
Please post following code with criteria below... please leave as many comments as possible Exam Four:...

Please post following code with criteria below... please leave as many comments as possible

Exam Four: the election


  • Student will demonstrate all core competencies from this class:
    • Program Design (design tools)
    • Variables
    • Decision
    • Error Checking
    • Looping
    • Functions
    • Arrays

Program Specifications:

Let’s pretend that we are tracking votes for the next presidential election. There will be two candidates: Ivanka Trump and Michele Obama.

You can assume that there are fifty states casting votes. You will do not need to deal with the names of the states, you can assume that state 0 = the first state and state 49 = the last state.

This program will have menu system. The menu will at least have the following options:




  1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
  2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
  3. Display total votes for each candidate
  4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
  5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
  6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
  7. Election is over, Exit Program


When the user presses (1) or (2) from above, the program will ask the user to enter a value for the NEXT state. You can assume that the first time they press (1) from the main menu they were entering votes for state ZERO. The second time for the FIRST state. The user will only be typing a single number (the number of votes for that state). The control of the program will bounce back to the main menu.

Note: The votes are not from a single voter, but from ALL votes cast for that candidate from that state.

When the user selects (3) you will simply show the votes by state for each candidate.

State Trump Obama

0 87876 78877

1 98776 576788

When the user presses (4) sort the votes from low to high and display them.

When the user presses (5) the program will create a statement or statements such as:

Obama and Trump each got 2345 votes from state 8.

When the user presses (6) the program will display by state the lowest number of votes for a candidate from any one state, the average votes by a candidate from any one state.

When the user presses (7)…you figure it out.

Submission Requirements:

Your source code must have a comment header and comments within the code. If you name is not in the comments, you will receive 0 points for this exam. You must provide a well written design tool that matches the code and was generated by a computer application. You must do error checking in at least 2 places within the code. You must have a bubble sort and some type of search function. Everything must be written in functions. Main can only have variables, a loop and a switch.

You must place your design tool in the src folder. You must use Windows compress. You must upload your zipped document to the exam thread.


  • Use global variables
  • Use the word goto
  • Use the break command outside a case statement
  • Use POINTERS, this is an advanced concept taught in C
  • Use a 2D array, this is an advanced concept taught in C
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Answer #1

Please find the following c program to tracking election by state wise and added necessary comments in the program


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//defines for number of states and
//we can modify as we require
#define TOTAL_STATES 50
#define TRUMP 0
#define OBAMA 1

//function prototypes
void addVotes(int voteCount, int stateNum, int TrumpArray []);
void displayVotes(int TrumpArray [],int ObamaArray []);
void sortDisplayVotes(int Array []);
void displaySameVotes(int rumpArray [],int ObamaArray []);
void displayStatistics(int rumpArray [],int ObamaArray []);

//api to display the menu
void displayMenu()
printf("1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump\n");
printf("2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama\n");
printf("3. Display total votes for each candidate\n");
printf("4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order\n");
printf("5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes\n");
printf("6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, \
number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.\n");
printf("7. Election is over, Exit Program\n");

//main api
int main()
//local variables
int i =0;
int j =0;
int TrumpArray[TOTAL_STATES];
int ObamaArray[TOTAL_STATES];
int inp =-1;
int tmpi=0;
int tmpj=0;
int sortCandi=0;
//memset both the arrays using -1 to determine how many states has received
//vote count from user input
memset(TrumpArray, -1, sizeof(TrumpArray));
memset(ObamaArray, -1, sizeof(TrumpArray));
//do while loop to show the menu
//read the user input
scanf("%d", &inp);
//switch case to do the process
//exit the Program when user Enters 7 or other numbers
case 7:
printf("Exiting. . . ");
return -1;
case 1:
printf("Enter the votes: ");
scanf("%d", &tmpi);
//read and added vote count to the trump array
addVotes(tmpi, i, TrumpArray);
case 2:
printf("Enter the votes: ");
scanf("%d", &tmpj);
//read and added vote count to the Obama array
addVotes(tmpj, j, ObamaArray);
case 3:
printf("List of states and its count: \n");
//display the vote count for both the candidate
displayVotes(TrumpArray, ObamaArray);
case 4:
printf("Sort and display as per votes:\n");
printf("Press 1 for Trump\nPress 2 for Obama\n");
scanf("%d", &sortCandi);
if(sortCandi == 1)
//sort and display the vote count for the candidate
else if(sortCandi == 2)
printf("Enter the right value for candidate to sort based on vote count\n.");
case 5:
//display the same vote count for each state
displaySameVotes(TrumpArray, ObamaArray);
case 6:
//display the high, low vote Count from each state
displayStatistics(TrumpArray, ObamaArray);
}while(inp<=7 && inp >= 1);

//add Votes to the state using index
void addVotes(int voteCount, int index, int Array [])
Array[index] = voteCount;

void displayVotes(int TrumpArray [], int ObamaArray [])
int i =0;
printf("State Trump Obama\n");
for (i=0; i<TOTAL_STATES; i++)
//if the index value is not equal to -1, display the vote Count for the State
if(TrumpArray[i] != -1 && ObamaArray[i] != -1)
printf("%d %10d %10d\n", i, TrumpArray[i], ObamaArray[i]);

void swapIndexValue(int *x, int *y)
//swap the value for bubbleSort
int temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
// bubbleSort function to sort from low to high
void sortDisplayVotes(int Array[])
int i=0, j=0, t=0;
// two tempArray to store the State number and vote Count for the respective
int tempArray[TOTAL_STATES];
int tempArrayIndex[TOTAL_STATES];
memcpy(tempArray, Array, sizeof(int)*TOTAL_STATES);
for(i=0; i<TOTAL_STATES; i++)
for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_STATES-1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < TOTAL_STATES-1; j++)
if (tempArray[j] > tempArray[j+1])
swapIndexValue(&tempArray[j], &tempArray[j+1]);
printf("State voteCount\n");
for (i=0; i<TOTAL_STATES; i++)
if(tempArray[i] != -1)
printf("%d %10d\n", tempArrayIndex[i], tempArray[i]);

void displaySameVotes(int TrumpArray [], int ObamaArray [])
int i=0, j=0;
int flag=0;
for(;i<TOTAL_STATES; i++)
if(TrumpArray[i] != -1 && ObamaArray[i] != -1)
//display if the state has equal number of vote count
printf("Obama and Trump each got %d votes from state %d.\n", TrumpArray[i], i);
printf("There is no equal vote count for both the candidate.\n");

void displayStatistics(int TrumpArray [], int ObamaArray [])
int i=0;
int low=TrumpArray[i];
int high=TrumpArray[i];
int statelow=0;
int statehigh=0;
int sum=0;
int avg=0;
for(i=0; i<TOTAL_STATES; i++)
if(TrumpArray[i] == -1)
//find the low vote count
if(low > TrumpArray[i])
low = TrumpArray[i];
statelow = i;
//find the high vote count
if(high < TrumpArray[i])
high = TrumpArray[i];
statehigh = i;
//find the average vote count
printf("Trump's lowest vote count is %d and in state %d\n", low, statelow);
printf("Trump's highest vote count is %d and in state %d\n", high, statehigh);
printf("Trump's average count from all the state is %d\n", avg);
for(i=0; i<TOTAL_STATES; i++)
if(ObamaArray[i] == -1)
if(low > ObamaArray[i])
low = ObamaArray[i];
statelow = i;
if(high < ObamaArray[i])
high = ObamaArray[i];
statehigh = i;
printf("\n\nObama's lowest vote count is %d and in state %d\n", low, statelow);
printf("Obama's highest vote count is %d and in state %d\n", high, statehigh);
printf("Obama's average count from all the state is %d\n", avg);


1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Enter the votes: 234
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Enter the votes: 300
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Enter the votes: 200
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Enter the votes: 200
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Enter the votes: 45
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Enter the votes: 567
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
List of states and its count:
State Trump Obama
0 234 300
1 200 200
2 45 567
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Sort and display as per votes:
Press 1 for Trump
Press 2 for Obama
State voteCount
2 45
1 200
0 234
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Sort and display as per votes:
Press 1 for Trump
Press 2 for Obama
State voteCount
1 200
0 300
2 567
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Obama and Trump each got 200 votes from state 1.
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Trump's lowest vote count is 45 and in state 2
Trump's highest vote count is 234 and in state 0
Trump's average count from all the state is 159

Obama's lowest vote count is 200 and in state 1
Obama's highest vote count is 567 and in state 2
Obama's average count from all the state is 355
1. Enter Votes from a state for Ivanka Trump
2. Enter Votes from a state for Michele Obama
3. Display total votes for each candidate
4. Display the all votes for a selected candidate in order
5. List the state number(s) where Trump and Obama received the exact same number of votes
6. For each candidate display the highest number of votes from any state, number the lowest number of votes from any state, the average number of votes from all states.
7. Election is over, Exit Program
Exiting. . .

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