
fix error #include <time.h> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> typedef unsigned char byte; enum gResult { finish,...

fix error

#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

typedef unsigned char byte;

enum gResult { finish, p_New, p_Same };
enum object : byte { nothng, wump = 1, bat = 2, pit = 4, player = 8 };

const unsigned int S_player = 0, S_wump = 1, S_bat1 = 2, S_bat2 = 3, S_pit1 = 4, S_pit2 = 5,
max_Rooms = 20, Saved = 6, max_Exits = 3, Path_Length = 5, maximum_Arrows = 5;

class In_And_Out
int GetLetterFromUser( std::string s, int a, int b )
int c;
message( s );
std::string r; std::cin >> r;
std::cin.clear(); std::cin.ignore();
c = toupper( r[0] );
while( c != a && c != b );

return c;

int GetNumberFromUser( std::string s )
int n = 0; std::string c;
while( true )
message( s );
std::getline( std::cin, c );
std::stringstream strm( c );
if( strm >> n ) break;
return n;

void message( std::string s ) { std::cout << s; }
void message( int i ) { std::cout << i; }
void Wait() { std::cin.get(); }

class Rooms_available
int getExit( int i ) { return exits[i]; }
byte conntains() { return obj; }
void Clear( object o ) { obj ^= o; }
void ClearRoom() { obj = nothng; }
void setExit( int i, int e ) { exits[i] = e; }
void Populate( object o ) { obj |= o; }

int exits[max_Exits];
byte obj;

class Caves_available
int conn[] = { 1, 4, 7, 0, 2, 9, 1, 3, 11, 2, 4, 13, 0, 3, 5, 4, 6, 14, 5, 7, 16, 0, 6, 8, 7, 9, 17, 1, 8, 10, 9, 11, 18,
2, 10, 12, 11, 13, 19, 3, 12, 14, 5, 13, 15, 14, 16, 19, 6, 15, 17, 8, 16, 18, 10, 17, 19, 12, 15, 18 };

for( unsigned int x = 0, r = 0; x < max_Rooms; x++, r = x * max_Exits )
for( unsigned c = r, d = 0; c < r + max_Exits; c++, d++ )
Rooms_availables[x].setExit( d, conn[c] );

void Clear()
for( unsigned int x = 0; x < max_Rooms; x++ )

Rooms_available* getRoom( int i ) { return &Rooms_availables[i]; }

Rooms_available Rooms_availables[max_Rooms];

class Wumpus_in
class In_And_Out in_and_out;
Caves_available theCave;
unsigned playerPos, Wumpus_inPos, pathLen, arrowsCnt, exits[max_Exits], arrowPath[Path_Length], saved[Saved];
bool gameOver, playerWins;

void Look_out()
Rooms_available* r = theCave.getRoom( playerPos );
in_and_out.message( "\n\n-----------------------------------\n" );
in_and_out.message( "You are in Rooms_available #" ); in_and_out.message( playerPos + 1 );
in_and_out.message( "\nTunnels lead to Rooms_availables #: " );
for( unsigned int x = 0; x < max_Exits; x++ )
in_and_out.message( ( 1 + r->getExit( x ) ) );
in_and_out.message( " " );

Look_outAround( r );

void Shoot_around()
Rooms_available* r = theCave.getRoom( playerPos );
unsigned e;

for( unsigned x = 0; x < pathLen; x++ )
for( e = 0; e < max_Exits; e++ )
if (r->getExit( e ) == arrowPath[x] ) break;

if( e < max_Exits ) r = theCave.getRoom( arrowPath[x] );
else r = theCave.getRoom( r->getExit( rand() % max_Exits ) );

byte o = r->conntains();

if( wump & o ) { gameOver = playerWins = true; return; }
if( player & o )
gameOver = true; playerWins = false;
in_and_out.message( "\n OUCH! Arrow got you!\n" ); return;

in_and_out.message( "\n Missed!\n\n" );
if( --arrowsCnt == 0 )
in_and_out.message( "\n You run out of arrows...\n" );
gameOver = true; playerWins = false;

Wumpus_inMove( playerPos );

gResult showResult( bool pw )
if( pw ) in_and_out.message( "\n AHA! You got the Wumpus!\n HEE HEE HEE - The Wumpus'll getcha next time!!\n\n" );
else in_and_out.message( " HA HA HA - You lose!\n\n" );

if( in_and_out.GetLetterFromUser( "Play again (Y/N)? ", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'Y' )
if( in_and_out.GetLetterFromUser( "Same setup (Y/N)? ", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'Y' ) return p_Same;
return p_New;

return finish;

void Look_outAround( Rooms_available* r )
byte message = 0, o;
for( unsigned int x = 0; x < max_Exits; x++ )
o = theCave.getRoom( r->getExit( x ) )->conntains();
message += ( ( wump & o ) + ( bat & o ) + ( pit & o ) );

if( message & wump ) in_and_out.message( "\nYou smell something terrible nearby." );
if( message & pit ) in_and_out.message( "\nYou feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby Caves_availablern." );
if( message & bat ) in_and_out.message( "\nYou hear a rustling." );

bool checkExits( int e )
for( unsigned int x = 0; x < max_Exits; x++ )
if( e == exits[x] ) return true;
return false;

void getInput()
if( in_and_out.GetLetterFromUser( "\n\nShoot or Move (S/M)? ", 'S', 'M' ) == 'M' )
int e = in_and_out.GetNumberFromUser( "Where to? " ) - 1;
if( checkExits( e ) ) Set_PLAYER( e );
else in_and_out.message( "\nArrggh! --- You cannot go there!\n\n" );
pathLen = in_and_out.GetNumberFromUser( "\nNumber of Rooms_availables (1-5)? " );
while( pathLen < 1 || pathLen > Path_Length );

for( unsigned i = 0; i < pathLen; i++ )
arrowPath[i] = in_and_out.GetNumberFromUser( "Room #" ) - 1;
if( i <= 1 || arrowPath[i] != arrowPath[i - 2]) continue;
in_and_out.message( "\nArrows aren't that crooked! - Please, try another Rooms_available.\n\n" );

void Set_PLAYER( int pos )
if( playerPos < max_Rooms )
theCave.getRoom( playerPos )->Clear( player );

if( Hazards_around( pos ) ) return;

playerPos = pos;
Rooms_available* r = theCave.getRoom( playerPos );
r->Populate( player );

for(unsigned int x = 0; x < max_Exits; x++ )
exits[x] = r->getExit( x );

bool Hazards_around( int pos )
Rooms_available* r = theCave.getRoom( pos );
byte o = r->conntains();

if( wump & o )
in_and_out.message( "\n ...OOPS! Bumped a Wumpus!\n\n" );
if( Wumpus_inMove( pos ) )
in_and_out.message( "\n TSK TSK TSK - Wumpus got you!\n" );
gameOver = true; playerWins = false;
return true;

if( pit & o )
in_and_out.message( "\n YYYYIIIIEEEE!!!! Fell in pit!\n");
gameOver = true; playerWins = false;
return true;

if( bat & o )
in_and_out.message( "\n ZAP -- Super bat snatch! Elsewhereville for you!\n\n" );
Set_PLAYER( rand() % max_Rooms );
return true;

return false;

bool Wumpus_inMove( int pos )
if( rand() % 100 < 75 )
Rooms_available* r = theCave.getRoom( Wumpus_inPos );
r->Clear( wump );
Wumpus_inPos = r->getExit( rand() % max_Exits );
theCave.getRoom( Wumpus_inPos )->Populate( wump );
return ( pos == Wumpus_inPos );

void Init_GAME( gResult gr )
in_and_out( "\n\n\n\nHUNT THE wump\n---------------\n" );
theCave.Clear(); gameOver = false; arrowsCnt = maximum_Arrows;

if( gr == p_New )
saved[S_player] = rand() % max_Rooms;
Set_PLAYER( saved[S_player] );
saved[S_bat1] = Fill_ROOM( bat ); saved[S_bat2] = Fill_ROOM( bat );
saved[S_pit1] = Fill_ROOM( pit ); saved[S_pit2] = Fill_ROOM( pit );
Wumpus_inPos = saved[S_wump] = Fill_ROOM( wump );
Set_PLAYER( saved[S_player] ); Wumpus_inPos = Saved[S_wump];
theCave.getRoom( Wumpus_inPos )->Populate( wump );
theCave.getRoom( saved[S_bat1] )->Populate( bat );
theCave.getRoom( saved[S_bat2] )->Populate( bat );
theCave.getRoom( saved[S_pit1] )->Populate( pit );
theCave.getRoom( saved[S_pit2] )->Populate( pit );

int Fill_ROOM( object c )
int i; Rooms_available* r;
i = rand() % max_Rooms;
r = theCave.getRoom( i );
while( r->conntains() );

r->Populate( c );
return i;

if( in_and_out.GetLetterFromUser( "Instructions (Y/N)? ", 'Y', 'N' ) == 'N' ) return;
in_and_out.message( "\n\nWelcome to 'HUNT THE wump'\n\nThe Wumpus lives in a Caves_available of 20 Rooms_availables: each Rooms_available has 3 tunnels leading to\n"
"other Rooms_availables. (Look at a Dodecahedron to see how this works, if you don't\nknow what a dodecahedron is, ask someone)\n"
"\n\n HAZARDS:\n --------\n\nBottomless pits:\n----------------\nTwo Rooms_availables have bottomless pits in them.\n"
"If you go there, you fall into the pit and lose!\n\nSuper bats:\n-----------\nTwo other Rooms_availables have super bats.\nIf you go there, "
"a bat grabs you and takes you to some other Rooms_available at random,\nwhich might be troublesome.\n\nWumpus:\n-------\nThe Wumpus is not "
"bothered by the Hazards_around, he has sucker feet and is too big\nfor a bat to lift.\nUsually he is asleep.\nTwo things wake him up: "
"your entering his Rooms_available or your Shoot_arounding an arrow.\nIf the Wumpus wakes, he has 75% chance to move one Rooms_available or 25% chance to stay\n"
"still.\nAfter that, if he is where you are, he eats you up and you lose!\n\nYou:\n----\nEach turn you may move or Shoot_around a crooked arrow.\n"
"- Moving: you can move one Rooms_available (thru one tunnel)\n- Arrows: you have 5 arrows. You lose when you run out.\n Each arrow can go from "
"1 to 5 Rooms_availables, you aim by telling the computer the\n Rooms_availables #s you want the arrow to go to.\n If the arrow can't go that way (if no tunnel) "
"it moves at random to the \n next Rooms_available.\n If the arrow hits the Wumpus: you win, if the arrow hits you: you lose.\n"
"\n\n WARNINGS:\n --------\nWhen you are one Rooms_available away from Wumpus or any other hazard, the computer says:\nWumpus: 'You smell something "
"terrible nearby.'\nBat: 'You hear a rustling.'\nPit: 'You feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby Caves_availablern.'\n\n\n\nPress return to play..." );

void play()
playerPos = max_Rooms;
gResult gr = p_New;


while( gr != finish )
Init_GAME( gr );
while( !gameOver ) { Look_out(); getInput(); }
gr = showResult( playerWins );

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time( NULL ) ) );
Wumpus_in hw;;
return 0;

error list

In member function 'void Wumpus_in::Shoot_around()':

125:21: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] In member function 'bool Wumpus_in::checkExits(int)':

182:7: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] In member function 'bool Wumpus_in::Wumpus_inMove(int)':

268:14: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] In member function 'void Wumpus_in::Init_GAME(gResult)':

273:57: error: no match for call to '(In_And_Out) (const char [35])'

286:59: error: invalid types 'const unsigned int[const unsigned int]' for array subscript

0 0
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Answer #1

Given error list warning doesn't explicitly affect your program. If you want to remove the warning than you use to change the datatypes of the given comparision in the warning but it doesn't affect the running program so warning are fine.As for last two error change the folowing the error will be removed

273:57: error: no match for call to '(In_And_Out) (const char [35])'

line 273:-

in_and_out( "\n\n\n\nHUNT THE wump\n---------------\n" );

Change to :-

in_and_out.message( "\n\n\n\nHUNT THE wump\n---------------\n" );

286:59: error: invalid types 'const unsigned int[const unsigned int]' for array subscript

line 286:-

Set_PLAYER( saved[S_player] );

Change to:-
saved[S_player] = rand() % max_Rooms;
Set_PLAYER( saved[S_player] );

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fix error #include <time.h> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> typedef unsigned char byte; enum gResult { finish,...
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