
Please I need help a sample code is provided below of the output

Description This project is an enhancement of your previous project using OOP concepts. YoulI define class and instantiate o

D:\>TrackExpensesUsingArray.exe Welcome to my expense tracker. Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses

Please enter the description for the expense: Netflix membership Please enter the amount: 12.90 AMOUNT (12.9) DESC (Netflix m

Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or

Please enter the description for the expense: Home repair and improvement Please enter the amount: -1 Invalid amount. Amount

Description This project is an enhancement of your previous project using OOP concepts. You'lI define class and instantiate objects instead of using struct to implement your design Write a menu-driven program that provides the following options 1. Show All 2. Spend 3. Search expenses containing this string 4. Search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. Exit It allows the user to select a menu option to display all expenses, add new entry, search for a substring and find the list of entries greater a given amount Requirements 1. Re-write your previous project with following new requirements a. Create a new header file called "expense.h". This header file contains your data definitions and method prototypes. All data members must be declared as "private" and provide getter/setter methods to access them. b. Create a new CCP file called "expense.cpp" to implement methods defined your header file c. Create a main program called "main-expense.cpp" that displays the menu and read the users input. The main program must call contain() method defined in Expense class to determine if the expense contains the target string 2. Your Expense class must provide the following methods a. string toString0: retum a string containing the expense description and amount. The main program calls this method to get back a description string to display b. bool contain(string target): retums true if the target string is contained in the expense description. Otherwise, it retums false. The search should be case-insensitive as in previous project 3. The program must produce the same output as provided. The output should be formatted nicely as given constructor to in Expense.h to allow array declarations variables and pass-by-value or pass-by-reference parameters track of the actual count of the current number of expenses entered by the user 4. The program must use array of Expense class. Hint: you must define a default 5. The program must not use global variables. In another words, it must use local 6. The program must define the maximum number of entries such as 100 and keeps 7. You should use data file to save or read from. At the beginning of your program, it reads data from a data file named "expenses.txt" and initialize your array with this data. Your program must check to see if the file exists or has data to read Before your program exits, it must save all expenses amount and descriptions into the data file 8. You must write at least 2 functions in main-expense.cpp 9. You need to submit all header file, CPP file and data file "" Required error handling The program MUST perform the following checks 1. Check for invalid amount (negative or 0 number) 2. Description cannot be empty 3. Search is case-insensitive
D:\>TrackExpensesUsingArray.exe Welcome to my expense tracker. Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 1 There is no expense entry available. Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 2 Please enter the description for the expense: Monthly telephone and Internet services Please enter the amount: 45.25 AMOUNT (45.25) DESC (Monthly telephone and Internet services) Expense Tracking Menu: 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 2 Please enter the description for the expense: Monthly electric, water and gas Please enter the amount: 200.20 AMOUNT (200.2) DESC (Monthly electric, water and gas) Expense Tracking Menu: ● show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 2 Please enter the description for the expense: Rent Please enter the amount: 1200 AMOUNT 1200 DESC (Rent) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 2
Please enter the description for the expense: Netflix membership Please enter the amount: 12.90 AMOUNT (12.9) DESC (Netflix membership) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 2 Please enter the description for the expense: Amazon membership Please enter the amount: 99 AMOUNT (99) DESC (Amazon membership) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Please enter the description for the expense: Monthly gym membership Please enter the amount: 50 AMOUNT (50) DESC (Monthly gym membership) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 1 Expenses: AMOUNT (45.25) DESC (Monthly telephone and Internet services) AMOUNT.し200.2) DESC (Monthly electric, water and gas) 1200) DESC (Rent) 12.9) DESC (Netflix membership) AMOUNT (99) DESC (Amazon membership) AMOUNT (50) DESC (Monthly gym membership) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 3 Please enter the search string: membership AMOUNT (12.9) DESC (Netflix membership) AMOUNT (99) DESC (Amazon membership) AMOUNT (50) DESC (Monthly gym membership)
Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 3 Please enter the search string: MEMBERSHIP AMOUNT (12.9) DESC (Netflix membership) AMOUNT (99) DESC (Amazon membership) AMOUNT (50) DESC (Monthly gym membership) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Please enter the amount: 50 AMOUNT (200.2) DESC (Monthly electric, water and gas) AMOUNT 1200) DESC (Rent) AMOUNT (99) DESC (Amazon membership) AMOUNT (50) DESC (Monthly gym membership) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 4 Please enter the amount: 200 AMOUNT (200.2) DESC (Monthly electric, water and gas) AMOUNT 1200) DESC (Rent) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 4 Please enter the amount: 1000 AMOUNT 1200) DESC (Rent) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 2
Please enter the description for the expense: Home repair and improvement Please enter the amount: -1 Invalid amount. Amount cannot be negative or string. Please try it again Please enter the amount: -100 Invalid amount. Amount cannot be negative or string. Please try it again Please enter the amount: -1000 Invalid amount. Amount cannot be negative or string. Please try it again Please enter the amount: 175.75 AMOUNT(175.75) DESC (Home repair and improvement) Expense Tracking Menu: 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 1 Expenses: AMOUNT (45.25) DESC (Monthly telephone and Internet services) 00.2) DESC (Monthly electric, water and gas) AMOUNT(1200) DESC (Rent) AMOUNT (12.9) DESC (Netflix membership) AMOUNT(99) DESC (Amazon membership) AMOUNT (50) DESC (Monthly gym membership) AMOUNT(175.75) DESC (Home repair and improvement) Expense Tracking Menu: 1. show all 2. spend 3. search expenses containing this string 4. search expenses with greater than or equal to this amount 5. exit Enter your option: 5
0 0
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Answer #1

// File Name: expense.h
#ifndef EXPENSE_H
#define EXPENSE_H

#include <string>
#define MAX 100
using namespace std;

// Defines a class Expense
class Expense
// Data member to store data
string description;
double amount;
// Record counter
static int index;
// Prototype of member functions
Expense(string, double);
void setDescription(string);
void setAmount(double);
void setIndex();
string getDescription();
double getAmount();
int getIndex();
void contain(Expense *[], string);
bool target(string, string);
string toString();
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& , Expense &);
};// End of function

// Static data member initializes to 0 (record counter)
int Expense::index = 0;

#endif // EXPENSE_H


// File Name: expense.cpp

#include "expense.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <sstream>

#include <string>


using namespace std;

// Default construct to initialize data members to default value



description = "";

amount = 0.0;

}// End of Default construct

// Parameterized construct to assign parameter values to data member

Expense::Expense(string des, double amt)


description = des;

amount = amt;

}// End of Parameterized construct

// Function to set description

void Expense::setDescription(string des)


description = des;

}// End of function

// Function to set amount

void Expense::setAmount(double amt)


amount = amt;

}// End of function

// Function to return description

string Expense::getDescription()


return description;

}// End of function

// Function to return amount

double Expense::getAmount()


return amount;

}// End of function

// Function to set index

void Expense::setIndex()


// Increase the record counter by one


}// End of function

// Function to return index

int Expense::getIndex()


return index;

}// End of function

// Function to return expense information

string Expense::toString()


string result = "";

std::ostringstream strs;

strs << amount;

std::string str = strs.str();

result = result + "\n AMOUNT:(" + str + ") DESC(" + description + ")";

return result;

}// End of function

// Overloads << operator

ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, Expense &ex)


return out << ex.toString();

}// End of function

// Function to search parameter description in expense list

// Displays information if found

void Expense::contain(Expense *exp[], string des)


// Converts the parameter description to upper case

transform(des.begin(), des.end(), des.begin(), ::toupper);

// Loops till number of records

for(int x = 0; x < index; x++)


// Call the target function to check parameter description

// found in current expense record description

if(target(exp[x]->getDescription(), des))

// If found then display the information


}// End of for loop

}// End of function

// Function to return if the searchStr found in desStr then return true

// Otherwise return false

bool Expense::target(string desStr, string searchStr)


// Adds a space at the end of desStr

desStr += " ";

// To store the found space position

int pos;

// Loops till end of the string desStr

for(int y = 0; y < desStr.length(); )


// To store the word extracted

string word = "";

// Loops till space character in desStr

for(pos = y; != ' '; pos++)

// Concatenates the character to form word

word = word +;

// Sets the y value to next to space position

y = pos + 1;

// Converts the word to upper case

transform(word.begin(), word.end(), word.begin(), ::toupper);

// Checks if searchStr is equals to extracted word

// then return true

if( == 0)

return true;

// Otherwise extract next word

}// End of for loop

// At the end of the for loop return false for not found

return false;

}// End of function


// File Name: expenseMain.cpp
#include "expense.cpp"
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Function to display menu, accept user choice and returns user choice
int menu()
// To store user choice
int ch;

// Displays menu
cout<<"\n\n Expenses Tracking Menu: ";
cout<<"\n 1. Show all.";
cout<<"\n 2. Spend.";
cout<<"\n 3. Search expenses containing this string.";
cout<<"\n 4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.";
cout<<"\n 5. Exit.";

// Accepts user choice
cout<<"\n Enter your option: ";

// Returns user choice
return ch;
}// End of function

// main function definition
int main()
// Declares an array of pointer object of size MAX
Expense *exp[MAX];
// To store the description and amount entered by the user
string desc;
double amt;

// Loops till user choice is not 5
// Calls the function to accept user choice and calls
// appropriate function based on user choice
case 1:
// Checks if index counter is equals to 0 then no record available
if(exp[0]->getIndex() == 0)
cout<<"\n There is no expenses entry available.";

// Otherwise display records
// Loops till number of records
// calls the toString() function to display each record information
for(int x = 0; x < exp[0]->getIndex(); x++)
}// End of else
case 2:
// Clears console input device
// Accepts the description and amount from the user
cout<<"\n Please enter the description for the expense: ";
getline(cin, desc);

cout<<"\n Please enter the amount: ";

// Creates an object using parameterized constructor
// and assigns it at current record counter index position
exp[exp[0]->getIndex()] = new Expense(desc, amt);
// Calls the toString() function to display each record information
// Calls the function to increase the record counter index by one

case 3:
// Accepts the description from the user
cout<<"\n Please enter the search string: ";

// Calls the function to search the word description
// in the expense list
exp[0]->contain(exp, desc);
case 4:
// Accepts the amount from the user
cout<<"\n Please enter the amount: ";

// Loop till number of records
for(int x = 0; x < exp[x]->getIndex(); x++)

// Checks if current record amount is greater than or equals
// to the amount entered by the user
if(exp[x]->getAmount() >= amt)
// Calls the toString() function to display the information
case 5:
cout<<"\n Invalid Option!!";
}// End of switch case
}while(1);// End of do - while loop
return 0;
}// End of main function

Sample Output:

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 1

There is no expenses entry available.

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 2

Please enter the description for the expense: Monthly telephone and Internet services

Please enter the amount: 45.25

AMOUNT:(45.25) DESC(Monthly telephone and Internet services)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 2

Please enter the description for the expense: Monthly electric water and gas

Please enter the amount: 200.20

AMOUNT:(200.2) DESC(Monthly electric water and gas)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 2

Please enter the description for the expense: Rent

Please enter the amount: 1200

AMOUNT:(1200) DESC(Rent)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 2

Please enter the description for the expense: Netflix membership

Please enter the amount: 12.90

AMOUNT:(12.9) DESC(Netflix membership)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 2

Please enter the description for the expense: Amazon membership

Please enter the amount: 99

AMOUNT:(99) DESC(Amazon membership)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 2

Please enter the description for the expense: Monthly gym membership

Please enter the amount: 50

AMOUNT:(50) DESC(Monthly gym membership)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 1

AMOUNT:(45.25) DESC(Monthly telephone and Internet services)
AMOUNT:(200.2) DESC(Monthly electric water and gas)
AMOUNT:(1200) DESC(Rent)
AMOUNT:(12.9) DESC(Netflix membership)
AMOUNT:(99) DESC(Amazon membership)
AMOUNT:(50) DESC(Monthly gym membership)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 3

Please enter the search string: membership

AMOUNT:(12.9) DESC(Netflix membership)
AMOUNT:(99) DESC(Amazon membership)
AMOUNT:(50) DESC(Monthly gym membership)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 3

Please enter the search string: MEMBERSHIP

AMOUNT:(12.9) DESC(Netflix membership)
AMOUNT:(99) DESC(Amazon membership)
AMOUNT:(50) DESC(Monthly gym membership)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 4

Please enter the amount: 50

AMOUNT:(200.2) DESC(Monthly electric water and gas)
AMOUNT:(1200) DESC(Rent)
AMOUNT:(99) DESC(Amazon membership)
AMOUNT:(50) DESC(Monthly gym membership)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 4

Please enter the amount: 200

AMOUNT:(200.2) DESC(Monthly electric water and gas)
AMOUNT:(1200) DESC(Rent)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 4

Please enter the amount: 1000

AMOUNT:(1200) DESC(Rent)

Expenses Tracking Menu:
1. Show all.
2. Spend.
3. Search expenses containing this string.
4. Search expenses with greater than or equals to this amount.
5. Exit.
Enter your option: 5

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