
using C++ // the Deck of the Card is for Go fish Card game Specification for...

using C++ // the Deck of the Card is for Go fish Card game

Specification for building your Deck

For this part of your card game you will need to create a specification for your card deck.

This specification will include functions for populating cards to your deck and shuffling the deck (randomizing the order of the cards).

For the specification I do expect a list of each operation with preconditions and postconditions

You must implement the code for your deck. This implementation will require a test menu that can be easily used to demonstrate and test the functionality thus far.

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Answer #1

#include <time.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

// Defines string for card color and value
const std::string cardColor = "CDHS", cardValue = "A23456789TJQK";
// Initializes card in hand and draw cards
const int cardsInHand = 9, drawCards = 3;

// Defines class MyCard
class MyCard
char suit, value;
// Overrides << operator
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& ostr, const MyCard &c )
ostr << cardValue[c.value] << cardColor[c.suit];
return ostr;
}// End of function

// Function to return true if value of the card is greater than -1
// otherwise returns false
bool isValid()
return value > -1;
}// End of function

// Function to set color and card value
void set(char color, char val)
suit = color;
value = val;
}// End of function

// Function to return card value
char getRank()
return cardValue[value];
}// End of function

// Function to compare card value with parameter card value
// Returns true if matches otherwise returns false
bool operator == ( const char other )
return cardValue[value] == other ;
}// End of function

// Function to override < operator
// Returns true if parameter card object suit is equals or less than the card suit
// Otherwise return false
bool operator < ( const MyCard &currentCard )
if( value == currentCard.value )
return suit < currentCard.suit;
value < currentCard.value;
}// End of function
};// End of class MyCard

// Creates a class MyDeck
class MyDeck
// Declares a pointer type object of MyDeck
static MyDeck* currentDeck;
// Declares a vector of MyCard
std::vector<MyCard> myCards;

// Function to return an instance of MyDeck
static MyDeck* createDeck()
if( !currentDeck)
currentDeck = new MyDeck();
return currentDeck;
}// End of function

// Function to destroy a deck
void destroyDeck()
delete currentDeck;
currentDeck = 0;
}// End of function

// Function to return MyCard object
MyCard drawDeck()
MyCard currentCard;
if( myCards.size() > 0 )
currentCard = myCards.back();
return currentCard;
}// End of if condition
currentCard.set( -1, -1 );
return currentCard;
}// End of function
// Default constructor
}// End of constructor

// Function to create a new deck
void newDeck()
MyCard currentCard;
// Loops 4 times for suit
for(char su = 0; su < 4; su++ )
// Loops 13 times for card values
for( char va = 0; va < 13; va++ )
currentCard.set( su, va );
myCards.push_back( currentCard );
}// End of inner for loop
}// End of outer for loop
random_shuffle( myCards.begin(), myCards.end() );
random_shuffle( myCards.begin(), myCards.end() );
}// End of function
};// End of class MyDeck

// Defines a class Player
class Player
std::string name;
std::vector<MyCard> cardHand;
std::vector<char> books;
// Parameterized constructor to assign name
Player( std::string nm ) : name( nm )
// Loops till number of cards in hand
for(int counter = 0; counter < cardsInHand; counter++ )
cardHand.push_back( MyDeck::createDeck()->drawDeck() );
sort( cardHand.begin(), cardHand.end() );
}// End of constructor

// Function to display cards in hand
void displayCardsInHand()
for( std::vector<MyCard>::iterator itr = cardHand.begin(); itr != cardHand.end(); itr++ )
std::cout << ( *itr ) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
}// End of function

// Function add a card and return true if card is not in hand
// otherwise returns false
bool addCard( MyCard currentCard)
cardHand.push_back( currentCard );
return checkForBook();
}// End of function

// Function to return player name
std::string getName()
return name;
}// End of function

// Function to return true if card is in hand otherwise returns false
bool holds( char ch )
return( cardHand.end() != find( cardHand.begin(), cardHand.end(), ch ) );
}// End of function

// Function to pick a card and returns MyCard object
MyCard pickCard( char cg )
std::vector<MyCard>::iterator itr = find( cardHand.begin(), cardHand.end(), cg );
std::swap( ( *itr ), cardHand.back() );
MyCard tempCard = cardHand.back();
sort( cardHand.begin(), cardHand.end() );
return tempCard;
}// End of function

// Returns size
size_t getBooksCount()
return books.size();
}// End of function

// Function to display books
void listBooks()
for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = books.begin(); it != books.end(); it++ )
std::cout << ( *it ) << "'s ";
std::cout << "\n";
}// End of function

// Function to return if card book is possible otherwise returns false
bool checkForBook()
bool retStatus = false;
std::map<char, int> countMap;
for( std::vector<MyCard>::iterator itr = cardHand.begin(); itr != cardHand.end(); itr++ )
countMap[( *itr ).getRank()]++;
for( std::map<char, int>::iterator itr = countMap.begin(); itr != countMap.end(); itr++ )
if( ( *itr ).second == 4 )
pickCard( ( *itr ).first );
} while( holds( ( *itr ).first ) ); // End of do - while loop

books.push_back( ( *itr ).first );

( *itr ).second = 0;
retStatus = true;
}// End of for loop
sort( cardHand.begin(), cardHand.end() );
return retStatus;
}// End of function

// Function to return if card is available otherwise returns false
bool hasCards()
if( cardHand.size() < 1 )
MyCard currentCard;
for( int counter = 0; counter < drawCards; counter++ )
currentCard = MyDeck::createDeck()->drawDeck();
if( currentCard.isValid() )
addCard( currentCard );
}// End of if condition
return( cardHand.size() > 0 );
}// End of function
};// End of class Player

// Creates a class Computer derived from Player class
class Computer : public Player
std::vector<char> askedCard;
char nextToAskCard, lastAskedCard;
int askedIndex;
// Parameterized constructor to set player name and index
Computer( std::string na ) : Player( na ), askedIndex( -1 ), lastAskedCard( 0 ), nextToAskCard( -1 ) { }
void rememberCard( char ch )
if( askedCard.end() != find( askedCard.begin(), askedCard.end(), ch ) || !askedCard.size() )
askedCard.push_back( ch );
}// End of function

// Function to make a move for computer
char makeMove()
if( askedIndex < 0 || askedIndex >= static_cast<int>( cardHand.size() ) )
askedIndex = rand() % static_cast<int>( cardHand.size() );
}// End of if condition

char ch;
if( nextToAskCard > -1 )
ch = nextToAskCard;
nextToAskCard = -1;
}// End of if condition
while( cardHand[askedIndex].getRank() == lastAskedCard )
if( ++askedIndex == cardHand.size() )
askedIndex = 0;
}// End of if condition
}// End of while loop
ch = cardHand[askedIndex].getRank();
if( rand() % 100 > 25 && askedCard.size() )
for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = askedCard.begin(); it != askedCard.end(); it++ )
if( holds( *it ) )
ch = ( *it );
}// End of inner if condition
}// End of for loop
}// End of if condition
}// End of else
lastAskedCard = ch;
return ch;
}// End of function

// Function to clear cards for computer
void clearMemory( char ch )
std::vector<char>::iterator it = find( askedCard.begin(), askedCard.end(), ch );
if( askedCard.end() != it )
std::swap( ( *it ), askedCard.back() );
}// End of if condition
}// End of function

// Function to pick a card for computer
bool addCard( MyCard currentCard )
if( !holds( currentCard.getRank() ) )
nextToAskCard = currentCard.getRank();
Player::addCard( currentCard );
}// End of function
};// End of class Computer

// Defines a class GoFish
class GoFish
Player *player;
Computer *computer;
bool playerStatus;
// Default constructor
playerStatus = true;
std::string name;
std::cout << "Hi there, enter your name: ";
std::cin >> name;
player = new Player( name );
computer = new Computer("Computer");
}// End of constructor

// Destructor
if( player )
delete player;
if( computer )
delete computer;
}// End of destructor

// Function to play the game
void startGame()
while( true )
if( process( getCard() ) )
}// End of while loop
std::cout << "\n\n";
if( player->getBooksCount() > computer->getBooksCount() )
std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! CONGRATULATIONS !!! ***\n\n\n";

std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! YOU LOSE - HA HA HA !!! ***\n\n\n";
}// End of function
// Function to show the books for the player
void showBooks()
if( player->getBooksCount() > 0 )
std::cout << "\nYour Book(s): ";
}// End of if condition
if( computer->getBooksCount() > 0 )
std::cout << "\nMy Book(s): ";
}// End of if condition
}// End of function

// Function to display player cards
void showPlayerCards()
std::cout << "\n\n" << player->getName()<< ", these are your cards:\n";
}// End of function

// Function to accept a card for the player and returns it
char getCard()
char ch;
if( playerStatus )
if( !player->hasCards() )
return -1;
std::string w;
while( true )
std::cout << "\nWhat card(rank) do you want? ";
std::cin >> w;
ch = toupper( w[0] );
if( player->holds( ch ) ) break;
std::cout << player->getName()<< ", Can't ask for a card which you don't have!\n\n";
}// End of while loop
}// End of if condition
if( !computer->hasCards() )
return -1;
ch = computer->makeMove();
std::string r;
std::cout << "\nDo you have any " << ch << "'s? (Y)es / (G)o Fish ";
std::getline( std::cin, r );
r = toupper( r[0] );
while( r[0] != 'Y' && r[0] != 'G' );
bool hasIt = player->holds( ch );
if( hasIt && r[0] == 'G' )
std::cout << "Don't try to cheat me?\n";
if( !hasIt && r[0] == 'Y' )
std::cout << "No, you don't have it!!!\n";
}// End of else
return ch;
}// End of function

// Function to process the card
bool process( char ch )
if( ch < 0 )
return true;
if( playerStatus )
computer->rememberCard( ch );

Player *a, *b;
a = playerStatus ? computer : player;
b = playerStatus ? player : computer;
bool r;
if( a->holds( ch ) )
while( a->holds( ch ) )
r = b->addCard( a->pickCard( ch ) );

if( playerStatus && r )
computer->clearMemory( ch );
}// End of if condition
playerStatus = !playerStatus;
}// End of else
return false;
}// End of function
void fish()
std::cout << "\n\n\t *** GO FISH! ***\n\n";
MyCard currentCard = MyDeck::createDeck()->drawDeck();
if( playerStatus )
std::cout << "Your new card: " << currentCard
<< ".\n\n******** Your turn completed! ********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n";
if( player->addCard( currentCard ) )
computer->clearMemory( currentCard.getRank() );
}// End of if condition
std::cout << "\n********* My turn completed! *********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n";
computer->addCard( currentCard );
}// End of else
}// End of function
};// End of class GoFish

MyDeck* MyDeck::currentDeck = 0;
// main function definition
int main()
srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time( NULL ) ) );
// Creates an object of class GoFish
GoFish gf;
// Calls the function to start game
return 0;
}// End of main function

Sample Output:

Hi there, enter your name: Pyari

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 9D TS JD QC KH

What card(rank) do you want? 3D

*** GO FISH! ***

Your new card: 5S.

******** Your turn completed! ********

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 5S 9D TS JD QC KH

Do you have any K's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish g
Don't try to cheat me?

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 5S 9D TS JD QC

Do you have any A's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish y
No, you don't have it!!!

*** GO FISH! ***

********* My turn completed! *********

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 5S 9D TS JD QC

What card(rank) do you want? 3D

*** GO FISH! ***

Your new card: 7H.

******** Your turn completed! ********

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 5S 7H 9D TS JD QC

Do you have any 7's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish y

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 5S 9D TS JD QC

Do you have any 8's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish g

*** GO FISH! ***

********* My turn completed! *********

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 5S 9D TS JD QC

What card(rank) do you want? ts

Pyari, these are your cards:
3D 4H 5D 5H 5S 9D TH TS JD QC

What card(rank) do you want? qc

Pyari, these are your cards:

What card(rank) do you want? 5s

*** GO FISH! ***

Your new card: JC.

******** Your turn completed! ********

Pyari, these are your cards:

Do you have any 3's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish g
Don't try to cheat me?

Pyari, these are your cards:

Do you have any 3's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish y
No, you don't have it!!!

*** GO FISH! ***

********* My turn completed! *********

Pyari, these are your cards:

What card(rank) do you want? QD

*** GO FISH! ***

Your new card: 6S.

******** Your turn completed! ********

Pyari, these are your cards:

Do you have any 6's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish y

Pyari, these are your cards:

Do you have any 3's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish 5H
No, you don't have it!!!

*** GO FISH! ***

********* My turn completed! *********

Pyari, these are your cards:

What card(rank) do you want? 4H

*** GO FISH! ***

Your new card: 9C.

******** Your turn completed! ********

Pyari, these are your cards:

Do you have any T's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish y

Pyari, these are your cards:
4H 5D 5H 5S 9C 9D JC JD QC QD QS

Do you have any 3's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish g

*** GO FISH! ***

********* My turn completed! *********

Pyari, these are your cards:
4H 5D 5H 5S 9C 9D JC JD QC QD QS

What card(rank) do you want? QS

*** GO FISH! ***

Your new card: 3C.

******** Your turn completed! ********

Pyari, these are your cards:
3C 4H 5D 5H 5S 9C 9D JC JD QC QD QS

Do you have any 2's? (Y)es / (G)o Fish g

*** GO FISH! ***

********* My turn completed! *********

Pyari, these are your cards:
3C 4H 5D 5H 5S 9C 9D JC JD QC QD QS

What card(rank) do you want?

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using C++ // the Deck of the Card is for Go fish Card game Specification for...
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