
Original question: I need a program that simulates a flower pack with the traits listed below:...

Original question:

I need a program that simulates a flower pack with the traits listed below:

- You must use a LinkedList for storage (not an Arrray list).

- You must be able to display, add, remove, sort, filter, and analyze information from our flower pack.

- The flower pack should hold flowers, weeds, fungus, and herbs. All should be a subclass of a plant class.

- Each subclass shares certain qualities (ID, Name, and Color) – plant class

- Flower traits include (Thorns, and Smell)

- Fungus traits include (Poisonous)

- Weed traits include (Poisonous, Edible and Medicinal)

- Herb traits include (Flavor, Medicinal, Seasonal)

No GUI is required.

The code I have is listed below, it appears to do just about everything I need it to. I would like you to take a look and see if the analysis part of the program is done correctly according to the instructions.

Here are the instructions regarding analyzing information from our flower pack:

Analysis can be case sensitive, if you so desire. Remember - you MUST use recursion to solve this problem.Meaning – not a single loop should be called when doing these calculations. You CAN use a loop when you want to move from analyzing one flower to the next, but your loop CANNOT be used when analyzing a specific flower.

Analysis Examples:

- How you display the results is up to you

- Analyze 3 different strings such as “ar”, “ne”, and “um” – which strings is up to you and does not require user input

Please let me know if it is done correctly, or what the code should look like if it needs work, thank you.

Here is the code I have:


import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PlantDriver {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new PlantDriver();
public PlantDriver() throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
LinkedList<Plant> plantPack = new LinkedList<Plant>();
System.out.println("Welcome to my Plant pack interface.");
System.out.println("Please select a number from the options below");
while (true) {
// Give the user a list of their options
System.out.println("1: Add a plant item to the pack.");
System.out.println("2: Add a flower item to the pack.");
System.out.println("3: Add a fungus item to the pack.");
System.out.println("4: Add a weed item to the pack.");
System.out.println("5: Add a herb item to the pack.");
System.out.println("6: Remove a plant item (regardless of its type)from the pack.");
System.out.println("7: Search for a plant by name.");
System.out.println("8: Display the plants in the pack.");
System.out.println("9: Filter plant pack by incomplete name");
System.out.println("10: Print Plants from the pack to a file!");
System.out.println("11: Read Plants from a file that is already created and output them");
System.out.println("0: Exit the flower pack interface.");
// Get the user input
int userChoice = input.nextInt();
switch (userChoice) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 0:
System.out.println("Thank you for using the plant pack interface. See you again soon!");
private void addPlant(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
// Add a plant that is specified by the user
String plantName;
String plantColor;
String plantID;
Scanner plantInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter the name of a plant type to add:");
plantName = plantInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the color of the plant you would like to add?: ");
plantColor = plantInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the ID of the plant?: ");
plantID = plantInput.nextLine();
Plant thePlant = new Plant(plantColor, plantID, plantName);
private void addFlower(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
// Add a plant that is specified by the user
String flowerName;
String flowerColor;
String flowerID;
String scentType;
String isItThorny;
boolean isThorny;
Scanner flowerInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter the name of a flower type to add:");
flowerName = flowerInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the color of the flower you would like to add?: ");
flowerColor = flowerInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the ID of the flower?: ");
flowerID = flowerInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("Is the flower a thorny kind of flower? (Please answer yes or no with y or n only");
isItThorny = flowerInput.nextLine();
if (isItThorny.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
isThorny = true;
} else {
isThorny = false;
System.out.println("Please describe the scent of the flower: ");
scentType = flowerInput.nextLine();
Flower theFlower = new Flower(flowerColor, flowerID, flowerName, scentType, isThorny);
private void addFungus(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
// Add a plant that is specified by the user
String fungusName;
String fungusColor;
String fungusID;
String isItPoisnous;
boolean isPoisonous;
Scanner fungusInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter the name of a fungus type to add:");
fungusName = fungusInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the color of the fungus you would like to add?: ");
fungusColor = fungusInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the ID of the fungus?: ");
fungusID = fungusInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("Is the fungus a poisonous kind of fungus? (Please answer yes or no with y or n only");
isItPoisnous = fungusInput.nextLine();
if (isItPoisnous.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
isPoisonous = true;
} else {
isPoisonous = false;
Fungus newFungus = new Fungus(fungusColor, fungusID, fungusName, isPoisonous);
private void addWeed(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
// Add a plant that is specified by the user
String weedName;
String weedColor;
String weedID;
String isItEdible;
boolean isEdible;
String isItMedicinal;
boolean isMedicinal;
String isItPoisnous;
boolean isPoisonous;
Scanner weedInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter the name of a weed type to add:");
weedName = weedInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the color of the weed you would like to add?: ");
weedColor = weedInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the ID of the weed?: ");
weedID = weedInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("Is the weed an edible kind of weed? (Please answer yes or no with y or n only");
isItEdible = weedInput.nextLine();
if (isItEdible.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
isEdible = true;
} else {
isEdible = false;
System.out.println("Is the weed a medicinal kind of weed? (Please answer yes or no with y or n only");
isItMedicinal = weedInput.nextLine();
if (isItMedicinal.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
isMedicinal = true;
} else {
isMedicinal = false;
System.out.println("Is the weed a poisonous kind of weed? (Please answer yes or no with y or n only");
isItPoisnous = weedInput.nextLine();
if (isItPoisnous.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
isPoisonous = true;
} else {
isPoisonous = false;
Plant thePlant = new Weed(weedColor, weedID, weedName, isEdible, isMedicinal, isPoisonous);
private void addHerb(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
// Add a plant that is specified by the user
String herbName;
String herbColor;
String herbID;
String herbFlavor;
String isItMedicinal;
boolean isMedicinal;
String isItSeasonal;
boolean isSeasonal;
Scanner herbInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter the name of a herb type to add:");
herbName = herbInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the color of the herb you would like to add?: ");
herbColor = herbInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the ID of the herb?: ");
herbID = herbInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the flavor of the herb?: ");
herbFlavor = herbInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("Is the herb a medicinal kind of herb? (Please answer yes or no with y or n only");
isItMedicinal = herbInput.nextLine();
if (isItMedicinal.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
isMedicinal = true;
} else {
isMedicinal = false;
System.out.println("Is the herb a seasonal herb? (Please answer yes or no with y or n only");
isItSeasonal = herbInput.nextLine();
if (isItSeasonal.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
isSeasonal = true;
} else {
isSeasonal = false;
Plant thePlant = new Herb(herbColor, herbID, herbName, herbFlavor, isMedicinal, isSeasonal);
private void removePlant(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
// Remove a plant that is specified by the user
String plantName;
Scanner plantInput = new Scanner(;
"Please enter the name of the plant (regardless of the type (e.g. Plant, Flower, Fungus, Weed) that you would like to remove: ");
plantName = plantInput.nextLine();
for (Plant thePlant : plantPack) {
if (thePlant.getName().equals(plantName)) {
private void searchPlants(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
String plantName;
Scanner plantInput = new Scanner(;
"Please enter the name of the plant (regardless of the type (e.g. Plant, Flower, Fungus, Weed, Herb) that you would like to search: ");
plantName = plantInput.nextLine();
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < plantPack.size(); i++) { // done in O(n) time This
// is a linear search
if (plantName.equalsIgnoreCase(plantPack.get(i).getName())) {
index = i;
if (index != -1) {
System.out.println("The search element : " + plantName + " was found");
} else {
System.out.println("The search element was not found in the LinkedList.");
private void displayPlants(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
for (Plant thePlant : plantPack) {
private void filterPlants(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) {
// TODO Filter plant
String plantName;
Scanner plantInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the name of a plant to search by first character?");
plantName = plantInput.nextLine();
for (Plant thePlant : plantPack) {
if (thePlant.getName().charAt(0) == plantName.charAt(0)) {
System.out.println("Flowers based on the first character: " + thePlant.toString());
private void savePlantsToFile(LinkedList<Plant> plantPack) throws IOException {
File plantFile = new File("plantFile.txt");
FileOutputStream plantStream = new FileOutputStream(plantFile);
PrintWriter plantOutStream = new PrintWriter(plantStream);
for (Plant thePlant : plantPack) {
private void readPlantsFromFile() throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner plantInput = new Scanner(new File("plantInputData.txt"));
try {
while (plantInput.hasNext()) {
Plant newPlant = new Plant(,,;
} catch (Exception e) {


class Plant {
private String id;   
private String name;   
private String color;   
public Plant() { = ""; = "";
this.color = "";
public Plant(String plantColor, String plantID, String plantName) { = plantID;
this.color = plantColor; = plantName;
public void setID(String plantID) { = plantID;
public void setColor(String plantColor) {
this.color = plantColor;
public void setName(String plantName) { = plantName;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public String getID() {
return id;
public String toString() {
return "This plant's name is " + this.getName() + " with a color of: " + this.getColor() +
" with a unique ID of: " + this.getID();
public boolean equals(Object otherPlant) {
if (otherPlant == null) {
return false;
if (!Plant.class.isAssignableFrom(otherPlant.getClass())) {
return false;
final Plant other = (Plant) otherPlant;
if (( == null) ? ( != null) : ! {
return false;
if (!(this.color.equals(other.color))) {
return false;
if (!( {
return false;
return true;


class Flower extends Plant {
private boolean hasThorns;
private String smell;
public Flower(String flowerColor, String flowerID, String flowerName, String smell, boolean hasThorns) {
super(flowerColor, flowerID, flowerName);
this.hasThorns = hasThorns;
this.smell = smell;
public void setSmell(String flowerSmell) {
this.smell = flowerSmell;
public void setThorns(boolean isThorny) {
this.hasThorns = isThorny;
public String getSmell() {
return smell;
public boolean getIsThorny() {
return hasThorns;
public String toString() {
return "This flower is colored: " + super.getColor() + " with a name of " + super.getName() + " and an ID of "
+ super.getID() + " the smell is " + this.smell + " and it is thorny = " + this.hasThorns;
public boolean equals(Object otherFlower) {
if (otherFlower == null) {
return false;
if (!Flower.class.isAssignableFrom(otherFlower.getClass())) {
return false;
Flower other = (Flower) otherFlower;
if (!(this.getName().equals(other.getName()))) {
return false;
if (!(this.getColor().equals(other.getColor()))) {
return false;
if ((this.getSmell() != (other.getSmell()))) {
return false;
if (!(this.getID().equals(other.getID()))) {
return false;
if (this.getIsThorny() != other.getIsThorny()) {
return false;
return true;


class Fungus extends Plant {
private boolean isPoisonous;
public Fungus(String fungusColor, String fungusID, String fungusName, boolean isPoisonous) {
super(fungusColor, fungusID, fungusName);
this.isPoisonous = isPoisonous;
public void setIsPoisonous(boolean isPoisonous) {
this.isPoisonous = isPoisonous;
public boolean getIsPoisonous() {
return isPoisonous;
public String toString() {
return "This fungus as sampled is " + this.getColor() + " in color " + " with an ID of " + this.getID()
+ " and a name of " + this.getName() + " and it's poisonous = " + this.getIsPoisonous();
public boolean equals(Object otherFungus) {
if (otherFungus == null) {
return false;
if (!Fungus.class.isAssignableFrom(otherFungus.getClass())) {
return false;
Fungus other = (Fungus) otherFungus;
if (!(this.getColor().equals(other.getColor()))) {
return false;
if (!(this.getID().equals(other.getID()))) {
return false;
if (!(this.getName().equals(other.getName()))) {
return false;
if (this.isPoisonous != other.isPoisonous) {
return false;
return true;


class Weed extends Plant {
private boolean isEdible, isMedicinal, isPoisonous;
public Weed(String weedColor, String weedID, String weedName, boolean isEdible, boolean isMedicinal, boolean isPoisonous) {
super(weedColor, weedID, weedName);
this.isEdible = isEdible;
this.isMedicinal = isMedicinal;
this.isPoisonous = isPoisonous;
public void setIsEdible(boolean isEdible) {
this.isEdible = isEdible;
public boolean getIsEdible() {
return isEdible;
public void setIsMedicinal(boolean isMedicinal) {
this.isMedicinal = isMedicinal;
public boolean getIsMedicinal() {
return isMedicinal;
public void setIsPoisonous(boolean isPoisonous) {
this.isPoisonous = isPoisonous;
public boolean getIsPoisonous() {
return isPoisonous;
public String toString() {
return "This weed is of " + this.getColor() + " color and is called " + this.getName() +
" with an ID of " + this.getID() + " it is edible = " + this.getIsEdible() + " and it is Poisonous " + this.getIsPoisonous() +
" and it is medicinal " + this.getIsMedicinal();
public boolean equals(Object otherWeed) {
if (otherWeed == null) {
return false;
if (!(Weed.class.isAssignableFrom(otherWeed.getClass()))) {
return false;}
Weed other = (Weed) otherWeed;
if (!(this.getID().equals(other.getID()))) {
return false;
if (!(this.getName().equals(other.getName()))) {
return false;
if (!(this.getColor().equals(other.getColor()))) {
return false;
if (this.isEdible != other.isEdible) {
return false;
if (this.isMedicinal != other.isMedicinal) {
return false;
if (this.isPoisonous != other.isPoisonous) {
return false;
return true;



class Herb extends Plant {
private String flavor;
private boolean isMedicinal, isSeasonal;   
public Herb(String herbColor, String herbID, String herbName, String flavor, boolean isMedicinal, boolean isSeasonal) {
super(herbColor, herbID, herbName);
this.flavor = flavor;
this.isMedicinal = isMedicinal;
this.isSeasonal = isSeasonal;}
public void setHerbFlavor(String herbFlavor) {
this.flavor = herbFlavor;}
public String getHerbFlavor() {
return flavor;}
public void setMedicinalProperty(boolean isMedicinal) {
this.isMedicinal = isMedicinal;}
public boolean getMedicinalProperty() {
return isMedicinal;}
public void setSeasonalProperty(boolean isSeasonal) {
this.isSeasonal = isSeasonal;}
public boolean getSeasonalProperty() {
return isSeasonal;}
public String toString() {
return "This herb is of " + this.getColor() + " color and is called " + this.getName() +
" with an ID of " + this.getID() + " with a " + this.getHerbFlavor() + " flavor and " + " with a seasonal property of "
+ this.getSeasonalProperty() + " and a Medicinal Property of " + this.getMedicinalProperty();
public boolean equals(Object otherHerb) {
if(otherHerb == null) {
return false;
if(!Herb.class.isAssignableFrom(otherHerb.getClass())) {
return false;
Herb other = (Herb) otherHerb;
if (!this.flavor.equals(other.flavor)) {
return false;
if (!this.getColor().equals(other.getColor())) {
return false;
if (!this.getID().equals(other.getID())) {
return false;
if (!this.getName().equals(other.getName())) {
return false;
if (this.isMedicinal != other.isMedicinal) {
return false;
if (this.isSeasonal != other.isSeasonal) {
return false;
return true;

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Answer #1

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The code provided looks good to me. Please provide more details of analysis function if any thing specific is required.

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Original question: I need a program that simulates a flower pack with the traits listed below:...
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