
Using GUI to ask user for an alphabet input and to graphically display the hangman. During...

Using GUI to ask user for an alphabet input and to graphically display the hangman.

During each round, the player will enter an input, and the program will display the hangman accordingly to the input.
Main method with a loop that will provide a hint and prompt the user for an input after each round.
String getWord() method returns a random word from our list to use for the game.

Void hangman(String guess) method that will receive the user input as its parameter, see if the input matches one of the alphabets in the word and then print out feedbacks.
Void hangmanImage() that will use GUI elements to display the state of the hangman.

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Answer #1

import java.awt.BorderLayout;

import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Component;

import java.awt.Container;

import java.awt.Font;

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;

import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;

import java.awt.GridBagLayout;

import java.awt.Insets;

import java.awt.RenderingHints;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.logging.Level;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

import javax.swing.Box;

import javax.swing.BoxLayout;

import javax.swing.JButton;

import javax.swing.JComponent;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

import javax.swing.Timer;

public class Hangman extends JComponent


Draw draw = null;

JButton skipButton = null;

JButton newGameButton = null;

JLabel wordArea = null;

JLabel messageArea = null;

java.util.List alphaButtonList = new ArrayList();

Iterator alphaIterator = null;

boolean reset = true;

boolean disable = false;

boolean dontWrap = false;

boolean wrap = true;

boolean headDrawn = false;

boolean bodyDrawn = false;

boolean leftArmDrawn = false;

boolean rightArmDrawn= false;

boolean leftLegDrawn = false;

boolean rightLegDrawn= false;

// Target words

String[] targetWords = {"abstract", "cemetery", "nurse", "pharmacy", "climbing"};

String losingPrefix = "Game over! Total score is ";

String win = "Total score is ";

String currentGuess;

String targetWord;

JLabel space ;


int numberWrong = 0;

int numberOfBodyParts = 6;

static int score = 0;

int next = 0;



// method: setUpNewGame()

// purpose: Sets up a new game

public void setUpNewGame() {

numberWrong = 0;

score =100;


//Enable alphabet buttons

Iterator alphaIterator = alphaButtonList.iterator();

while( alphaIterator.hasNext() ) {

( (JButton) ).setEnabled( reset );


//Disable new game button

newGameButton.setEnabled( disable );

//Color the word area


//Present the new word

double numb = Math.random();

next = (int)( numb * targetWords.length );

targetWord = targetWords[next];

//Fill the word-to-guess with ???

currentGuess = "?";

for( int i=0; i<targetWord.length()-1; i++) {

currentGuess = currentGuess.concat("?");


wordArea.setText( currentGuess );

//Nothing is drawn yet

headDrawn = false;

bodyDrawn = false;

leftArmDrawn = false;

rightArmDrawn= false;

leftLegDrawn = false;

rightLegDrawn= false;




// method: processAnswer()

// pupose: it determines if the input is correct or not

public void processAnswer(String answer) throws IOException {   

char newCharacter = answer.charAt(0);

// Look thru the target word.

// If the character matches the target, concat the new character.

// If the character doesn't match the target, concat the character

// from the current guess.

String nextGuess = "";

boolean foundAMatch = false;

for( int i=0; i<targetWord.length(); i++ ) {

char characterToMatch = targetWord.charAt(i);

if( characterToMatch == newCharacter ) {

nextGuess = nextGuess.concat( String.valueOf(newCharacter) );

foundAMatch = true;


else {

nextGuess = nextGuess.concat(String.valueOf( currentGuess.charAt(i) ));


}//for each character

currentGuess = nextGuess;

wordArea.setText( currentGuess );

if( !foundAMatch ) {


score = score-10;

switch (numberWrong){

case 1: { headDrawn = true; break; }

case 2: { bodyDrawn = true; break; }

case 3: { leftArmDrawn = true; break; }

case 4: { rightArmDrawn = true; break; }

case 5: { leftLegDrawn = true; break; }

case 6: { rightLegDrawn = true; break; }

default: System.out.println("You should be dead!");


// Repaint the gallows area JPanel



// We have a winner

if( currentGuess.equals( targetWord ) ) {

//Disable the buttons

Iterator alphaIterator = alphaButtonList.iterator();

while( alphaIterator.hasNext() ) {

( (JButton) ).setEnabled( disable );


messageArea.setText( losingPrefix + score);

skipButton.setEnabled( reset );

// newGameButton.setEnabled( reset );

Colors c = new Colors();;




// Wrong Answer

// Set out a new body part to be drawn by repaint()

// else {


// Is the game over?

if( numberWrong >= numberOfBodyParts )


//Disable the buttons

Iterator alphaIterator = alphaButtonList.iterator();

while( alphaIterator.hasNext() ) {

( (JButton) ).setEnabled( disable );


messageArea.setText( win+ score);

// newGameButton.setEnabled( reset );

Colors c = new Colors();;


skipButton.setEnabled( reset );


// }//if else


//method: createNorthPane()

//Purpose: Create the North pane of the the game

//where the word prompts will be displayed.

public Component createNorthPane() {

JPanel pane = new JPanel();

pane.setLayout( new BoxLayout( pane, BoxLayout.X_AXIS ) );

pane.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 10, 10, 10) );

pane.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue() );

wordArea = new JLabel("Press New Game");

wordArea.setFont( new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 24) );




pane.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue() );

return pane;


//method: createWestPane()

//Purpose: Create the West pane of the the game

//where the keyboard will be displayed.

public Component createWestPane() {

ActionListener alphabetButtonAction = new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {

JButton buttonPushed = (JButton)e.getSource();

buttonPushed.setEnabled( disable );

try {

processAnswer( buttonPushed.getText() );

} catch (IOException ex) {

Logger.getLogger(Hangman.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);




JPanel pane = new JPanel();


GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();

GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();

pane.setLayout( gridbag );

c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;

JButton button = new JButton( "a" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 0;

c.gridheight = 1;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "b" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 0;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "c" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 0;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "d" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 1;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "e" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 1;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "f" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 1;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "g" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 2;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "h" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 2;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "i" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 2;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "j" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 3;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "k" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 3;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "l" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 3;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "m" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 4;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "n" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 4;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "o" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 4;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "p" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 5;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "q" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 5;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "r" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 5;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "s" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 6;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "t" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 6;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "u" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 6;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "v" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 7;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "w" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 7;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "x" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 2;

c.gridy = 7;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "y" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 0;

c.gridy = 8;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

button = new JButton( "z" );

c.weightx = 0.5;

c.weighty = 0.5;

c.gridx = 1;

c.gridy = 8;

gridbag.setConstraints( button, c );

button.addActionListener( alphabetButtonAction );

pane.add( button );

alphaButtonList.add( button );

alphaIterator = alphaButtonList.iterator();

while( alphaIterator.hasNext() ) {

( (JButton) ).setEnabled( disable );


return pane;


//method: createSouthPane()

//Purpose: Create the South pane of the the game

//where the status prompts will be displayed.

public Component createSouthPane() {

JPanel pane = new JPanel();

pane.setLayout( new BoxLayout( pane, BoxLayout.X_AXIS ) );

pane.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10) );

pane.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue() );

messageArea = new JLabel("Hangman");

messageArea.setFont( new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 28) );

messageArea.setBackground( Color.lightGray );

messageArea.setForeground( );


pane.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue() );

return pane;


//method: createCenterPane()

//Purpose: Create the center pane of the the game

//where the picture prompts will be displayed.

public Component createCenterPane() {

// Pass the reference to this instance of the game so that

// the repaint() method can find out what to draw

draw = new Draw(this);

return draw;


//method: createEastPane()

//Purpose: Create the East pane of the the game

//where the buttons prompts will be displayed.

public Component createEastPane()


ActionListener controlButtonListener = new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )


JButton buttonPushed = (JButton)e.getSource();

if( buttonPushed.getText().equals("New Game") ) {





Colors c = new Colors();;





JPanel pane = new JPanel();


pane.setLayout( new BoxLayout( pane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) );

Clock clock = new Clock();

pane.add( clock.time );

pane.setVisible( true );


newGameButton = new JButton( "New Game" );

newGameButton.setFont( new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 18) );


newGameButton.setToolTipText("Press to Start Game");

newGameButton.addActionListener( controlButtonListener );

pane.add( newGameButton );

skipButton = new JButton( " skip " );

skipButton.setFont( new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 18) );


skipButton.setToolTipText("Skip and go to next Game");

skipButton.addActionListener( controlButtonListener );

pane.add( skipButton);

return pane;


//method: createComponenets()

//Purpose: Create the GUI for the game.

public Component createComponents() {

JPanel pane = new JPanel();


pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout() );

pane.add( createNorthPane(), BorderLayout.NORTH );

pane.add( createWestPane(), BorderLayout.WEST );

pane.add( createSouthPane(), BorderLayout.SOUTH );

pane.add( createCenterPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER );

pane.add( createEastPane(), BorderLayout.EAST );

return pane;



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Using GUI to ask user for an alphabet input and to graphically display the hangman. During...
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