
C#: Implement a multiplayer Battleship game with AI The rules are the same as before. The...

C#: Implement a multiplayer Battleship game with AI

The rules are the same as before.

The game is played on an NxN grid.

Each player will place a specified collection of ships:

The ships will vary in length (size) from 2 to 5;

There can be any number or any size ship. There may be no ships of a particular size;

EXCEPT the battleship – which there will always be 1 and only 1.

Player order will be random but fixed at the start of the game.

Each round consists of each player making a grid selection in turn.

Each grid selection will be played into all players’ grids including the current player’s grid.

Each player will respond with HIT, MISS, or SANK {ship name}.

If a player’s battleship is sunk that player is removed from the game.

Repeat from #4 until only 1 player remains.

That player is the winner.

This is what we are looking to fix:

In GetAttackPosition(): If it runs out of spots adjacent to ‘hits’ it doesn’t guess randomly until it finds a valid spot. As such, it won’t stop avoiding its own ships after enough attempts (potential infinite loop).

In StartNewGame(): Doesn’t reset members if more than 1 game is played during runtime.

In StartNewGame(): Doesn’t place ships very intelligently. Right now it just borrows the logic from RandomPlayer.


using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    internal class DumbPlayer : IPlayer
        private static int _nextGuess = 0; //Note static - we all share the same guess

        private int _index;
        private int _gridSize;

        public DumbPlayer(string name)
            Name = name;
        public void StartNewGame(int playerIndex, int gridSize, Ships ships)
            _gridSize = gridSize;
            _index = playerIndex;

            //DumbPlayer just puts the ships in the grid one on each row
            int y = 0;
            foreach (var ship in ships._ships)
                ship.Place(new Position(0, y++), Direction.Horizontal);

        public Position GetAttackPosition()
            //A *very* naive guessing algorithm that simply starts at 0, 0 and guess each square in order
            //All 'DumbPlayers' share the counter so they won't guess the same one
            //But we don't check to make sure the square has not been guessed before
            var pos = new Position(_nextGuess % _gridSize, (_nextGuess /_gridSize));
            return pos;

        public void SetAttackResults(List<AttackResult> results)
            //DumbPlayer does nothing with these results - its going to keep making dumb guesses

        public string Name { get; }

        public int Index => _index;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    internal class GreyPlayer : IPlayer
        private List<Position> HitPositions = new List<Position>();   // stores all ‘hit’ guesses
        private List<Position> MissPositions = new List<Position>();   // stores all ‘miss’ guesses
        private List<Position> SankPositions = new List<Position>();   // stores all ‘sank’ guesses
        private int _index; // player's index in turn order
        private int _gridSize; // size of grid
        private Ships _ships; // size of grid
        private static readonly Random Random = new Random(); // used to randomize choices
        private char[] directions = { 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W' }; //represents north, east, south, west

        // Constructor:
        public GreyPlayer(string name)
            Name = name;

        // Property that returns player's name:
        public string Name { get; }

        // Propery that reutn's player's indexin turn order.
        public int Index => _index;

        // Logic to start new game
        // **** TBD ****
        // TBD: Does this properly reset if more than 1 game is played during runtime?
        // (arrays need to be reset, etc.)
        // **** TBD ****
        public void StartNewGame(int playerIndex, int gridSize, Ships ships)
            _gridSize = gridSize;
            _index = playerIndex;

            // **** TBD ****
            // TBD: Find a 'smarter' way to place ships.
            // Currently: this borrows from RandomPlayer, which just puts the ships in the grid in Random columns
            //Note it cannot deal with the case where there's not enough columns
            //for 1 per ship
            // **** TBD ****

            var availableColumns = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)

            _ships = ships;
            foreach (var ship in ships._ships)
                // Pick an open X from the remaining columns
                var x = availableColumns[Random.Next(availableColumns.Count)];
                availableColumns.Remove(x); //Make sure we can't pick it again

                // Pick a Y that fits
                var y = Random.Next(gridSize - ship.Length);
                ship.Place(new Position(x, y), Direction.Vertical);

        // Method to intelligently find best spot to atack.
        public Position GetAttackPosition()
            Position guess = null;

            // -   (1) Look at the spaces to the north, east, south, or west of each hit (reference the HitPositions array here).
            // -    (2) If the it finds a spot on the grid that doesn’t contain the AI’s own ships, it will shoot at it.
            foreach (Position position in HitPositions)
                foreach (char direction in directions)
                    guess = GetAdjacent(position, direction);
                    if (guess != null)
                if (guess != null)

            // If guess is null by now, that means nothing has been found.
            // **** TBD ****
            // -    (3) TBD: Otherwise, the AI will randomly select a space. If this space is on the grid, open, and dosn't contain the AI’s
            //          own ships, it will shoot at it.
            // -    (4) TBD: Repeat (3) X amount of times. X scales based on grid size.
            // -    (5) TBD: If still not shot has been taken, the AI will fire at any open spot at the grid, regardless of its own ships.
            // **** TBD ****
            if (guess == null)
                guess = new Position(0, 0); // ( This is a placeholder that just guesses 0, 0. )

            return guess;

        // Method to find adjacent spot to a given position, if provided the direction.
        // Returns null if the spot is somehow invalid (off the grid or has already been shot at)
        internal Position GetAdjacent(Position p, char direction)
            // initialize x & y
            int x = p.X;
            int y = p.Y;

            // shift in the desired adjacent direction
            if (direction == 'N')
            else if (direction == 'E')
            else if (direction == 'S')
            else if (direction == 'W')
                return null;

            // save result
            Position result = new Position(x, y);

            // return result if valid
            if (IsValid(result))
                return result;

            // return null otherwise
                return null;


        // This method, given a position, checks if it is a valid spot at which to fire.
        // Valid spots do not contain the player's own ships, have not already been shot at, and
        // are on the grid.
        internal bool IsValid(Position p)
            // Check to see if spot contains the AI's ship.
            foreach (Ship s in _ships._ships)
                foreach (Position ShipPosition in s.Positions)
                    if (ShipPosition.X == p.X && ShipPosition.Y == p.Y)
                        return false;

            // Check to see if spot has already been shot at
            foreach (List<Position> LoggedPositions in new[] { HitPositions, MissPositions, SankPositions })
                foreach (Position LoggedPosition in LoggedPositions)
                    if (LoggedPosition.X == p.X && LoggedPosition.Y == p.Y)
                        return false;

            // Check to see if spot is on the grid
            if (p.X < 0 || p.X >= _gridSize || p.Y < 0 || p.Y >= _gridSize)
                return false;
            // If all the checks have passed, this spot is valid.
            return true;


        // Method to log results throughout the game.
        // GreyPlayer will separately keep track of each guess that results in a hit or a miss.
        // It does not track misses, as those require no follow up.
        public void SetAttackResults(List<AttackResult> results)
            foreach (AttackResult r in results)
                if (r.ResultType == AttackResultType.Miss)
                    if (MissPositions.Contains(r.Position) == false)
                else if (r.ResultType == AttackResultType.Hit)
                    if (HitPositions.Contains(r.Position) == false)
                else if (r.ResultType == AttackResultType.Sank)
                    if (SankPositions.Contains(r.Position) == false)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    internal class RandomPlayer : IPlayer
        private static readonly List<Position> Guesses = new List<Position>();
        private int _index;
        private static readonly Random Random = new Random();
        private int _gridSize;

        public RandomPlayer(string name)
            Name = name;

        public void StartNewGame(int playerIndex, int gridSize, Ships ships)
            _gridSize = gridSize;
            _index = playerIndex;


            //Random player just puts the ships in the grid in Random columns
            //Note it cannot deal with the case where there's not enough columns
            //for 1 per ship
            var availableColumns = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)

            foreach (var ship in ships._ships)
                //Choose an X from the set of remaining columns
                var x = availableColumns[Random.Next(availableColumns.Count)];
                availableColumns.Remove(x); //Make sure we can't pick it again

                //Choose a Y based o nthe ship length and grid size so it always fits
                var y = Random.Next(gridSize - ship.Length);
                ship.Place(new Position(x, y), Direction.Vertical);

        private void GenerateGuesses()
            //We want all instances of RandomPlayer to share the same pool of guesses
            //So they don't repeat each other.

            //We need to populate the guesses list, but not for every instance - so we only do it if the set is missing some guesses
            if (Guesses.Count < _gridSize*_gridSize)
                for (int x = 0; x < _gridSize; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < _gridSize; y++)
                        Guesses.Add(new Position(x,y));

        public string Name { get; }
        public int Index => _index;

        public Position GetAttackPosition()
            //RandomPlayer just guesses random squares. Its smart in that it never repeats a move from any other random
            //player since they share the same set of guesses
            //But it doesn't take into account any other players guesses
            var guess = Guesses[Random.Next(Guesses.Count)];
            Guesses.Remove(guess); //Don't use this one again
            return guess;

        public void SetAttackResults(List<AttackResult> results)
            //Random player does nothing useful with these results, just keeps on making random guesses


using System;

namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    public class Grid
        private readonly GridEntry[,] _grid;
        private readonly int _gridSize;

        public Grid(int gridSize)
            _gridSize = gridSize;
            _grid = new GridEntry[gridSize,gridSize];
            //Fill the grid with empty entries marked as not hit
            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    _grid[x,y] = new GridEntry();

        public void Add(Ships ships)
            foreach (var ship in ships._ships)
                if (ship.Positions == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("A player has not set the ships positions");

                foreach (var pos in ship.Positions)
                    if (pos.X< 0 || pos.X >_gridSize || pos.Y <0 || pos.Y >= _gridSize)
                        throw new ArgumentException("One of the ships is outside the grid");

                    if (pos.Hit)
                        throw new ArgumentException("One of the players is adding a hit ship to the game");

                    if (_grid[pos.X, pos.Y].Ship != null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("One of the players has an overlapping ship");

                    _grid[pos.X, pos.Y].Ship = ship;

        public void Draw(int drawX, int drawY)
            for (int x = 0; x < _gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < _gridSize; y++)
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(drawX + x, drawY + y);
                    Console.ForegroundColor = (_grid[x, y].Ship == null) ? ConsoleColor.Gray : _grid[x, y].Ship.Color;
                    //Find if this segment of the ship is hit
                    Console.BackgroundColor = (_grid[x,y].Hit)? ConsoleColor.Red : ConsoleColor.Black;
                    if (_grid[x, y].Ship == null)
                        Console.Write(_grid[x, y].Ship.Character);

            //Reset colors
            Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

        public void Attack(Position pos)
            _grid[pos.X, pos.Y].Hit = true;


namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    public class GridEntry
        public bool Hit;
        public Ship Ship;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    interface IPlayer
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the players are the start of a game and returns the positions of the ships
        /// Note: This method should be used to reset any AI state. It will be called once per game and each session might be multiple games
        /// You may also use this to generate new data structures for this game. The Test harness will handle checking for hits based on your
        /// returned value so it is up to you if and how you want to store the representation of your own grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerIndex">What is the index of this player for this game - may change each game</param>
        /// <param name="gridSize">Size of the square grid - may change each game</param>
        /// <param name="ships">A list of Ships to provide positions for - may change each game. You should populate this collection with positions</param>
        void StartNewGame(int playerIndex, int gridSize, Ships ships);

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of this player - displayed in the UI
        /// </summary>
        String Name { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The index of this player - it should return the index passed into the StartNewGame
        /// </summary>
        int Index { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// This is where you put the AI that chooses which square to target
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A position with an x, y coordinate</returns>
        Position GetAttackPosition();

        /// <summary>
        /// The game will notify you of the results of each attack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="results">A collection for each player still in the game
        /// You will get the index, the attack position and the result of the attack</param>
        void SetAttackResults(List<AttackResult> results);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;

namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    internal class MultiPlayerBattleShip
        const int GridSize = 10; //Your player should work when GridSize >=7

        private static readonly Random Random = new Random();

        private readonly List<IPlayer> _players;

        private List<Grid> _playerGrids;
        private List<Ships> _playerShips;
        private List<IPlayer> currentPlayers;

        public MultiPlayerBattleShip(List<IPlayer> players)
            this._players = players;

        internal void Play(PlayMode playMode)
            currentPlayers = new List<IPlayer>();
            var availablePlayers = new List<IPlayer>(_players);
            _playerGrids = new List<Grid>();
            _playerShips = new List<Ships>();

            //Add each player in a random order
            for (int i = 0; i < _players.Count; i++)
                var player = availablePlayers[Random.Next(availablePlayers.Count)];

            //Tell each player the game is about to start
            for (int i=0; i<currentPlayers.Count; i++)
                var ships = new Ships();
                ships.Add(new AircraftCarrier());
                ships.Add(new Submarine());
                ships.Add(new Destroyer());
                ships.Add(new Destroyer());
                ships.Add(new PatrolBoat());
                ships.Add(new PatrolBoat());
                ships.Add(new PatrolBoat());
                ships.Add(new Battleship());

                var count = ships._ships.Count();
                int totalLength = ships._ships.Sum(ship => ship.Length);
                currentPlayers[i].StartNewGame(i, GridSize, ships);

                //Make sure player didn't change ships
                if (count != ships._ships.Count()
                    || totalLength != ships._ships.Sum(ship => ship.Length))
                    throw new Exception("Ship collection has ships added or removed");

                var grid = new Grid(GridSize);

            int currentPlayerIndex = 0;
            while (currentPlayers.Count > 1)
                var currentPlayer = currentPlayers[currentPlayerIndex];

                //Ask the current player for their move
                Position pos = currentPlayer.GetAttackPosition();

                //Work out if anything was hit
                var results = CheckAttack(pos);

                //Notify each player of the results
                foreach (var player in currentPlayers)


                Console.WriteLine("\nPlayer " + currentPlayer.Index + "[" + currentPlayer.Name + "] turn.");
                Console.WriteLine("    Attack: " + pos.X + "," + pos.Y);
                foreach (var result in results)
                    Console.Write("    Player " + result.PlayerIndex + " " + result.ResultType);
                    if (result.ResultType == AttackResultType.Sank)
                        Console.Write(" - " + result.SunkShip);

                //Remove any ships with sunken battleships
                //Iterate backwards so that we don't mess with the indexes
                for (int i = currentPlayers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    var player = currentPlayers[i];
                    if (_playerShips[player.Index].SunkMyBattleShip)
                        //We never want to remvoe all the players...
                        if (currentPlayers.Count == 1)

                //Move to next player wrapping around the end of the collection
                currentPlayerIndex = (currentPlayerIndex + 1)%currentPlayers.Count;


                if (playMode == PlayMode.Pause)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPress a key to continue");

            Console.WriteLine("Winner is '" + currentPlayers[0].Name + "'");


        private List<AttackResult> CheckAttack(Position pos)
            var results = new List<AttackResult>();

            foreach (var player in currentPlayers)
                var result = _playerShips[player.Index].Attack(pos);

                //Mark attacks on the grid
                foreach (var grid in _playerGrids)

                result.PlayerIndex = player.Index;
            return results;

        private void DrawGrids()
            int drawX = 0;
            int drawY = 0;

            for (int i=0; i < currentPlayers.Count; i++)
                var player = currentPlayers[i];
                var playerIndex = player.Index;

                var grid = _playerGrids[playerIndex];
                Console.SetCursorPosition(drawX, drawY);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                grid.Draw(drawX, drawY+1);

                drawX += GridSize + 4;
                if (drawX + GridSize > Console.BufferWidth)
                    drawY += GridSize + 5;
                    drawX = 0;


namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    public enum PlayMode


using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CS3110_Module_8_GroupGREY
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<IPlayer> players = new List<IPlayer>();
            players.Add(new DumbPlayer("Dumb 1"));
            players.Add(new DumbPlayer("Dumb 2"));
            players.Add(new DumbPlayer("Dumb 3"));
            players.Add(new RandomPlayer("Random 1"));
            players.Add(new RandomPlayer("Random 2"));
            players.Add(new RandomPlayer("Random 3"));
            players.Add(new RandomPlayer("Random 4"));
            players.Add(new RandomPlayer("Random 5"));
            players.Add(new GreyPlayer("Grey 1"));
            players.Add(new GreyPlayer("Grey 2"));
            players.Add(new GreyPlayer("Grey 3"));

            MultiPlayerBattleShip game = new MultiPlayerBattleShip(players);

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Answer #1

int shipCounter = 0, trend = 0;
    static Random rnd = new Random();
    bool gameOver = false, playerTurn = false;
    int[] score = { 0, 0 };

    struct gameData
        public bool occupied, hit, marked;
    gameData[,,] data;

    public void computerMove()
        Point target = seekTarget();

            if (data[1, target.X, target.Y].hit)
                data[1, target.X, target.Y].hit = true;
                if (data[1, target.X, target.Y].occupied)
                    attacking = true;

            playerTurn = true;
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
        { computerMove(); }

    public Point seekTarget()
        Point origin = new Point(-1, -1);

        //find a point that's been hit.
        int x = 0, y = 0;

        while (x < gridSize && y < gridSize)
            if (data[1, x, y].hit && data[1, x, y].occupied && !data[1, x, y].marked)
                origin = new Point(x, y);
            if (x == gridSize && y != gridSize)
                x = 0;

        return findTargets(origin);          

    public Point findTargets(Point origin)
        Point[] lim = { origin, origin, origin, origin };
        Point[] possibleTargets = { origin, origin, origin, origin };

        //Find the edges.

        while (lim[0].X >= -1 && ((!data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && !data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied) || (data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied)))
            if (lim[0].X == -1)
        while (lim[1].Y >= -1 && ((!data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && !data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied) || (data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied)))
            if (lim[1].Y == -1)
        while (lim[2].X <= gridSize && ((!data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && !data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied) || (data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied)))
            if (lim[2].X == gridSize)
        while (lim[3].Y <= gridSize && ((!data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && !data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied) || (data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].hit && data[1, lim[0].X, lim[0].Y].occupied)))
            if (lim[3].Y == gridSize)

        //Cell targeting AI

        return new Point(rnd.Next(10), rnd.Next(10));

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C#: Implement a multiplayer Battleship game with AI The rules are the same as before. The...
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    C++ Trek Wars Project: 100% code coverage unit testing is required for this project. once a ship has reached 0 health it is considered blown up -throw an exception if the move method is called on it. -repair ships cannot repair ships at 0 health There will be no chaotic corvette ships Trek Wars Purpose: classes, inheritance, class diagrams, virtual, testing Description Universal Merriment Development (UMD) is creating an online space battle game called (Trek Wars) You are tasked with...

  • This is my code for my game called Reversi, I need to you to make the...

    This is my code for my game called Reversi, I need to you to make the Tester program that will run and complete the game. Below is my code, please add comments and Javadoc. Thank you. public class Cell { // Displays 'B' for the black disk player. public static final char BLACK = 'B'; // Displays 'W' for the white disk player. public static final char WHITE = 'W'; // Displays '*' for the possible moves available. public static...

  • For a C program hangman game: Create the function int play_game [play_game ( Game *g )]...

    For a C program hangman game: Create the function int play_game [play_game ( Game *g )] for a C program hangman game. (The existing code for other functions and the program is below, along with what the function needs to do) (Also the link to program files (hangman.h and library file) is below the existing code section. You can use that to check if the code works) What int play_game needs to do mostly involves calling other functions you've already...

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