
Three of these function overloads are considered identical by the compiler and would conflict with each...

  1. Three of these function overloads are considered identical by the compiler and would conflict with each other. The other would be considered different- choose the one that is considered different from others.
  1. Int foo ( int x, double y ) ;
  2. Int foo ( double x, int y ) ;
  3. Void foo ( int x, double y ) ;
  4. Int foo ( int day, double temp ) ;

  1. Consider the following incomplete code:

Int f ( int number )


………………………. ;


Int main()


Int x = 5

Cout << f (x) << endl;

Return 0;


What should be the missing line be ?

  1. Cout << x << endl
  2. Return number
  3. Return X
  4. Cout << number << endl
  1. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using functions.
  1. Using functions makes program run faster
  2. Using functions makes reusing code easier.
  3. Using functions makes programs easier to read.
  4. Using functions abstracts away from detailed implementation.

  1. //print grade for the score

……….printGrade (double score) {

If ( score >=90.0)

Cout << ‘A’;

Else If ( score >=80.0)

Cout << ‘B’;

Else If ( score >=70.0)

Cout << ‘C’;

Else If ( score >=60.0)

Cout << ‘D’;


Cout << ‘F’;


  1. Int
  2. Void
  3. Bool
  4. Char
  5. Double

  1. The following program invokes p() three times. What is the output from the last call of p()?

Void p() {

Int I = 5 ;

Static int j = 5;



Cout << “ I is “ << I << “ j is “ << j << endl;


Int main () {




  1. I is 6 j is 6
  2. I is 8 j is 6
  3. I is 6 j is 8
  4. I is 8 j is 8

0 0
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Answer #1

Dear Student ,

As per requirement submitted above kindly find below solution.

Question 1:

Answer foo ( double x, int y ) {}

Explanation :The function int foo ( double x, int y ) {} will not conflict because this is considered as new function.


Question 2:

Answer :B.Return number

Explanation :Below screen shows the output


Question 3:

Answer :A.Using functions makes program run faster

Explanation :Using function program may not run faster , function is used for reusability.


Question 4:

Answer :B.Void

Explanation :Function printGrade() does not anything hence return type is void.


Question 5:

Answer :I is 6 j is 8

Explanation :Below screen shows the output



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Three of these function overloads are considered identical by the compiler and would conflict with each...
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