
For your Project, you will develop a simple battleship game. Battleship is a guessing game for...

For your Project, you will develop a simple battleship game. Battleship is a guessing game for two players. It is played on four grids. Two grids (one for each player) are used to mark each players' fleets of ships (including battleships). The locations of the fleet (these first two grids) are concealed from the other player so that they do not know the locations of the opponent’s ships. Players alternate turns by ‘firing torpedoes’ at the other player's ships. The objective of the game is to destroy the opposing player's entire fleet. In our game, ‘firing a torpedo’ will be allowing the player to take a guess at where on the grid their opponent may have placed a ship.

In the requirements, we will set forth other simplifying rules to limit the scope of this project.


Given the requirements as a rough specification, you are to design the classes and implement the game. In our imaginary game company, the requirements below were developed by the Product Development Team and your instructor is the Product Owner. You are in full control of the choice of classes (please use classes appropriately or points will be deducted), data structures, algorithms, internal file format, detailed user interface scheme, or any other pertinent design decisions you need to make. As the Product owner, I care that it compiles and runs like it is supposed to, meets all the functionality and requirements I have set forth, and is easy to play and understand.

The Battleship game you are designing and implementing is a simplified version of the electronic Battleship game played in one player mode.

The game is played on four grids, two for each player. The grids are typically square and in our case will be 10 by 10. The individual squares in the grid are identified by the x coordinate (indicated by a letter) followed by the y coordinate (indicated by a number). The following is an example of a 5 by 4 grid with an X in the position B3.

                       A     B      C      D      E






Each player uses two grids. Each player uses one of their grids to arrange their ships and record the torpedoes fired by the opponent. On the other grid, the player records their own shots and whether they hit or missed.

Before play begins, each player secretly arranges their ships on their primary grid. Each ship occupies a certain number of consecutive squares on the grid (sizes of ships are in the following table), arranged either horizontally or vertically. The number of squares for each ship is determined by the type of the ship. The ships cannot overlap so only one ship can occupy any given square in the grid. The types and numbers of ships allowed are the same for each player.

Ship Type

Number of Grid Squares











The game is played in rounds. In each round, each player takes a turn to fire a torpedo at a target square in the opponent's grid. The opponent then indicates whether the shot was a hit (a ship occupied the square) or a miss (there was not ship in the square). If the shot is a “miss", the player marks their primary grid with a white peg (X in our game); if a "hit" they mark this on their own primary grid with a red peg (O in our game). The attacking player then indicates the hit or miss on their own "tracking" grid with the appropriate color peg (red (0) for "hit", white (X) for "miss") so that they can understand where the opponent’s ship might be.

In the board game, once all of the coordinates of a ship have been hit, the ship is sunk, and the ship's owner announces “You sunk my battleship! (Or whatever the particular ship that was destroyed). For our purposes, we will consider a battleship sunk if the opponent has a single hit. When all of one player’s ships are sunk, the other player wins the game.

For your game, you will create a one-person version of the game where ‘the computer’ will play for the second player.

At the beginning of the game, you will read a file called ship_placement.csv which contains the type of ship, the first grid square for the ship placement, and whether the ship is placed vertically or horizontally (V or H in the field). The file will be in csv format (comma separated values). This is a common format and is comma separated (instead of being on separate lines). There will be commas between the values. Blank values will just have a comma noting to go to the next field (the game input should not have blank fields so you should handle the case where a field is blank).   If you want to view the file, often this will be opened by a spreadsheet unless you specifically open it with a text editor. Do not open it with Microsoft Word, as this may change the format. The first line of a CSV file notes the data descriptions as follows:


I have provided several sample files which contain good scenarios and scenarios with placement issues that you will need to handle using exception handling. Your game should run with any of these files, but should also be able to run with any valid file in the correct format. You will need to check whether all ships were included in the input file (and appropriate action to take if not), whether all ships have been placed, whether they fit on the board in the configuration given, and whether more than one ship occupies a space (which is not allowed) when you read the input file from the user and how to recover if an error occurs.

You will then need to randomly position the computer’s ships on the grid taking into consideration the same factors as you did for the player’s input.

You will need to prompt for and allow for the user to input their next guess in the form of a letter (A through J) and a number (1 – 10) indicating where they are targeting for their torpedo and you should error check the input. In our simplified game, you will determine if the torpedo shot was a hit or a miss. If the shot was a hit, consider the ship to be sunk. You should display a hit or miss, whether the ship was sunk and which one, and display their tracking grid so they know what they have guessed and where they have made hits. The entire ship which was hit will display as sunk.

After the user takes their turn, you must have the computer randomly select a shot that they have not previously taken. Then you must display to the user what the computer guessed, whether it hit any of the player’s ships, whether a ship was sunk, and then display the player’s placement grid showing where ships are located and what has been hit.

You should continue this until someone wins or quits the game – meaning you should allow the player to gracefully quit at any turn.

At the end of the game, you should indicate the game is over and who the winner was. You should also allow the user to quit the game by entering a Q when prompted for their next guess. If a player decides to quit the game, the grid with all of their guesses and the locations of the computer’s ships should be displayed.

Overall System Design

You must have two different classes in your design.

You must use inheritance in one of the classes.

When reading from a data file, your program should test the input file to ensure that data is of valid format (basic error detection) using Exception Handling.

You should consider using the Grids from Assignment 2 to make this easier. You do not need to have 4 grids for this but if you decide to use only two grids, you need to make sure you do not show the player the computer’s ship location when you display the grid after each turn.

Each component of the overall program should be modular.

Program should be fairly fault tolerant of user input and the appropriate user prompts and on-screen directions should be displayed

Split the program into multiple files based on the roughly categorized functionality or classes.

USE c++ only need the answer quickly thank you!!

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Answer #1

using namespace std;
#include "Grid.h"
#include "WaterVehicle.h"
#include "User.h"
#include "Computer.h"

int main()

    Grid example;
    cout << "Hi! Let's play Battleship!" << endl;
    cout << "If you want to quit the game, click 1 . If you want to continute playing, click 2" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Instructions: " << endl;
    cout << "The board looks something like this: " << endl;

    int input = 1;

    User use;
    Computer compute;
    cout << "Enter a file name to place your ships and begin playing." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "The following is what your grid looks like : " << endl;
    use.getGrid().printGrid(); //prints user grid
    cout << "Computer's grid: " << endl;

    cout << endl;
    compute.getShipsInfo(); //computer generates random numbers
    cout << endl;
    Grid computerGrid = compute.getGrid();
    Grid userGrid = use.getGrid();

    do {

        cout << "It's your turn to shoot torperdo! " << endl;


        //computer shoots
        cout << "Computer has shot it's torpedo " << endl;
        if (compute.hasWon()) {
            cout << "The computer has won the game" << endl;
            input = 2;
        if (use.hasWon()) {
            cout << "You won the game! Good job! " << endl;
            input = 2;

        cout << "Do you wish to continue? Enter 1 for yes, Enter 2 for no" << endl;
        cin >> input;

        if (
            cout << "Please enter a number!\n(1 for yes, 2 for no)";
        else if (input != 1 && input != 2) {
            cout << "Input a valid number, Please." << endl;
        else if (input == 2) {
            cout << "Byeeeee! " << endl;

    } while (input == 1);
    return 0;
using namespace std;
#include "Computer.h"

Computer::Computer() {

void Computer :: getShipsInfo() //generates random nums for ships to be placed

    int x = generateRandomNumbers();
    int y = generateRandomNumbers();

    WaterVehicle sub(generateRandomOrient(), x,y, 3, 3);
    submarine = sub;
    setShips(sub, 3);

    x = generateRandomNumbers();
    y = generateRandomNumbers();

    WaterVehicle cru(generateRandomOrient(), x,y, 3, 4);
    cruiser = cru;
    setShips(cru, 4);

    x = generateRandomNumbers();
    y = generateRandomNumbers();

    WaterVehicle dest(generateRandomOrient(), x,y, 2, 5);
    destroyer = dest;
    setShips(dest, 5);

    x = generateRandomNumbers();
    y = generateRandomNumbers();

    WaterVehicle carr(generateRandomOrient(), x,y, 5, 6);
    carrier = carr;
    setShips(carr, 6);

    x = generateRandomNumbers();
    y = generateRandomNumbers();

    WaterVehicle battle(generateRandomOrient(),x,y, 4, 7);
    battleship = battle;
    setShips(battle, 7);

    cout << "Computer has placed it's ships" << endl << endl;

void Computer :: setShips(WaterVehicle& ship, int num) //checks if ships is placed, if not then genrates another random numbers
    if (!vec.setShipPosition(ship, num, ship.printShipName(num)))

void Computer :: attackShips(Grid& user) //randomly attacks ships

    int shipNum = 0;
    int randomRow = rand() % (10); //randomly chooses a row
    int randomCol = rand() % (10); //randomly chooses a column

    if (user.isHit(randomRow, randomCol)) {
        user.getVector()[randomRow][randomCol] = 1;
        cout << "Your ";
        int n = user.whichShip(randomRow, randomCol);
        hit(user, n);
        user.getVector()[randomRow][randomCol] = 2;
int Computer :: generateRandomNumbers() {
    return rand() % 10 + 1;

char Computer :: generateRandomOrient() {

    int randomOrient = rand() % 2;
    char orient;

    if (randomOrient == 0)
        orient = 'h';
        orient = 'v';
    return orient;
void Computer :: makePlacable(WaterVehicle& ship, int shipNum) {
    if (!vec.setShipPosition(ship, shipNum, ship.printShipName(shipNum))) {
        makePlacable(ship, shipNum);
//sets vector
void Computer::setVector(int x, int y, int hit)
    Grid vector = this->getGrid();
    vector.getVector()[x][y] = hit;
#ifndef Computer_h
#define Computer_h
using namespace std;
#include "Grid.h"
#include "Player.h"
#pragma once

class Computer : public Player {

    void getShipsInfo();
    void setShips(WaterVehicle&,int);
    void attackShips(Grid&);
    int generateRandomNumbers();
    char generateRandomOrient();
    void makePlacable(WaterVehicle&,int);
    void setVector(int x, int y, int hit);
using namespace std;
#include "Grid.h"

const int GRID_MAX = 10;

    vec.resize(GRID_MAX, vector < int >(GRID_MAX, 0));//creates grid with 0's in it

void Grid::printGrid() //prints grid
    cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   |" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < GRID_MAX; i++) { //goes through rows
        if (i + 1 == 10)
            cout << i + 1 << " ";
            cout << i + 1 << "   ";
        for (int j = 0; j < GRID_MAX; j++) { //goes through columns

            if (vec[i][j] == 0)
                cout << " " << "   "; //prints the number in this position
            if (vec[i][j] == 1)
                cout << "X " << " ";
            if (vec[i][j] == 2)
                cout << "O " << " ";
            if (vec[i][j] == 3)
                cout << "S " << " ";
            if (vec[i][j] == 4)
                cout << "C " << " ";
            if (vec[i][j] == 5)
                cout << "D " << " ";
            if (vec[i][j] == 6)
                cout << "K " << " ";
            if (vec[i][j] == 7)
                cout << "B " << " ";

        cout << "|" << endl;
    cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;

bool Grid :: setShipPosition(WaterVehicle& ship, int shipNum, string name)//sees if ships are placable

    bool isPlaced = false;
    bool enter = false;
    int shipLength = ship.getShipLength();
    int x = ship.getX()-1;
    int y = ship.getY()-1;
    int endX = x + shipLength;//end of ship
    int endY = y + shipLength;

    if (endX <= 10 && endY <= 10)

        if (ship.getOrientation() == 'h' || ship.getOrientation() == 'H')

            if (isPlacable(ship, x, y, shipNum))

                while (shipLength > 0)
                    vec[x][y] = shipNum;
                isPlaced = true;


        else if (ship.getOrientation() == 'v' || ship.getOrientation() == 'V')

            if (isPlacable(ship, x, y, shipNum))

                while (shipLength > 0)
                    vec[x][y] = shipNum; //places it with the ship number
                isPlaced = true;
    return isPlaced;

bool Grid :: isPlacable(WaterVehicle& object, int x, int y, int shipNum)

    bool canPlace = false; //checks if another ship is present

    if (object.getOrientation() == 'h' || object.getOrientation() == 'H')

        for (int i = 0; i < object.getShipLength(); i++)

            if (x >= 0 && x < 10 && y >= 0 && y < 10) {

                if (vec[x][y] != 0)
                    canPlace = false;
                    return canPlace;
                else {
                    canPlace = true;
    else if (object.getOrientation() == 'v' || object.getOrientation() == 'V')
        for (int i = 0; i < object.getShipLength(); i++)
            if (x >= 0 && x <= 9 && y >= 0 && y <= 9) {
                if (vec[x][y] != 0)
                    canPlace = false;
                    return canPlace;
                    canPlace = true;
    return canPlace;

bool Grid :: isHit(int x, int y) {

    if (vec[x][y] != 0 && vec[x][y] != 1 && vec[x][y] != 2)
        return true;
        vec[x][y] = 2;// 2 is put in that position if its is a miss
        return false;

int Grid :: whichShip(int x, int y)//returns number of ship

    int shipNum = 0 ;

    shipNum = vec[x][y];
    vec[x][y] = 1;

    return shipNum;

void Grid :: printUserHitsOnGrid(Grid& computer) ///prints where the user has hit and missed
    vector> printVec = computer.getVector();
    cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   |" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < GRID_MAX; i++) { //goes through rows
        if (i + 1 == 10)
            cout << i + 1 << " ";
            cout << i + 1 << "   ";
        for (int j = 0; j < GRID_MAX; j++) { //goes through columns

            if (printVec[i][j] == 0)
                cout << " " << "   "; //prints the number in this position
            if (printVec[i][j] == 1)
                cout << "X " << " ";
            if (printVec[i][j] == 2)
                cout << "O " << " ";
            if (printVec[i][j] == 3)
                cout << " " << " ";
            if (printVec[i][j] == 4)
                cout << " " << " ";
            if (printVec[i][j] == 5)
                cout << " " << " ";
            if (printVec[i][j] == 6)
                cout << " " << " ";
            if (printVec[i][j] == 7)
                cout << " " << " ";

        cout << endl;
    cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;

#ifndef GRID_H
#define GRID_H
using namespace std;

#include "WaterVehicle.h"

class Grid
    vector> vec;



    void printGrid();//prints grid
    int shootTorpedoRandomly(vector>&);//randomly shoots torperdos, returns ship num; used for computer
    bool setShipPosition(WaterVehicle&, int, string);//sets ships and return true if it's set
    bool isPlacable(WaterVehicle&, int, int, int);//checks if ship is placable
    bool isHit(int, int);
    int whichShip(int, int);
    void printUserHitsOnGrid(Grid&);
    vector>& getVector() { return vec; }
#include "Player.h"
#include "Grid.h"
using namespace std;

Grid& Player::getGrid() {
    return vec;

void Player :: hit(Grid& grid, int n) //checks which ship has been hit and writes the name of that ship
    if (n == 3) {
        cout << "submarine" << endl;
    else if (n == 4) {
        cout << "cruiser ";
    else if (n == 5) {
        cout << "destroyer ";
    else if (n == 6) {
        cout << "carrier ";
    else if (n == 7) {
        cout << "battleship ";
    else {
        cout << "One of your ships ";
    cout << "has been hit." << endl;


bool Player:: hasWon() { //is supposed to check if the player won the game

    if (submarine.getHits() == submarine.getShipLength() && cruiser.getHits() == cruiser.getShipLength() &&
        destroyer.getHits() == destroyer.getShipLength() && carrier.getHits() == carrier.getShipLength() &&
        battleship.getHits() == battleship.getShipLength()) {
        return true;
        return false;

void Player::setVector(int x, int y, int hit) //sets vector position to 1 if its a miss
    Grid vector = this->getGrid();
    vector.getVector()[x][y] = hit;
#ifndef Player_h
#define Player_h
using namespace std;
#include "Grid.h"
#include "WaterVehicle.h"

class Player {

    Grid vec;
    WaterVehicle submarine;
    WaterVehicle cruiser;
    WaterVehicle destroyer;
    WaterVehicle carrier;
    WaterVehicle battleship;


    Grid& getGrid();
    void hit(Grid& grid, int n);
    bool hasWon();

    virtual void getShipsInfo() = 0;//gets information for ships
    virtual void setShips(WaterVehicle&, int) = 0;//sets ships on grid for player
    virtual void attackShips(Grid&) = 0;//attacks ships
    void setVector(int x, int y, int hit);//sets vector at position x and y to 1(hit)


using namespace std;
#include "User.h"

User::User() {


//get information from the user
void User::getShipsInfo() {

    string fileName;
    ifstream infile;
    string ship, position, orient;
    int row, column;
    char charOrient;
    getline(cin, fileName);;

    if (!infile)
        cout << "File not found. Try entering again: " << endl;
    {   //Reads unnecessary headers
        getline(infile, ship, ',');
        getline(infile, ship, ',');
        getline(infile, ship);
        cout << endl << endl;
        while (!infile.eof()) {

            getline(infile, ship, ',');
            getline(infile, position, ',');
            getline(infile, orient);

            for (int i = 0; i < ship.length(); i++)
                ship[i] = tolower(ship[i]);

            if (ship == "submarine")
                getShipInfoHelper(infile, position, orient, charOrient, row, column); //calls this to get information from file
                WaterVehicle sub(charOrient, row, column+1, 3, 3);
                submarine = sub;
                setShips(sub, 3);

            if (ship == "cruiser")
                getShipInfoHelper(infile, position, orient, charOrient, row, column);
                WaterVehicle cruis(charOrient, row, column+1, 3, 4);
                cruiser = cruis;
                setShips(cruis, 4);
            if (ship == "destroyer")
                getShipInfoHelper(infile, position, orient, charOrient, row, column);
                WaterVehicle dest(charOrient, row, column+1, 2, 5);
                destroyer = dest;
                setShips(dest, 5);
            if (ship == "carrier")
                getShipInfoHelper(infile, position, orient, charOrient, row, column);
                WaterVehicle carr(charOrient, row, column+1, 5, 6);
                carrier = carr;
                setShips(carr, 6);
            if (ship == "battleship")
                getShipInfoHelper(infile, position, orient, charOrient, row, column);
                WaterVehicle battle(charOrient, row, column+1, 4, 7);
                battleship = battle;
                setShips(battle, 7);



//This sets the ship
void User :: setShips(WaterVehicle& ship, int shipNum) {

    if (vec.setShipPosition(ship, shipNum, ship.printShipName(shipNum))) { //checks if it's placable on grid

        cout << ship.printShipName(shipNum) << " has been placed on the grid" << endl;
    else {
        cout << ship.printShipName(shipNum) << " cannot be placed" << endl;
void User :: attackShips(Grid& computer) { //allows user to attack

    bool isValid = true; //checks if inputs are valid
    char col;
    int row, column;

    cout << "Enter the letter of the column you want to shoot: " << endl;
    cin >> col;

    cout << "Enter the number of the row that you want to shoot: " << endl;
    cin >> row;

    column = changeCharToInt(col);
    try {
        while (row < 1 && row > 11) {
            isValid = false;
            cout << "Row is invalid. It is not a number between 1-10 " << endl;
            cin >> row;

        while (column == 11) {
            isValid = false;
            cout << "Column is invalid. It's not a letter between A-J." << endl;
            cin >> col;

        if (
            isValid = false;
            cout << "Please enter valid inputs\n";

        if (isValid) {
            cout << endl << endl;
            cout << "_________________________________" << endl << endl;
            cout << "An O will be printed if you miss" << endl;
            cout << "A X will be printed if you hit " << endl;
            cout << "_________________________________" << endl;

            if (computer.isHit(row - 1, column - 1)) {//checks if ship is hit
                computer.getVector()[row-1][col-1] = 1;
                cout << "Computer's ";
                int n = computer.whichShip(row - 1, column - 1);
                hit(computer, n);
    catch (const out_of_range& e) {
        cout << "cannot shoot at that spot" << endl;
void User :: getShipInfoHelper(ifstream& infile,string& position, string& orient, char& charOrient, int& row, int& column) {//this breaks down the position and direction that has been taken from file using string stream and allows to make objects

    stringstream ss;
    char letter = 'A';
    ss << position;
    ss >> letter;
    ss >> row;
    ss << position;
    column = letter - 'A';

    if (orient.size() != 0)
        charOrient = orient[0];

int User :: changeCharToInt(char letter) { //changes the columns from letters to numbers

    if (letter == 'A' || letter == 'a')
        return 1;
    if (letter == 'B' || letter == 'b')
        return 2;
    if (letter == 'C' || letter == 'c')
        return 3;
    if (letter == 'D' || letter == 'd')
        return 4;
    if (letter == 'E' || letter == 'e')
        return 5;
    if (letter == 'F' || letter == 'f')
        return 6;
    if (letter == 'G' || letter == 'g')
        return 7;
    if (letter == 'H' || letter == 'h')
        return 8;
    if (letter == 'I' || letter == 'i')
        return 9;
    if (letter == 'J' || letter == 'j')
        return 10;
        return 11;
#ifndef USER_H
#define USER_H

using namespace std;
#include "Grid.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "WaterVehicle.h"
#pragma once
class User : public Player { //inherits player class


    void getShipsInfo();
    void setShips(WaterVehicle&,int);
    void attackShips(Grid&);
    int changeCharToInt(char);
    void getShipInfoHelper(ifstream&, string&, string&, char&, int&, int&);

# endif
using namespace std;
#include "WaterVehicle.h"

WaterVehicle :: WaterVehicle() {
    hits = 0;

WaterVehicle::WaterVehicle(char orient, int _x, int _y, int _shipLength, int shipNum)
    x = _x;
    y = _y;
    orientation = orient;
    shipLength = _shipLength;
    shipNumber = shipNum;
    hits = 0;

void WaterVehicle::setOrientation(char input)
    if (input == 'H' || input == 'h')
        orientation = 'h';
    else if (input == 'V' || input == 'v')
        orientation = 'v';
        orientation = 'h';

char WaterVehicle :: getOrientation() const
    return orientation;

void WaterVehicle::increaseHits()

bool WaterVehicle::isSunk() //checks if ship is Sunk
    if (hits == shipLength)
        return true;
        return false;

int WaterVehicle :: getShipLength() const
    return shipLength;

string WaterVehicle :: printShipName(int shipNum) //returns ship name, each ship is definied by a specific num in the vector
    if (shipNum == 3)
        return "Submarine";
    if (shipNum == 4)
        return "Cruiser";
    if (shipNum == 5)
        return "Destroyer";
    if (shipNum == 6)
        return "Carrier";
    if (shipNum == 7)
        return "Battleship";

int WaterVehicle::getX()
    return x;

int WaterVehicle::getY()
    return y;

void WaterVehicle::setX(int _x)
    x = _x;

void WaterVehicle::setY(int _y)
    y = _y;
#ifndef WaterVehicle_h
#define WaterVehicle_h
using namespace std;

class WaterVehicle {

    int x, y; //starting position
    char orientation;
    int hits = 0;
    int shipLength;
    int shipNumber;


    WaterVehicle(char, int, int, int, int);

    void setOrientation(char);
    void setX(int);
    void setY(int);
    void setShipLength(int);

    int getShipLength() const;
    int getX();
    int getY();
    char getOrientation() const;
    int getNum() const { return shipLength; }
    int getHits() { return hits; }

    //other functions
    void increaseHits();
    bool isSunk();
    string printShipName(int);


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For your Project, you will develop a simple battleship game. Battleship is a guessing game for...
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