
MayCee’s Departmental Store: A Case Study MayCee’s Departmental Stores Inc. is currently in troubled waters. Competition...

MayCee’s Departmental Store: A Case Study MayCee’s Departmental Stores Inc. is currently in troubled waters. Competition from online retailers has resulted in less frequent store visits from customers. A recent survey has revealed that customers on an average are also spending less time on the shopping floor. Accurate budgeting is therefore a key element of business success and survival for MayCee’s. You have just been hired as an intern at MayCee’s headquarters in Cleveland OH and your first assignment is to help the CFO Ms. Cathy Wilkins prepare a cash budget. At your first meeting with the CFO, you are provided with the following information. Past Sales Nov 2017: $650,000 Dec 2017: $870,000 Projected Sales for Six-Months ending June 2018 are as follows: January February March April May June $350,000 $400,000 $475,000 $650,000 $500,000 $675,000 Sales Receivables Cash Sales: 25% of Net Sales; Payment for 45% of Net Sales are received the following month; Receivables for all other sales are collected after 60 days (i.e., two months). Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold is currently estimated at 65% of Net Sales. MayCee’s pays 20% in cash upfront, 45% next month and for the remaining, it enjoys a Net 60 credit terms. Wages and Salaries Fixed Cost $81,000 and this is applicable for Winter months January and February only. For all other months, the variable wages and salaries (in addition to the fixed cost) are estimated at 25% of difference between the Net Sales for the month and the average sales for January and February. Miscellaneous Fixed Overhead Expenses Store Lease $34,336; Utilities and Water $2,600; Interest on Long-Term Corporate Bonds $11,000. Taxes $5,585 for January; $8,320 for June. Dividends Estimated quarterly dividends in the tune of $19,257 will be paid to shareholders in January and $32,335 in April. Additional Information (i) Ending cash balance for December 2017 is $21,000 (ii) Short-Term Borrowings (i.e., for 30 days), for December 2017 is $52,000 (iii) MayCee’s borrows money (Short-Term Borrowings, i.e., for 30 days) by issuing Commercial Paper (CP) if the month-end cash balance falls below $14,275. All borrowed funds must be paid off after 30 day along with interest. Interest on MayCee’s CP is currently estimated at 7.25%. (iv) MayCee’s invests cash in excess of $43,000 in 30 days Money Market Instruments. Principal along with interest is received after 30 days. Interest on Money Market Instruments are currently estimated at 5.25%.

The CFO wants you to 1. Prepare an estimate of monthly cash balances for the six months ending June 2018. 2. Do a “What-if Analysis” if projected sales go down by 10% (80) (20)

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Answer #1
Particulars Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Opening CB          21,000          41,058          78,322          69,915          21,825          58,451
Sales Received (WN-1)       674,000       518,500       403,750       496,250       560,000       588,750
Interest on MMI-5.25%                   -                     -  








ST Borrowings
Total Receipts (A)       695,000       559,558       482,226       566,283       581,825       647,269
Cost of Goods Sold (WN-2)       447,850       352,300       258,375       314,438       363,188       381,875
Wages & Salaries (WN-3)          81,000          81,000       106,000       149,750       112,250       156,000
Miscellaneous-FOH (given)          36,936          36,936          36,936          36,936          36,936          36,936
Interest-Corporate bonds (given)          11,000          11,000          11,000          11,000          11,000          11,000
Taxes (given)            5,585                   -                     -                     -                     -              8,320
Dividend Estimates (given)          19,257                   -                     -            32,335                   -                     -  
ST borrowing paid          52,000                   -                     -                     -                     -                     -  
Interest on ST borrowings-7.25%



-     - - -                   -  
Total Payments (B)       653,942       481,236       412,311       544,459       523,374       594,131
Total Cash Available (C) =(A-B)          41,058          78,322          69,915          21,825          58,451          53,138
Minimum CB is Satisfied (requirement)          14,275          14,275          14,275          14,275          14,275          14,275
Excess of $43,000 cash available(c) is Invested in MM Instruments                   -   35,322 26,915 - 15,451 10,138
Working Note -1 Sales Receivable
Past Projected                                               in ($)
Particulars Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Sales    650,000    870,000    350,000    400,000    475,000    650,000    500,000    675,000
Cash Sales
        -25% of Net Sales    162,500    217,500      87,500    100,000    118,750    162,500    125,000    168,750
Credit Sales(Debtor Collection)
        -45% in 1 months time               -      292,500    391,500    157,500    180,000    213,750    292,500    225,000
        -30% in 2 months time               -                 -      195,000    261,000    105,000    120,000    142,500    195,000
Total    162,500    510,000    674,000    518,500    403,750    496,250    560,000    588,750

So from sales made in Jan'18 are received in 3 installments which is 25% in Jan(cash sales), 45% in Feb(credit sale) and rest 30%(credit sale) in Mar'18.

Jan'18 Sales are 350,000 received as follows,

  • 25% Cash sales in Jan- $87,500
  • 45% in Next 1month (feb) - $157,500 &
  • 30% in 2nd month March - $ 105,000.

However, actual cash received in Jan'18 is as follows.

  • Cash received from sales of the same month (i.e 25% from Jan'18 sales)
  • Cash received from Sales of Dec month (i.e 45% of Dec'17 Sales)
  • Cash received from Sales of Nov month (i.e 30% from Nov'17 Sales)
Working Note -2 Cost of Goods Sold
Past Projected                                               in ($)
Particulars Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Sales    650,000    870,000    350,000    400,000    475,000    650,000    500,000    675,000
Cost of Goods Sold -65%    422,500    565,500    227,500    260,000    308,750    422,500    325,000    438,750
        -20% upfront      84,500    113,100      45,500      52,000      61,750      84,500      65,000      87,750
        -45% in next month 0    190,125    254,475    102,375    117,000    138,938    190,125    146,250
        -35% in 2 month time 0 0    147,875    197,925      79,625      91,000    108,063    147,875
Total      84,500    303,225    447,850    352,300    258,375    314,438    363,188    381,875

Purchase value of Jan'18 are 65% of Net sales of that month. i.e for Jan'18 the purchase value will be 65% of $350,000 = $227,500.

Purchases for Jan'18 are made in 3 installments(similar to sales)

  • 20% in same month i.e Jan'18 - $227,500*20% = $45,500.
  • 45% in next 1 month i.e in Feb - $227,500*45% = $102,375.
  • 35% in 2nd month i.e in Mar - $227,500*35% = $ 79,625.

But actual payment made for Purchase bills in Jan'18 = $447,850 will be as follows,

  • 20% of Jan'18 purchase - $45,500.
  • 45% of Dec'17 purchase payment made in jan'18 - $ 254,475. ($565,500*45%)
  • 35% of Nov'17 purchase payment made in jan'18 - $ 147,875. ($422,500*35%)
Working Note -3 Variable wages & salaries from Mar to Jun
Projected                                               in ($)
Particulars Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Net Sales of the month    350,000    400,000    475,000    650,000    500,000    675,000
Average of Jan & Feb    375,000    375,000    375,000    375,000    375,000    375,000
Difference    (25,000)      25,000    100,000    275,000    125,000    300,000
Variable -25% of Difference               -          6,250      25,000      68,750      31,250      75,000
Wages and Salary - Fixed      81,000      81,000      81,000      81,000      81,000      81,000
Wages and Salary - Variable               -                 -        25,000      68,750      31,250      75,000
Total      81,000      81,000    106,000    149,750    112,250    156,000

If Projected Sales go down by 10%

Cash BudgetParticulars Feb Mar Apr Jun Receipts Opening CB Sales Received 21,00036,858 63,809 52,67754,579 31,761 665,250 492,750363,375446,625504,000 529,875 Interest on MMI-5.25% | - 91 42 51 ST Borrowings 52,000 Total Receipts (A) Payments 686,250529,608427,275551,344558,630561,636 Cost of Goods Sold 443,300 336,863 232,538282,994326,869 343,688 81,000 81,000 94,125 133,500 99,750 139,125 36,936 36,93636,93636,93636,93636,936 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 5,585 19,257 52,000 314.17 649,392465,799374,599496,765526,869539,069 Wages & Salaries Miscellaneous-FOH Interest-Corporate bonds Taxes 8,320 Dividend Estimates 32,335 52,000 Sl borrowing paid Interest on ST borrowings-7.25% 314.17 Total Payments (B) Total Cash Available (C)36,85863,809 52,677 22,568 Minimum CB is Satisfied 14,27514,275 14,2751 Excess of $43,000 Invested in MMI 54,579 31,761 14,275 14,27514,275 11,579 20,8099,6717

WN -1 Sales Receivable

in (S) May Jun Past Projected Particulars Nov Dec Jan Mar Apr 650,000 870,000 315,000 360,000 427,500585,000 450,000 607,500 Cash Sales -25% of Net Sales 162,500 217,500 78,750 90,000 106,875 146,250 112,500 151,875 Credit Sales(Debtor Collection) -45% in 1 months time 292,500391,500 141,750 162,000 192,375 263,250 202,500 195,000 261,000 94,500 108,000 128,250 175,500 162,500 510,000 665,250 492,750 363,375 446,625 504,000 529,875 -30% in 2 months time !: - | Total

WN -2 Cost of Goods Sold

in ($) May Past Projected Particulars Mar Apr Sales 650,000 870,000 315,000 360,000 427,500 585,000 450,000 607,500 Cost of Goods Sold-65% Payments | 422,500| 565,500| 204,750| 234,000| 277,875| 380,250| 292,500| 394,875 -20% upfront -45% in next month -35% in 2 month time 84,500113,100 40,950 46,800 55,575 76,050 58,500 78,975 0 190,125254,475 92,138105,300 125,044 171,113131,625 0 147,875 197,925 71,663 81,900 97,256133,088 84,500 303,225 443,300 336,863 232,538 282,994326,869 343,688 0 TotalWN -3 Variable wages & salaries from Mar to Jun

Projected in (S) Particulars Jan Feb Mar AprMayJun 315,000 360,000 427,500 585,000 450,000607,500 375,000| 375,000| 375,000| 375,000 375,000 375,000 (60,000)(15,000) 52,500 210,000 75,000 232,500 Net Sales of the month Average of Jan & Feb Difference variable-25% of Difference (3,75013,12552,500 18,750 58,125 Wages and Salary - Fixed 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 Wages and Salary-Variable- 13,125 52,50018,75058,125 Total 81,00081,00094,125133,500 99,750139,125

Particulars Feb Mar Apr Jun Receipts Opening CB Sales Received 21,00036,858 63,809 52,67754,579 31,761 665,250 492,750363,375446,625504,000 529,875 Interest on MMI-5.25% | - 91 42 51 ST Borrowings 52,000 Total Receipts (A) Payments 686,250529,608427,275551,344558,630561,636 Cost of Goods Sold 443,300 336,863 232,538282,994326,869 343,688 81,000 81,000 94,125 133,500 99,750 139,125 36,936 36,93636,93636,93636,93636,936 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 5,585 19,257 52,000 314.17 649,392465,799374,599496,765526,869539,069 Wages & Salaries Miscellaneous-FOH Interest-Corporate bonds Taxes 8,320 Dividend Estimates 32,335 52,000 Sl borrowing paid Interest on ST borrowings-7.25% 314.17 Total Payments (B) Total Cash Available (C)36,85863,809 52,677 22,568 Minimum CB is Satisfied 14,27514,275 14,2751 Excess of $43,000 Invested in MMI 54,579 31,761 14,275 14,27514,275 11,579 20,8099,6717 in (S) May Jun Past Projected Particulars Nov Dec Jan Mar Apr 650,000 870,000 315,000 360,000 427,500585,000 450,000 607,500 Cash Sales -25% of Net Sales 162,500 217,500 78,750 90,000 106,875 146,250 112,500 151,875 Credit Sales(Debtor Collection) -45% in 1 months time 292,500391,500 141,750 162,000 192,375 263,250 202,500 195,000 261,000 94,500 108,000 128,250 175,500 162,500 510,000 665,250 492,750 363,375 446,625 504,000 529,875 -30% in 2 months time !: - | Total in ($) May Past Projected Particulars Mar Apr Sales 650,000 870,000 315,000 360,000 427,500 585,000 450,000 607,500 Cost of Goods Sold-65% Payments | 422,500| 565,500| 204,750| 234,000| 277,875| 380,250| 292,500| 394,875 -20% upfront -45% in next month -35% in 2 month time 84,500113,100 40,950 46,800 55,575 76,050 58,500 78,975 0 190,125254,475 92,138105,300 125,044 171,113131,625 0 147,875 197,925 71,663 81,900 97,256133,088 84,500 303,225 443,300 336,863 232,538 282,994326,869 343,688 0 Total Projected in (S) Particulars Jan Feb Mar AprMayJun 315,000 360,000 427,500 585,000 450,000607,500 375,000| 375,000| 375,000| 375,000 375,000 375,000 (60,000)(15,000) 52,500 210,000 75,000 232,500 Net Sales of the month Average of Jan & Feb Difference variable-25% of Difference (3,75013,12552,500 18,750 58,125 Wages and Salary - Fixed 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 Wages and Salary-Variable- 13,125 52,50018,75058,125 Total 81,00081,00094,125133,500 99,750139,125

Particulars Feb Mar Apr Jun Receipts Opening CB Sales Received 21,00036,858 63,809 52,67754,579 31,761 665,250 492,750363,375446,625504,000 529,875 Interest on MMI-5.25% | - 91 42 51 ST Borrowings 52,000 Total Receipts (A) Payments 686,250529,608427,275551,344558,630561,636 Cost of Goods Sold 443,300 336,863 232,538282,994326,869 343,688 81,000 81,000 94,125 133,500 99,750 139,125 36,936 36,93636,93636,93636,93636,936 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 5,585 19,257 52,000 314.17 649,392465,799374,599496,765526,869539,069 Wages & Salaries Miscellaneous-FOH Interest-Corporate bonds Taxes 8,320 Dividend Estimates 32,335 52,000 Sl borrowing paid Interest on ST borrowings-7.25% 314.17 Total Payments (B) Total Cash Available (C)36,85863,809 52,677 22,568 Minimum CB is Satisfied 14,27514,275 14,2751 Excess of $43,000 Invested in MMI 54,579 31,761 14,275 14,27514,275 11,579 20,8099,6717 in (S) May Jun Past Projected Particulars Nov Dec Jan Mar Apr 650,000 870,000 315,000 360,000 427,500585,000 450,000 607,500 Cash Sales -25% of Net Sales 162,500 217,500 78,750 90,000 106,875 146,250 112,500 151,875 Credit Sales(Debtor Collection) -45% in 1 months time 292,500391,500 141,750 162,000 192,375 263,250 202,500 195,000 261,000 94,500 108,000 128,250 175,500 162,500 510,000 665,250 492,750 363,375 446,625 504,000 529,875 -30% in 2 months time !: - | Total in ($) May Past Projected Particulars Mar Apr Sales 650,000 870,000 315,000 360,000 427,500 585,000 450,000 607,500 Cost of Goods Sold-65% Payments | 422,500| 565,500| 204,750| 234,000| 277,875| 380,250| 292,500| 394,875 -20% upfront -45% in next month -35% in 2 month time 84,500113,100 40,950 46,800 55,575 76,050 58,500 78,975 0 190,125254,475 92,138105,300 125,044 171,113131,625 0 147,875 197,925 71,663 81,900 97,256133,088 84,500 303,225 443,300 336,863 232,538 282,994326,869 343,688 0 Total Projected in (S) Particulars Jan Feb Mar AprMayJun 315,000 360,000 427,500 585,000 450,000607,500 375,000| 375,000| 375,000| 375,000 375,000 375,000 (60,000)(15,000) 52,500 210,000 75,000 232,500 Net Sales of the month Average of Jan & Feb Difference variable-25% of Difference (3,75013,12552,500 18,750 58,125 Wages and Salary - Fixed 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 Wages and Salary-Variable- 13,125 52,50018,75058,125 Total 81,00081,00094,125133,500 99,750139,125

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MayCee’s Departmental Store: A Case Study MayCee’s Departmental Stores Inc. is currently in troubled waters. Competition...
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