
4. Write an if/else statement in ternary format that compares the value of two int variables, firstNum and secondNum, and sets the value of an int variable minValue appropriately as follows: minValue...

4. Write an if/else statement in ternary format that compares the value of two int variables, firstNum and secondNum, and sets the value of an int variable minValue appropriately as follows: minValue should be the minimum of firstNum and secondNum.

5. Assume that Person is a predefined class and that the declaration Person[] people; has already been performed. Then the instruction

People = new Person [200];

Reserves memory space for(Circle the answer):

     Option 1: a single Person object

     Option 2: 200 Person objects

     Option 3: a single reference variable that points to a single Person object

     Option 4:200 reference variables and 200 Person objects

     Option 5: 200 reference variable, each of which can point to a separate Person object

     Option 6: a single reference variable to the memory that stores all 200 Person objects

6. Consider a method defined as follows:

Public void myMethod(double x, int y):

Circle which of the following method calls is legal? (zero, one, or more answers may be correct)

     Option 1: myMethod();

     Option 2: myMethod(-1);

     Option 3: myMethod(7 * 3.0, 7 /14);

     Option 4: myMethod(37, 0.5);

7. Given two String variables, string1 and string2, write a line of code that would determine if they have the same length

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Answer #1

Dear Student ,

As per the requirement submitted above , kindly find the below solution.

Question 4:

Answer : minValue=(firstNum>secondNum)?secondNum:firstNum;

Explanation :Below screen shows the Java code for ternary operator. 2 public class Main public static void main(String[] args) //declaring variables int firstNum-2, secondNum-1,minVal


Question 6:

Answer : Option 3: myMethod(7 * 3.0, 7 /14);

Explanation :for myMethod(double,int) which calls myMethod(7 * 3.0, 7 /14);


Question 7:

Explanation :Below code snippet gives the details

public class Main
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   //declaring strings
   String string1="asdf",string2="pqrs";
   //checking strings
   System.out.println("Equal");//display equal
   System.out.println("Not Equal");//display not equal

Output : 1 public class Main public static void main(String[] args) 4. //declaring strings String string1-asdf, string2-p



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4. Write an if/else statement in ternary format that compares the value of two int variables, firstNum and secondNum, and sets the value of an int variable minValue appropriately as follows: minValue...
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