
Write a C++ program to manage a Point of Sale System for a Supermarket. The main...

Write a C++ program to manage a Point of Sale System for a Supermarket. The main user is an employee at the Supermarket.

Build Specifications (36 points)

1. The system should load a catalog of all items that the store sells.

2. A user can search the inventory: The user of the system can search the inventory by using the name of the item or by category.

3. A user can sell items once they are found. Or can sell items by navigating through a tree of categories.

4. A user can return an item that has been bought into the inventory. 5. Add new items to the inventory.
6. The user can update existing items.

The program must have the following properties (20 points):

  • - You should do error handling (Ex: An employee cannot sell an item that is sold out)

  • - You should use inheritance, and polymorphism. Example: You can design a generic item class, then design derived classes for different kinds of items. The item class may have the following data members: Name (string), Category(string), price (floating number), quantity (integer number). An example of an inherited class can be Fruits, where you can add Best By (date time).

    Also, design a menu (should still appear until the exit option is chosen) in the Mainprogram that has the following options implemented to test your classes’ functionality(14 points):

  1. Search Inventory

  2. Sell items.

  3. Return items.

  4. Add new items to inventory

  5. Update items.

  6. Exit

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Answer #1


Note: Brother in case of any queries, just comment in box I would be very happy to assist all your queries






using namespace std;

class book


char bno[6];

char bname[50];

char aname[20];


void create_book()


cout << "\nNEW BOOK ENTRY...\n";

cout << "\nEnter The book no.";

cin >> bno;

cout << "\n\nEnter The Name of The Book ";


cout << "\n\nEnter The Author's Name ";


cout << "\n\n\nBook Created..";


void show_book()


cout << "\nBook no. : " << bno;

cout << "\nBook Name : ";


cout << "Author Name : ";



void modify_book()


cout << "\nBook no. : " << bno;

cout << "\nModify Book Name : ";


cout << "\nModify Author's Name of Book : ";



char* retbno()


return bno;


void report()


cout << bno << setw(30) << bname << setw(30) << aname << endl;



}; //class ends here

class journals


char jno[6];

char jname[50];

char aname[20];


void create_journal()


cout << "\nNEW JOURNAL ENTRY...\n";

cout << "\nEnter The journal no.";

cin >> jno;

cout << "\n\nEnter The Name of The Journal ";


cout << "\n\nEnter The Author's Name ";


cout << "\n\n\nJournal Created..";


void show_journal()


cout << "\njournal no. : " << jno;

cout << "\njournak Name : ";


cout << "journal Name : ";



void modify_journal()


cout << "\njournal no. : " << jno;

cout << "\nModify journal Name : ";


cout << "\nModify Author's Name of journal : ";



char* retjno()


return jno;


void report()


cout << jno << setw(30) << jname << setw(30) << aname << endl;



}; //class ends here

class user


char admno[6];

char name[20];

char stbno[6];

int token;


void create_student()


cout << "\nNEW STUDENT ENTRY...\n";

cout << "\nEnter The admission no. ";

cin >> admno;

cout << "\n\nEnter The Name of The Student ";


token = 0;

stbno[0] = '\0';

cout << "\n\nStudent Record Created..";


void show_student()


cout << "\nAdmission no. : " << admno;

cout << "\n Student Name : ";


cout << "\nNo of Book issued : " << token;

if (token == 1)

cout << "\nBook No " << stbno;


void modify_student()


cout << "\nAdmission no. : " << admno;

cout << "\nModify Student Name : ";



char* retadmno()


return admno;


char* retstbno()


return stbno;


int rettoken()


return token;


void addtoken()


token = 1;


void resettoken()


token = 0;


void getstbno(char t[])


strcpy(stbno, t);


void report()


cout << "\t" << admno << setw(20) << name << setw(10) << token << endl;


}; //class ends here

fstream fp, fp1;

book bk;

user st;

void write_book()


char ch;"book.dat");




fp.write((char*)&bk, sizeof(book));

cout << "\n\nDo you want to add more record..(y/n?)";

cin >> ch;

} while (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y');



void write_user()


char ch;"user.dat");




fp.write((char*)&st, sizeof(user));

cout << "\n\ndo you want to add more record..(y/n?)";

cin >> ch;

} while (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y');



void display_spb(char n[])


cout << "\nBOOK DETAILS\n";

int flag = 0;"book.dat", ios::in);

while (*)&bk, sizeof(book)))


if (strcmp(bk.retbno(), n) == 0)



flag = 1;




if (flag == 0)

cout << "\n\nBook does not exist";


void display_sps(char n[])


cout << "\nSTUDENT DETAILS\n";

int flag = 0;"student.dat", ios::in);

while (*)&st, sizeof(user)))


if ((strcmp(st.retadmno(), n) == 0))



flag = 1;




if (flag == 0)

cout << "\n\nStudent does not exist";


void modify_book()


char n[6];

int found = 0;

cout << "\n\n\tMODIFY BOOK REOCORD.... ";

cout << "\n\n\tEnter The book no. of The book";

cin >> n;"book.dat", ios::in | ios::out);

while (*)&bk, sizeof(book)) && found == 0)


if (strcmp(bk.retbno(), n) == 0)



cout << "\nEnter The New Details of book" << endl;


int pos = -1 * (int) sizeof(bk);

fp.seekp(pos, ios::cur);

fp.write((char*)&bk, sizeof(book));

cout << "\n\n\t Record Updated";

found = 1;




if (found == 0)

cout << "\n\n Record Not Found ";


void delete_student()


char n[6];

int flag = 0;

cout << "\n\n\n\tDELETE STUDENT...";

cout << "\n\nEnter The admission no. of the Student You Want To Delete : ";

cin >> n;"student.dat", ios::in | ios::out);

fstream fp2;"Temp.dat", ios::out);

fp.seekg(0, ios::beg);

while (*)&st, sizeof(user)))


if (strcmp(st.retadmno(), n) != 0)

fp2.write((char*)&st, sizeof(user));


flag = 1;





rename("Temp.dat", "student.dat");

if (flag == 1)

cout << "\n\n\tRecord Deleted ..";


cout << "\n\nRecord not found";


void delete_book()


char n[6];

cout << "\n\n\n\tDELETE BOOK ...";

cout << "\n\nEnter The Book no. of the Book You Want To Delete : ";

cin >> n;"book.dat", ios::in | ios::out);

fstream fp2;"Temp.dat", ios::out);

fp.seekg(0, ios::beg);

while (*)&bk, sizeof(book)))


if (strcmp(bk.retbno(), n) != 0)


fp2.write((char*)&bk, sizeof(book));






rename("Temp.dat", "book.dat");

cout << "\n\n\tRecord Deleted ..";



void check_alls()

{"student.dat", ios::in);

if (!fp)






cout << "\n\n\t\tSTUDENT LIST\n\n";

cout << "==================================================================\n";

cout << "\tAdmission No." << setw(10) << "Name" << setw(20) << "Book Issued\n";

cout << "==================================================================\n";

while (*)&st, sizeof(user)))





void display_allb()

{"book.dat", ios::in);

if (!fp)






cout << "\n\n\t\tBook LIST\n\n";

cout << "=========================================================================\n";

cout << "Book Number" << setw(20) << "Book Name" << setw(25) << "Author\n";

cout << "=========================================================================\n";

while (*)&bk, sizeof(book)))





void book_issue()


char sn[6], bn[6];

int found = 0, flag = 0;

cout << "\n\nBOOK ISSUE ...";

cout << "\n\n\tEnter The student's admission no.";

cin >> sn;"student.dat", ios::in | ios::out);"book.dat", ios::in | ios::out);

while (*)&st, sizeof(user)) && found == 0)


if (strcmp(st.retadmno(), sn) == 0)


found = 1;

if (st.rettoken() == 0)


cout << "\n\n\tEnter the book no. ";

cin >> bn;

while (*)&bk, sizeof(book)) && flag == 0)


if (strcmp(bk.retbno(), bn) == 0)



flag = 1;



int pos = -1 * (int)sizeof(st);

fp.seekp(pos, ios::cur);

fp.write((char*)&st, sizeof(user));

cout << "\n\n\t Book issued successfully\n\nPlease Note: Write current data in backside of book and submit within 15 days fine Rs. 1 for each day after 15 days period";



if (flag == 0)

cout << "Book no does not exist";



cout << "You have not returned the last book ";



if (found == 0)

cout << "Student record not exist...";




void intro()


cout << "LIBRARY";

cout << "MANAGEMENT";

cout << "SYSTEM";


void librarian_menu()


int ch2;

cout << "\n\n\n\tLIBRARIAN MENU";

cout << "\n\n\t1.CREATE STUDENT RECORD";



cout << "\n\n\t4.MODIFY STUDENT RECORD";

cout << "\n\n\t5.DELETE STUDENT RECORD";

cout << "\n\n\t6.CREATE BOOK ";

cout << "\n\n\t7.DISPLAY ALL BOOKS ";

cout << "\n\n\t8.DISPLAY SPECIFIC BOOK ";

cout << "\n\n\t9.MODIFY BOOK ";

cout << "\n\n\t10.DELETE BOOK ";

cout << "\n\n\t11.BACK TO MAIN MENU";

cout << "\n\n\tPlease Enter Your Choice (1-11) ";

cin >> ch2;

user a;

switch (ch2)


case 1:

a.create_student(); break;

case 2: display_allb(); break;

case 3:

char num[6];

cout << "\n\n\tPlease Enter The Admission No. ";

cin >> num;



case 4:a.modify_student(); break;

case 5: delete_student(); break;

case 6:

write_book(); break;

case 7: display_allb(); break;

case 8: {

char num[6];

cout << "\n\n\tPlease Enter The book No. ";

cin >> num;




case 9: modify_book(); break;

case 10: delete_book(); break;

case 11: return;

default:cout << "\a";




int main()


char ch;


book b;



cout << "\n\n\n\tMAIN MENU";

cout << "\n\n\t01. BOOK ISSUE";

cout << "\n\n\t02. BOOK DEPOSIT";

cout << "\n\n\t03. ADMINISTRATOR MENU";

cout << "\n\n\t04. EXIT";

cout << "\n\n\tPlease Select Your Option (1-4) ";

   scanf(" %c",&ch);

switch (ch)


case '1':



case '2':b.create_book();


case '3':librarian_menu();


case '4':exit(0);

default:cout << "\a";


} while (ch != '4');



Kindly revert for any queries


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Answer #2

#include "stdafx.h"
//Header file section
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Supermarket


//declare variables


string Name;
string category;
float price;
string Make;
string Model;
int quantity;
//Access specifier.




  Name = "";

  Make = "";

  Model = "";

  category = "";

  quantity = 0;

  price = 0;


//Argumented constructor

Supermarket(string myName, string mymake, string mymodel, int myquantity, float myprice, string mycategory)


  Name = myName;

  Make = mymake;

  Model = mymodel;

  quantity = myquantity;

  price = myprice;

  category = mycategory;


//Accessor function

string getSupermarketName()


  return Name;


string getSupermarketMake()


  return Make;


string getSupermarketModel()


  return Model;


string getSupermarketCategory()


  return category;


int getSupermarketquantity()


  return quantity;


float getSupermarketPrice()


  return price;


//Print Function.

virtual void print()


  cout << endl << endl;

  cout << "Name:" << Name << endl;

  cout << "Make:" << Make << endl;

  cout << "Model:" << Model << endl;

  cout << "quantity:" << quantity << endl;

  cout << "Price:" << price << endl;

  cout << "category:" << category << endl;



//New Supermarket definition.

class NewSupermarket :public Supermarket


//warranty provider

string warrantyProvider;

//Access specifier



NewSupermarket() :Supermarket()


  warrantyProvider = "";


//argumented constructor

NewSupermarket(string myName, string mymake, string mymodel, int myquantity, float myprice, string mycategory, string mywarranty) :

  Supermarket(myName, mymake, mymodel, myquantity, myprice, mycategory)


  warrantyProvider = mywarranty;



string getSupermarketWarranty()


  return warrantyProvider;



void print()



  cout << "Warranty Provider:" << warrantyProvider << endl;

  cout << endl;



//old Supermarket definition

class OldSupermarket :public Supermarket


//Declare variables

int milleage;

//declare methods



OldSupermarket() :Supermarket()


  milleage = 0;


//argumented constructor

OldSupermarket(string myName, string mymake, string mymodel, int myquantity, float myprice, string mycategory, int mymilleage) :

  Supermarket(myName, mymake, mymodel, myquantity, myprice, mycategory)


  milleage = mymilleage;



int getSupermarketMilleage()


  return milleage;



void print()



  cout << "Milleage:" << milleage << endl;

  cout << endl;



//Define method to check by Name

bool checkSupermarketByName(string Name, vector<Supermarket*> &list)


//declare boolean variable

bool flag = false;

//Using for-loop to check the Supermarket depends on the Name

for (int temp = 0; temp < list.size(); temp++)

  if ((*list[temp]).getSupermarketName() == Name)

   flag = true;

return flag;


//define method to check by make

bool checkSupermarketByMake(string make, vector<Supermarket*> &list)


bool flag = false;

//Using for-loop to check the Supermarket depends on the Name

for (int temp = 0; temp<list.size(); temp++)

  if ((*list[temp]).getSupermarketMake() == make)


   flag = true;



return flag;


//define method to check by model

bool checkSupermarketByModel(string model, vector<Supermarket*> &list)


//Declare flag variable

bool flag = false;

for (int temp = 0; temp<list.size(); temp++)

  if ((*list[temp]).getSupermarketModel() == model)


   temp = true;



return flag;


//define method to check by category

bool checkSupermarketByCategory(string category, vector<Supermarket*> &list)


bool flag = false;

for (int temp = 0; temp<list.size(); temp++)

  if ((*list[temp]).getSupermarketCategory() == category)


   flag = true;



return flag;


//print the menu

void SupermarketMenu()


cout << "Menu" << endl;

cout << "1. Search Inventory." << endl;

cout << "2. Sell items" << endl;

cout << "3. Return items." << endl;

cout << "4. Add new items to inventory" << endl;
cout << "5. Update items" << endl;
cout << "6. Exit." << endl;

cout << endl;


//main metho

int main()



ifstream fin("Supermarketinventory.txt");

//Declare local variables

string Name;

string Make;

string Model;

string category;

int quantity;

float price;

string warrantyProvider;

int milleage;

vector<Supermarket*> Supermarketlist;

vector<Supermarket*> leaselist;

int option;

int choicesearch;

//check condition and load file

if (fin.is_open())


  while (fin >> Name >> Make >> Model >> quantity >> price >> category)


   if (category == "new")


    fin >> warrantyProvider;

    int flag = checkSupermarketByName(Name, Supermarketlist);

    if (flag == 0)

     Supermarketlist.push_back(new NewSupermarket(Name, Make, Model, quantity, price, category, warrantyProvider));


     cout << "Supermarket exists" << endl;


   else if (category == "old")


    fin >> milleage;

    int flag = checkSupermarketByName(Name, Supermarketlist);

    if (flag == 0)

     Supermarketlist.push_back(new OldSupermarket(Name, Make, Model, quantity, price, category, milleage));


     cout << "Supermarket exists" << endl;





//Infinite loop

while (1)


  //display menu


  cout << "Enter ur choice:";

  cin >> option;

  switch (option)


   //Search inventory

  case 1:


   cout << "Select \n 1. Search By Make.\n 2. Search by Model \n 3. Search By Category" << endl;

   cout << "Ur Option:";

   cin >> choicesearch;

   if (choicesearch == 1)


    cout << "Enter Make:";

    cin >> Make;

    bool fg = checkSupermarketByMake(Make, Supermarketlist);

    if (fg == false)

     cout << "Supermarket Not Found" << endl;


   else if (choicesearch == 2)


    cout << "Enter Model:";

    cin >> Model;

    bool fg = checkSupermarketByModel(Model, Supermarketlist);

    if (fg == false)

     cout << "Supermarket Not Found" << endl;


   else if (choicesearch == 3)


    cout << "Enter category:";

    cin >> category;

    bool fg = checkSupermarketByCategory(category, Supermarketlist);

    if (fg == false)

     cout << "Supermarket Not Found" << endl;




  //sell or lease Supermarket

  case 2:


   choicesearch = 0;

   cout << "Select \n 1. Sell\n 2. Lease" << endl;

   cout << "Ur option:";

   cin >> choicesearch;

   cout << "Enter Name:";

   cin >> Name;

   bool pk = checkSupermarketByName(Name, Supermarketlist);

   if (pk == 0)

    cout << "Supermarket Not Found" << endl;



    if (choicesearch == 1)


     for (int temp = 0; temp<Supermarketlist.size(); temp++)

      if ((*Supermarketlist[temp]).getSupermarketName() == Name)


       Supermarketlist.erase(Supermarketlist.begin() + temp);

       cout << "Supermarket sold successfully." << endl;

       cout << "Inventory" << endl;

       for (int temp = 0; temp<Supermarketlist.size(); temp++)





    else if (choicesearch == 2)


     for (int temp = 0; temp<Supermarketlist.size(); temp++)

      if ((*Supermarketlist[temp]).getSupermarketName() == Name)



       Supermarketlist.erase(Supermarketlist.begin() + temp);

       cout << "Supermarket Leased successfully." << endl;

       cout << "Inventory" << endl;

       for (int temp = 0; temp<Supermarketlist.size(); temp++)








  //return leased Supermarket

  case 3:


   cout << "Enter Name:";

   cin >> Name;

   bool pk = checkSupermarketByName(Name, leaselist);

   if (pk == false)

    cout << "Supermarket Not Found" << endl;



    for (int temp = 0; temp<leaselist.size(); temp++)

     if ((*leaselist[temp]).getSupermarketName() == Name)



      leaselist.erase(leaselist.begin() + temp);

      cout << "Supermarket Returned to Inventory" << endl;

      cout << "Inventory" << endl;

      for (int temp = 0; temp<Supermarketlist.size(); temp++)







  //add Supermarket

  case 4:


   cout << "Enter Name:";

   cin >> Name;

   cout << "Enter Make:";

   cin >> Make;

   cout << "Enter Model:";

   cin >> Model;

   cout << "Enter quantity:";

   cin >> quantity;

   cout << "Enter price:";

   cin >> price;

   cout << "Enter category:";

   cin >> category;

   if (category == "new")


    cout << "Enter warranty provider:";

    cin >> warrantyProvider;

    int flag = checkSupermarketByName(Name, Supermarketlist);

    if (flag == 0)

     Supermarketlist.push_back(new NewSupermarket(Name, Make, Model, quantity, price, category, warrantyProvider));


     cout << "Supermarket exists" << endl;


   else if (category == "old")


    cout << "Enter milleage:";

    cin >> milleage;

    int flag = checkSupermarketByName(Name, Supermarketlist);

    if (flag == 0)

     Supermarketlist.push_back(new OldSupermarket(Name, Make, Model, quantity, price, category, milleage));


     cout << "Supermarket exists" << endl;


   cout << "Inventory" << endl;

   for (int temp = 0; temp<Supermarketlist.size(); temp++)





  case 6:




   cout << "Invalid choice" << endl;



return 0;


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Write a C++ program to manage a Point of Sale System for a Supermarket. The main...
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