
Discuss the following statutes that govern the arbitration of disputes: Taft-Hartley Act 1947; Railway Labor Act...

Discuss the following statutes that govern the arbitration of disputes: Taft-Hartley Act 1947; Railway Labor Act 1926; and the Federal Arbitration Act 1925.
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Arbitration is a way to resolve disputes outside the courts or is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The dispute will be decided by one or more persons (the "arbitrators", "arbiters" or "arbitral tribunal"), which passes the "arbitration award". An "arbitration award" is legally binding on both sides of the dispute and enforceable in the courts. Arbitration is often used for the resolution of commercial disputes, particularly in reference to international commercial transactions. In certain countries such as the United States, arbitration is also frequently employed in consumer and employment matters, where arbitration may be mandated by the terms of employment or commercial contracts and may include a waiver of the right to bring a class action claim. Mandatory consumer and employment arbitration should be distinguished from consensual arbitration, particularly commercial arbitration.

Arbitration is a mechanism for resolving disputes between investors and brokers or between two brokers. It is overseen by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and the decisions are final and binding. Arbitration is different from mediation, in which parties negotiate to reach a voluntary settlement and decisions are not binding unless all parties agree to them. Arbitration is not the same as filing an investor complaint, in which an investor alleges wrongdoing on the part of a broker, but has no specific dispute with that broker, for which the investor seeks damages. When an investor or broker has a specific dispute with a broker that is registered with FINRA, they may file a claim with FINRA that states the alleged misconduct and the amount of money they are seeking in damages. FINRA will appoint a panel of three financial industry professionals who, unless the injured party requests otherwise, will not be employed in the securities industry. This is intended to eliminate bias, but if one of the parties suspects that a member of the panel is biased, they may request a change.

For disputes involving less than $50,000, in-person hearings are not considered necessary. Rather, both parties submit written materials to a single arbitrator, who decides the case. For disputes ranging from $50,000 to $100,000, in-person hearings with a single arbitrator are most commonly seen. For disputes over $100,000, in-person hearings with three arbitrators are standard. A majority of the three-arbitrator panel (i.e., two people) is necessary for a decision. Arbitrators are not required to explain their decision. Parties filing for arbitration may represent themselves, or they may hire an attorney. In general, arbitration panels are less formalistic than the court system, so investors have a reasonable chance of being successful even when representing themselves. There are fees associated with filing for arbitration, not to mention the time and travel expenses involved, which investors should consider when pursuing this option.

Arbitration panels do not necessarily award the full amount sought in a dispute. For example, if an investor files a claim against his or her broker for $45,000, the panel may decide in the investor’s favor, but only award $15,000. Arbitration decisions are binding and not subject to appeal, except under very limited circumstances. FINRA’s mediation process, on the other hand, is not binding unless both parties agree to the settlement. In their terms of service, most brokers require investors to agree to mandatory arbitration to settle potential disputes, rather than going to court. Since FINRA has a near monopoly on arbitration, the organization’s panels are many investors’ only recourse.

History of Arbitration:

Nations regulate arbitration through a variety of laws. The main body of law applicable to arbitration is normally contained either in the national Private International Law Act (as is the case in Switzerland) or in a separate law on arbitration (as is the case in England and Jordan). In addition to this, a number of national procedural laws may also contain provisions relating to arbitration. The United States and Great Britain were pioneers in the use of arbitration to resolve their differences. It was first used in the Jay Treaty of 1795, and played a major role in the Alabama Claims case of 1872 whereby major tensions regarding British support for the Confederacy during the American Civil War were resolved. At the First International Conference of American States in 1890, a plan for systematic arbitration was developed, but not accepted. The Hague Peace Conference of 1899, saw the major world powers agreed to a system of arbitration and the creation of a Permanent Court of Arbitration. President William Howard Taft was a major advocator. One important use came in the Newfoundland fisheries dispute between the United States and Britain in 1910. In 1911, the United States signed arbitration treaties with France and Britain.  American Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan (1913–1915) worked energetically to promote international arbitration agreements, but his efforts were frustrated by the outbreak of World War I. Bryan negotiated 28 treaties that promised arbitration of disputes before war broke out between the signatory countries and the United States. He made several attempts to negotiate a treaty with Germany, but ultimately was never able to succeed. The agreements, known officially as "Treaties for the Advancement of Peace," set up procedures for conciliation rather than for arbitration.[26] Arbitration treaties were negotiated after the war, but attracted much less attention than the negotiation mechanism created by the League of Nations.

Arbitration in the United States:

The Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) of 1925 established a public policy in favor of arbitration. For the first six decades of its existence, courts did not allow arbitration for "federal statutory claims" through a bright-line "nonarbitrability" doctrine, but in the 1980s the Supreme Court of the United States reversed and began to use the act to require arbitration if included in the contract for federal statutory claims. Although some legal scholars believe that it was originally intended to apply to federal courts only, courts now routinely require arbitration due to the FAA regardless of state statutes or public policy unconscionability determinations by state courts. In consumer law, standard form contracts often include mandatory predispute arbitration clauses, which require consumer arbitration. Under these agreements, the consumer may waive their right to a lawsuit and a class action. In 2011, one of these clauses was upheld in AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion. Several arbitration organizations exist, including the American Arbitration Association and JAMS. The National Arbitration Forum also conducts arbitrations, but it no longer conducts consumer arbitrations pursuant to a consent decree entered into in 2009 because of evidence that it had been biased toward, and had incentives that favored, credit card companies over cardholders. The AAA was also asked to exit the business, but has not done so.

Arbitration is usually used in:
•   Industrial disputes.
•   Commercial disputes.
•   International disputes over legal and trade issues.

Other forms of arbitration include the following:

  • Expedited arbitration is a process intended to speed up the arbitration process with an informal hearing. Under this process, decisions are generally rendered within five days. It was first used in 1971 in settling disputes in the steel industry.
  • Interest arbitration is the use of an arbitrator or board of arbitrators to render a binding decision in resolving a dispute over new contract terms.
  • Final offer selection arbitration is an interest arbitration process in which the arbitrator or board of arbitrators selects either the union or management proposal to the solution. There can be no compromised decisions. This process is also termed either-or arbitration.
  • Tripartite arbitration is a process wherein a three-member panel of arbitrators is used to reach a decision. Both labor and management select an arbitrator and the third is selected by the other two arbitrators or the parties to the dispute as a neutral participant.

Advantages of Arbitration:
•   Saves time on protracted disputes.
•   Saves lost time due to strikes.
•   Saves the cost of negotiating.
•   Provides a way for people to back down without losing face.

Disadvantages of Arbitration:
•   The arbitration panel may be biased and make the wrong decision.
•   Parties need to pay for dispute(s) to be seen.
•   Enforcement of the decision may not always be so easy.

Not all arbitration disputes are binding. Let us now look at the following statutes that govern the arbitration of disputes: The Taft-Hartley Act 1947, the Railway Labor Act 1926, and the Federal Arbitration Act 1925.

Taft-Hartley Act 1947 :

The Taft–Hartley Act, formally Labor–Management Relations Act, (1947), in U.S. history, law—enacted over the veto of President Harry S. Truman — amending much of the pro-union Wagner Act of 1935. A variety of factors, including the fear of Communist infiltration of labour unions, the tremendous growth in both membership and power of unions, and a series of large-scale strikes contributed to an anti-union climate in the United States after World War II. Republican majorities in both houses of Congress — the first since 1930 — sought to remedy the union abuses seen as permitted under the Wagner Act. The Labor–Management Relations Act of 1947, sponsored by Senator Robert A. Taft (Ohio) and Repesentative Fred A. Hartley, Jr. (New Jersey), while preserving the rights of labour to organize and to bargain collectively, additionally guaranteed employees the right not to join unions (outlawing the closed shop); permitted union shops only where state law allowed and where a majority of workers voted for them required unions to give 60 days’ advance notification of a strike, authorized 80-day federal injunctions when a strike threatened to imperil national health or safety, narrowed the definition of unfair labour practices, specified unfair union practices, restricted union political contributions, and required union officers to deny under oath any Communist affiliations. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, sponsored by U.S. Senator Robert A. Taft and Representative Fred A. Hartley, was designed to amend much of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (the Wagner Act) and discontinued parts of the Federal Anti-Injunction Act of 1932. The Taft-Hartley Act was the first major revision to the Wagner Act, and after much resistance from labor leaders and a veto from President Harry S. Truman, was passed on June 23, 1947.

The Taft-Hartley Act states the following:
• It allows the president to appoint a board of inquiry to investigate union disputes when he believes a strike would endanger national health or safety, and obtain an 80-day injunction to stop the continuation of a strike.
• It declares all closed shops illegal.
• It permits union shops only after a majority of the employees vote for them.
• It forbids jurisdictional strikes and secondary boycotts.
• It ends the check-off system whereby the employer collects union dues.
• It forbids unions from contributing to political campaigns.

The act also required union leaders to take an oath stating that they were not communists. Although many people tried to repeal the act, the Taft-Hartley Act stayed in effect until 1959 when the Landrum-Griffin Act amended some of its features.

Railway Labor Act (1926)

The Railway Labor Act is the US law governs labor relations and collective bargaining in the railroad and airline industries. The primary purpose of the act is to avoid strikes and other forms of labor-management conflict that disrupt interstate commerce and weaken the economy thus the act protects the rights of employees to form labor unions, provides for government mediation of bargaining disputes, and establishes adjustment boards to resolve grievances and because of the central importance of railroads in the economic development of the United States, this industry and its labor conflict have received special attention from lawmakers.

The Railway Labor Act developed out of the failure of several legislative attempts to achieve industrial peace in the railroad industry, dating back to disruptive and violent strikes in the late 1800s. The Arbitration Act of 1888, the Erdman Act of 1898, the Newlands Act of 1913, and the Transportation Act of 1920 all provided dispute resolution mechanisms to prevent railroad strikes, and although some important lessons were learned, each of these laws proved unsatisfactory. Consequently, the Railway Labor Act was enacted in 1926 and applied initially only to the railroad industry.  Amendments to the act outlawed company-dominated unions and made other changes in 1934 and added the airline industry to the scope of the act in 1936. The act promotes collective bargaining between labor unions and air and rail carriers as the mechanism for handling labor-management issues and provides several dispute resolution mechanisms.

The Railway Labor Act is administered by the National Mediation Board. One category of disputes in collective bargaining is major, or interest, disputes. They arise when unions and employers are negotiating new terms and conditions of employment, including new pay and benefit levels.  During negotiations, either party can request mediation, and more importantly, the National Mediation Board can offer it. The carriers are prohibited from changing the existing terms and conditions of employment, and unions are forbidden from striking until the National Mediation Board releases the parties from mediation. In difficult disputes, the parties may be kept in mediation longer than they would like, but the objective of the mediator and the act is to resolve disputes without strikes and other forms of conflict. The National Mediation Board is also obligated to offer arbitration to the parties as a method for resolving their dispute, but either party can reject this offer. If the parties are released from mediation and one party rejects arbitration, a strike can legally occur after a thirty-day cooling off period. Provisions in the act allow the president of the United States to prevent a strike for an additional sixty days by creating a presidential emergency board if a strike would “threaten substantially to interrupt interstate commerce to a degree such as to deprive any section of the country of essential strikes and industrial disputes can stem not only from grievances and negotiations over pay and working conditions but also from the refusal of an employer to recognize a union as the representative of the employees.

The Railway Labor Act is the first federal law to recognize that “employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing” (Railway Labor Act, sec 152) and replaces recognition strikes with an orderly process for resolving questions of recognition. The National Mediation Board is empowered to conduct secret ballot elections to determine if a majority of workers desire union representation. If so, the National Mediation Board certifies the union, and the employer has a legal obligation to bargain with the union. Union organizing and collective bargaining under the act occur on a systemwide basis within a craft or occupation (that is, pilots, mechanics). Thus, unions must organize a majority of a railroad’s or airline’s employees within a craft on a national, not local basis. Moreover, a certified union is the exclusive representative of those employees; no other representatives are allowed. The U. S. Supreme Court has established that exclusive representation creates a duty of fair representation such that the union must represent all employees fairly without discrimination.

The act mandates that employees must be able to choose their representatives “without interference, influence, or coercion” from management. Thus, carriers cannot fire, demote, or transfer employees because of union organizing activities. Carriers cannot make threats or change wages and other terms and conditions of employment to influence employee support for a union. The act is significant not only because of its continued relevance for the railroad and airline industries but also because of the legal and operational influence it had on shaping the 1935 National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), which governs labor relations and collective bargaining in the rest of the private sector. The right to form unions free from coercion and interference, exclusive representation, secret ballot representation elections, and administration by a neutral federal agency are all central features of U. S. labor relations first developed in the Railway Labor Act.

Federal Arbitration Act 1925.

The Federal Arbitration Act of 1925 (FAA) was enacted to establish validity and enforcement of arbitration agreements in "maritime transaction[s] or contract[s] evidencing a transaction involving commerce." (Sumabukuro, 2003) However, the FAA and the Supreme Court have come under fire for repeatedly supporting the enforcement of mandatory arbitration agreements over the last 25 years. Consumer advocacy groups are calling for changes to the FAA and posit that mandatory arbitration agreements are merely a "one-sided measure that force employees and consumers to give up certain [rights]", including jury trials, remedies based on Title VII and the ability to form class action lawsuits. These agreements protected under the FAA have grown from effecting maritime trade and consumer rights to impacting employees and their ability to vindicate their statutory rights under common law.

Section 2 of the FAA declares that arbitration provisions will be subject to invalidation only for the same grounds applicable to contractual provisions generally, such as unconscionability or duress. Consequently, most state law that disfavors the enforcement of arbitration agreements will be preempted by the FAA.[4] State laws that govern the procedures of arbitration, but do not affect its enforcement, are outside the Act's preemptive scope. Not all state laws regarding arbitration are preempted, for example:
•   NASD rule 12204 of 1992 (now FINRA Rule 2268), which allows investor class actions to proceed in federal court nullifies arbitration agreements when class certification is sought, is not preempted.
•   California H&SC 1363.1 is partially preempted.

In general, where the FAA has no procedural provisions applicable in state court, there is no preemption. A number of Supreme Court cases have dealt with the preemption of state laws by the Federal Arbitration Act:

  • Southland Corp. v. Keating, 465 U.S. 1 (1984) - Established the applicability of the FAA to contracts under state law.
  • Perry v. Thomas, 482 U.S. 483 (1987)
  • Shearson/American Express Inc. v. McMahon, 482 U.S. 220 (1987)
  • Volt Info. Sciences, Inc.. v. Stanford Univ., 489 U.S. 468 (1989)
  • Allied-Bruce Terminix Cos. v. Dobson, 513 U.S. 265 (1995)
  • Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., 514 U.S. 52 (1995)
  • Doctor's Assocs., Inc. v. Casarotto, 517 U.S. 681 (1996)
  • Buckeye Check Cashing Inc. v. Cardegna, 546 U.S. 440 (2006) - Arbitrators must first hear challenge to legality of contract.
  • Preston v. Ferrer, 128 S.Ct. 978 (2008) - Act requires arbitration first even when state law provides for administrative dispute resolution
  • AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion, no. 09-893, 563 U.S. (2011) - Despite California state law and lower court rulings that contracts barring class actions are unconscionable, the Court ruled 5-4 that consumers are bound by that aspect of arbitration clauses.
  • Nitro-Lift Technologies v. Howard, no. 11-1377 (Nov. 26, 2012) - the issue of whether an agreement is valid as a matter of applicable state law is one for the arbitrator, not for the state courts.

Thus keeping the above statues that formed atribution of disputes, the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a term that refers to several different methods of resolving disputes outside traditional legal and administrative forums. These philosophically similar methodologies, which include various types of arbitration and mediation, have surged in popularity in recent years because companies and courts became extremely frustrated over the expense, time, and emotional toll involved in resolving disputes through the usual legal avenues. "The adversarial system is expensive, disruptive, and protracted. More significantly, by its very nature, it tends to drive the parties further apart, weakening their relationship, often irreparably". ADR programs emerged as an alternative, litigation-free method of resolving business disputes.

Today, legal and corporate acceptance of alternative dispute resolution as a legitimate remedy for addressing business disagreements is reflected in the language of business contracts. ADR contingencies have become a standard element in many contracts between companies and their employees, partners, customers, and suppliers. As U.S. News & World Report noted, "virtually every state has experimented with some form of ADR." With the growth of ADR has come a growing number of organizations and associations designed to assist commercial entities in the use of these alternative dispute resolution methods.

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