
Overview This assignment will give you experience on the use of classes. Understand the Application Every...


This assignment will give you experience on the use of classes.

Understand the Application

Every internet user–perhaps better thought of as an Internet connection–has certain data associated with him/her/it. We will oversimplify this by symbolizing such data with only two fields: a name ("Aristotle") and a globally accessible IP address (""). We could enhance these by adding other—sometimes optional, sometimes needed—data (such as a MAC address, port, local IP address, gateway, etc), but we keep

things simple and use only these two for the assignment–any more would not satisfy spec. Also, name is not technically a true datum for this emulation, but we use it to signify the English description of an individual or process that is interacting with the Internet.

The Program Spec

Class InternetUser Spec
Your class is named InternetUser. Static Class Constants
Define intended constant values

MAX_NAME_LEN = [you choose an int] MIN_NAME_LEN = [you choose an int] MAX_IP4_LEN = 15 # MIN_IP4_LEN = 7 # x.x.x.x

DEFAULT_NAME = "[you choose a str]" DEFAULT_IP = "[you choose a str]"

"Private" Member Data Instance Members

  • ▪ name - a string that represents the description of the internet user entity.

  • ▪ ip - a string thar represents the IP4 address: or We will accept any string that

    can hold addresses from to 999.999.999.999, even though the ints between the dots are out-of- range for real addresses.

    Client Callable Methods

  • ▪ __init__(self, name, ip) - a constructor. It should take default arguments as defined by the indented constants.

  • ▪ __str___(self) - a method that provides a nicely formatted return string for potential screen I/O. Here's a possible string that received my choice of defaults:

    Name: (undefined) IP Aaddr:

private Methods

• private static validation helpers to filter client parameters. These will support your public methods. You should only test lengths here, since we don't really need to check the number of periods or size of each of the four ints in an IP address. We will let that slide for this assignment. (If you do not know what an IP address looks like, now's a good time to Google it. We're using IP4, not IP6, format.)

Client Test of Class InternetUser

Here is a sample run from my test (but you will have to imagine/deduce the source I used and create your own source for your testing, which will produce a different output).

Where it All Goes
There are now a variety of program elements, so let's review the order in which things appear in your .py file:

  1. class definition(s)

  2. global-scope function definition(s) [You may not need them for this assignment.]

  3. main program

In other words, will look like this:

# ---------------- SOURCE ---------------------------------------- class InternetUser:

# intended class constants ------------------------------------ MAX_NAME_LEN = 50

# constructor method ------------------------------------ def __init__((self, name, ip):


# mutator ("set") methods ------------------------------- ...

# accessor ("get") methods ------------------------------- ...

# helper methods for entire class ----------------- ...

# ------------- CLIENT --------------------------------------------------

# Create 4 InternetUser objects internet_user_num_1 = InternetUser() ...
The main program:

  1. Instantiate two or more InternetUser objects, some using the default arguments and some passing parameters.

  2. Immediately display all objects.

  3. Mutate one or more of the members and, after that, use the stringizer to assist a screen output so we can

    see what your objects contain.

  4. Next, test one or more accessors.

  5. Finally, call two or more mutators and constructors, providing both legal and illegal arguments and

    checking the return values (thus demonstrating that the mutators do the right thing).

  6. Display all objects a second time.


  • Be sure that all output is descriptive. Use labels to differentiate your output sections and full sentences

    in your mutator/accessor tests.

  • No user input should be done in this program.

    Sample run:

    Example Run of InternetUser Class Testing

    """ ------------------------- RUN ----------------------------

    InternetUser Class Testing *********************** Name: (undefined)
    IP Aaddr:

    Name: dns
    IP Aaddr:

    Name: bad
    IP Aaddr:

    --------------------------------------------------------------- """

0 0
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Answer #1

Example Run of InternetUser Class Testing

Base Class Testing 

Name: (undefined)
IP Aaddr:
Name: dns
IP Aaddr:
Name: bad
IP Aaddr:
success as expected 

RSA Encryption Keys and Class Communicator

To encrypt a message, each InternetUser has to also be a Communicator, and to do that, the object has to have more than just a name and an ip; it has to have two encryption keys, a public key and a private key. So the most fundamental aspect of this class are those keys. Each key is a pair of integers, or in our current regime, each key is an IntPairmember object:

   IntPair publicKey;
   IntPair privateKey;

Two examples of such pairs are

    publicKey:    (23, 703)
    privateKey:   (214, 703)


    publicKey:    (29, 957779)
    privateKey:   (726591, 957779)

Notice two things about the pair:

The second number in the pair is the same, and

the first number in the pair is a prime number.

While the sameness of the second number is normally considered a bad duplication of data, we'll allow it in RSA emulation since it is part of the formal definition of the two keys and we want to parallel the math as closely as possible.

Four constructors signatures:

      Communicator( long firstPrime, long secondPrime );
      Communicator( String name, String ip );
      Communicator( String name, String ip, long firstPrime, long secondPrime );

Accessors - one for each key. Only the encryption keys (which are IntPair type) have accessors. Remember, accessor return type always agrees with that of the member.

toString() - a method that returns a String of the entire object's private data in a readable form. Make proper use of method chaining.

Private Methods

bool computeBothEncrKeys() - This is the method that uses the primes to build encryption keys. It takes the following action (this is how RSA encryption key generation is accomplished):

Generate n = p * q;

Generate phi = φ(n) which is the number of primes smaller than n.  φ(n) is called "Euler's totient function," and in the special case where n is the product of two primes (but not generally),  φ(n) is simply (p - 1) * (q - 1).  

Example Test of Communicator Class (done in same run as overall program run)

Example of Derived Class Constructor Testing 
Name: (undefined)
IP Aaddr:
(p, q)  n, phi, e, d: (0, 0)   0, 0, 0, 0
public key(0, 0)
private key(0, 0)
Name: Raja
IP Aaddr:
(p, q)  n, phi, e, d: (0, 0)   0, 0, 0, 0
public key(0, 0)
private key(0, 0)
Name: kumar
IP Aaddr:
(p, q)  n, phi, e, d: (0, 0)   0, 0, 0, 0
public key(0, 0)
private key(0, 0)
Name: sandy
IP Aaddr:
(p, q)  n, phi, e, d: (19, 37)   703, 648, 463, 372
public key(463, 703)
private key(372, 703)
Name: rosi
IP Aaddr:
(p, q)  n, phi, e, d: (0, 0)   0, 0, 0, 0
public key(0, 0)
private key(0, 0)

Derived and Base Class Mutator Testing 
Name: karthick
IP Aaddr:
(p, q)  n, phi, e, d: (809, 821)   664189, 662560, 463, 642671
public key(463, 664189)
private key(642671, 664189)


public class Foothill
    public static void main(String[] args)

InternetUser user,user1,user2,user3;
System.out.println("Base Class Testing \n");

user = new InternetUser();

user1 = new InternetUser("dns","");

user2 = new InternetUser("n","");
user3 = new InternetUser();
System.out.println("\nsuccess as expected");

System.out.println("Derived Class Constructor Testing \n");
        Communicator user,user1, user2, user3, user4, user5;
        user = new Communicator();

        user1 = new Communicator("salim lakhani","");

        user2 = new Communicator("yan kam","");

        user3 = new Communicator("sally","", 19, 37);

        user4 = new Communicator("betty","");

        user5 = new Communicator("giral","", 809, 821);

        System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------- */");

public class Communicator extends InternetUser {

    public final static int ERROR_FLAG_NUM = 0;
    private final static long MAX_PQ = (long) Math.sqrt(Long.MAX_VALUE);

    private IntPair publicKey;
    private IntPair privateKey;

    private long firstPrime;
    private long secondPrime;
    private long n, phi, e, d;

    public Communicator() {
        setPrimes(0, 0);

    public Communicator(long firstPrime, long secondPrime)

        setPrimes(firstPrime, secondPrime);

    public Communicator(String name, String ip) {
        super(name, ip);
        setPrimes(0, 0);

    public Communicator(String name, String ip, long firstPrime, long secondPrime) {
        super(name, ip);
        setPrimes(firstPrime, secondPrime);

    public boolean setPrimes(long first, long second)

        boolean isValid = false;
        if (first != second && EncryptionSupport.isPrime(firstPrime) && EncryptionSupport.isPrime(secondPrime)
                & firstPrime <= MAX_PQ && secondPrime <= MAX_PQ)

            firstPrime = first;
            secondPrime = second;
            if (computeBothEncrKeys()) {
                isValid = true;
        if (isValid)

            return true;
set all numeric to ERROR_FLAG_NUM
        n = ERROR_FLAG_NUM;
        phi = ERROR_FLAG_NUM;
        e = ERROR_FLAG_NUM;
        d = ERROR_FLAG_NUM;
        publicKey = new IntPair(ERROR_FLAG_NUM, ERROR_FLAG_NUM);
        privateKey = new IntPair(ERROR_FLAG_NUM, ERROR_FLAG_NUM);
        return false;

    public String toString()

        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                "\n(p, q) n, phi, e, d: (" + firstPrime + ", " + secondPrime + ")" + " " + n + ", " + phi + ", " + e + ", " + d);
        result.append("\npublic key" + publicKey);
        result.append("\nprivate key" + privateKey);

        return result.toString();

    public IntPair getPublicKey()

        return publicKey;

    public IntPair getPrivateKey()

        return privateKey;

    private boolean computeBothEncrKeys()

        if (firstPrime != ERROR_FLAG_NUM && secondPrime != ERROR_FLAG_NUM)

            n = firstPrime * secondPrime;
            phi = (firstPrime - 1) * (secondPrime - 1);
            e = EncryptionSupport.getSmallRandomPrime();
            d = EncryptionSupport.inverseModN(e, n);
            publicKey = new IntPair(e, n);
            privateKey = new IntPair(d, n);
            return true;
        return false;

import java.util.Random;

class EncryptionSupport
    static private Random randObject = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

    public static boolean isPrime(long x)
        long k, loopLim;

        if (x < 2)
            return false;
        if (x < 4)
            return true;
        if (x % 2 == 0 || x % 3 == 0)
            return false;

        // now use the fact the all primes of form 6k +/- 1
        loopLim = (long)Math.sqrt(x);
        for (k = 5; k <= loopLim; k += 6)
            if (x % k == 0 || x % (k + 2) == 0)
                return false;
        return true;

    public static long inverseModN(long a, long n)
        // uses extended euclidean algorithm giving as + nt = gcd(n, a),
        // with gcd(n, a) = 1, and s, t discovered. s = 1/a, and t ignored

        long s, t, r, sPrev, tPrev, rPrev, temp, q, inverse;

        // special key encryption conditions; we will pick some prime e >= 3 for a
        if (a < 3 || a >= n || !isPrime(a))
            return 0; // error

        // we are now guaranteed 3 <= a < n and gcd(a, n) = 1;

        // initialize working variables
        s = 0;         t = 1;         r = n;
        sPrev = 1;    tPrev = 0;    rPrev = a;

        while (r != 0)
            q = rPrev / r;

            temp = r;
            r = rPrev - q * r;
            rPrev = temp;

            temp = s;
            s = sPrev - q * s;
            sPrev = temp;

            temp = t;
            t = tPrev - q * t;
            tPrev = temp;

        inverse = sPrev % n;
        if (inverse < 0)
            inverse += n;
        return inverse;

    public static long getSmallRandomPrime()
        int index;
        long lowPrimes[] =
                        19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67,
                        71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113,
                        127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173,
                        179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229,
                        233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281,
                        283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349,
                        353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409,
                        419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463,
                        467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541
        long arraySize = lowPrimes.length;

        // pick prime in the above array bet 0 and arraySize - 1
        index = (int)( randObject.nextDouble() * arraySize );

        return lowPrimes[index];

    public static long getMedSizedRandomPrime()
        int index;
        long medPrimes[] =
                        541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607,
                        613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677,
                        683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761,
                        769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853,
                        857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937,
                        941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997, 1009, 1013, 1019,
                        1021, 1031, 1033, 1039, 1049, 1051, 1061, 1063, 1069, 1087,
                        1091, 1093, 1097, 1103, 1109, 1117, 1123, 1129, 1151, 1153,
                        1163, 1171, 1181, 1187, 1193, 1201, 1213, 1217, 1223,
        long arraySize = medPrimes.length;

        // pick prime in the above array bet 0 and arraySize - 1
        index = (int)(randObject.nextDouble() * arraySize );

        return medPrimes[index];

public class InternetUser
    public final static int MIN_NAME_LENGTH = 2;
    public final static int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 50;
    public final static int MIN_IP_LENGTH = 7;
    public final static int MAX_IP_LENGTH = 15;
    public final static String DEFAULT_IP = "";
    public final static String DEFAULT_NAME = "(undefined)";
    private String name;
    private String ip;

    InternetUser(String userName, String ipAddress)
        if (validateName(userName))
   = userName;
        } else
   = "bad";
        if (validateIp(ipAddress))
            this.ip = ipAddress;
        } else
            this.ip = DEFAULT_IP;

        this.ip = DEFAULT_IP;

public String getName()
return name;

public String getIp()
return ip;

    public void setName(String name)
        if (validateName(name))
   = name;
        } else
   = "bad";

    public void setIp(String ip)
        if (validateIp(ip))
            this.ip = ip;
        } else
            this.ip = DEFAULT_IP;
        this.ip = ip;

    public String toString()
        String output;
        output = "Name: " + name + "\n" + "IP Aaddr: " + ip + "\n";
        return output;

    private static boolean validateName(String n)
        if (n.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH || n.length() < MIN_NAME_LENGTH)
            return false;
        return true;

    private static boolean validateIp(String ipA)
        if (ipA.length() > MAX_IP_LENGTH || ipA.length() < MIN_IP_LENGTH)
            return false;
        return true;

class IntPair
    public long firstInt;
    public long secondInt;

        firstInt = secondInt = 0;

    IntPair(long frst, long scnd)
        firstInt = frst;
        secondInt = scnd;

    public String toString()
        return "(" + firstInt + ", " + secondInt + ")";

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