
can someone help me explaining these words I am supposed to write a brief 500 words essay using stability, instability, bifurcation, chaos, turbulence, the question says by using above words write not...

can someone help me explaining these words I am supposed to write a brief 500 words essay using stability, instability, bifurcation, chaos, turbulence,

the question says by using above words write not less than 500 words and explain how a better understanding of these terms change your vision to some of the simple phenomena that you encounter in your daily life and how is your understanding of those terms

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Answer #1


Here,we need to write a brief 500 words essay using stability, instability, bifurcation, chaos, turbulence,

the question says by using above words


it is the state or nature of being unfaltering and not evolving

the quality, state, or level of being steady, for example,

the solidarity to stand or suffer : FIRMNESS

the property of a body that causes it when irritated from a state of harmony or enduring movement to create powers or minutes that reestablish the first condition

protection from concoction change or to physical deterioration

living arrangement for life in one cloister

Examples in our daily lives :-

Working on core strength and stability can help, too.

the country's political and economic stability


In a changing state inverse of solidness .

The state of being probably going to change, esp. out of the blue

The reality of a circumstance being probably going to change, in a way that is stressing, or the progressions that occur

Examples in our daily lives :-

A qualitative argument is derived to discriminate between oscillatory and stationary onset of instability in the general case.

bifurcation :-

something to be isolated to two ways

The division of something into two branches or parts

the bifurcation of the calling

Examples in our daily lives :-

Road divides two paths at same point

chaos :-

in mess or confusion

a condition of complete disarray with no organization:

As far back as our secretary exited, the workplace has been in a condition of aggregate/express confusion.

We tangled up the name names and disarray followed

Examples in our daily lives :-

Both were afraid not only of alienating allies, but also of vagrancy and chaos within their domains.


it refers to unexpected change in the movement of body or stream of water or air

Fierce air or water moves all around firmly and abruptly:

The sea was unreasonably fierce for us to have the option to take the vessel out.

including a ton of unexpected changes, contentions, or brutality

Violent air or water moves all around firmly and all of a sudden

moving very strongly and suddenly; having strong, uneven currents

Examples in our daily lives :-

The endeavors to coordinate this experimental data with the general conditions of turbulent streams have not been completely attractive.

Hence, we explained stability, instability, bifurcation, chaos, turbulence for better understanding of these terms change your vision to some of the simple phenomena that you encounter in your daily life.

Thank you

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can someone help me explaining these words I am supposed to write a brief 500 words essay using stability, instability, bifurcation, chaos, turbulence, the question says by using above words write not...
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