
Java StringNode Case Study: Rewrite the following methods in the StringNode class shown below. Leave all...

Java StringNode Case Study: Rewrite the following methods in the StringNode class shown below. Leave all others intact and follow similar guidelines. The methods that need to be changed are in the code below.

- Rewrite the indexOf() method. Remove the existing recursive implementation of the method, and replace it with one that uses iteration instead.

- Rewrite the isPrefix() method so that it uses iteration. Remove the existing recursive implementation of the method, and replace it with one that uses iteration instead.

- Rewrite the insertAfter() method. Remove the existing iterative implementation of the method, and replace it with one that uses recursion instead. No loops are allowed.

- Rewrite the removeAllSpaces() method so that it uses iteration. Remove the existing recursive implementation of the method, and replace it with one that uses iteration instead.

 * Computer Science 112
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import java.util.*;

 * A class for representing a string using a linked list.
 * Each character of the string is stored in a separate node.  
 * This class represents one node of the linked list.  The string as a
 * whole is represented by storing a reference to the first node in
 * the linked list. The methods in this class are static methods that
 * take a reference to a string linked-list as a parameter. This
 * approach allows us to use recursion to write many of the methods,
 * and it also allows the methods to handle empty strings, which are 
 * represented using a value of null.
public class StringNode {
    private char ch;
    private StringNode next;
     * Constructor
    public StringNode(char c, StringNode n) { = c; = n;
     * getNode - private helper method that returns a reference to
     * node i in the given linked-list string.  If the string is too
     * short or if the user passes in a negative i, the method returns null.
    private static StringNode getNode(StringNode str, int i) {
        if (i < 0 || str == null) {    // base case 1: not found
            return null;
        } else if (i == 0) {           // base case 2: just found
            return str;
        } else {
            return getNode(, i - 1);
      * Public methods (in alphabetical order)
     * charAt - returns the character at the specified index of the
     * specified linked-list string, where the first character has
     * index 0.  If the index i is < 0 or i > length - 1, the method
     * will end up throwing an IllegalArgumentException.
    public static char charAt(StringNode str, int i) {
        if (str == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the string is empty");
        StringNode node = getNode(str, i);
        if (node != null) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
     * convert - converts a standard Java String object to a linked-list
     * string and returns a reference to the linked-list string
    public static StringNode convert(String s) {
        if (s.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        StringNode firstNode = new StringNode(s.charAt(0), null);
        StringNode prevNode = firstNode;
        StringNode nextNode;
        for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) {
            nextNode = new StringNode(s.charAt(i), null);
   = nextNode;
            prevNode = nextNode;
        return firstNode;
     * copy - returns a copy of the given linked-list string
    public static StringNode copy(StringNode str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return null;
        // Create the first node of the copy, copying the
        // first character into it.
        StringNode copyFirst = new StringNode(, null);
        // Make a recursive call to get a copy of the rest, 
        // and store the result in the first node's next field. = copy(;
        return copyFirst;
     * deleteChar - deletes character i in the given linked-list string and
     * returns a reference to the resulting linked-list string
    public static StringNode deleteChar(StringNode str, int i) {
        if (str == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("string is empty");
        } else if (i < 0) { 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        } else if (i == 0) { 
            str =;
        } else {
            StringNode prevNode = getNode(str, i-1);
            if (prevNode != null && != null) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        return str;
     * indexOf - returns the position of the first occurrence of
     * character ch in the given linked-list string.  If there is
     * none, returns -1.
    public static int indexOf(StringNode str, char ch) {
        if (str == null) {          // base case 1: ch wasn't found
            return -1;
        } else if ( == ch) {  // base case 2: ch was just found
            return 0;           
        } else {
            int indexInRest = indexOf(, ch);
            if (indexInRest == -1) {
                return -1;
            } else { 
                return 1 + indexInRest;
     * insertAfter - inserts the specified new character (newChar) 
     * after the first occurrence of the specified character (afterChar)
     * in the linked-list string to which str refers.
     * If afterChar is not in the string, the method adds the character
     * to the end of the string. Returns a reference to the first node
     * in the modified linked list, because the first node will change
     * if the original string was empty.
    public static StringNode insertAfter(StringNode str, char newChar, 
                                         char afterChar) 
        StringNode newNode = new StringNode(newChar, null);
        // If the string is empty, return the new node,
        // which is the new first node.
        if (str == null) {
            return newNode;
        StringNode trail = null;
        StringNode trav = str;
        while (trav != null) {
            if ( == afterChar) {
                // Perform the insertion.
       = newNode;
                // We're done. Return the first node as required.
                return str;
            trail = trav;
            trav =;
        // If we get here, we didn't find afterChar,
        // so we insert the new node at the end of the list
        // by using trail, which is pointing to the current last node. = newNode;
        return str;
     * insertChar - inserts the character ch before the character
     * currently in position i of the specified linked-list string.
     * Returns a reference to the resulting linked-list string.
    public static StringNode insertChar(StringNode str, int i, char ch) {
        StringNode newNode, prevNode;
        if (i < 0) { 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        } else if (i == 0) {
            newNode = new StringNode(ch, str);
            str = newNode;
        } else {
            prevNode = getNode(str, i - 1);
            if (prevNode != null) {
                newNode = new StringNode(ch,;
       = newNode;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        return str;
     * insertSorted - inserts character ch in the correct position
     * in a sorted list of characters (i.e., a sorted linked-list string)
     * and returns a reference to the resulting list.
    public static StringNode insertSorted(StringNode str, char ch) {
        StringNode newNode, trail, trav;
        // Find where the character belongs.
        trail = null;
        trav = str;
        while (trav != null && < ch) {
            trail = trav;
            trav =;
        // Create and insert the new node.
        newNode = new StringNode(ch, trav);
        if (trail == null) {
            // We never advanced the prev and trav references, so
            // newNode goes at the start of the list.
            str = newNode;
        } else { 
   = newNode;
        return str;
     * isPrefix - determines if the linked-list string specified by prefix 
     * is a prefix of the linked-list string specified by str -- i.e., if 
     * str starts with the characters in prefix. It returns true if str 
     * starts with prefix and false otherwise.
    public static boolean isPrefix(StringNode prefix, StringNode str) {
        // Three base cases.
        if (prefix == null) {
            return true;          // processed all of prefix without a mismatch
        } else if (str == null) {
            return false;         // str is shorter than prefix
        } else if ( != {
            return false;         // a mismatch
        } else {
            return isPrefix(,;
     * length - recursively determines the number of characters in the
     * linked-list string to which str refers
    public static int length(StringNode str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return  0;
        } else {
            return 1 + length(;
     * numOccur - find the number of occurrences of the character
     * ch in the linked list to which str refers
    public static int numOccur(StringNode str, char ch) {
        if (str == null) {
            return 0;
        int numInRest = numOccur(, ch);
        if ( == ch) {
            return 1 + numInRest;
        } else {
            return numInRest;
     * print - recursively writes the specified linked-list string to System.out
    public static void print(StringNode str) {
        if (str == null) {
        } else {
     * read - reads a string from an input stream and returns a
     * reference to a linked list containing the characters in the string
    public static StringNode read(InputStream in) throws IOException { 
        char ch = (char);
        if (ch == '\n') {    // the string ends when we hit a newline character
            return null;         
        } else {
            StringNode restOfString = read(in);
            StringNode first = new StringNode(ch, restOfString);
            return first;
     * removeAllSpaces - removes all spaces from the linked-list string
     * to which str refers. Modifies the linked list itself, rather than
     * creating a new list. Returns a reference to the first node
     * in the modified linked list, because the first node will change
     * if the old first node contained a space.
    public static StringNode removeAllSpaces(StringNode str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            StringNode removedFromRest = removeAllSpaces(;
            if ( == ' ') {
                return removedFromRest;
            } else {
       = removedFromRest;
                return str;
     * toString - creates and returns the Java string that
     * the current StringNode represents.  Note that this
     * method -- unlike the others -- is a non-static method.
     * Thus, it will not work for empty strings, since they
     * are represented by a value of null, and we can't use
     * null to invoke this method.
    public String toString() {
        String str = "";
        StringNode trav = this;   // start trav on the current node    
        while (trav != null) {
            str = str +;
            trav =;
        return str;
     * toUpperCase - converts all of the characters in the specified
     * linked-list string to upper case.  Modifies the list itself,
     * rather than creating a new list.
    public static void toUpperCase(StringNode str) {        
        StringNode trav = str; 
        while (trav != null) {
   = Character.toUpperCase(; 
            trav =;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // testing 
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import java.util.*;

* A class for representing a string using a linked list.
* Each character of the string is stored in a separate node.
* This class represents one node of the linked list. The string as a
* whole is represented by storing a reference to the first node in
* the linked list. The methods in this class are static methods that
* take a reference to a string linked-list as a parameter. This
* approach allows us to use recursion to write many of the methods,
* and it also allows the methods to handle empty strings, which are
* represented using a value of null.
public class StringNode {
    private char ch;
    private StringNode next;
     * Constructor
    public StringNode(char c, StringNode n) { = c; = n;
     * getNode - private helper method that returns a reference to
     * node i in the given linked-list string. If the string is too
     * short or if the user passes in a negative i, the method returns null.
    private static StringNode getNode(StringNode str, int i) {
        if (i < 0 || str == null) {    // base case 1: not found
            return null;
        } else if (i == 0) {           // base case 2: just found
            return str;
        } else {
            return getNode(, i - 1);
      * Public methods (in alphabetical order)
     * charAt - returns the character at the specified index of the
     * specified linked-list string, where the first character has
     * index 0. If the index i is < 0 or i > length - 1, the method
     * will end up throwing an IllegalArgumentException.
    public static char charAt(StringNode str, int i) {
        if (str == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the string is empty");
        StringNode node = getNode(str, i);
        if (node != null) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
     * convert - converts a standard Java String object to a linked-list
     * string and returns a reference to the linked-list string
    public static StringNode convert(String s) {
        if (s.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        StringNode firstNode = new StringNode(s.charAt(0), null);
        StringNode prevNode = firstNode;
        StringNode nextNode;
        for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) {
            nextNode = new StringNode(s.charAt(i), null);
   = nextNode;
            prevNode = nextNode;
        return firstNode;
     * copy - returns a copy of the given linked-list string
    public static StringNode copy(StringNode str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return null;
        // Create the first node of the copy, copying the
        // first character into it.
        StringNode copyFirst = new StringNode(, null);
        // Make a recursive call to get a copy of the rest,
        // and store the result in the first node's next field. = copy(;
        return copyFirst;
     * deleteChar - deletes character i in the given linked-list string and
     * returns a reference to the resulting linked-list string
    public static StringNode deleteChar(StringNode str, int i) {
        if (str == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("string is empty");
        } else if (i < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        } else if (i == 0) {
            str =;
        } else {
            StringNode prevNode = getNode(str, i-1);
            if (prevNode != null && != null) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        return str;
     * indexOf - returns the position of the first occurrence of
     * character ch in the given linked-list string. If there is
     * none, returns -1.
    public static int indexOf(StringNode str, char ch) {
        if(str == null) return -1;
        StringNode temp = str;
        int index = 0;
        while (temp != null) {
            if( == ch){
                return index;
            temp =;
        return -1;
     * insertAfter - inserts the specified new character (newChar)
     * after the first occurrence of the specified character (afterChar)
     * in the linked-list string to which str refers.
     * If afterChar is not in the string, the method adds the character
     * to the end of the string. Returns a reference to the first node
     * in the modified linked list, because the first node will change
     * if the original string was empty.
    public static StringNode insertAfter(StringNode str, char newChar,
                                         char afterChar)
        if(str == null){
            return new StringNode(newChar, null);
        if( == afterChar){
            StringNode newNode = new StringNode(newChar, null);
   = newNode;
            return str;
        } = insertAfter(, newChar, afterChar);
        return str;
     * insertChar - inserts the character ch before the character
     * currently in position i of the specified linked-list string.
     * Returns a reference to the resulting linked-list string.
    public static StringNode insertChar(StringNode str, int i, char ch) {
        StringNode newNode, prevNode;
        if (i < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        } else if (i == 0) {
            newNode = new StringNode(ch, str);
            str = newNode;
        } else {
            prevNode = getNode(str, i - 1);
            if (prevNode != null) {
                newNode = new StringNode(ch,;
       = newNode;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid index: " + i);
        return str;
     * insertSorted - inserts character ch in the correct position
     * in a sorted list of characters (i.e., a sorted linked-list string)
     * and returns a reference to the resulting list.
    public static StringNode insertSorted(StringNode str, char ch) {
        StringNode newNode, trail, trav;
        // Find where the character belongs.
        trail = null;
        trav = str;
        while (trav != null && < ch) {
            trail = trav;
            trav =;
        // Create and insert the new node.
        newNode = new StringNode(ch, trav);
        if (trail == null) {
            // We never advanced the prev and trav references, so
            // newNode goes at the start of the list.
            str = newNode;
        } else {
   = newNode;
        return str;
     * isPrefix - determines if the linked-list string specified by prefix
     * is a prefix of the linked-list string specified by str -- i.e., if
     * str starts with the characters in prefix. It returns true if str
     * starts with prefix and false otherwise.
    public static boolean isPrefix(StringNode prefix, StringNode str) {
        // Three base cases.
        if(str == null) return false;
        StringNode temp1 = str;
        StringNode temp2 = prefix;
        while (temp1 != null && temp2!=null) {
            if( !=
                return false;
            temp2 =;
            temp1 =;
        return temp2 == null;
     * length - recursively determines the number of characters in the
     * linked-list string to which str refers
    public static int length(StringNode str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return 1 + length(;
     * numOccur - find the number of occurrences of the character
     * ch in the linked list to which str refers
    public static int numOccur(StringNode str, char ch) {
        if (str == null) {
            return 0;
        int numInRest = numOccur(, ch);
        if ( == ch) {
            return 1 + numInRest;
        } else {
            return numInRest;
     * print - recursively writes the specified linked-list string to System.out
    public static void print(StringNode str) {
        if (str == null) {
        } else {
     * read - reads a string from an input stream and returns a
     * reference to a linked list containing the characters in the string
    public static StringNode read(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        char ch = (char);
        if (ch == '\n') {    // the string ends when we hit a newline character
            return null;       
        } else {
            StringNode restOfString = read(in);
            StringNode first = new StringNode(ch, restOfString);
            return first;
     * removeAllSpaces - removes all spaces from the linked-list string
     * to which str refers. Modifies the linked list itself, rather than
     * creating a new list. Returns a reference to the first node
     * in the modified linked list, because the first node will change
     * if the old first node contained a space.
    public static StringNode removeAllSpaces(StringNode str) {
        if(str == null)
            return null;
        StringNode temp = str;
        StringNode prev = str;
        while (temp!=null) {
            if( == ' '){
            prev = temp;
            temp =;
        return str;
     * toString - creates and returns the Java string that
     * the current StringNode represents. Note that this
     * method -- unlike the others -- is a non-static method.
     * Thus, it will not work for empty strings, since they
     * are represented by a value of null, and we can't use
     * null to invoke this method.
    public String toString() {
        String str = "";
        StringNode trav = this;   // start trav on the current node  
        while (trav != null) {
            str = str +;
            trav =;
        return str;
     * toUpperCase - converts all of the characters in the specified
     * linked-list string to upper case. Modifies the list itself,
     * rather than creating a new list.
    public static void toUpperCase(StringNode str) {      
        StringNode trav = str;
        while (trav != null) {
   = Character.toUpperCase(;
            trav =;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        StringNode str = new StringNode('a',null);
        str.insertAfter(str,' ', 'c');
        str.insertAfter(str,'f', 'd');
        str.insertAfter(str,' ', 'a');
        System.out.println("String: "+str);
        StringNode prefix = new StringNode('a', null);
        System.out.println("Prefix: "+prefix);
        System.out.println("isPrefix: "+str.isPrefix(prefix, str));
        System.out.println("String after removing all spaces: "+str.removeAllSpaces(str));
        System.out.println("indexOf c is "+str.indexOf(str, 'c'));

NOTE:- If you need any modifications in the code,please comment below.Please give positive rating.THUMBS UP.

     THANK YOU!!!!


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Java StringNode Case Study: Rewrite the following methods in the StringNode class shown below. Leave all...
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