
I need to get this two last parts of my project done by tonight. If you...

I need to get this two last parts of my project done by tonight. If you see something wrong with the current code feel free to fix it. Thank you!

Project 3 Description

In this project, use project 1 and 2 as a starting point and complete the following tasks.

Create a C++ project for a daycare. In this project, create a class called child which is defined as follows:

private members:

  • string First name
  • string Last name
  • integer Child id number
  • integer Number of weeks attended
  • string Teacher first name
  • string Teacher last name
  • integer Classroom number
  • double Balance (amount due)
  • static constant double rate and set the rate to 200.75

public members:

  • argument constructor to assign values to data members of objects.
  • default constructor to assign default values to data members of objects.
  • a void method to calculate the balance
  • a void method to print data of a child object
  • set methods for all the data members (except the rate data member)
  • get methods for all the data members.
  • create a static method called filePrint to save the data of an object to a text file. make sure to pass the object as an argument.  

in the main function:

create multiple objects (at least 3) and test the methods.


Project 4 Description

In this project, use project 3 as a starting point and complete the following tasks.

update project 3 to include exception handling.

when the user is asked to enter the payment inside the balance method, if the user entered a negative value or a value that is grater than the current balance, you should throw an exception using the payment variable. when the exception is catches, print the amount of unaccepted payment with a message of nonacceptance.

Project 1 & 2 code:


// Child.h




using namespace std;

//Create a class Child

class Child {

       //Instance variables


       //Member functions




       //Pay the due amout

       void payment(double& balance, int numOfWksAttended, double weekly_charge);

       //get child details

       void print(string cFName, string cLName, int id, int weeks, string tFName, string tLName, int room, double balance);



// Child.cpp

#include <fstream>

//Implementation of child class

#include "Child.h"


Child::Child() {


//Pay the due amout

void Child::payment(double& balance, int numOfWksAttended, double weekly_charge) {

       double paymentAmt;

       balance += numOfWksAttended * weekly_charge;

       cout << "balance :$" << balance << endl;

       cout << "\nHow much you would like to pay? : ";

       cin >> paymentAmt;

       balance -= paymentAmt;


//get child details

void Child::print(string cFName, string cLName, int id, int weeks, string tFName, string tLName, int room, double balance) {

       //Defines an output stream for the data file

       ofstream dataOut;

       //creating and Opening the output file"child.txt", std::ios::app);

       cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

       dataOut << fixed << setprecision(2);

       cout << "Child's First Name : " << cFName << endl;

       dataOut << "Child's First Name : " << cFName << endl;

       cout << "Child's Last Name : " << cLName << endl;

       dataOut << "Child's Last Name : " << cLName << endl;

       cout << "Child's Id Number : " << id << endl;

       dataOut << "Child's Id Number : " << id << endl;

       cout << "Number Of Wks Attended: " << weeks << endl;

       dataOut << "Number Of Wks Attended: " << weeks << endl;

       cout << "Teacher's First Name : " << tFName << endl;

       dataOut << "Teacher's First Name : " << tFName << endl;

       cout << "Teacher's Last Name : " << tLName << endl;

       dataOut << "Teacher's Last Name : " << tLName << endl;

       cout << "Class Room Number : " << room << endl;

       dataOut << "Class Room Number : " << room << endl;

       cout << "Balance Due : $" << balance << endl;

       dataOut << "Balance Due : $" << balance << endl;

       dataOut << "------------------------------------------" << endl;

       dataOut << endl;




// main.cpp

#include <iostream>

#include "Child.h"

using namespace std;

//Function prototypes

void getInformation(string&, string&, int&, int&, string&, string&, int&, double&);

int main()


       //Variable for input read

       string firstName;

       string lastName;

       int child_id;

       double balance, weekly_charge;

       int numOfWksAttended;

       string teacherfirstName;

       string teacherlastName;

       int classroomNum;

       char ch;

       //Loop until user choose n

       do {

              //Call function to get information from user

              getInformation(firstName, lastName, child_id, numOfWksAttended, teacherfirstName, teacherlastName, classroomNum, weekly_charge);

              //Set a child

              Child child;

              //Payment opt

              cout << "\nDue you want to pay balance (y/n): ";

              cin >> ch;

              ch = toupper(ch);

              while (ch != 'N' && ch != 'Y') {

                      cout << "Error!!!Incorrect oprion.Re-enter" << endl;

                      cout << "\nDue you want to make a payment (y/n): ";

                      cin >> ch;

                      ch = toupper(ch);



              if (ch == 'Y') {

                      child.payment(balance, numOfWksAttended, weekly_charge);


              //Child details

              cout << "\nDisplay child details: " << endl;;

              child.print(firstName, lastName, child_id, numOfWksAttended, teacherfirstName, teacherlastName, classroomNum, balance);

              //Loop continuation part

              cout << "\n Do you want to enter other child informaton(y/n): ";

              cin >> ch;

              ch = toupper(ch);

              while (ch != 'N' && ch != 'Y') {

                      cout << "Error!!!Incorrect oprion.Re-enter" << endl;

                      cout << "\n Do you want to enter other child informaton(y/n): ";

                      cin >> ch;

                      ch = toupper(ch);


       } while (ch == 'Y');

       cout << "\nTerminating Application!!!" << endl;


//Function to get information of a child from user

void getInformation(string& fname, string& lname, int& id, int& wkNum, string& tfname, string& tlname, int& roomNum, double& weekly_charge) {

       cout << "Enter child's first name: ";

       cin >> fname;

       cout << "Enter child's last name: ";

       cin >> lname;

       cout << "Enter child's id: ";

       cin >> id;

       cout << "Enter weeks child' attended: ";

       cin >> wkNum;

       cout << "Enter teacher's first name: ";

       cin >> tfname;

       cout << "Enter teacher's last name: ";

       cin >> tlname;

       cout << "Enter class room number: ";

       cin >> roomNum;

       cout << "Enter Weekly Charge :$";

       cin >> weekly_charge;

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Answer #1

// Child.h


using namespace std;

class Child



       string firstName, lastName;

       int child_id;

       int num_weeks_attended;

       string teacher_fname, teacher_lname;

       int classroom_num;

       double balance;

       static const double rate = 200.75;



       Child(string cFName, string cLName,int id,int weeks, string tFName, string tLName, int room);

       void calculate();

       void print();

       void setFirstName(string cFName);

       void setLastName(string cLName);

       void setNumWeeksAttended(int weeks);

       void setTeacherFirstName(string tFName);

       void setTeacherLastName(string tLName);

       void setClassroom(int room);

       void setBalance(double bal);

       void setChildID(int id);

       string getFirstName() const;

       string getLastName() const;

       int getNumWeeksAttended() const;

       string getTeacherFirstName() const;

       string getTeacherLastName() const;

       int getClassroom() const;

       double getBalance() const;

       int getChildID() const;

       static void filePrint(Child child);


//end of Child.h

// Child.cpp

#include "Child.h"

#include <fstream>

#include <iomanip>



       firstName ="";

       lastName = "";

       child_id = 0;


       teacher_fname ="";

       teacher_lname = "";

       classroom_num= 0;

       balance = 0;


Child::Child(string cFName, string cLName,int id,int weeks, string tFName, string tLName, int room)


       firstName = cFName;

       lastName = cLName;

       child_id = id;

       num_weeks_attended = weeks;

       teacher_fname = tFName;

       teacher_lname = tLName;

       classroom_num = room;

       balance = 0;


void Child:: calculate()


       double paymentAmt;

       balance += num_weeks_attended * rate;

       cout << "balance :$" << balance << endl;

       cout << "\nHow much you would like to pay? : ";

       cin >> paymentAmt;

       if(paymentAmt < 0 || paymentAmt > balance)


             throw paymentAmt;


       balance -= paymentAmt;


void Child:: print()


       cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

       cout << "Child's First Name : " << firstName << endl;

       cout << "Child's Last Name : " << lastName << endl;

       cout << "Child's Id Number : " << child_id << endl;

       cout << "Number Of Weeks Attended: " << num_weeks_attended << endl;

       cout << "Teacher's First Name : " << teacher_fname << endl;

       cout << "Teacher's Last Name : " << teacher_lname << endl;

       cout << "Class Room Number : " << classroom_num << endl;

       cout << "Balance Due : $" << balance << endl;


void Child:: setFirstName(string cFName)


       firstName = cFName;


void Child:: setLastName(string cLName)


       lastName = cLName;


void Child:: setNumWeeksAttended(int weeks)


       num_weeks_attended = weeks;


void Child:: setTeacherFirstName(string tFName)


       teacher_fname = tFName;


void Child:: setTeacherLastName(string tLName)


       teacher_lname = tLName;


void Child:: setClassroom(int room)


       classroom_num = room;


void Child:: setBalance(double bal)


       balance = bal;


void Child:: setChildID(int id)


       child_id = id;


string Child:: getFirstName() const


       return firstName;


string Child:: getLastName() const


       return lastName;


int Child:: getNumWeeksAttended() const


       return num_weeks_attended;


string Child:: getTeacherFirstName() const


       return teacher_fname;


string Child:: getTeacherLastName() const


       return teacher_lname;


int Child::getClassroom() const


       return classroom_num;


double Child:: getBalance() const


       return balance;


int Child:: getChildID() const


       return child_id;


void Child:: filePrint(Child child)


       //Defines an output stream for the data file

       ofstream dataOut;

       //creating and Opening the output file"child.txt", std::ios::app);

       dataOut << fixed << setprecision(2);

       dataOut << "Child's First Name : " << child.getFirstName() << endl;

       dataOut << "Child's Last Name : " << child.getLastName() << endl;

       dataOut << "Child's Id Number : " <<child.getChildID() << endl;

       dataOut << "Number Of Weeks Attended: " << child.getNumWeeksAttended() << endl;

       dataOut << "Teacher's First Name : " << child.getTeacherFirstName() << endl;

       dataOut << "Teacher's Last Name : " << child.getTeacherLastName() << endl;

       dataOut << "Class Room Number : " << child.getClassroom() << endl;

       dataOut << "Balance Due : $" << child.getBalance() << endl;

       dataOut << "------------------------------------------" << endl;

       dataOut << endl;



//end of Child.cpp

// main.cpp : Driver program

#include <iostream>

#include "Child.h"

using namespace std;

//Function prototypes

void getInformation(string&, string&, int&, int&, string&, string&, int&);

int main()


       //Variable for input read

       string firstName;

       string lastName;

       int child_id;

       int numOfWksAttended;

       string teacherfirstName;

       string teacherlastName;

       int classroomNum;

       char ch;

       //Loop until user choose n

       do {

              //Call function to get information from user

              getInformation(firstName, lastName, child_id, numOfWksAttended, teacherfirstName, teacherlastName, classroomNum);

              //Set a child

              Child child(firstName,lastName,child_id,numOfWksAttended,teacherfirstName,teacherlastName,classroomNum);

              //Payment opt

              cout << "\nDue you want to pay balance (y/n): ";

              cin >> ch;

              ch = toupper(ch);

              while (ch != 'N' && ch != 'Y') {

                      cout << "Error!!!Incorrect oprion.Re-enter" << endl;

                      cout << "\nDue you want to make a payment (y/n): ";

                      cin >> ch;

                      ch = toupper(ch);



              if (ch == 'Y') {



              }catch(double payment)


                      if(payment < 0)

                             cout<<"Amount : "<<payment<<" is negative"<<endl;


                             cout<<"Amount : "<<payment<<" greater than current balance"<<endl;



              //Child details

              cout << "\nDisplay child details: " << endl;;

              child.print(); // print to console

              Child::filePrint(child); // write to file

              //Loop continuation part

              cout << "\n Do you want to enter other child informaton(y/n): ";

              cin >> ch;

              ch = toupper(ch);

              while (ch != 'N' && ch != 'Y') {

                      cout << "Error!!!Incorrect oprion.Re-enter" << endl;

                      cout << "\n Do you want to enter other child informaton(y/n): ";

                      cin >> ch;

                      ch = toupper(ch);


       } while (ch == 'Y');

       cout << "\nTerminating Application!!!" << endl;

       return 0;


//Function to get information of a child from user

void getInformation(string& fname, string& lname, int& id, int& wkNum, string& tfname, string& tlname, int& roomNum) {

       cout << "Enter child's first name: ";

       cin >> fname;

       cout << "Enter child's last name: ";

       cin >> lname;

       cout << "Enter child's id: ";

       cin >> id;

       cout << "Enter weeks child' attended: ";

       cin >> wkNum;

       cout << "Enter teacher's first name: ";

       cin >> tfname;

       cout << "Enter teacher's last name: ";

       cin >> tlname;

       cout << "Enter class room number: ";

       cin >> roomNum;


//end of main.cpp


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