
VotePersonalldentification -voterLastName:String voterFirstName:String -voterSIN: Integer voterAddress:String voterProvince:SUtilizing the class diagram above, implement the voting system. You will need a main method to allow a voter to register and vote (you need to take in user input). You need to assume getters, setters, constructors, and toString methods; and you need to take in the user input and validate it as well. Comment the code well and submit screenshot testing within your PDF. Hint: you can research regular expressions for the validation functions.

Just need help with the main method using java

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Answer #1

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Initiate prompt message for the user
        System.out.println("Welcome to the newly built beta version of the voting system!");

        // Creation of a new object VotePersonalIndentificiation, in this case our 'voters' that are the
        // user that will input their information that will correspond with our private fields in that class
        VotePersonalIdentification voters = new VotePersonalIdentification();

        // Creation of a scanner to take user input
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

        // Additional confirmation in case one of the fields were incorrect.
        // It uses a do while loop that will perform the task of asking for user input for their information
        // until all user input is validated as true and the final confirmation is agreed upon by the user.
        // This do-while loop contains a bunch of other do-while loops for each user input information.
        Boolean confirmation = false;
        do {

            // boolean declaration of 'check' to be used to validate user information.
            // string input is for the scanner, user input will be stored in this variable
            // int confirm is used in the last confirmation step in the switch case to verify
            // all user input is correct.
            Boolean check = false;
            String input;
            int confirm;

            // This do-while loop will take the user input(First Name) and store it into 'check' that will be used
            // to call the method 'validate' to validate the credentials of the user input
            // if user input matches the credentials listed in the validation method using regex
            // then and only then will the loop end
            do {
                System.out.println("Please enter your first name: ");
                input = scan.nextLine();
                check = voters.validateFirstName(input);
                if (check == false) {
                    System.out.println("*** Error! Invalid input ***");
            } while (check == false);

            // This do-while loop will take the user input(Last Name) and store it into 'check' that will be used
            // to call the method 'validate' to validate the credentials of the user input
            // if user input matches the credentials listed in the validation method using regex
            // then and only then will the loop end
            do {
                System.out.println("Please enter your Last name: ");
                input = scan.nextLine();
                check = voters.validateLastName(input);
                if (check == false) {
                    System.out.println("*** Error! Invalid input ***");
            } while (check == false);

            // This do-while loop will take the user input(Address) and store it into 'check' that will be used
            // to call the method 'validate' to validate the credentials of the user input
            // if user input matches the credentials listed in the validation method using regex
            // then and only then will the loop end
            do {
                System.out.println("Please enter your address: ");
                input = scan.nextLine();
                check = voters.validateAddress(input);
                if (check == false) {
                    System.out.println("*** Error! Invalid input ***");
            } while (check == false);

            // This do-while loop will take the user input(City) and store it into 'check' that will be used
            // to call the method 'validate' to validate the credentials of the user input
            // if user input matches the credentials listed in the validation method using regex
            // then and only then will the loop end
            do {
                System.out.println("Please enter your city: ");
                input = scan.nextLine();
                check = voters.validateCity(input);
                if (check == false) {
                    System.out.println("*** Error! Invalid input ***");
            } while (check == false);

            // This do-while loop will take the user input(Postal Code) and store it into 'check' that will be used
            // to call the method 'validate' to validate the credentials of the user input
            // if user input matches the credentials listed in the validation method using regex
            // then and only then will the loop end
            do {
                System.out.println("Please enter your postal code: ");
                input = scan.nextLine();
                check = voters.validatePostalCode(input);
                if (check == false) {
                    System.out.println("*** Error! Invalid input ***");
            } while (check == false);

            // This do-while loop will take the user input(SIN) and store it into 'check' that will be used
            // to call the method 'validate' to validate the credentials of the user input
            // if user input matches the credentials listed in the validation method using regex
            // then and only then will the loop end
            do {
                System.out.println("Please enter your SIN (no spaces): ");
                input = scan.nextLine();
                check = voters.validateSIN(input);
                if (check == false) {
                    System.out.println("*** Error! Invalid input ***");
            } while (check == false);
            int intString = Integer.parseInt(input);

            // This switch case is in the overall do-while loop and will act as a final confirmation
            // stage, as Although the validation method can catch credential error the methods cannot tell
            // user error such as a typo with names/address/etc. This is the final confirmation to ensure all
            // information is correct.
            // If there are error(s) then the whole do while loop will loop until this confirmation is true.
                System.out.println("Is following information correct? \n 1 = Yes, 2 = No");
                confirm = scan.nextInt();
                switch (confirm){
                    case 1:
                        confirmation = true;
                        System.out.println("Your unique ID is "+voters.voterID());
                    case 2:
                        System.out.println("Let's start over then!");
                        confirmation = false;
        } while (confirmation == false);

        // The creation of an obect array within the Candidate class
        // This uses the class that had inherited from Ballot > VotePersonalIdenficication.
        // These 5 arrays will act as candidates for the election/voting system.
        Candidate[] candidates = new Candidate[5];
        candidates[0]= new Candidate("John Cena", "You can't see me!, (Green Party)");
        candidates[1]= new Candidate("Leroy Jenkins", "LEEEEROOOOOYYYY JENNNKINSSS!, (Liberal Party)");
        candidates[2]= new Candidate("Aubrey Graham", "Musician turned politician, (New Democratic Party)");
        candidates[3]= new Candidate("Joe Rogen", "Original podcast pioneer, (PC Party)");
        candidates[4]= new Candidate("Justin Trudeau", "The second best Trudeau Prime Minister, (Liberal Party)");

        // A creation of a new object that will create a new ballot for the candidates above, needed to be created
        // after the declaration of the array candidates above.
        // This will create a ballot with the name 43rd Federal election and take the candidates array along with the voters.
        BallotCreation voteBallot = new BallotCreation(voters,"43rd Canadian Federal Election", candidates);

        // Using the object created above we can now use voteBallot to call a method within the same class
        // that being displayBallot which will display the candidates of the array stored into voteBallot above

        // This will prompt the user to submit a vote for the candidates printed above
        // By calling the methos submitBallot a case switch is executed to take user input

        // Confirmation message for the voter that their votes had been registered.
        System.out.println("Thank you " +voters.getVoterFirstName() +" "+voters.getVoterLastName() + ". Your vote has successfully been registered into our systems.");

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BallotCreation extends VotePersonalIdentification{

    // Private fields from the class diagram
    private String ballotName;
    private Candidate[] candidates = new Candidate[0];

    // No argument constrcutor
        this.ballotName="Ballot name";
        this.candidates= new Candidate[0];

    // Constructor that takes the super of the super class
    BallotCreation(VotePersonalIdentification voters, String ballotName, Candidate[] candidates){

    // Use to call & print the overwritten toString method
    public void displayBallot(){

    // This method is used to ask user input for the candidates they wish to vote for by
    // using a do while loop until 'i' which is just a condition based integer used to end the loop
    // is set to 1, whenever a valid vote is submitted. Otherwise will run until user inputs a valid vote.
    public String submitBallot() {
       Scanner userinput = new Scanner(;
       int i = 0;
           System.out.println("Who would you like to vote for?\n[Vote by entering the number corresponding to the candidates]");
           int vote = userinput.nextInt();
       switch (vote) {
           case 0:
               System.out.println("You've voted for " + candidates[0]);
               i = 1;
           case 1:
               System.out.println("You've voted for " + candidates[1]);
               i = 1;
           case 2:
               System.out.println("You've voted for " + candidates[2]);
               i = 1;
           case 3:
               System.out.println("You've voted for " + candidates[3]);
               i = 1;
           case 4:
               System.out.println("You've voted for " + candidates[4]);
               i = 1;
               System.out.println("Invalid input! Try again.");
       }while (i == 0);
       return "Thank you for your vote!";

    // A toString method that is overwritten in candidate, this is used to display each of the candidates bio/names
    // to string and allows for print in string until the condition is met; end of candidates list.
    public String toString(){
        String ballot = (this.ballotName + "\n");
        for (int i= 0; i < this.candidates.length; i++){
            ballot += ("\n"+ i +".)" + this.candidates[i].getCandidateName() + "\n[Biography]: " + this.candidates[i].getCandidateBiography()+"\n");
        return ballot;

    // Getters Setters for the private field of BallotCreation
    public void setBallotName(String ballotName){
    public String getBallotName(){
        return ballotName;
    public void setCandidates(Candidate[] candidates){
    public Candidate[] getCandidates(){
        return candidates;


public class Candidate extends BallotCreation{

    // Private field from class diagram
    private String candidateName;
    private String candidateBiography;

    // An no arg constructor that takes super.
         this.candidateName="Leroy Jenkins";
         this.candidateBiography="Great voice";

    // An argument constructor that is used to iniltalize the instance of the candidate class
    public Candidate(String candidateName, String candidateBiography){

    // An toString method that overrides a method in BallotCreation. Used to display candidate's name.
    public String toString(){
        return candidateName;

    // Setters and getters of the private fields in this Candidate class
    public void setCandidateName(String candidateName){
    public String getCandidateName(){
         return candidateName;
    public void setCandidateBiography(String candidateBio){
    public String getCandidateBiography(){
         return this.candidateBiography;


public class VotePersonalIdentification {

    // Private fields from class diagram
    private String voterLastName, voterFirstName, voterAddress, voterCity, voterPostalCode;
    private int voterSIN;

    // An no argument constructor
    VotePersonalIdentification() {
        this.voterLastName = "Jenkins";
        this.voterFirstName = "Leroy";
        this.voterAddress = "1600 West Bank Drive";
        this.voterCity = "Peterborough";
        this.voterPostalCode = "K9J 0G2";
        this.voterSIN = 000000000;

    // An arg constructor that is overloaded as their are two constructors. Used when initlized to given parameter value
    VotePersonalIdentification(String voterLastName, String voterFirstName, String voterAddress, String voterCity, String voterPostalCode, int voterSIN) {
        this.voterLastName = voterLastName;
        this.voterFirstName = voterFirstName;
        this.voterAddress = voterAddress;
        this.voterCity = voterCity;
        this.voterPostalCode = voterPostalCode;
        this.voterSIN = voterSIN;

    // An override toString, where overwritten in the subclasses, returns/displays the voters credentials.
    public String toString() {
        String vString = "Voter(s) Information: ";
        vString += ("First name: " + this.voterFirstName + "Last name: " + this.voterLastName + "Address: " + this.voterAddress + "City: " + this.voterCity + "Postal Code: " + this.voterPostalCode);
        return vString;


    // In this validate method regex allows for alphabets a-z caps and lower case and -.
    public boolean validateFirstName(String voterFirstName) {
        return voterFirstName.matches("^[a-zA-Z-+']+$");

    // In this validate method regex allows for a-z caps/uncaps and -.
    public boolean validateLastName(String voterLastName) {
        return voterLastName.matches("^[-a-zA-Z-]+$");

    // In this validate method regex allows for lettera and numbers but must contain atleast one of each and allows for ., -.
    public boolean validateAddress(String voterAddress) {
        return voterAddress.matches("^(([a-zA-z]+.*[0-9]+.*)|[0-9]+.*([A-Za-z]+.*)([.\\w\\d]*))+$");

    // In this validate method regex allows for digits&letters + whitespace, needs to be at least 6 characters long.
    // Assuming canadian postal codes.
    public boolean validatePostalCode(String voterPostalCode) {
        return voterPostalCode.matches("^[\\w\\s]{6,}+$");

    // In this validate method regex allows for all letters and white spaces
    public boolean validateCity(String voterCity) {
        return voterCity.matches("^[a-zA-Z\\s]+$");

    // In this validate method regex allows for all digits and needs to be 9 digits long.
    public boolean validateSIN(String voterSIN) {
        return voterSIN.matches("^[\\d+]{9,}+$");

    // Just a message used to notify user that they have successfully registered.
        public String successfullyRegistered () {
            return "Successfully Registered";

    // Should return a unique Id per voter starting at 1000 adding +1 for each new voter.
    public String voterID(){
        int counter = 1000;
        Integer unique = new Integer(counter);
        String uniqueID = unique.toString(counter++);
        return uniqueID;

        // Setters and Getters for each of the private fields in this class.
        public void setVoterLastName (String voterLastName){
            this.voterLastName = voterLastName;

        public String getVoterLastName () {
            return voterLastName;

        public void setVoterFirstName (String voterFirstName){
            this.voterFirstName = voterFirstName;

        public String getVoterFirstName () {
            return voterFirstName;

        public void setVoterAdress (String voterAddress){
            this.voterAddress = voterAddress;

        public String getVoterAdress () {
            return voterAddress;

        public void setVoterCity (String voterCity){
            this.voterCity = voterCity;

        public String getVoterCity () {
            return voterCity;

        public void setVoterPostalCode (String voterPostalCode){
            this.voterPostalCode = voterPostalCode;

        public String getVoterPostalCode () {
            return voterPostalCode;

        public void setVoterSIN (Integer voterSIN){
            this.voterSIN = voterSIN;

        public Integer getVoterSIN () {
            return voterSIN;

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Utilizing the class diagram above, implement the voting system. You will need a main method to...
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