
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; /** * TODO Write a summary of the role of...

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

 * TODO Write a summary of the role of this class in the 
 * MasterMind program.
 * @author TODO add your name here
public class MasterMind {
     * Prompts the user for a value by displaying prompt.
     * Note: This method should not add a new line to the output of prompt. 
     * After prompting the user, the method will consume an entire
     * line of input while reading an int. Leading whitespace is ignored.
     * If the value read is between min and max 
     * (inclusive), that value is returned. Otherwise, output 
     *    "Expected value between 0 and 10." 
     * where 0 and 10 are the values in the min and max parameters, respectively. 
     * Invalid input may be non-integer in which case the same error message is
     * displayed and the user is prompted again. 
     * Note: This is a general purpose method to prompt for, read and validate an int 
     * within the min and max. This method should be tested for any min and max.
     * @param input The Scanner instance to read from
     * @param prompt Output to the user.
     * @param min The minimum acceptable int value (inclusive).
     * @param min The maximum acceptable int value (inclusive).
     * @return Returns the value read from the user.
    public static int promptInt(Scanner input, String prompt, int min, int max) {
        return 0; //TODO replace
     * Returns the index within arr of the first occurrence of the specified character.
     * If arr is null or 0 length then return -1. For all arrays, don't assume a length
     * but use the array .length attribute.
     * @param arr  The array to look through.
     * @param ch   The character to look for.
     * @return The index within the array of the first occurrence of the specified
     *     character or -1 if the character is not found in the array.
    public static int indexOf(char[] arr, char ch) {
        return 0; //TODO replace
     * Generates the hidden code to be guessed by the user. The hidden code
     * returned is an array of characters with length numPositions.
     * The characters in the array are randomly chosen, in order starting at index 0,
     * from the symbols array.
     *    rand.nextInt( symbols.length)
     * is used to determine the index in the symbols array of each character
     * in the code. For all arrays, don't assume a length but use the array .length attribute.
     * Example: 
     * if numPositions is 3 and symbols is the array {'A','B','C'}
     * the returned array will have a length of 3 and may contain any selection of 
     * the available symbols such as {'B','C','B'} or {'C','A','B'}.
     * @param rand A random number generator.
     * @param numPositions  The number of symbols in the code.
     * @param symbols  The symbols to choose from.
     * @return An array of length numPositions of randomly chosen symbols.
    public static char[] generateHiddenCode(Random rand, int numPositions, char[] symbols) {
        return null; //TODO replace
     * Checks whether the code is the correct length and only contains valid symbols.
     * Uses the indexOf method you wrote to check whether each character in the input is in the 
     * symbols array.  If code or symbols are null then false is returned.
     * For all arrays, don't assume a length but use the array .length attribute.
     * @param numPositions  The required number of symbols in the code.
     * @param symbols  The allowed symbols in the code.
     * @param code  The code that is being checked.
     * @return true if the code is the correct length and has only valid symbols otherwise
     * returns false.
    public static boolean isValidCode( int numPositions, char [] symbols, char [] code) {
        return false; //TODO replace
     * Prompts the user for a string value by displaying prompt.
     * Note: This method should not add a new line to the output of prompt. 
     * After prompting the user, the method will read an entire line of input and remove
     * leading and trailing whitespace. If the line equals the single character '?'
     * then return null. If the line is a valid code (determine with isValidCode) return
     * the code, otherwise print "Invalid code." and prompt again.
     * @param input The Scanner instance to read from
     * @param prompt The user prompt.
     * @param numPositions The number of code positions.
     * @param symbols The valid symbols.
     * @return Returns null or a valid code.
    public static char[] promptForGuess(Scanner input, String prompt, int numPositions, char[] symbols) {
        return null; //TODO replace
     * Returns the sum of "black hits" and "white hits" between the hiddenCode 
     * and guess.  A "black hit" indicates a matching symbol in the same position in the
     * hiddenCode and guess.  A "white hit" indicates a matching symbol but different
     * position in the hiddenCode and guess that is not already accounted for with other 
     * hits.
     * Algorithm to determine the total number of hits:
     * Count the number of each symbol in the hiddenCode, and separately count the
     * number of each symbol in the guess. For each symbol, determine the minimum of the
     * count of that symbol in the hiddenCode and the count of that symbol found in the guess.  
     * The total number of hits, black and white, is the sum of these minimums for 
     * all the symbols.
     * Algorithm based on Donald Knuth, 1976, The Computer As Master Mind, 
     *      J. Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 9(1)
     * Suggestion: To do the count, create an array of int the length of the number of symbols.
     * For each symbol use the indexOf method you wrote to determine the index in the array to increment
     * the symbols count.
     * @param hiddenCode The code hidden from the user.
     * @param guess  The user's guess of the code.
     * @param symbols  The possible symbols in the hiddenCode and guess.
     * @return The total number of hits.
    public static int countAllHits(char[] hiddenCode, char[] guess, char[] symbols) {
        return 0; //TODO replace

     * Returns the number of each kind of hit the guess has with the code. 
     * The results are an array of length Config.HITS_ARRAY_LENGTH. 
     * The count of the number of symbols in the guess that correspond in position 
     * and symbol with the hidden code are recorded in the Config.BLACK_HITS_INDEX 
     * position within the result array. The number of symbols that match between
     * the guess and the hidden code but are in different positions and not otherwise
     * counted are recorded in the Config.WHITE_HITS_INDEX within the result array.
     * Algorithm:
     * Count the number of black hits - the number of positions in the guess and hidden code
     * that have the same symbol.
     * Count the total number of hits using countAllHits and subtract to find the number
     * of white hits. White hits are symbols that match between guess and hiddenCode that
     * are not in the same position and not already accounted for with other hits.
     * @param hiddenCode  The code the user is trying to guess.
     * @param guess  The user's guess.
     * @param symbols  The possible symbols in the hiddenCode and guess.
     * @return The array containing the number of "black hits" and "white hits".
    public static int[] determineHits(char[] hiddenCode, char[] guess, char[] symbols) {
        return null; //TODO replace
     * Prints out the game board showing the guesses and the corresponding hits.
     * See output examples. 
     * Game board example:
     *  6) [4, 5, 2, 4] BBBB
     *  5) [4, 4, 2, 5] BBWW
     *  4) [4, 4, 2, 4] BBB
     *  3) [1, 3, 3, 3] 
     *  2) [2, 3, 3, 3] W
     *  1) [1, 1, 2, 2] B
     * Only rows with non-null guesses are shown. The number on the left is the guess, 
     * so the guesses are shown from last to first.
     * Looking at one line in detail:
     *  5) [4, 4, 2, 5] BBWW
     *                                ^^  2 white hits, the 2nd 4 and 5 (we don't know which until solved)
     *                  ^^ 2 black hits, the 1st 4 and 2 (we don't know which until solved)
     *     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the guess output using Arrays.toString()
     *  ^^ the guess number
     * The symbols B and W are the characters from Config.BLACK_HIT_SYMBOL and
     * Config.WHITE_HIT_SYMBOL. All the black hits will be shown before the white hits.
     * The length of all arrays should be determined using the array .length attribute, not
     * assumed from a constant.
     * @param guesses  The array of guesses. Each row is a guess or null (meaning no guess
     * yet).
     * @param hits  The array of hits. Each row is the hits from determineHits for 
     * the corresponding guess in the parallel guesses array, or null.
    public static void printBoard(char[][] guesses, int[][] hits) {

     * The MasterMind main method that contains the welcome and the main game
     * loop. Carefully examine example output to help answer questions on prompts and
     * how this program should work. 
     * Algorithm:
     * Use appropriate constants from Config. For example, to create an array use Config.MAX_GUESSES,
     *     but once an array exists don't use the constants but use the array .length attribute.
     * Determine seed or not (call promptInt with Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
     * Display welcome message.
     * Generate the hidden code (call generateHiddenCode)
     * Create 2D arrays for guesses and corresponding hits. Initially every row is null
     *     until guesses are made and hits are determined for a guess.
     * (milestone 3) enumerate all the possibilities (call enumeratePossibilities)
     * Loop
     *     Prompt for guess (call promptForGuess)
     *     (milestone 3) If guess is null then call computerGuess
     *     Determine how many black and white hits (call determineHits)
     *     Output the board (call printBoard)
     *     (milestone 3) Output number of remaining possibilities
     * End loop when won or lost  
     * Output won or lost message.
     * @param args  unused
    public static void main(String[] args) {


     * Determine the next code in sequence given the ordered symbols and
     * a code. See MasterMindTests.testNextCode() method for various test cases.
     * Most significant positions are the left most, just like for a number 
     * such as 1234, where 1 is the most significant digit.
     * Consider how you would add 1 to 199. Work out on paper.  Now try with
     * the symbols A, B, C in that order. If you added B to BC what would
     * the result be? CA?
     * Algorithm:
     * Loop from least significant position to the most significant
     *     Find the index of the symbol
     *     if least significant position
     *         if last symbol then 
     *             set to first symbol and carry
     *         else set next symbol
     *     else 
     *         if carry and last symbol
     *             set to first symbol and keep carry set
     *         else if carry and not last symbol
     *             set next symbol, clear carry
     *         else 
     *             no carry, so keep symbol
     *         end if
     *     end if
     * End loop
     * If carry then prepend an additional symbol. Since, in decimal, leading 0's 
     * are assumed then we assume the same for any symbols. So, we would prepend
     * the 2nd symbol, in decimal a 1.   
     * @param code   A code with the symbols.
     * @param symbols  The symbols to use for the code.
     * @return  The next code in the sequence based on the order of the symbols.
    public static char[] nextCode(char[] code, char[] symbols) {
        return null; //TODO replace

     * List all the possibilities (permutations) of codes for the specified number of 
     * positions and the provided codes.
     * Algorithm:
     * Create an array the length being the number of possibilities (permutations). 
     *     For example, 3 symbols in each of 4 positions means there are 3*3*3*3 or 3^4 
     *     which equals 81 permutations.
     * Determine the "first" code (all positions having the same first symbol).
     * For each permutation call nextCode to generate the next code from the current.
     * If numPositions is less than or equal to 0 or symbols is 0 length or null
     * then return null.
     * @param numPositions The number of positions in a code.
     * @param symbols The possible symbols used in a code.
     * @return An array of all the possible codes that can be generated from the 
     * symbols for the numPositions.
    public static char[][] enumeratePossibilities(int numPositions, char[] symbols) {
        return null; //TODO replace

     * Updates the remaining possibilities array and returns the number
     * of possibilities.
     * The hiddenCodeHits parameter contains the black and white hits when the guess is compared 
     * to the code. The possibilities parameter contains all the possible remaining candidates
     * for the hidden code. Determine the hits for each non-null guess when compared to each 
     * possibility and only keep the possibilities that match the result parameter hits.
     * Remove a possibility from the array of possibilities by setting it to null.
     * @param guess  The current guess
     * @param hiddenCodeHits  The hits when guess is compared to hiddenCode.
     * @param possibilities The remaining codes that contain the hidden code.
     * @param symbols The potential symbols in the codes.
     * @return The number of remaining possibilities.
    public static int updatePossibilities(char[] guess, int[] hiddenCodeHits, char[][] possibilities,
        char[] symbols) {
        return 0; //TODO replace

     * Select the first remaining code (lowest index) from possibilities.
     * If no codes are left then return null.
     * @param possibilities The array of remaining possible codes.
     * @return A code from the array.
    public static char[] computerGuess(char[][] possibilities) {
        return null; //TODO replace
0 0
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Answer #1

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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MasterMind
   public static int promptInt(Scanner input, String prompt, int min, int max)
       int number;
           //print the prompt without newline
               return number;
               throw new NumberFormatException();
           catch(NumberFormatException e)
               System.out.printf("Expected value between %d and %d.\n",min,max);
   public static int indexOf(char[] arr, char ch)
       for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
               return i;
       return -1; // TODO replace

   public static char[] generateHiddenCode(Random rand, int numPositions, char[] symbols)
       char[] hiddenCode = new char [numPositions];  

       if ((symbols.length >= numPositions) == true)
           for(int i=0; i<numPositions;i++)
               hiddenCode[i] = symbols[rand.nextInt(symbols.length)];

       return hiddenCode;

   public static boolean isValidCode(int numPositions, char[] symbols, char[] code)
           return false;
       for(int i=0;i<numPositions;i++)
           //If invalid symbol in the code return false
           if(indexOf(symbols, code[i])==-1)
               return false;
       /* return true if the code is the correct length
       * and has only valid symbols*/
       return true;

   public static char[] promptForGuess(Scanner input, String prompt,
int numPositions, char[] symbols)
           String lineStr = input.nextLine().trim();
               return null;
           else if(isValidCode(numPositions, symbols, lineStr.toCharArray()))
               return lineStr.toCharArray();
               System.out.println("Invalid code.");

   public static int countAllHits(char[] hiddenCode, char[] guess, char[] symbols)
       * Count the number of each symbol in the hiddenCode,
       * and separately count the number of each symbol in the guess.
       int hiddenCount[]=new int[symbols.length];
       int guessCount[]=new int[symbols.length];
       //Declare and initialse counter of black and white hits
       int black_hits=0;
       int white_hits=0;
       //check whether both are same or not       
           //Initialise all values to zero
           for(int i=0;i<symbols.length;i++)
           //count the length of the each symbol
           for(int i=0;i<hiddenCode.length;i++)
               //count the length of the each symbol in hidden code
               int indx=indexOf(symbols,hiddenCode[i]);
               if(indx != -1)
               //count the length of the each symbol in guess
               if(indx != -1)
           //find black and white hits
           for(int i=0;i<guess.length;i++)
               //find symbol index
               int indx=indexOf(symbols,guess[i]);
               boolean found=true;
                   //incremnet black hits
               else if(indexOf(hiddenCode,guess[i])!=-1
                   /*Incremnet white hits
                   * Ifmatching symbol but different
                   * position in the hiddenCode and guess
               //if equal than decreament the counters
               if(indx != -1&&found)
       return black_hits+white_hits; // TODO replace
   public static void printBoard(char[][] guesses, int[][] hits)
       for(int i=0;i<guesses.length;i++)
           System.out.print(guesses[i]+" ");
           for(int j=0;j<hits[i][0];j++)
           for(int j=0;j<hits[i][1];j++)
   public static int[] determineHits(char[] hiddenCode, char[] guess, char[] symbols)
       int HITS_ARRAY[]=new int[Config.HITS_ARRAY_LENGTH];
       //Declare and initialse counter of black and white hits
       int black_hits=0;
       for(int i=0;i<hiddenCode.length;i++)
               //incremnet black hits
       int totalHits=countAllHits(hiddenCode,guess, symbols);
       //index position 0 for black hits and 1 for white hits
       //to caluclate white hits
       HITS_ARRAY[Config.WHITE_HITS_INDEX ]=totalHits-black_hits;
       return HITS_ARRAY; // TODO replace

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //check whether the integer between min and max is returned.
       Scanner in = new Scanner("8\n");
int expected = 8;
int result = MasterMind.promptInt(in, "Enter integer: ", 5, 15);
if ( expected != result) {
System.out.println("1) testPromptInt expected: " + expected + " result: " + result);
   System.out.println("testPromptInt passed");
//check whether the index of 'b' is returned
char [] list = {'a', 'A', 'b','B'};
expected = 2;
result = MasterMind.indexOf( list, 'b');
if ( expected != result) {
System.out.println("1) testIndexOf expected: " + expected + " result: " + result);
   System.out.println("testIndexOf passed");
//"randomly" chooses 3 symbols from the list
//We know which 3 will be chosen since we set the seed
Random rand = new Random(123);
int numPositions = 3;
char [] symbols = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'};
char [] expect = {'C', 'A', 'D'};
char [] result1 = MasterMind.generateHiddenCode( rand, numPositions, symbols);
if ( !Arrays.equals( expect, result1)) {
System.out.println("1) testGenerateHiddenCode expected: "
                   + Arrays.toString(expect)
                   + " result: " + Arrays.toString(result1));
   System.out.println("testGenerateHiddenCode passed");

//tests 6 digits, starting at 0000 and incrementing 1
char[] symbols1 = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'};
char[] input3 = {'0', '0', '0', '0'};
char[] expected11 = {'0', '0', '0', '1'};
char[] result3 = MasterMind.nextCode(input3, symbols1);
if (!Arrays.equals(expected11, result3)) {
System.out.println("testNextCode 1 expected=" + Arrays.toString(expected11)
+ " result=" + Arrays.toString(result3));
   System.out.println("testNextCode passed");
   public static char[] nextCode(char[] code, char[] symbols)
       char[] newcode=new char[code.length];
       boolean continues=true;
       int index=0;//i=code.length-1;
       for(int i=code.length-1;i>=0;i--)
           index = indexOf(symbols,code[i]);
           char codeExtend[]=new char[code.length+1];
           //copy to other new array
           for(int i=0,j=1;i<newcode.length;i++,j++)
       return newcode; // TODO replace

   public static char[][] enumeratePossibilities(int numPositions, char[] symbols)
       int total_per =(int) Math.pow(symbols.length, numPositions);
       char array[][]=new char[total_per][symbols.length];
       for(int i=0;i<numPositions;i++)
       for(int j=1;j<total_per;j++)
           char[] nextword=nextCode(array[j-1],symbols);
               for(int i=0;i<numPositions;i++)
       return array; // TODO replace
public class Config
static final boolean DEBUG = false;
public static final char[] CODE_SYMBOLS = new char[] {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'};
public static final int CODE_POSITIONS = 4;
public static final int MAX_GUESSES = 10;
public static final int HITS_ARRAY_LENGTH = 2;
public static final int BLACK_HITS_INDEX = 0;
public static final int WHITE_HITS_INDEX = 1;
public static final char BLACK_HITS_SYMBOL = 'B';
public static final char WHITE_HITS_SYMBOL = 'W';

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import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; /** * TODO Write a summary of the role of...
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