
Program is in C++, program is called airplane reservation. It is suppose to display a screen...

Program is in C++, program is called airplane reservation. It is suppose to display a screen of seating chart in the format 1 A B C D E F through 10. I had a hard time giving the seats a letter value. It displays a correct screen but when I reserve a new seat the string seats[][] doesn't update to having a X for that seat. Also there is a file for the struct called systemUser.txt it has 4 users in the format 01 Deter Boat username password. The program checks the password and username to see it it's on the list or not. I tried using a flag in the loop but it doesn't work correctly unless it's the last user on the list. So most of the time access is declined. I comment that part out so I could use the other part of the program. Please help the function displaySeats and reservedSeats. And the checkUser function.




//#define inFile = "systemUser.txt"
using namespace std;
struct valid_user {

int id;
string first_name;
string last_name;
string username;
string password;

const int ROWS = 10; //for rows in airplane
const int COLS = 7;

//protypes for functions
void welcome(); //welcome function
void checkUser(valid_user[]); //username and password match
void menu(); //displays options
void Quit();
void help();
void displaySeats(string[][COLS]);
void reserveSeat(string[][COLS]);
void SaveFile(string[][COLS]);
void cancel(string[][COLS]);

int main() {

ifstream eds; //used to write systemUser
ofstream pds; //used to read text

string seatChar[ROWS][COLS];
int choice; //for menu
string outFile; //used for name of file from user

valid_user check[4]; //max users but should only be 4 users

bool repeat = true; //needed for switch loop

while (repeat = true) {
cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
cout << "Please enter Your Choice (1-7): " << endl;
cin >> choice;
cout << "----------------------" << endl;

switch (choice) {

case 1:
cout << "Seating chart looks like this:" << endl;

case 2:

case 3:

case 4:

case 5:

case 6:


case 7:

repeat = false;

cout << "You need to enter a number 1-7" << endl;

}//end of switch


system ("pause");

return 0;

void welcome() {
cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " WELCOME TO AIR TICKETS SYSTEM " << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;


void checkUser(valid_user check[]) {

int number;
string first;
string last;
string user;
string Password;

//user input
string userName;
string userPassword;

ifstream eds; //used to write systemUser
ofstream pds; //used to read text

string inFile;
inFile = "systemUser.txt";;

//protection if file doesn't open
if ( {

cout << "Error opening system user records fie (systemUser.txt)" << endl;

else {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
while (eds.eof() == 0) {
eds >> number >> first >> last >> user >> Password;
check[i].id = number;
check[i].first_name = first;
check[i].last_name = last;
check[i].username = user;
check[i].password = Password;


cout << "Please enter your user: " << endl;
cin >> userName;
cout << "Please enter your password: " << endl;
cin >> userPassword;

cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;

int flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

if ((userName == check[i].username) && (userPassword == check[i].password)) {

flag = 1;

cout << flag << endl;

if (flag == 1) {

cout << "Username and Password match!" << endl;
cout << "ACCESS GRANTED" << endl;

cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " WELCOME TO AIR TICKET SYSTEM " << first << " " << last << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
else {
cout << "Username and password mismatch, access declined!" << endl;
cout << "Good-bye" << endl;


void menu() {

cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " WELCOME TO AIR TICKETS SYSTEM " << endl; //needs to add user first and last name
cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "1. Display Seat Chart" << endl;
cout << "2. Reserve Seat" << endl;
cout << "3. Cancel Reservation" << endl;
cout << "4. Save Seat Chart to File" << endl;
cout << "5. Statistics" << endl;
cout << "6. Help" << endl;
cout << "7. Quit" << endl;


void Quit()
cout << "Thank You!" << endl;
cout << "Enjoy your Flight" << endl;
exit(0); //Exit the program

void help(){
cout << "LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED A LITTLE HELP!!!" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Option 1 Displays the avaible seats " << endl;
cout << "Option 2 Helps you find an avaiable seat to reserve " << endl;
cout << "Option 3 Cancels your reservation " << endl;
cout << "Option 4 Updates the seating chart file " << endl;
cout << "Option 5 Provides all the information about avaiable and reserved seats for flight " << endl;
cout << "Option 6 Brings you back to this screen " << endl;
cout << "Option 7 Quits the program " << endl;

void displaySeats(string seats[ROWS][COLS]) {

cout << "\t Window" << "\t" << "Center" << "\t" << "Aisle" << "\t" << "Aisle" << "\t" << "Center" << "\t" << "Window" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
cout << i+1;

for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++) {

if( seats[i][j] == "X"){
seats[i][j] = "X";
cout << seats[i][j] << "\t";

else {

seats[i][1] = "A";
seats[i][2] = 'B';
seats[i][3] = 'C';
seats[i][4] = 'D';
seats[i][5] = 'E';
seats[i][6] = 'F';

cout << seats[i][j] << "\t";

cout << endl;
}//end of else


void reserveSeat(string seat[ROWS][COLS]) {
int row;
char col;
cout << "Pleae enter a seat in the form ROW 1-10 and LETTER A-F [example 2B]: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);

while (((row > ROWS) || (row <= 0)) &&((col != 'A' || 'B'||'C'||'D'||'E'||'F'))) {
cout << "You entered a seat that does not exist!!" << endl;
cout << "Pleae try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);


int colVal;
if (col == 'A') {
colVal = 1;


else if (col == 'B') {
colVal = 2;

else if (col == 'C') {
colVal = 3;


else if (col == 'D') {
colVal = 4;


else if (col == 'E') {
colVal = 5;


else if (col == 'F') {
colVal = 6;


if (seat[row-1][colVal] == "X") {
do {
cout << "Seat is already taken." << endl;
cout << "Please try again!" << endl;
cout << "Pleae enter a seat in the form ROW 1-10 and LETTER A-F [example 2B]: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);

while (((row > ROWS) || (row <= 0)) && ((col != 'A' || 'B' || 'C' || 'D' || 'E' || 'F'))) {
cout << "You entered a seat that does not exist!!" << endl;
cout << "Pleae try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);


//repeats until seat is not taken
} while (seat[row-1][colVal] == "X");

else {

if (col == 'A') {
seat[row-1][1] = "X";

else if (col == 'B') {
seat[row - 1][2] = "X";

else if (col == 'C') {
seat[row - 1][3] = "X";

else if (col == 'D') {
seat[row - 1][4] = "X";
else if (col == 'E') {
seat[row - 1][5] = "X";
else if (col == 'F') {
seat[row - 1][6] = "X";

cout << "Your seat was sucessful reserved!" << endl;
cout << "Seat: " << row << col<<endl;

} //end of else


void SaveFile(string seat[ROWS][COLS]) {
ifstream eds;
ofstream pds;

string outFile; //file name from user

cout << "What is the name of the file you would like to open?" << endl;
cout << "Enter file name: " << endl;
cin >> outFile;;"chartIn.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++) {
pds << seat[i][j] << " ";
pds << endl;


void cancel(string seat[ROWS][COLS]) {
int row;
char col;

cout << "Sorry to hear you want to cancel your flight" << endl;
cout << "Please enter you seat you'd like to cancel in format, rows 1-10 and column A-F [example 2C]: "<<endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col= toupper(col);

while (((row > ROWS) || (row <= 0)) && ((col != 'A' || 'B' || 'C' || 'D' || 'E' || 'F'))) {

cout << "That seat is not valid!!" << endl;
cout << "Pleae try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);


if (seat[row][col] !="X") {
do {
cout << "Error, you entered a seat that has not be reserved yet!" << endl;
cout << "Try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);
} while (seat[row][col] != "X");

//cancelling seat

cout << "You cancelled seat: " << row << col << endl;

}//exit after entering resevered seat

//cancel seat when user typed in correctly
else {


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Answer #1


//#define inFile "systemUser.txt"
using namespace std;
struct valid_user {

int id;
string first_name;
string last_name;
string username;
string password;

const int ROWS = 10; //for rows in airplane
const int COLS = 7;

//protypes for functions
void welcome(); //welcome function
void checkUser(valid_user[]); //username and password match
void menu(); //displays options
void Quit();
void help();
void displaySeats(string[][COLS]);
void reserveSeat(string[][COLS]);
void SaveFile(string[][COLS]);
void cancel(string[][COLS]);
void initSeatChar(string[][COLS]);

int main() {

ifstream eds; //used to write systemUser
ofstream pds; //used to read text

string seatChar[ROWS][COLS];

int choice; //for menu
string outFile; //used for name of file from user

valid_user check[4]; //max users but should only be 4 users

bool repeat = true; //needed for switch loop

while (repeat = true) {
cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
cout << "Please enter Your Choice (1-7): " << endl;
cin >> choice;
cout << "----------------------" << endl;

switch (choice) {

case 1:
cout << "Seating chart looks like this:" << endl;

case 2:

case 3:

case 4:

case 5:

case 6:


case 7:

repeat = false;

cout << "You need to enter a number 1-7" << endl;

}//end of switch


system ("pause");

return 0;

void initSeatChar(string seats[][COLS])
for(int i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
char buffer[5];
itoa(i+1, buffer, 10);
seats[i][0] = buffer;
seats[i][1] = "A";
seats[i][2] = "B";
seats[i][3] = "C";
seats[i][4] = "D";
seats[i][5] = "E";
seats[i][6] = "F";


void welcome() {
cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " WELCOME TO AIR TICKETS SYSTEM " << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;


void checkUser(valid_user check[]) {

int number;
string first;
string last;
string user;
string Password;

//user input
string userName;
string userPassword;

ifstream eds; //used to write systemUser
ofstream pds; //used to read text

string inFile;
inFile = "systemUser.txt";;

//protection if file doesn't open
if ( {

cout << "Error opening system user records fie (systemUser.txt)" << endl;

else {

cout << "Please enter your user: " << endl;
cin >> userName;
cout << "Please enter your password: " << endl;
cin >> userPassword;

cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;

int flag = 0;

while (eds) {
eds >> number >> first >> last >> user >> Password;

if ((userName == user) && (userPassword == Password))
flag = 1;

cout << flag << endl;

if (flag == 1) {

cout << "Username and Password match!" << endl;
cout << "ACCESS GRANTED" << endl;

cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " WELCOME TO AIR TICKET SYSTEM " << first << " " << last << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
else {
cout << "Username and password mismatch, access declined!" << endl;
cout << "Good-bye" << endl;

void menu() {

cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << " WELCOME TO AIR TICKETS SYSTEM " << endl; //needs to add user first and last name
cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "1. Display Seat Chart" << endl;
cout << "2. Reserve Seat" << endl;
cout << "3. Cancel Reservation" << endl;
cout << "4. Save Seat Chart to File" << endl;
cout << "5. Statistics" << endl;
cout << "6. Help" << endl;
cout << "7. Quit" << endl;


void Quit()
cout << "Thank You!" << endl;
cout << "Enjoy your Flight" << endl;
exit(0); //Exit the program

void help(){
cout << "LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED A LITTLE HELP!!!" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Option 1 Displays the available seats " << endl;
cout << "Option 2 Helps you find an available seat to reserve " << endl;
cout << "Option 3 Cancels your reservation " << endl;
cout << "Option 4 Updates the seating chart file " << endl;
cout << "Option 5 Provides all the information about available and reserved seats for flight " << endl;
cout << "Option 6 Brings you back to this screen " << endl;
cout << "Option 7 Quits the program " << endl;

void displaySeats(string seats[ROWS][COLS]) {

cout << "\tWindow" << "\t" << "Center" << "\t" << "Aisle" << "\t" << "Aisle" << "\t" << "Center" << "\t" << "Window" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++) {

cout << seats[i][j] << "\t";

cout << endl;
}//end of else


void reserveSeat(string seat[ROWS][COLS]) {
int row;
char col;
cout << "Pleae enter a seat in the form ROW 1-10 and LETTER A-F [example 2B]: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);

while (((row > ROWS) || (row <= 0)) &&((col != 'A' || 'B'||'C'||'D'||'E'||'F'))) {
cout << "You entered a seat that does not exist!!" << endl;
cout << "Please try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);


int colVal;
if (col == 'A') {
colVal = 1;


else if (col == 'B') {
colVal = 2;

else if (col == 'C') {
colVal = 3;


else if (col == 'D') {
colVal = 4;


else if (col == 'E') {
colVal = 5;


else if (col == 'F') {
colVal = 6;


if (seat[row-1][colVal] == "X") {
do {
cout << "Seat is already taken." << endl;
cout << "Please try again!" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a seat in the form ROW 1-10 and LETTER A-F [example 2B]: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);

while (((row > ROWS) || (row <= 0)) && ((col != 'A' || 'B' || 'C' || 'D' || 'E' || 'F'))) {
cout << "You entered a seat that does not exist!!" << endl;
cout << "Pleae try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);


//repeats until seat is not taken
} while (seat[row-1][colVal] == "X");

else {

if (col == 'A') {
seat[row-1][1] = "X";

else if (col == 'B') {
seat[row - 1][2] = "X";

else if (col == 'C') {
seat[row - 1][3] = "X";

else if (col == 'D') {
seat[row - 1][4] = "X";
else if (col == 'E') {
seat[row - 1][5] = "X";
else if (col == 'F') {
seat[row - 1][6] = "X";

cout << "Your seat was sucessful reserved!" << endl;
cout << "Seat: " << row << col<<endl;

} //end of else


void SaveFile(string seat[ROWS][COLS]) {
ifstream eds;
ofstream pds;

string outFile; //file name from user

cout << "What is the name of the file you would like to open?" << endl;
cout << "Enter file name: " << endl;
cin >> outFile;;"chartIn.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++) {
pds << seat[i][j] << " ";
pds << endl;


void cancel(string seat[ROWS][COLS]) {
int row;
char col;

cout << "Sorry to hear you want to cancel your flight" << endl;
cout << "Please enter you seat you'd like to cancel in format, rows 1-10 and column A-F [example 2C]: "<<endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col= toupper(col);

while (((row > ROWS) || (row <= 0)) && ((col != 'A' || 'B' || 'C' || 'D' || 'E' || 'F'))) {

cout << "That seat is not valid!!" << endl;
cout << "Pleae try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);


if (seat[row][col] !="X") {
do {
cout << "Error, you entered a seat that has not be reserved yet!" << endl;
cout << "Try again" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a number 1-10 for the row and a letter A-F for the column: " << endl;
cin >> row >> col;
col = toupper(col);
} while (seat[row][col] != "X");

//cancelling seat

cout << "You cancelled seat: " << row << col << endl;

}//exit after entering resevered seat

//cancel seat when user typed in correctly
else {



Please enter your user:
Please enter your password:
Username and Password match!
1. Display Seat Chart
2. Reserve Seat
3. Cancel Reservation
4. Save Seat Chart to File
5. Statistics
6. Help
7. Quit
Please enter Your Choice (1-7):
Seating chart looks like this:
Window Center Aisle Aisle Center Window
1 A B C D E F
2 A B C D E F
3 A B C D E F
4 A B C D E F
5 A B C D E F
6 A B C D E F
7 A B C D E F
8 A B C D E F
9 A B C D E F
10 A B C D E F
1. Display Seat Chart
2. Reserve Seat
3. Cancel Reservation
4. Save Seat Chart to File
5. Statistics
6. Help
7. Quit
Please enter Your Choice (1-7):
Pleae enter a seat in the form ROW 1-10 and LETTER A-F [example 2B]:
Your seat was sucessful reserved!
Seat: 2B
1. Display Seat Chart
2. Reserve Seat
3. Cancel Reservation
4. Save Seat Chart to File
5. Statistics
6. Help
7. Quit
Please enter Your Choice (1-7):
Seating chart looks like this:
Window Center Aisle Aisle Center Window
1 A B C D E F
2 A X C D E F
3 A B C D E F
4 A B C D E F
5 A B C D E F
6 A B C D E F
7 A B C D E F
8 A B C D E F
9 A B C D E F
10 A B C D E F
1. Display Seat Chart
2. Reserve Seat
3. Cancel Reservation
4. Save Seat Chart to File
5. Statistics
6. Help
7. Quit
Please enter Your Choice (1-7):
Thank You!
Enjoy your Flight
Press any key to continue . . .

N.B. I have debug the given code. Now it works fine. Whether you need any help then share with me.

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Program is in C++, program is called airplane reservation. It is suppose to display a screen...
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