to allow you to enter the information above, and prints a statement of the charges to be given to the customer when they checkout. Do not change the logic in the given source.

A sample output statement would be:

PCCC Palace Hotel

Room Number: 318

Eddie’s Billing Statement

Number of days in hotel: 3 in a Single Room

Room Charges $299.97

Internet Charges (Wireless) $17.85

Television Charges (Basic) $5.85

Total Charges $323.67

Local Taxes $45.55

Total Due $469.22

Thank you for using PCCC Palace Hotel. Hope to see you again.

Note: the above statement, report, does not reflect correct calculations.


  • Include relevant information in the form of comments in your code as explained in the class.
  • The Internet and TV usage may be denied, in that case the service would be none and the charges would be $0.00
  • All the rates are defined as local constants inside the functions
  • The setnet and settv functions each has a menu that displays the options to select from
  • Each function returns the charges incurred for that option
  • The local tax rate is 15% and is to be defined as a local constant

Grading criteria:

5 points

Your name, Date, course #, Due Date, name of the program and explanation to what the program does.

5 points

All constants are defined locally, used correctly and properly.

5 points

Appropriate and descriptive identifier names are used.

5 points

Menus are used to allow selection for each of the charge items.

5 points

iomanip features are used to format and money is printed with $ and 2 decimal spaces.

5 points

A prompt is used for Internet access and TV use.

15 points

IF statements are used properly and are clear.

5 points

An error message is printed if room number is > 50 and program is exited.

5 points

Specifications, Comments explaining every function are placed above each functions definition.

5 points

Functions are used clearly and properly to calculate each of the charged items.

5 points

Each function returns the charges to main ().

5 points

Proper headings and footings are displayed.

5 points

Invoice appearance is clear and looks nice.

10 points

Flowchart for every function, in full details, is handed-in and is correct. no pseudo-code.

10 points

Program runs correctly and performs the specified task.

5 points

Multiple test runs showing evidence of all requirements are submitted.

Given Source :

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()
{ string name;
  string roomtype, nettype, tvtype;
    int days,roomnumber;
    float roomcharges,netcharges,tvcharges;
  roomcharges = setroom(roomnumber, days,roomtype);
  netcharges =  setnet(days,nettype);
  tvcharges = settv(days,tvtype);
  getinfo(name, days,roomcharges,netcharges,tvcharges,roomtype,nettype,tvtype);  
return 0;
0 0
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Answer #1

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

// Function to accept customer name room number and number of days staying
void setinfo(string &name, int &roomnumber, int &days)
// Accepts customer name
cout<<"\n The customer name please: ";

// Loop till valid room number entered by the user
// Displays room number with room type and price
cout<<"\n 300 - 319 for Single room Single bed $99.99"
<<"\n 320 - 339 for Family room double bed $149.99"
<<"\n 340 - 349 for Suite $199.99";

// Accepts room number
cout<<"\n Room Number: ";

// Checks if room number is between 300 and 349 inclusive
// then come out of the loop (valid room number)
if(roomnumber >= 300 && roomnumber <= 349)
// Otherwise invalid room number
// Displays message and continue the loop
cout<<"\n Invalid room number. Try again.";
}while(1);// End of do while loop

// Accepts number of days
cout<<"\n Number of days stayed in the Hotel: ";
}// End of function

// Function to set room type using call by reference
// Calculates and returns room charges
float setroom(int roomnumber, int days, string &roomtype)
// To store room charges
float charges;

// Checks if room number is between 300 and 319 inclusive
if(roomnumber >= 300 && roomnumber <= 319)
// Set the room type
roomtype = " in a Single Room.";
// Calculates room charges based on number of days
charges = days * 99.99f;
}// End of if condition

// Otherwise checks if room number is between 320 and 339 inclusive
else if(roomnumber >= 320 && roomnumber <= 339)
// Set the room type
roomtype = " in a Family room.";
// Calculates room charges based on number of days
charges = days * 149.99f;
}// End of else if condition

// Otherwise room number is between 340 and 349 inclusive
// Set the room type
roomtype = " in a Suite.";
// Calculates room charges based on number of days
charges = days * 199.99f;
}// End of else

// Returns room charges
return charges;
}// End of function

// Function to set net type using call by reference
// Calculates and returns net charges
float setnet(int days, string &nettype)
// To store user choice 'Y' or 'N'
char ch;
// To store accept type menu option number
int ac;
// To store Internet charges
float charges;

cout<<"\n Internet Access Requirements: ";

// Loops till user choice is not 'Y' or 'y' or 'N' or 'n'
// Accepts user choice
cout<<"\n Internet Accessed (Y/N): ";

// Checks if user choice is 'Y' or 'y'
if(ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y')
// Displays access menu
cout<<"\n Access \n 1 - Wired \n 2 - Not-wired (Wireless): ";
// Accepts access choice

// Checks if access choice is 1
if(ac == 1)
// Sets the net type
nettype = "Wired";
// Calculates net charges based on number of days
charges = days * 3.95f;
}// End of if condition

// Otherwise access choice is 2
// Sets the net type
nettype = "Wireless";
// Calculates net charges based on number of days
charges = days * 5.95f;
}// End of else
}// End of outer if condition

// Otherwise checks if user choice is 'N' or 'n'
else if(ch == 'N' || ch == 'n')
// Sets the net type not no access
nettype = "No Internet";
// Sets the charges to 0
charges = 0.0f;
}// End of else if condition

// Otherwise invalid choice continue (not y or n)
cout<<"\n Invalid choice! Try again.";

// Checks if user choice is either y or n in any case then break
if(ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y' || ch == 'N' || ch == 'n')
}while(1);// End of do while loop

// Returns Internet charges
return charges;
}// End of function

// Function to set tv type using call by reference
// Calculates and returns tv charges
float settv(int days, string &tvtype)
// To store user choice 'Y' or 'N'
char ch;
// To store channel type menu option number
int tv;
// To store tv charges
float charges;

cout<<"\n TV Access Requirements: ";

// Loops till user choice is not 'Y' or 'y' or 'N' or 'n'
// Accepts user choice
cout<<"\n TV Used (Y/N): ";

// Checks if user choice is 'Y' or 'y'
if(ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y')
// Displays channel menu
cout<<"\n TV Usage \n 1 - Basic Channels \n 2 - Cable Channels: ";
// Accepts channel choice

// Checks if channel choice is 1
if(tv == 1)
// Sets the channel type
tvtype = "Basic channels";
// Calculates channel charges based on number of days
charges = days * 1.95f;
}// End of if condition

// Otherwise channel choice is 2
// Sets the channel type
tvtype = "Cable Channels";
// Calculates channel charges based on number of days
charges = days * 4.95f;
}// End of else
}// End of outer if condition

// Otherwise checks if user choice is 'N' or 'n'
else if(ch == 'N' || ch == 'n')
// Sets the channel no
tvtype = "No TV Access";
// Sets the channel charges to 0
charges = 0.0f;
}// End of else if condition

// Otherwise invalid choice continue (not y or n)
cout<<"\n Invalid choice! Try again.";

// Checks if user choice is either y or n in any case then break
if(ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y' || ch == 'N' || ch == 'n')
}while(1);// End of do while loop

// Returns tv charges
return charges;
}// End of function

// Function to calculate total charges, local tax and total due
// Displays bill
void getinfo(string name, int days, int roomnumber, float roomcharges, float netcharges, float tvcharges,
string roomtype, string nettype, string tvtype)
// To store total charges, local tax and total due
float totalCharges, localTax, totalDue;

// Calculates total charges
totalCharges = (roomcharges + netcharges + tvcharges);

// Calculates local tax 15% of total charges
localTax = totalCharges * .15f;

// Calculates total due including local tax
totalDue = totalCharges + localTax;

// Displays information
cout<<"\n PCCC Palace Hotel";
cout<<"\n Room Number: "<<roomnumber;
cout<<"\n\n Eddie's Billing Statement";
cout<<"\n Number of days in hotel: "<<days<<roomtype;
cout<<"\n Room Charges $"<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<roomcharges;
cout<<"\n Internet Charges ("<<nettype<<") $"<<netcharges;
cout<<"\n Television Charges ("<<tvtype<<") $"<<tvcharges;
cout<<"\n Total Charges $"<<totalCharges;
cout<<"\n Local Taxes $"<<localTax;
cout<<"\n Total Due $"<<totalDue;
}// End of function

// main function definition
int main()
// To store customer name
string name;
// To store room type, net type and tv type
string roomtype, nettype, tvtype;
// To store number of days staying and room number
int days,roomnumber;
// To store room charges, net charges and tv charges
float roomcharges, netcharges, tvcharges;

// Calls the function to accept user information
setinfo(name, roomnumber, days);

// Calls the function to set room type and stores return value as room charges
roomcharges = setroom(roomnumber, days,roomtype);

// Calls the function to set net type and stores return value as net charges
netcharges = setnet(days,nettype);

// Calls the function to set tv type and stores return value as tv charges
tvcharges = settv(days,tvtype);

// Calls the function to display bill
getinfo(name, days, roomnumber, roomcharges, netcharges, tvcharges, roomtype, nettype, tvtype);

return 0;
}// End of main function

Sample Output:

The customer name please: Pyari

300 - 319 for Single room Single bed $99.99
320 - 339 for Family room double bed $149.99
340 - 349 for Suite $199.99
Room Number: 620

Invalid room number. Try again.
300 - 319 for Single room Single bed $99.99
320 - 339 for Family room double bed $149.99
340 - 349 for Suite $199.99
Room Number: 210

Invalid room number. Try again.
300 - 319 for Single room Single bed $99.99
320 - 339 for Family room double bed $149.99
340 - 349 for Suite $199.99
Room Number: 318

Number of days stayed in the Hotel: 3

Internet Access Requirements:
Internet Accessed (Y/N): p

Invalid choice! Try again.
Internet Accessed (Y/N): y

1 - Wired
2 - Not-wired (Wireless): 2

TV Access Requirements:
TV Used (Y/N): s

Invalid choice! Try again.
TV Used (Y/N): Y

TV Usage
1 - Basic Channels
2 - Cable Channels: 1

PCCC Palace Hotel
Room Number: 318

Eddie's Billing Statement
Number of days in hotel: 3 in a Single Room.
Room Charges $299.97
Internet Charges (Wireless) $17.85
Television Charges (Basic channels) $5.85
Total Charges $323.67
Local Taxes $48.55
Total Due $372.22

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Project 3 Objective: The purpose of this lab project is to exposes you to using menus,...
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