
== Programming Assignment == For this assignment you will write a program that controls a set...

== Programming Assignment ==

For this assignment you will write a program that controls a set of rovers and
sends them commands to navigate on the Martian surface where they take
samples. Each rover performs several missions and each mission follows the
same sequence: deploy, perform one or more moves and scans, then return to
base and report the results. While on a mission each rover needs to remember
the scan results, in the same order as they were taken, as well as remember
the way to get back to the base. The scan results should be stored in a queue
and the return instructions should be stored in a stack.

The objective of this assignment is to learn how to implement and use both a
queue and a stack. Since the objectives include learning how to implement a
stack and a queue, you cannot use a premade stack or queue (e.g. the STL stack
or queue classes).

== Program Design ==

Your program should use good design methodologies so you should have separate
classes for each of the following:

- rover -- This class represents the rover. Each rover has an ID (integer) as
well as an x, y coordinate to represent its current location relative to the
base. In addition, it needs to have the following public methods:

- void deploy(); -- this deploys a rover on a new mission
- void move(int x, int y) -- this moves a rover to the new x,y coordinates
- void corescan() -- this performs a core sample scan and stores the resuls
- void dock() -- this method returns to the base station and reports the results

Since you are not really on Mars and there aren't really rovers, your rover
class is actually just going to simulate the movements and actions by
printing messages on the screen.

The "deploy" method will print the message "Rover (<ID>) deploying..."
followed by "Rover (<ID>) ready.". The string "Rover (<ID>)" should include
the actual ID of the rover.

For example, the deploy method does this:

void rover::deploy()
cout << " deploying..." << endl;
cout << " ready." << endl;

The "move" method changes the rover's x,y coordinates, stores the new
location on the stack, and prints a message that indicates the that rover
moved. The message is "Rover (<ID>) moving to location <x>, <y>.".

The "corescan" method prints a message "Rover (<ID>) scanning." then calls the
scandata class with the rover's current x, y location, and stores the result
in the results queue.

The "dock" method prints "Rover (<ID>) returning to base." then uses the entries
from the stack to issue a sequence of moves to backtrack back to the
base. It needs to print out each move (just like the move method). Once at
the base the rover needs to print "Rover (<ID>) at base. Sending results...". Then
it needs to pull each of the results off of the queue and print them. When
all results are printed the rover needs to print "Rover (<ID>) result transmission
complete.". Finally, the "dock" method needs to print "Rover (<ID>) docked.".

Refer to the "expected.txt" file to make sure that your printed messages are

- stack -- This class should implement a stack. It is used to store the
locations as the rover moves on a mission.

- queue -- This class should implement a queue. It is used to store the scan

== Other Files ==

I have provided a class called "scandata". This class contains all of the
simulated scan data that the rover will read. There is a single method
"getScandata(int x,int y)" that takes in an x, y coordinate and returns the
scan data for that location. You will need to compile the scandata.cpp file
into your application. You should NOT edit or alter the scandata.h or
scandata.cpp files.

I have also provided two test programs: teststack.cpp and testqueue.cpp. These
are for your use. You are not required to use them but they will be helpful
for developing and debugging your queue and stack classes.

Finally, for your convenience I have provided a "makefile". If you name all of
your files the same as I have then you can use the following make commands:

- make rovercontrol -- this builds the entire rovercontrol program
- make testrover -- this builds the rovercontrol program and tests it
against expected.txt
- make testqueue -- this builds the testqueue program and runs it
- make teststack -- this builds the teststack program and runs it

Using the makefile is optional. You are welcome to modify it anyway you
want. You do not need to turn in the makefile.

== External Requirements ==

- The main driver (rovercontrol.cpp) will provide a sequence of commands to a
set of rovers. Each rover needs to respond to the commands. Any number of
rovers can be active at the same time and the commands for different rovers
are interlaced.
- Rover scan results should be reported, after docking, in the same order that
they were collected. You must use a queue to store these.
- Each rover must keep track of the path it follows during its mission so it
can find its way home when the DOCK command is issued. You must use a stack
to store this.
- The output from your program must match expected.txt exactly.

== Internal Requirements ==

- The program must use the supplied rovercontrol.cpp file, unmodified, as the
main driver.
- Each rover must have its own queue and stack.
- All of the scan results must be stored in a queue in each rover.
- All of the route information must be stored in a stack in each rover.
- No memory leaks.

example of commands.txt (not entire commands.txt file)



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include "rover.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

// Set up the program constants
const int NUMBER_OF_ROVERS = 7;
const int MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH = 16;
const int MAX_RESULTS = 128;
const char* CMD_END = "END";
const char* CMD_DEPLOY = "DEPLOY";
const char* CMD_MOVE = "MOVE";
const char* CMD_CORESCAN = "CORESCAN";
const char* CMD_DOCK = "DOCK";

rover** rovers;

if (argc != 2) {
cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <datafile>" << endl;

// Create the rovers
rovers = new rover*[NUMBER_OF_ROVERS];
for (int i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_ROVERS;i++)
rovers[i] = new rover(i+1,MAX_RESULTS);

// Read the data
char* datafile = argv[1];
ifstream infile(datafile);
char command[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH];
int roverID;
int commandArg1;
int commandArg2;

infile >> command;
while (strcmp(command,CMD_END) != 0) {
infile >> roverID;

if (strcmp(command,CMD_DEPLOY) == 0)
if (strcmp(command,CMD_MOVE) == 0)
infile >> commandArg1;
infile >> commandArg2;
rovers[roverID-1]->move(commandArg1, commandArg2);
if (strcmp(command,CMD_CORESCAN) == 0)
if (strcmp(command,CMD_DOCK) == 0)

infile >> command;

// Free up memory for the allocated rovers
for (int i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_ROVERS;i++)
if (rovers[i] != nullptr)
delete rovers[i];
rovers[i] = nullptr;
delete [] rovers;


#ifndef SCANDATA_H
#define SCANDATA_H


class scandata
static const int m_data[];

static int getScandata(int x,int y);



#include <iostream>
#include "scandata.h"

int const scandata::m_data[] = {
80, -56, 83, -6, 46, 78, 50, 46, -3, -5, 11, 85, -7, 45, -19, -49, 83,
-50, 21, 24, 1, 47, 20, 68, 21, -56, -31, 83, 95, -10, 43, -15, -42,
-75, -47, 18, 12, -95, 97, 39, 63, -62, -30, 84, 64, -22, 82, 21, -22,
92, -91, 40, 57, 38, 23, -29, -29, 100, 7, -68, 14, 100, -91, 99, -57,
55, 15, -21, -95, -1, 12, -57, -63, -78, 99, -67, -9, -83, -11, 67,
60, 70, -56, -91, 25, -81, -88, -86, 65, -32, -85, 88, -86, 12, 100,
-35, -1, 45, -55, -7, -95, 75, 61, 5, -4, 91, -84, -65, -71, -18, 28,
-28, 15, 5, 26, -4, -97, -89, 98, -54, 13, 100, -43, -24, -16, 72, 85,
23, 11, 94, 35, 39, -10, -90, 51, 90, -59, -64, -25, -100, -72, 11,
14, 76, 0, -64, -79, 38, 41, -6, -54, 41, 99, 60, -63, 31, 31, -92,
-43, 93, -64, -33, 45, -100, 80, 92, -7, -72, -78, -32, -93, 62, 18,
-52, 60, 98, 21, -16, 40, 74, -59, -93, 65, -26, -2, 70, -71, -95, 88,
33, 72, 55, 32, 12, 55, -37, -71, -92, 59, -31, -45, -12, 96, 30, -19,
65, -85, -81, 94, -27, 78, -58, -93, -41, -2, 29, 83, 57, 47, -65,
-38, -80, -6, 44, 65, -65, -94, -37, -28, -3, -61, -70, 77, 49, -82,
-98, -71, 47, -43, -97, 76, 34, -47, -31, -40, 49, -84, -87, -1, -34,
57, -20, -5, 53, -62, -74, 22, -46, 12, -24, -15, 32, 89, 5, 73, 30,
-79, 52, 80, 36, -35, -49, -13, 93, 59, 69, -34, -90, -88, -51, -32,
8, 29, -81, -12, 90, -36, 17, -89, -3, 82, 91, -89, 25, -87, 1, 81,
-32, 19, -63, -85, -78, 34, 42, 23, 9, 5, 14, 71, 56, 32, 62, -91, 84,
-68, -55, -74, 99, 88, -9, -40, -74, 38, 10, -80, 70, -13, 13, 44,
-53, -64, 65, -72, -60, -22, -12, 7, -73, -20, 72, -22, 72, -15, 56,
-54, 4, -66, 50, 89, -71, 89, -50, -85, 69, -93, 99, 71, 84, -71, 94,
-92, 8, -96, -75, -36, 65, 24, -45, -70, 67, -34, -75, 25, 0, 19, -2,
-32, 66, 96, 75, -12, 71, -43, -46, 69, -93, 37, -72, -28, 28, -96,
-39, -78, -19, 65, -25, -46, -38, 78, 12, -94, -28, -96, 32, -59, 37,
62, -57, 100, -32, 73, -91, 9, 2, -51, 71, 60, -42, -48, 98, 13, -37,
56, 15, -66, 90, -62, 31, 65, -27, -18, 94, -50, 52, -56, -33, 87,
-47, -21, -6, -75, 18, 91, -46, -66, -51, -70, -20, 41, -89, 48, -8,
-13, 40, -8, -25, -65, -14, -38, -36, -11, 67, -56, 27, -17, -2, -43,
-37, 100, 42, 10, 35, 49, -7, 45, 12, -51, 41, 73, 40, -82, 73, 25,
-23, -46, 98, -4, 31, -82, 0, -9, 73, -9, 67, -91, -29, 86, -49, -86,
100, 19, -19, 73, -46, -85, -42, 33, 27, -61, 71, -8, -26, -97, 73,
91, -47, 49, -61, -2, -39, 74, 89, -73, 79, 75, -64, 8, 56, 51, -86,
-29, -66, -95, -88, -18, -51, -17, -15, 29, 9, 75, -53, 97, -49, -2,
-56, -65, 80, 95, -20, -14, 25, -35, -26, -49, 30, 0, -27, -62, -42,
-66, -15, -94, -83, -6, 20, -20, -16, 46, -43, 50, 17, 74, -92, -50,
85, -28, -31, 57, -68, 64, -77, -79, -83, -85, 2, -20, -36, 59, -19,

12, 33, -92, -99, 37, 85, -68, 19, -14, 61, 69, 13, 81, -69, 9, 33,

100, -13, 27, 71, -3, 98, -20, -67, -41, -39, -70, -82, 21, -18, -8,
90, 51, 25, 14, -7, 99, -19, -99, 20, 8, -64, -43, 33, 31, 87, 57, 91,
-90, 69, 29, 38, 28, -29, -87, 39, 4, 11, 56, -2, -34, -4, -49, -74,
22, 43, -35, 17, -65, 64, -45, 13, 81, -74, -41, -91, 63, -25, 44, 90,
-96, 95, 32, 16, 56, 22, -13, -59, -6, -26, -77, -84, -100, 52, 89,
-93, 8, 16, -47, -54, 99, -13, -25, 40, -1, 95, -22, -19, -80, -43,
-17, 99, -3, 39, -52, 88, -73, -30, 89, 31, -56, -73, 75, 37, -33, 17,
12, 76, -27, 94, -61, -52, 80, 72, -21, 42, 2, 12, 38, -96, -27, 86,
-18, -35, -80, 4, 15, -51, -3, 1, 85, 21, 73, 33, 9, 84, 0, -67, -32,
-84, -74, -43, 80, 81, 99, 93, -18, -29, -70, 89, -39, 36, 95, 99,
-91, -89, 97, -100, 39, 8, 59, -31, 5, 35, -10, -77, -97, 44, 21, 34,
2, -25, -65, 75, -100, 81, 13, 38, -76, 34, 57, 9, -69, 45, 73, -60,
34, 73, -74, -59, -80, 54, -40, -19, 9, 5, 6, 83, 88, -27, -48, 21,
23, -21, -97, -10, -41, 9, 72, -67, 2, -65, -70, 70, 81, 85, -98, 57,
-79, -2, -34, 75, -5, 45, 55, -84, 96, 94, 49, -3, 67, 8, 57, -45,
-12, 88, -75, 91, -65, 57, -69, 36, 62, 72, 34, 78, 54, -66, -60, 69,
-71, 20, -45, 16, 29, 47, 54, 9, 89, -88, 77, -62, -2, -20, 83, -30,
8, 84, -75, 73, -25, 37, -62, -18, -58, 7, -42, 41, 52, -31, -50, -2,
55, -54, -80, -88, -34, 28, 48, 0, -66, -33, 75, -21, 64, -95, 59, 43,
76, 57, 70, 93, -78, 57, 61, -15, -37, 20, 93, 17, -66, 74, -74, -52,
25, 34, -44, 87, -59, -96, 94, -48, 1, 70, -17, -18, 65, 29, -60, 54,
91, 31, -28, -24, 33, -26, 60, 17, -12, 0, 52, -75, 77, 58, -12, -25,
69, -90, 72, -85, 41, -45, -43, 62, -92, 89, 59, -59, 25, -90, -57,
-85, 22, -57, -73, -66, -10, 22, 45, 96, -79, -50, -21, -16, -17, -40,
-12, 86, -61, 100, 21, -3, 33, -95, -50, -5, -88, -11, 56, 30};

int scandata::getScandata(int x,int y)
int ret = 0;

int index = (x * y);
index *= (index < 0) ? -1 : 1; // Make it positive
index = index % NUM_SCANDATA_VALUES;
ret = m_data[index];

return ret;


#include <iostream>
#include "queue.h"

using namespace std;

void dumpQueue(queue &q)
cout << "Dumping the queue" << endl;
while (!q.isEmpty())
int result = q.dequeue();
cout << "Value: " << result << endl;

int main()
queue q(5);


// q.printInternals();

// q.printInternals();



#include <iostream>
#include "stack.h"

using namespace std;

void dumpStack(stack &s)
cout << "Dumping the stack" << endl;
while (!s.isEmpty())
const stack_entry* result = s.pop();
cout << "Value: " << result->x << ", " << result->y << endl;

void pushHelper(stack &s,int x, int y)
stack_entry entry;

entry.x = x;
entry.y = y;

int main()
stack s(5);
stack_entry entry;




example of expected.txt (not entire expected.txt file)

Rover (ID 1) deploying...
Rover (ID 1) ready.
Rover (ID 2) deploying...
Rover (ID 2) ready.
Rover (ID 3) deploying...
Rover (ID 3) ready.
Rover (ID 4) deploying...
Rover (ID 4) ready.
Rover (ID 5) deploying...
Rover (ID 5) ready.
Rover (ID 6) deploying...
Rover (ID 6) ready.
Rover (ID 7) deploying...
Rover (ID 7) ready.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 4989, 5060.
Rover (ID 6) moving to location 5900, 5193.
Rover (ID 5) moving to location 5838, 5002.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 5014, 5986.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 5223, 6371.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 5637, 5769.
Rover (ID 5) moving to location 6819, 5848.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 5993, 6543.
Rover (ID 2) moving to location 5499, 4379.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 6246, 6605.
Rover (ID 6) moving to location 6304, 5619.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 5936, 6095.
Rover (ID 6) moving to location 6509, 6136.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 6915, 7136.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 5204, 6187.
Rover (ID 7) moving to location 5474, 5092.
Rover (ID 5) moving to location 7633, 5921.
Rover (ID 2) moving to location 4852, 5223.
Rover (ID 1) moving to location 5505, 5695.
Rover (ID 5) moving to location 8437, 6221.
Rover (ID 5) moving to location 9119, 6925.
Rover (ID 7) moving to location 6446, 5096.
Rover (ID 1) moving to location 5960, 5904.
Rover (ID 2) moving to location 5497, 4992.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 6025, 5224.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 7649, 7925.
Rover (ID 5) moving to location 9475, 7528.
Rover (ID 7) moving to location 7270, 5698.




Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8627, 8879.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8603, 8868.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8596, 8853.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8582, 8840.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8576, 8848.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8571, 8831.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8566, 8812.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 8579, 8822.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 7649, 7925.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 6915, 7136.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 6246, 6605.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 5993, 6543.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 5223, 6371.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 5014, 5986.
Rover (ID 3) moving to location 0, 0.
Rover (ID 3) at base. Sending results...
Rover (ID 3) result: -92
Rover (ID 3) result: -19
Rover (ID 3) result: 41
Rover (ID 3) result: -28
Rover (ID 3) result: -14
Rover (ID 3) result transmission complete.
Rover (ID 3) docked.
Rover (ID 6) moving to location 9994, 9697.
Rover (ID 2) moving to location 6610, 6580.
Rover (ID 1) moving to location 5013, 5438.
Rover (ID 2) moving to location 6632, 6584.
Rover (ID 6) scanning.
Rover (ID 5) scanning.
Rover (ID 1) moving to location 5011, 5438.
Rover (ID 2) scanning.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 5680, 4905.
Rover (ID 7) scanning.
Rover (ID 5) moving to location 1196, 9863.
Rover (ID 6) moving to location 9988, 9705.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 5663, 4924.
Rover (ID 1) scanning.
Rover (ID 6) moving to location 9994, 9689.
Rover (ID 7) moving to location 7928, 6383.
Rover (ID 4) moving to location 5664, 4925.


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Answer #1

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include "rover.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    // Set up the program constants
    const int NUMBER_OF_ROVERS = 7;
    const int MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH = 16;
    const int MAX_RESULTS = 128;
    const char* CMD_END = "END";
    const char* CMD_DEPLOY = "DEPLOY";
    const char* CMD_MOVE = "MOVE";
    const char* CMD_CORESCAN = "CORESCAN";
    const char* CMD_DOCK = "DOCK";

    rover** rovers;

    if (argc != 2) {
   cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <datafile>" << endl;

    // Create the rovers
    rovers = new rover*[NUMBER_OF_ROVERS];
    for (int i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_ROVERS;i++)
   rovers[i] = new rover(i+1,MAX_RESULTS);

    // Read the data
    char* datafile = argv[1];
    ifstream infile(datafile);
    char command[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH];
    int roverID;
    int commandArg1;
    int commandArg2;

    infile >> command;
    while (strcmp(command,CMD_END) != 0) {
   infile >> roverID;

   if (strcmp(command,CMD_DEPLOY) == 0)
   if (strcmp(command,CMD_MOVE) == 0)
        infile >> commandArg1;
        infile >> commandArg2;
        rovers[roverID-1]->move(commandArg1, commandArg2);
   if (strcmp(command,CMD_CORESCAN) == 0)
   if (strcmp(command,CMD_DOCK) == 0)

   infile >> command;

    // Free up memory for the allocated rovers
    for (int i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_ROVERS;i++)
   if (rovers[i] != nullptr)
        delete rovers[i];
        rovers[i] = nullptr;
    delete [] rovers;
#include <iostream>
#include "rover.h"

using namespace std;

   _id = 0;
   _x = 0;
   _y = 0;


void rover::deploy()
   cout << " deploying..." << endl;
   cout << " ready." << endl;

void rover::move()
   // change the x,y coordinates
   _x = x;
   _y = y;
   // stores the new location on the stack
   r_stack.push(_x, _y);

   // prints a message that indicates that the rover moved
   cout << "moving to location " << x << ", " << y << ".\n";

void rover::corescan()
// then calls the scadata class with the rover's current x, y location
   //scandata _scanData;
   //r_queue.enqueue(_scanData.getScandata(_x, _y));

// prints a message
   //cout << " scanning.\n";

void rover::dock()
   cout << " returning to base.\n";
   // uses entries from stack to issue a sequence of moves to backtrack back to the base.

   // it needs to print out each move
   //call ? move()

   //once at base print out
   //cout << " at base. Sending results...\n";

void rover::printID()
   << "Rover (" << _id << ")";
#ifndef ROVER_H
#define ROVER_H

#include "stack.h"
class rover
   int _id;
   int _x;
   int _y;
   //queue r_queue;
   stack r_stack;
   rover(int id, int results);
   void deploy();
   void move(int x, int y);
   void corescan();
   void dock(); // returns to the base and prints results
   void printID();

#ifndef QUEUE_H
#define QUEUE_H
#include <list>

class queue {
        bool isEmpty() const;
        bool enqueue(const int& newItem);
        const int dequeue();
        std::list<int> items;

#include "queue.h"

queue::queue() {}

bool queue::isEmpty() const
    return items.empty();

bool queue::enqueue(const int& newItem)
    return true;

const int queue::dequeue()
    int item = items.front();
    return item;
#ifndef SCANDATA_H
#define SCANDATA_H


class scandata
    static const int m_data[];

    static int getScandata(int x,int y);

#include <iostream>
#include "stack.h"

using namespace std;

   head = NULL;


bool stack::push(int x, int y)
   // instantiate and assign coordinates
   location* newLoc = new location;
   newLoc->_x = x;
   newLoc->_y = y;

        // create new node that holds location
        node* newNode = new node;
        newNode->xy = newLoc;
                newNode->next = NULL;
                head = newNode;
                newNode->next = head;
                head = newNode;

bool stack::pop()
        node* popNode;
                return false;
                head = popNode->next;
                delete popNode->xy;
                delete popNode;
       return true;

bool stack::isEmpty(void)const
        if(head == NULL)
                return true;
                return false;

bool stack::peek()
                cout << "queue is Empty\n";
                node* peekNode;
                peekNode = head;
                cout << peekNode->xy->_x << ", " << peekNode->xy->_y << endl;
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

#include "location.h"

class stack
   struct node
       location loc;
       node* next;
   node* head;
   bool isEmpty();
   bool push(x, y); // adds to top of stack
   bool pop(); //removes top of sack
   bool peek(); // returns the top

#include <iostream>
#include "scandata.h"

int const scandata::m_data[] = {
    80, -56, 83, -6, 46, 78, 50, 46, -3, -5, 11, 85, -7, 45, -19, -49, 83,
    -50, 21, 24, 1, 47, 20, 68, 21, -56, -31, 83, 95, -10, 43, -15, -42,
    -75, -47, 18, 12, -95, 97, 39, 63, -62, -30, 84, 64, -22, 82, 21, -22,
    92, -91, 40, 57, 38, 23, -29, -29, 100, 7, -68, 14, 100, -91, 99, -57,
    55, 15, -21, -95, -1, 12, -57, -63, -78, 99, -67, -9, -83, -11, 67,
    60, 70, -56, -91, 25, -81, -88, -86, 65, -32, -85, 88, -86, 12, 100,
    -35, -1, 45, -55, -7, -95, 75, 61, 5, -4, 91, -84, -65, -71, -18, 28,
    -28, 15, 5, 26, -4, -97, -89, 98, -54, 13, 100, -43, -24, -16, 72, 85,
    23, 11, 94, 35, 39, -10, -90, 51, 90, -59, -64, -25, -100, -72, 11,
    14, 76, 0, -64, -79, 38, 41, -6, -54, 41, 99, 60, -63, 31, 31, -92,
    -43, 93, -64, -33, 45, -100, 80, 92, -7, -72, -78, -32, -93, 62, 18,
    -52, 60, 98, 21, -16, 40, 74, -59, -93, 65, -26, -2, 70, -71, -95, 88,
    33, 72, 55, 32, 12, 55, -37, -71, -92, 59, -31, -45, -12, 96, 30, -19,
    65, -85, -81, 94, -27, 78, -58, -93, -41, -2, 29, 83, 57, 47, -65,
    -38, -80, -6, 44, 65, -65, -94, -37, -28, -3, -61, -70, 77, 49, -82,
    -98, -71, 47, -43, -97, 76, 34, -47, -31, -40, 49, -84, -87, -1, -34,
    57, -20, -5, 53, -62, -74, 22, -46, 12, -24, -15, 32, 89, 5, 73, 30,
    -79, 52, 80, 36, -35, -49, -13, 93, 59, 69, -34, -90, -88, -51, -32,
    8, 29, -81, -12, 90, -36, 17, -89, -3, 82, 91, -89, 25, -87, 1, 81,
    -32, 19, -63, -85, -78, 34, 42, 23, 9, 5, 14, 71, 56, 32, 62, -91, 84,
    -68, -55, -74, 99, 88, -9, -40, -74, 38, 10, -80, 70, -13, 13, 44,
    -53, -64, 65, -72, -60, -22, -12, 7, -73, -20, 72, -22, 72, -15, 56,
    -54, 4, -66, 50, 89, -71, 89, -50, -85, 69, -93, 99, 71, 84, -71, 94,
    -92, 8, -96, -75, -36, 65, 24, -45, -70, 67, -34, -75, 25, 0, 19, -2,
    -32, 66, 96, 75, -12, 71, -43, -46, 69, -93, 37, -72, -28, 28, -96,
    -39, -78, -19, 65, -25, -46, -38, 78, 12, -94, -28, -96, 32, -59, 37,
    62, -57, 100, -32, 73, -91, 9, 2, -51, 71, 60, -42, -48, 98, 13, -37,
    56, 15, -66, 90, -62, 31, 65, -27, -18, 94, -50, 52, -56, -33, 87,
    -47, -21, -6, -75, 18, 91, -46, -66, -51, -70, -20, 41, -89, 48, -8,
    -13, 40, -8, -25, -65, -14, -38, -36, -11, 67, -56, 27, -17, -2, -43,
    -37, 100, 42, 10, 35, 49, -7, 45, 12, -51, 41, 73, 40, -82, 73, 25,
    -23, -46, 98, -4, 31, -82, 0, -9, 73, -9, 67, -91, -29, 86, -49, -86,
    100, 19, -19, 73, -46, -85, -42, 33, 27, -61, 71, -8, -26, -97, 73,
    91, -47, 49, -61, -2, -39, 74, 89, -73, 79, 75, -64, 8, 56, 51, -86,
    -29, -66, -95, -88, -18, -51, -17, -15, 29, 9, 75, -53, 97, -49, -2,
    -56, -65, 80, 95, -20, -14, 25, -35, -26, -49, 30, 0, -27, -62, -42,
    -66, -15, -94, -83, -6, 20, -20, -16, 46, -43, 50, 17, 74, -92, -50,
    85, -28, -31, 57, -68, 64, -77, -79, -83, -85, 2, -20, -36, 59, -19,
    12, 33, -92, -99, 37, 85, -68, 19, -14, 61, 69, 13, 81, -69, 9, 33,
    100, -13, 27, 71, -3, 98, -20, -67, -41, -39, -70, -82, 21, -18, -8,
    90, 51, 25, 14, -7, 99, -19, -99, 20, 8, -64, -43, 33, 31, 87, 57, 91,
    -90, 69, 29, 38, 28, -29, -87, 39, 4, 11, 56, -2, -34, -4, -49, -74,
    22, 43, -35, 17, -65, 64, -45, 13, 81, -74, -41, -91, 63, -25, 44, 90,
    -96, 95, 32, 16, 56, 22, -13, -59, -6, -26, -77, -84, -100, 52, 89,
    -93, 8, 16, -47, -54, 99, -13, -25, 40, -1, 95, -22, -19, -80, -43,
    -17, 99, -3, 39, -52, 88, -73, -30, 89, 31, -56, -73, 75, 37, -33, 17,
    12, 76, -27, 94, -61, -52, 80, 72, -21, 42, 2, 12, 38, -96, -27, 86,
    -18, -35, -80, 4, 15, -51, -3, 1, 85, 21, 73, 33, 9, 84, 0, -67, -32,
    -84, -74, -43, 80, 81, 99, 93, -18, -29, -70, 89, -39, 36, 95, 99,
    -91, -89, 97, -100, 39, 8, 59, -31, 5, 35, -10, -77, -97, 44, 21, 34,
    2, -25, -65, 75, -100, 81, 13, 38, -76, 34, 57, 9, -69, 45, 73, -60,
    34, 73, -74, -59, -80, 54, -40, -19, 9, 5, 6, 83, 88, -27, -48, 21,
    23, -21, -97, -10, -41, 9, 72, -67, 2, -65, -70, 70, 81, 85, -98, 57,
    -79, -2, -34, 75, -5, 45, 55, -84, 96, 94, 49, -3, 67, 8, 57, -45,
    -12, 88, -75, 91, -65, 57, -69, 36, 62, 72, 34, 78, 54, -66, -60, 69,
    -71, 20, -45, 16, 29, 47, 54, 9, 89, -88, 77, -62, -2, -20, 83, -30,
    8, 84, -75, 73, -25, 37, -62, -18, -58, 7, -42, 41, 52, -31, -50, -2,
    55, -54, -80, -88, -34, 28, 48, 0, -66, -33, 75, -21, 64, -95, 59, 43,
    76, 57, 70, 93, -78, 57, 61, -15, -37, 20, 93, 17, -66, 74, -74, -52,
    25, 34, -44, 87, -59, -96, 94, -48, 1, 70, -17, -18, 65, 29, -60, 54,
    91, 31, -28, -24, 33, -26, 60, 17, -12, 0, 52, -75, 77, 58, -12, -25,
    69, -90, 72, -85, 41, -45, -43, 62, -92, 89, 59, -59, 25, -90, -57,
    -85, 22, -57, -73, -66, -10, 22, 45, 96, -79, -50, -21, -16, -17, -40,
    -12, 86, -61, 100, 21, -3, 33, -95, -50, -5, -88, -11, 56, 30};

int scandata::getScandata(int x,int y)
    int ret = 0;

    int index = (x * y);
    index *= (index < 0) ? -1 : 1; // Make it positive
    index = index % NUM_SCANDATA_VALUES;
    ret = m_data[index];

    return ret;

#include <iostream>
#include "queue.h"

void dumpQueue(queue &q)
    std::cout << "Dumping the queue" << std::endl;
    while (!q.isEmpty())
   int result = q.dequeue();
   std::cout << "Value: " << result << std::endl;

int main()
    queue* q = new queue();


//    q.printInternals();

//    q.printInternals();

    delete q;
#include <iostream>
#include "stack.h"

struct point {
    int x;
    int y;

void dumpStack(stack<point> &s)
    std::cout << "Dumping the stack" << std::endl;
    while (!s.isEmpty())
        const point result = s.pop();
        std::cout << "Value: " << result.x << ", " << result.y << std::endl;

void pushHelper(stack<point> &s, int x, int y)
    point a;
    a.x = x;
    a.y = y;

int main()
    stack<point>* s = new stack<point>();



    delete s;
    return 0;

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