
Write a simple and short MIPS assembly language program that asks the user for 6 numbers,...

Write a simple and short MIPS assembly language program that asks the user for 6 numbers, merge-sorts them, and then prints them out in ascending order comment each and every programme .(USING WINDOWS QtSpim)

Note : This question is not giving desired solution may you please try it in a simple manner for six number inputed by the user.

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Answer #1

.file "example.c"



.comm a,24,16

.comm b,24,16

.globl merging

.type merging, @function



.file 1 "/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler118124-55-14mrxtx.aqq7/example.c"

.loc 1 7 0


pushq %rbp

.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16

.cfi_offset 6, -16

movq %rsp, %rbp

.cfi_def_cfa_register 6

movl %edi, -20(%rbp)

movl %esi, -24(%rbp)

movl %edx, -28(%rbp)

.loc 1 10 0

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

movl %eax, -4(%rbp)

movl -24(%rbp), %eax

addl $1, %eax

movl %eax, -8(%rbp)

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

movl %eax, -12(%rbp)

jmp .L2


.loc 1 11 0

movl -4(%rbp), %eax


movl a(,%rax,4), %edx

movl -8(%rbp), %eax


movl a(,%rax,4), %eax

cmpl %eax, %edx

jg .L3

.loc 1 12 0

movl -4(%rbp), %eax

leal 1(%rax), %edx

movl %edx, -4(%rbp)


movl a(,%rax,4), %edx

movl -12(%rbp), %eax


movl %edx, b(,%rax,4)

jmp .L4


.loc 1 14 0

movl -8(%rbp), %eax

leal 1(%rax), %edx

movl %edx, -8(%rbp)


movl a(,%rax,4), %edx

movl -12(%rbp), %eax


movl %edx, b(,%rax,4)


.loc 1 10 0 discriminator 2

addl $1, -12(%rbp)


.loc 1 10 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1

movl -4(%rbp), %eax

cmpl -24(%rbp), %eax

jg .L7

.loc 1 10 0 discriminator 3

movl -8(%rbp), %eax

cmpl -28(%rbp), %eax

jle .L6

.loc 1 17 0 is_stmt 1

jmp .L7


.loc 1 18 0

movl -4(%rbp), %edx

leal 1(%rdx), %eax

movl %eax, -4(%rbp)

movl -12(%rbp), %eax

leal 1(%rax), %ecx

movl %ecx, -12(%rbp)

movslq %edx, %rdx

movl a(,%rdx,4), %edx


movl %edx, b(,%rax,4)


.loc 1 17 0

movl -4(%rbp), %eax

cmpl -24(%rbp), %eax

jle .L8

.loc 1 20 0

jmp .L9


.loc 1 21 0

movl -8(%rbp), %edx

leal 1(%rdx), %eax

movl %eax, -8(%rbp)

movl -12(%rbp), %eax

leal 1(%rax), %ecx

movl %ecx, -12(%rbp)

movslq %edx, %rdx

movl a(,%rdx,4), %edx


movl %edx, b(,%rax,4)


.loc 1 20 0

movl -8(%rbp), %eax

cmpl -28(%rbp), %eax

jle .L10

.loc 1 23 0

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

movl %eax, -12(%rbp)

jmp .L11


.loc 1 24 0 discriminator 3

movl -12(%rbp), %eax


movl b(,%rax,4), %edx

movl -12(%rbp), %eax


movl %edx, a(,%rax,4)

.loc 1 23 0 discriminator 3

addl $1, -12(%rbp)


.loc 1 23 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1

movl -12(%rbp), %eax

cmpl -28(%rbp), %eax

jle .L12

.loc 1 25 0 is_stmt 1


popq %rbp

.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8




.size merging, .-merging

.globl sort

.type sort, @function



.loc 1 27 0


pushq %rbp

.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16

.cfi_offset 6, -16

movq %rsp, %rbp

.cfi_def_cfa_register 6

subq $32, %rsp

movl %edi, -20(%rbp)

movl %esi, -24(%rbp)

.loc 1 30 0

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

cmpl -24(%rbp), %eax

jge .L16

.loc 1 31 0

movl -20(%rbp), %edx

movl -24(%rbp), %eax

addl %edx, %eax

movl %eax, %edx

shrl $31, %edx

addl %edx, %eax

sarl %eax

movl %eax, -4(%rbp)

.loc 1 32 0

movl -4(%rbp), %edx

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

movl %edx, %esi

movl %eax, %edi

call sort

.loc 1 33 0

movl -4(%rbp), %eax

leal 1(%rax), %edx

movl -24(%rbp), %eax

movl %eax, %esi

movl %edx, %edi

call sort

.loc 1 34 0

movl -24(%rbp), %edx

movl -4(%rbp), %ecx

movl -20(%rbp), %eax

movl %ecx, %esi

movl %eax, %edi

call merging

jmp .L13


.loc 1 36 0



.loc 1 38 0


.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8




.size sort, .-sort

.section .rodata


.string "Please enter 6 numbers "


.string "%d"


.string "%d "


.string "\nList after sorting"


.globl main

.type main, @function



.loc 1 40 0


pushq %rbp

.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16

.cfi_offset 6, -16

movq %rsp, %rbp

.cfi_def_cfa_register 6

subq $16, %rsp

.loc 1 43 0

movl $.LC0, %edi

call puts

.loc 1 45 0

movl $0, -4(%rbp)

jmp .L18


.loc 1 47 0 discriminator 3

movl -4(%rbp), %eax


salq $2, %rax

addq $a, %rax

movq %rax, %rsi

movl $.LC1, %edi

movl $0, %eax

call __isoc99_scanf

.loc 1 45 0 discriminator 3

addl $1, -4(%rbp)


.loc 1 45 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1

cmpl $5, -4(%rbp)

jle .L19

.loc 1 50 0 is_stmt 1

movl $0, -4(%rbp)

jmp .L20


.loc 1 51 0 discriminator 3

movl -4(%rbp), %eax


movl a(,%rax,4), %eax

movl %eax, %esi

movl $.LC2, %edi

movl $0, %eax

call printf

.loc 1 50 0 discriminator 3

addl $1, -4(%rbp)


.loc 1 50 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1

cmpl $5, -4(%rbp)

jle .L21

.loc 1 53 0 is_stmt 1

movl $6, %esi

movl $0, %edi

call sort

.loc 1 55 0

movl $.LC3, %edi

call puts

.loc 1 57 0

movl $0, -4(%rbp)

jmp .L22


.loc 1 58 0 discriminator 3

movl -4(%rbp), %eax


movl a(,%rax,4), %eax

movl %eax, %esi

movl $.LC2, %edi

movl $0, %eax

call printf

.loc 1 57 0 discriminator 3

addl $1, -4(%rbp)


.loc 1 57 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1

cmpl $5, -4(%rbp)

jle .L23

movl $0, %eax

.loc 1 59 0 is_stmt 1


.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8




.size main, .-main


.file 2 "/opt/compiler-explorer/gcc-7.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.2.0/include/stddef.h"

.file 3 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h"

.file 4 "/usr/include/libio.h"

.file 5 "/usr/include/stdio.h"

.file 6 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h"

.section .debug_info,"",@progbits


.long 0x40f

.value 0x4

.long .Ldebug_abbrev0

.byte 0x8

.uleb128 0x1

.long .LASF56

.byte 0xc

.long .LASF57

.long .LASF58

.quad .Ltext0

.quad .Letext0-.Ltext0

.long .Ldebug_line0

.uleb128 0x2

.long .LASF7

.byte 0x2

.byte 0xd8

.long 0x38

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x8

.byte 0x7

.long .LASF0

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x8

.long .LASF1

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x2

.byte 0x7

.long .LASF2

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x4

.byte 0x7

.long .LASF3

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x6

.long .LASF4

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x2

.byte 0x5

.long .LASF5

.uleb128 0x4

.byte 0x4

.byte 0x5

.string "int"

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x8

.byte 0x5

.long .LASF6

.uleb128 0x2

.long .LASF8

.byte 0x3

.byte 0x83

.long 0x69

.uleb128 0x2

.long .LASF9

.byte 0x3

.byte 0x84

.long 0x69

.uleb128 0x5

.byte 0x8

.uleb128 0x6

.byte 0x8

.long 0x8e

.uleb128 0x3

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x6

.long .LASF10

.uleb128 0x7

.long 0x8e

.uleb128 0x8

.long .LASF40

.byte 0xd8

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xf1

.long 0x217

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF11

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xf2

.long 0x62

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF12

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xf7

.long 0x88

.byte 0x8

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF13

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xf8

.long 0x88

.byte 0x10

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF14

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xf9

.long 0x88

.byte 0x18

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF15

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xfa

.long 0x88

.byte 0x20

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF16

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xfb

.long 0x88

.byte 0x28

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF17

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xfc

.long 0x88

.byte 0x30

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF18

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xfd

.long 0x88

.byte 0x38

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF19

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xfe

.long 0x88

.byte 0x40

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF20

.byte 0x4

.value 0x100

.long 0x88

.byte 0x48

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF21

.byte 0x4

.value 0x101

.long 0x88

.byte 0x50

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF22

.byte 0x4

.value 0x102

.long 0x88

.byte 0x58

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF23

.byte 0x4

.value 0x104

.long 0x24f

.byte 0x60

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF24

.byte 0x4

.value 0x106

.long 0x255

.byte 0x68

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF25

.byte 0x4

.value 0x108

.long 0x62

.byte 0x70

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF26

.byte 0x4

.value 0x10c

.long 0x62

.byte 0x74

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF27

.byte 0x4

.value 0x10e

.long 0x70

.byte 0x78

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF28

.byte 0x4

.value 0x112

.long 0x46

.byte 0x80

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF29

.byte 0x4

.value 0x113

.long 0x54

.byte 0x82

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF30

.byte 0x4

.value 0x114

.long 0x25b

.byte 0x83

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF31

.byte 0x4

.value 0x118

.long 0x26b

.byte 0x88

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF32

.byte 0x4

.value 0x121

.long 0x7b

.byte 0x90

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF33

.byte 0x4

.value 0x129

.long 0x86

.byte 0x98

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF34

.byte 0x4

.value 0x12a

.long 0x86

.byte 0xa0

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF35

.byte 0x4

.value 0x12b

.long 0x86

.byte 0xa8

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF36

.byte 0x4

.value 0x12c

.long 0x86

.byte 0xb0

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF37

.byte 0x4

.value 0x12e

.long 0x2d

.byte 0xb8

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF38

.byte 0x4

.value 0x12f

.long 0x62

.byte 0xc0

.uleb128 0xa

.long .LASF39

.byte 0x4

.value 0x131

.long 0x271

.byte 0xc4

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xb

.long .LASF59

.byte 0x4

.byte 0x96

.uleb128 0x8

.long .LASF41

.byte 0x18

.byte 0x4

.byte 0x9c

.long 0x24f

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF42

.byte 0x4

.byte 0x9d

.long 0x24f

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF43

.byte 0x4

.byte 0x9e

.long 0x255

.byte 0x8

.uleb128 0x9

.long .LASF44

.byte 0x4

.byte 0xa2

.long 0x62

.byte 0x10

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x6

.byte 0x8

.long 0x21e

.uleb128 0x6

.byte 0x8

.long 0x9a

.uleb128 0xc

.long 0x8e

.long 0x26b

.uleb128 0xd

.long 0x38

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x6

.byte 0x8

.long 0x217

.uleb128 0xc

.long 0x8e

.long 0x281

.uleb128 0xd

.long 0x38

.byte 0x13

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xe

.long .LASF60

.uleb128 0xf

.long .LASF45

.byte 0x4

.value 0x13b

.long 0x281

.uleb128 0xf

.long .LASF46

.byte 0x4

.value 0x13c

.long 0x281

.uleb128 0xf

.long .LASF47

.byte 0x4

.value 0x13d

.long 0x281

.uleb128 0x6

.byte 0x8

.long 0x95

.uleb128 0x7

.long 0x2aa

.uleb128 0x10

.long .LASF48

.byte 0x5

.byte 0xa8

.long 0x255

.uleb128 0x10

.long .LASF49

.byte 0x5

.byte 0xa9

.long 0x255

.uleb128 0x10

.long .LASF50

.byte 0x5

.byte 0xaa

.long 0x255

.uleb128 0x10

.long .LASF51

.byte 0x6

.byte 0x1a

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0xc

.long 0x2b0

.long 0x2ec

.uleb128 0x11

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x7

.long 0x2e1

.uleb128 0x10

.long .LASF52

.byte 0x6

.byte 0x1b

.long 0x2ec

.uleb128 0xc

.long 0x62

.long 0x30c

.uleb128 0xd

.long 0x38

.byte 0x5

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x12

.string "a"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x4

.long 0x2fc

.uleb128 0x9

.byte 0x3

.quad a

.uleb128 0x12

.string "b"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x5

.long 0x2fc

.uleb128 0x9

.byte 0x3

.quad b

.uleb128 0x13

.long .LASF53

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x28

.long 0x62

.quad .LFB2

.quad .LFE2-.LFB2

.uleb128 0x1

.byte 0x9c

.long 0x360

.uleb128 0x14

.string "i"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x29

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -20

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x15

.long .LASF54

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x1b

.quad .LFB1

.quad .LFE1-.LFB1

.uleb128 0x1

.byte 0x9c

.long 0x3a8

.uleb128 0x16

.string "low"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x1b

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -36

.uleb128 0x17

.long .LASF55

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x1b

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -40

.uleb128 0x14

.string "mid"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x1c

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -20

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x18

.long .LASF61

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x7

.quad .LFB0

.quad .LFE0-.LFB0

.uleb128 0x1

.byte 0x9c

.uleb128 0x16

.string "low"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x7

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -36

.uleb128 0x16

.string "mid"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x7

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -40

.uleb128 0x17

.long .LASF55

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x7

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -44

.uleb128 0x14

.string "l1"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x8

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -20

.uleb128 0x14

.string "l2"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x8

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -24

.uleb128 0x14

.string "i"

.byte 0x1

.byte 0x8

.long 0x62

.uleb128 0x2

.byte 0x91

.sleb128 -28

.byte 0

.byte 0

.section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits


.uleb128 0x1

.uleb128 0x11

.byte 0x1

.uleb128 0x25

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x1b

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x11

.uleb128 0x1

.uleb128 0x12

.uleb128 0x7

.uleb128 0x10

.uleb128 0x17

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x2

.uleb128 0x16

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0x24

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3e

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x4

.uleb128 0x24

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3e

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0x8

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x5

.uleb128 0xf

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0xb

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x6

.uleb128 0xf

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x7

.uleb128 0x26

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x8

.uleb128 0x13

.byte 0x1

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x1

.uleb128 0x13

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x9

.uleb128 0xd

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x38

.uleb128 0xb

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xa

.uleb128 0xd

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0x5

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x38

.uleb128 0xb

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x16

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xc

.uleb128 0x1

.byte 0x1

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x1

.uleb128 0x13

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xd

.uleb128 0x21

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x2f

.uleb128 0xb

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x13

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3c

.uleb128 0x19

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0xf

.uleb128 0x34

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0x5

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x3f

.uleb128 0x19

.uleb128 0x3c

.uleb128 0x19

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x10

.uleb128 0x34

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x3f

.uleb128 0x19

.uleb128 0x3c

.uleb128 0x19

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x11

.uleb128 0x21

.byte 0

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x12

.uleb128 0x34

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0x8

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x3f

.uleb128 0x19

.uleb128 0x2

.uleb128 0x18

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x2e

.byte 0x1

.uleb128 0x3f

.uleb128 0x19

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

.uleb128 0xb

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.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x49

.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x11

.uleb128 0x1

.uleb128 0x12

.uleb128 0x7

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.uleb128 0x13

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.byte 0

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.byte 0

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.uleb128 0xb

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.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x15

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.byte 0x1

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.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x27

.uleb128 0x19

.uleb128 0x11

.uleb128 0x1

.uleb128 0x12

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.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0x8

.uleb128 0x3a

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.uleb128 0xb

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.uleb128 0x2

.uleb128 0x18

.byte 0

.byte 0

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.uleb128 0x5

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x3

.uleb128 0xe

.uleb128 0x3a

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.uleb128 0xb

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.uleb128 0x13

.uleb128 0x2

.uleb128 0x18

.byte 0

.byte 0

.uleb128 0x18

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.byte 0x1

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.uleb128 0x3b

.uleb128 0xb

.uleb128 0x27

.uleb128 0x19

.uleb128 0x11

.uleb128 0x1

.uleb128 0x12

.uleb128 0x7

.uleb128 0x40

.uleb128 0x18

.uleb128 0x2117

.uleb128 0x19

.byte 0

.byte 0

.byte 0

.section .debug_aranges,"",@progbits

.long 0x2c

.value 0x2

.long .Ldebug_info0

.byte 0x8

.byte 0

.value 0

.value 0

.quad .Ltext0

.quad .Letext0-.Ltext0

.quad 0

.quad 0

.section .debug_line,"",@progbits


.section .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1


.string "_IO_buf_end"


.string "_old_offset"


.string "sort"


.string "sys_nerr"


.string "_IO_save_end"


.string "short int"


.string "size_t"


.string "_offset"


.string "_IO_write_ptr"


.string "_flags"


.string "_IO_buf_base"


.string "_markers"


.string "_IO_read_end"


.string "merging"


.string "/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler118124-55-14mrxtx.aqq7/example.c"


.string "GNU C11 7.2.0 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g"


.string "_lock"


.string "long int"


.string "high"


.string "_cur_column"


.string "_IO_2_1_stderr_"


.string "_IO_FILE_plus"


.string "_pos"


.string "_sbuf"


.string "_IO_FILE"


.string "unsigned char"


.string "signed char"


.string "_IO_2_1_stdin_"


.string "unsigned int"


.string "_IO_marker"


.string "_shortbuf"


.string "/compiler-explorer"


.string "_IO_write_base"


.string "_unused2"


.string "_IO_read_ptr"


.string "short unsigned int"


.string "char"


.string "main"


.string "_next"


.string "__pad1"


.string "__pad2"


.string "__pad3"


.string "__pad4"


.string "__pad5"


.string "stderr"


.string "long unsigned int"


.string "_IO_write_end"


.string "__off64_t"


.string "__off_t"


.string "_chain"


.string "_IO_backup_base"


.string "stdin"


.string "_flags2"


.string "_mode"


.string "_IO_read_base"


.string "_vtable_offset"


.string "_IO_save_base"


.string "sys_errlist"


.string "_fileno"


.string "stdout"


.string "_IO_2_1_stdout_"


.string "_IO_lock_t"

.ident "GCC: (GCC-Explorer-Build) 7.2.0"

.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

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