
Q1. Write a program to simulate a grocery waiting queue. Your program should ask the user if they want to add a customer to the queue, serve the next customer in the queue, or exit. When a customer is served or added to the queue, the program should print out the name of that customer and the remaining customers in the queue.

The store has two queues: one is for normal customers, another is for VIP customers. Normal customers can only wait in the normal customers’ queue, and VIP customers can only wait in the VIP customers’ queue.

Each time a new customer comes; the user should input the customer name and whether he/she is VIP, then put the user in the corresponding queue. You should always serve VIP customers first! When add/ serve customers, you also need to print out the current customer name, and names of all customers in each queue. If you want to add one customer but the corresponding queue is full, your program should print: “Error: Normal customers queue is full” or “Error: VIP customers queue is full”. When you want to serve one customer, if both queues are empty, your program should print: “Error: Both queues are empty”. • You may restrict the capacity of each queue to 3 for testing simplicity. Each queue (normal or VIP) should be an instance of the CircularQueue class. Therefore, this class should be included in your program. Following is the output from a sample run of the program
Add, Serve, or Exit: add Enter the name of the person to add: Alice Is the customer VIP? False add Alice to the line people in the line JAlice] VIP customers queue: ]] Add, Serve, or Exit: add Enter the name of the person to add: Bob Is the customer VIP? False add Bob to the line. people in the line JAlice, Bob] VIP customers queue: ] Add, Serve, or Exit: add Enter the name of the person to add: John Is the customer VIP? False add John to the line. people in the Line: JAI1ce, Bob, JohnJ VIP customers queue: ] Add, Serve, or Exit: add Enter the name of the person to add: Mike

   Q2 The goal of this exercise is to create a doubly linked list. You have to use the file and the .The d_linked_node is ready. You need to
complete the Please note that item is the value in the d_linked_node and not the next and previous.
Methods given in the file
• search(self, item)
   – Returns true if the item is inside the list false
• index(self,item)
– Returns the index of the item or -1 if the item is not in the list
   Methods to be completed in the file
• add(self, item) – Adds a new item to the front of the list
  • remove(self,item)
   – Removes the first element that is equal to item from the list. if that doesn't exist it changes nothing
   • append(self, item)
   – Adds item to the end of the list
   • insert(self, pos, item)
   – Add item to the given postition in the list
  (i.e if pos is 0 then item goes to the beginning of the list)
   • pop1(self)
   – Removes and returns the last item in the list
   • pop(self, pos)
   – Removes and returns the item in the given postion
   • search_larger(self, item)
   – Returns the position of the first item that is larger than item, -­?1 if there is no item larger
   • get_size(self)
   – Returns the size of the list
   • get_item(self, pos)
   – Returns the item that exists at pos, Raises exception if pos doesn’t exist
– pos can be negative which means the position from the end of the list. (-­? 1 is the last item, -­?2 the second from last etc.)
   • __str__(self)
   – Returns a string that is the elements of the DLinkedList with spaces in between
   Once you have completed the method file, you can run the test function in provided in the file to determine if the methods have been implemented correctly or not.

class d_linked_node:
    def __init__(self, initData, initNext, initPrevious):
        # constructs a new node and initializes it to contain
        # the given object (initData) and links to the given next
        # and previous nodes.
        self.__data = initData
        self.__next = initNext
        self.__previous = initPrevious
        if (initPrevious != None):
            initPrevious.__next = self
        if (initNext != None):
            initNext.__previous = self
    def getData(self):
        return self.__data
    def getNext(self):
        return self.__next
    def getPrevious(self):
        return self.__previous
    def setData(self, newData):
        self.__data = newData
    def setNext(self, newNext):
        self.__next= newNext
    def setPrevious(self, newPrevious):
        self.__previous= newPrevious

from d_linked_node import d_linked_node

class d_linked_list:
    def __init__(self):

    def search(self, item):
        current = self.__head
        found = False
        while current != None and not found:
            if current.getData() == item:
                found= True
                current = current.getNext()
        return found
    def index(self, item):
        current = self.__head
        found = False
        index = 0
        while current != None and not found:
            if current.getData() == item:
                found= True
                current = current.getNext()
                index = index + 1
        if not found:
                index = -1
        return index       
    def add(self, item):
        # TODO:
    def remove(self, item):
        # TODO:
    def append(self, item):
        # TODO:
    def insert(self, pos, item):
        # TODO:
    def pop1(self):
        # TODO:
    def pop(self, pos):
        # TODO:
    def search_larger(self, item):
        # TODO:
    def get_size(self):
        # TODO:   
    def get_item(self, pos):
        # TODO:  
    def __str__(self):
        # TODO:  

def test():
    linked_list = d_linked_list()
    is_pass = (linked_list.get_size() == 0)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (str(linked_list) == "Hello World")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (linked_list.get_size() == 2)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (linked_list.get_item(0) == "Hello")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (linked_list.get_item(1) == "World")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"   
    is_pass = (linked_list.get_item(0) == "Hello" and linked_list.get_size() == 2)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (linked_list.pop(1) == "World")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"    
    is_pass = (linked_list.pop1() == "Hello")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"    
    is_pass = (linked_list.get_size() == 0)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    int_list2 = d_linked_list()
    for i in range(0, 10):
    is_pass = (str(int_list2) == "9 8 7 6 5 4")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    for i in range(11, 13):
    is_pass = (str(int_list2) == "9 8 7 6 5 4 11 12")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    for i in range(21, 23):
    is_pass = (str(int_list2) == "22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 11 12")
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (int_list2.get_size() == 10)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"   
    int_list = d_linked_list()
    is_pass = (int_list.get_size() == 0)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    for i in range(0, 1000):
    correctOrder = True
    is_pass = (int_list.get_size() == 1000)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"           
    for i in range(0, 200):
        if int_list.pop1() != 999 - i:
            correctOrder = False
    is_pass = correctOrder
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (int_list.search_larger(200) == 201)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (int_list.search_larger(800) == 7)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (int_list.get_item(-1) == 799)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    is_pass = (int_list.get_item(-4) == 796)
    assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"
    if is_pass == True:
        print ("=========== Congratulations! Your have finished exercise 1! ============")
if __name__ == '__main__':

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Answer #1

Solving Q.2 . Please post Q.1 Saperatly

class d_linked_node:


               def __init__(self, initData, initNext, initPrevious):

                              # constructs a new node and initializes it to contain

        # the given object (initData) and links to the given next

        # and previous nodes.

                              self.__data = initData

                              self.__next = initNext

                              self.__previous = initPrevious

                              if (initPrevious != None):

                                             initPrevious.__next = self

                              if (initNext != None):

                                             initNext.__previous = self


               def getData(self):

                              return self.__data


               def getNext(self):

                              return self.__next


               def getPrevious(self):

                              return self.__previous


               def setData(self, newData):

                              self.__data = newData


               def setNext(self, newNext):

                              self.__next= newNext


               def setPrevious(self, newPrevious):

                              self.__previous= newPrevious

# end of d_linked_node

from d_linked_node import d_linked_node

class d_linked_list:


               def __init__(self):




               def search(self, item):

                              current = self.__head

                              found = False

                              while current != None and not found:

                                             if current.getData() == item:

                                                            found= True


                                                            current = current.getNext()

                              return found

               def index(self, item):

                              current = self.__head

                              found = False

                              index = 0

                              while current != None and not found:

                                             if current.getData() == item:

                                                            found= True


                                                            current = current.getNext()

                                                            index = index + 1

                              if not found:

                                             index = -1

                              return index   

               def add(self, item):

        # adds an item to list at the beginning

                              temp = d_linked_node(item, self.__head, None)

                              if self.__head != None:




                              self.__head = temp

                              self.__size += 1


               def remove(self, item):

        # search for the item and remove it

        # the method assumes the item exists

                              current = self.__head


                              found = False

                              while not found:

                                             if current.getData() == item:

                                                            found = True


                                                            previous = current

                                                            current = current.getNext()

                              if previous == None:

                                             self.__head = current.getNext()



                              if (current.getNext() != None):




                              self.__size -= 1

               def append(self, item):

        # adds the item to the end of the list

        # must traverse the list to the end and add item

                              temp = d_linked_node(item, None, None)

                              if (self.__head == None):






                              self.__size +=1


               def insert(self, pos, item):

                              # insert an element in index pos

                              current = self.__head

                              temp = d_linked_node(item, None, None)

                              index = 0


                              while current != None:

                                             if index == pos:


                                                            if(current.getPrevious() != None):





                                                                           self.__size = self.__size + 1





                                             index = index + 1                             

                                             current = current.getNext()

                              if index == pos:


                                             self.__size = self.__size + 1



               def pop1(self):

                              # pop the last element from the list

                              if(self.get_size() == 0):

                                             return None

                              if(self.get_size() == 1):

                                             element = self.__head.getData()

                                             self.__head = self.__tail = None

                                             self.__size = self.__size - 1

                                             return element

                              temp = self.__head

                              while(temp.getNext() != None):  

                                             temp = temp.getNext()


                              element = temp.getData()


                              self.__tail = temp.getPrevious()  

                              self.__size = self.__size - 1

                              return element

               def pop(self, pos):

                              # pop the element at pos

                              current = self.__head

                              index = 0

                              found = False

                              if pos == 0:

                                             return pop1()

                              while current != None and not found:      

                                             if index == pos:

                                                            element = current.getData()


                                                            if current.getNext() != None:


                                                            self.__size = self.__size - 1           

                                                            return element

                                             current = current.getNext()

                                             index = index + 1

                              return None

               def search_larger(self, item):

               # search and return the first item larger than the input item

                              current = self.__head

                              index = 0

                              while current != None:

                                             if current.getData() > item:

                                                            return index

                                             current = current.getNext()

                                             index = index + 1

                              return None


               def get_size(self):

               # return the size of the lined list  

                              return self.__size


               def get_item(self, pos):

               # get the item at pos


                              if pos >= 0:

                                             index = 0

                                             current = self.__head

                                             while current != None:

                                                            if index == pos:

                                                                           return current.getData()

                                                            current = current.getNext()

                                                            index = index + 1


                                             index = -1

                                             current = self.__tail

                                             while current != None:

                                                            if index == pos:

                                                                           return current.getData()

                                                            current = current.getPrevious()

                                                            index = index - 1

                              return None


               def __str__(self):

               # return string representation of linked list

                              if(self.get_size() == 0):

                                             return "Empty list"

                              current = self.__head

                              nodeList = ""

                              while(current.getNext() != None):

                                             nodeList = nodeList + str(current.getData())+" "

                                             current = current.getNext()

                              nodeList = nodeList + str(current.getData())

                              return nodeList




def test():

               linked_list = d_linked_list()

               is_pass = (linked_list.get_size() == 0)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"





               is_pass = (str(linked_list) == "Hello World")


               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               is_pass = (linked_list.get_size() == 2)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"

               is_pass = (linked_list.get_item(0) == "Hello")

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"

               is_pass = (linked_list.get_item(1) == "World")


               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"   

               is_pass = (linked_list.get_item(0) == "Hello" and linked_list.get_size() == 2)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               is_pass = (linked_list.pop(1) == "World")

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"    


               is_pass = (linked_list.pop1() == "Hello")

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"    


               is_pass = (linked_list.get_size() == 0)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               int_list2 = d_linked_list()


               for i in range(0, 10):






               is_pass = (str(int_list2) == "9 8 7 6 5 4")

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"

               for i in range(11, 13):


               is_pass = (str(int_list2) == "9 8 7 6 5 4 11 12")

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               for i in range(21, 23):


               is_pass = (str(int_list2) == "22 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 11 12")

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               is_pass = (int_list2.get_size() == 10)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"   


               int_list = d_linked_list()


               is_pass = (int_list.get_size() == 0)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               for i in range(0, 1000):


               correctOrder = True


               is_pass = (int_list.get_size() == 1000)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"           



               for i in range(0, 200):

                              if int_list.pop1() != 999 - i:

                                             correctOrder = False


               is_pass = correctOrder

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               is_pass = (int_list.search_larger(200) == 201)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"




               is_pass = (int_list.search_larger(800) == 7)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               is_pass = (int_list.get_item(-1) == 799)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               is_pass = (int_list.get_item(-4) == 796)

               assert is_pass == True, "fail the test"


               if is_pass == True:

                              print ("=========== Congratulations! Your have finished exercise 1! ============")

if __name__ == '__main__' :



# end of d_linked_list

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Q1. Write a program to simulate a grocery waiting queue. Your program should ask the user...
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