



#include "movies.h"

#include "Movie.h"

Movies *Movies::createMovies(int max)

//dynamically create a new Movies structure
Movies *myMovies = new Movies;
myMovies->maxMovies = max;
myMovies->numMovies = 0;
//dynamically create the array that will hold the movies
myMovies->moviesArray = new Movie *[max];
return myMovies;
void Movies::resizeMovieArray()
int max = maxMovies * 2; //increase size by 2
//make an array that is twice as big as the one I've currently got
Movie **newMoviesArray = new Movie *[max];
for (int x = 0; x < numMovies; x++)
newMoviesArray[x] = moviesArray[x];
//delete the original array from memory
delete[] moviesArray;
moviesArray = newMoviesArray;
maxMovies = max;
void Movies::addMovieToArray()
char tempString[100];
int length, year, numOscars;
double numStars;
Text *title;
Text *genre;
Text *rating;
//get movie data from the user
cin.ignore(); //remove the \n from the keyboard buffer
cout << "\n\nMOVIE TITLE: ";
cin.getline(tempString, 100);
title = createText(tempString);
cout << "\nMOVIE LENGTH (in minutes): ";
cin >> length;
cout << "\nMOVIE YEAR: ";
cin >> year;
cout << "\nMOVIE GENRE: ";
cin.getline(tempString, 100);
genre = createText(tempString);
cout << "\nMOVIE RATING: ";
cin.getline(tempString, 100);
rating = createText(tempString);
cout << "\nNUMBER OF OSCARS WON: ";
cin >> numOscars;
cout << "\nSTAR RATING (out of 10): ";
cin >> numStars;
//create the movie
Movie *oneMovie = createMovie(title, length, year, genre, rating, numOscars, numStars);
//add the movie to the library
if (numMovies == maxMovies)
resizeMovieArray(); //increase size by 2
moviesArray[numMovies] = oneMovie;
void Movies::removeMovieFromArray()
int movieChoice;
cout << numMovies << endl
<< endl;
//delete a movie if there is more than one movie in the library.
if (numMovies <= 1)
cout << endl
<< "There must always be at least one movie in your library. You can\'t";
cout << " remove any movies right now or you will have no movies in your library.\n";
cout << "\n\nChoose from the following movies to remove:\n";
cout << "\nChoose a movie to remove between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";
cin >> movieChoice;
while (movieChoice < 1 || movieChoice > numMovies)
cout << "\nOops! You must enter a number between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";
cin >> movieChoice;
int movieIndexToBeRemoved = movieChoice - 1;
Text *movieTitle;
movieTitle = moviesArray[movieIndexToBeRemoved]->movieTitle;
//destroy this movie
int numElementsToMoveBack = numMovies - 1;
for (int x = movieIndexToBeRemoved; x < numElementsToMoveBack; x++)
moviesArray[x] = moviesArray[x + 1]; //move array elements!
//set the last movie to a null pointer
moviesArray[numElementsToMoveBack] = NULL;
//decrement the current number of movies
cout << "\n\nThe movie \"";
cout << "\" has been successfully deleted.\n";
void Movies::editMovieInArray()
int movieChoice;
cout << "\n\nChoose from the following movies to edit:\n";
cout << "\nChoose a movie to remove between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";
cin >> movieChoice;
while (movieChoice < 1 || movieChoice > numMovies)
cout << "\nOops! You must enter a number between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";
cin >> movieChoice;
Movie *oneMovie = moviesArray[movieChoice - 1];
void Movies::destroyMovies()
//delete each movie
for (int x = 0; x < numMovies; x++)
//delete myMovies->moviesArray[x];
//delete movies array
delete[] moviesArray;
//delete myMovies
delete myMovies;
void Movies::displayMovies()
if (numMovies > 0)
for (int x = 0; x < (numMovies); x++)
cout << endl
<< right << setw(50) << "----------MOVIE " << (x + 1) << "----------";
printMovieDetails(moviesArray[x]); //function is in Movie.cpp
cout << "\nThere are no movies in your library yet.";
void Movies::displayMovieTitles()
Text *movieTitle;
for (int x = 0; x < (numMovies); x++)
cout << "\nMOVIE " << (x + 1) << ": ";
movieTitle = moviesArray[x]->movieTitle;
void Movies::readMoviesFromFile(char *filename)
int numMoviesReadFromFile = 0;
ifstream inFile;
char temp[100];
Text *title;
Text *genre;
Text *rating;
Movie *oneMovie;
int movieLength; //length of movie in minutes
int movieYear; //year released
int movieOscars; //number of oscars won
float movieNumStars; //from IMDB out of 10 stars;
if (inFile.good())
inFile.getline(temp, 100);
while (!inFile.eof())
title = createText(temp); //create a text for the movie title
inFile >> movieLength;
inFile >> movieYear;
inFile.ignore(); //get rid of \n in the inFile buffer
inFile.getline(temp, 100); //read in genre
genre = createText(temp); //create a text for genre
inFile.getline(temp, 100); //read in rating
rating = createText(temp); //create a text for rating
inFile >> movieOscars;
inFile >> movieNumStars;
inFile.ignore(); //get rid of \n in the inFile buffer
//one movie has been read from the file. Now create a movie object
oneMovie = createMovie(title, movieLength, movieYear, genre, rating, movieOscars, movieNumStars);
//now add this movie to the library
if (numMovies == maxMovies)
resizeMovieArray(); //increase size by 2
moviesArray[numMovies] = oneMovie;
//confirm addition to the user
cout << endl;
cout << " was added to the movie library!\n";
inFile.getline(temp, 100); //read in the next movie title if there is one
cout << "\n\n"
<< numMoviesReadFromFile << " movies were read from the file and added to your movie library.\n\n";
cout << "\n\nSorry, I was unable to open the file.\n";
void Movies::saveToFile(char *filename)
ofstream outFile;;
for (int x = 0; x < (numMovies); x++)
printMovieDetailsToFile(moviesArray[x], outFile); //function in Movies.cpp
cout << "\n\nAll movies in your library have been printed to " << filename << endl;


#ifndef MOVIES_H
#define MOVIES_H
#include "Movie.h"
using namespace std;
class Movies
Movie **moviesArray; // an array of pointers - each pointer points to a single
// Movie
int maxMovies; // maximum number of elements in the array
int numMovies; // current number of movies in the array
Function name: createMovies
Parameters: An integer containing the maximum size of the movie library
Returns: A pointer to a new Movies structure
Purpose: This function should be called when the user needs to create a
of movies. The function will dynamically allocate a movies array based
on the maximum size and will also set the current number of movies to
Movies *createMovies(int);
Function name: addMovieToArray
Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none
Purpose: This function should be called when you need to add a single movie
to the
movie library.
void addMovieToArray();
Function name: editMovieInArray
Parameters: The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none
Purpose: This function should be called when you need to edit a movie in the
void editMovieInArray();
Function name: destroyMovies
Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when you need to remove all the
movies in the movie library as well as the movie library. This releases
all the dynamically allocated space in memory.
void destroyMovies();
Function name: displayMovies
Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to have all the
in the library printed to the screen.
void displayMovies();
Function name: displayMovieTitles
Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when you want to print only the
movie titles
out of the movie library
void displayMovieTitles();
Function name: readMoviesFromFile
Parameters: 1) A pointer to a character (c-string or string literal argument)
containing the filename
2) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to read movie
data from a file
and add the movies to the movie library. The file must have data in the
following order:
title, length, year, genre, rating, num oscars won, star rating
void readMoviesFromFile(char *filename);
Function name: removeMovieFromArray
Parameters: The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to remove one
single movie
from the movie library. The function will list all the movie names and
the user to select the movie that they wish to remove. Then this function
removes the movie.
void removeMovieFromArray();
Function name: saveToFile
Parameters: 1) A pointer to a character (c-string or string literal argument)
containing the filename
2) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to print all the
movie data
from the movie library to a file. The data is printed in the following
order (one piece
of data per line):
title, length, year, genre, rating, num oscars won, star rating
void saveToFile(char *filename);
Function name: resizeMovieArray
Parameters: The movies structure (which contains the movie library)
Returns: none (void)
Purpose: This function is called by addMovieToArray when the array size is
not big enough
to hold a new movie that needs to be added. The function makes the array
as big as it currently is and then moves all the movie pointers to this
new array.
void resizeMovieArray();


#ifndef MOVIE_H
#define MOVIE_H
#include "Text.h"
using namespace std;
class Movie
Text *movieTitle; //title of movie
int movieLength; //length of movie in minutes
int movieYear; //year released
Text *movieGenre; //comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, thriller, drama, action, biography
Text *movieRating; //G, PG, PG-13, R, MA
int movieOscars; //number of oscars won
float movieNumStars; //taken from IMDB on 10 star scale
Function name: createMovie (overloaded function)
Parameters: 1) A pointer to a Text variable, containing a c-string and the length of the string.
2) An integer containing the length of the movie
Returns: A pointer to a new Movie structure
Purpose: This function should be called when only the title of the movie and the length of
the movie is known and it will create a new movie with this information.
Movie *createMovie(Text *, int);
Function name: createMovie (overloaded function)
Parameters: 1) A pointer to a Text variable, containing the title of the movie
2) An integer containing the length of the movie
3) An integer containing the year the movie was released
4) A pointer to a Text variable, containing the genre of the movie
5) A pointer to a Text variable, containing the rating of the movie
6) An integer containing the number of oscars the movie won
7) A float containing the IMDB rating of the movie (out of 10 stars)
Returns: A pointer to a new Movie structure
Purpose: This function should be called when all movie information is known and
it will create a new movie with this information.
Movie *createMovie(Text *, int, int, Text *, Text *, int, float);
Function name: editMovie
Parameters: A pointer to a movie structure
Returns: nothing (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to edit a single
movie's data
void editMovie();
Function name: destroyMovie
Parameters: A pointer to a movie structure
Returns: nothing (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when there is no longer need for the
movie in the database (like when removing or deleting a movie).
void destroyMovie();
Function name: printMovieDetails
Parameters: A pointer to a movie structure
Returns: nothing (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to print ALL
the movie information to the screen.
void printMovieDetails();
Function name: printMovieDetailsToFile
Parameters: A pointer to a movie structure, a file stream object (sent by reference)
Returns: nothing (void)
Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to print ALL
the movie information to the file.
void printMovieDetailsToFile(ofstream &outFile);
void printMovieDetailsToFile(ofstream &outFile);
void setMovieNumStars(float stars);
void setMovieOscars(int oscars);
void setMovieRating(Text *rating);
void setMovieGenre(Text *genre);
void setMovieYear(int year);
void setMovieLength(int length);
void setMovieTitle(Text *title);
float getMovieNumStars();
int getMovieOscars();
Text getMovieRating();
Text * getMovieGenre();
Text *getMovieTitle();
int getMovieLength();
int getMovieYear();

#ifndef TEXT_H

#define TEXT_H

using namespace std;

struct Text
const char* textArray;
int textLength;

Function Name: createText()
Parameters: Send a pointer to a constant character array or a string literal to this function
Returns: A pointer to a new Text variable, which contains the c-string & the length of the string
Purpose: To create a new Text variable
Text* createText(const char*);

Function Name: destroyText()
Parameters: Send a pointer to a Text variable, which contains a c-string & length of the string
Returns: nothing (void)
Purpose: release dynamically allocated memory that the pointer is pointing to.
void destroyText(Text*);

Function Name: displayText()
Parameters: Send a pointer to a Text variable, which contains a c-string & length of the string
Returns: nothing (void)
Purpose: prints out the string (character array)
void displayText(Text*);

Function Name: getText()
Parameters: Send a pointer to a Text variable, which contains a c-string & length of the string
Returns: pointer to a constant character array
const char* getText(Text*);

Function Name: getLength()
Parameters: Send a pointer to a Text variable, which contains a c-string & length of the string
Returns: the length of the string
int getLength(Text*);



#include "Movies.h"
#include "Movie.h"
#include "Text.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int menuChoice;
int maxMovies;
char filename[25];

cout << "\n\nWhat is the maximum number of movies you can have in your library?\n";
cin >> maxMovies;
while(maxMovies <= 0)
  cout << "\n\nYou have to have at least one movie in your library.\n";
  cout << "What is the maximum number of movies you can have in your library.\n";
  cin >> maxMovies;
Movies* movieLibrary = createMovies(maxMovies);

  cout << "\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n";
  cout << "1. Read movies from file.\n";
  cout << "2. Save movies to a file.\n";
  cout << "3. Add a movie.\n";
  cout << "4. Delete a movie.\n";
  cout << "5. Edit a movie.\n";
  cout << "6. Print all movies.\n";
  cout << "7. Delete ALL movies and end the program.\n";
  cout << "CHOOSE 1-7: ";
  cin >> menuChoice;
  while(menuChoice < 1 || menuChoice > 7)
   cout << "That is not a valid choice.\n";
   cout << "CHOOSE 1-7: ";
   cin >> menuChoice;
   case 1: cout << "\n\nWhat is the name of the file? (example.txt): ";
     cin >> filename;
     readMoviesFromFile(filename, movieLibrary); //function is in Movies.cpp
   case 2: cout << "\n\nWhat do you want to name the file? (example.txt): ";
     cin >> filename;
     saveToFile(filename, movieLibrary); //function is in Movies.cpp
   case 3: //add a movie
   case 4: //remove a movie
   case 5: //edit a movie
   case 6: //print all movies
   case 7: //delete all movies
} while(menuChoice != 7);

cout << "\n\nGOODBYE!\n\n";

return 0;

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Answer #1

#ifndef MOVIES_H

#define MOVIES_H

#include "Movie.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class Movies



Movie **moviesArray; // an array of pointers - each pointer points to a single

// Movie

int maxMovies; // maximum number of elements in the array

int numMovies; // current number of movies in the array


Function name: createMovies

Parameters: An integer containing the maximum size of the movie library

Returns: A pointer to a new Movies structure

Purpose: This function should be called when the user needs to create a


of movies. The function will dynamically allocate a movies array based

on the maximum size and will also set the current number of movies to



Movies *createMovies(int);


Function name: addMovieToArray

Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none

Purpose: This function should be called when you need to add a single movie

to the

movie library.


void addMovieToArray();


Function name: editMovieInArray

Parameters: The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none

Purpose: This function should be called when you need to edit a movie in the



void editMovieInArray();


Function name: destroyMovies

Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none (void)

Purpose: This function should be called when you need to remove all the


movies in the movie library as well as the movie library. This releases

all the dynamically allocated space in memory.


void destroyMovies();


Function name: displayMovies

Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none (void)

Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to have all the


in the library printed to the screen.


void displayMovies();


Function name: displayMovieTitles

Parameters: 1) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none (void)

Purpose: This function should be called when you want to print only the

movie titles

out of the movie library


void displayMovieTitles();


Function name: readMoviesFromFile

Parameters: 1) A pointer to a character (c-string or string literal argument)

containing the filename

2) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none (void)

Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to read movie

data from a file

and add the movies to the movie library. The file must have data in the

following order:

title, length, year, genre, rating, num oscars won, star rating


void readMoviesFromFile(char *filename);


Function name: removeMovieFromArray

Parameters: The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none (void)

Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to remove one

single movie

from the movie library. The function will list all the movie names and


the user to select the movie that they wish to remove. Then this function

removes the movie.


void removeMovieFromArray();


Function name: saveToFile

Parameters: 1) A pointer to a character (c-string or string literal argument)

containing the filename

2) The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none (void)

Purpose: This function should be called when the user wants to print all the

movie data

from the movie library to a file. The data is printed in the following

order (one piece

of data per line):

title, length, year, genre, rating, num oscars won, star rating


void saveToFile(char *filename);


Function name: resizeMovieArray

Parameters: The movies structure (which contains the movie library)

Returns: none (void)

Purpose: This function is called by addMovieToArray when the array size is

not big enough

to hold a new movie that needs to be added. The function makes the array


as big as it currently is and then moves all the movie pointers to this

new array.


void resizeMovieArray();




#include "movies.h"

#include "Movie.h"

Movies *Movies::createMovies(int max)


//dynamically create a new Movies structure

Movies *myMovies = new Movies;

myMovies->maxMovies = max;

myMovies->numMovies = 0;

//dynamically create the array that will hold the movies

myMovies->moviesArray = new Movie *[max];

return myMovies;


void Movies::resizeMovieArray()


int max = maxMovies * 2; //increase size by 2

//make an array that is twice as big as the one I've currently got

Movie **newMoviesArray = new Movie *[max];

for (int x = 0; x < numMovies; x++)


newMoviesArray[x] = moviesArray[x];


//delete the original array from memory

delete[] moviesArray;

moviesArray = newMoviesArray;

maxMovies = max;


void Movies::addMovieToArray()


char tempString[100];

int length, year, numOscars;

double numStars;

Text *title;

Text *genre;

Text *rating;

//get movie data from the user

cin.ignore(); //remove the \n from the keyboard buffer

cout << "\n\nMOVIE TITLE: ";

cin.getline(tempString, 100);

title = createText(tempString);

cout << "\nMOVIE LENGTH (in minutes): ";

cin >> length;

cout << "\nMOVIE YEAR: ";

cin >> year;


cout << "\nMOVIE GENRE: ";

cin.getline(tempString, 100);

genre = createText(tempString);

cout << "\nMOVIE RATING: ";

cin.getline(tempString, 100);

rating = createText(tempString);

cout << "\nNUMBER OF OSCARS WON: ";

cin >> numOscars;

cout << "\nSTAR RATING (out of 10): ";

cin >> numStars;

//create the movie

Movie *oneMovie = createMovie(title, length, year, genre, rating, numOscars, numStars);

//add the movie to the library

if (numMovies == maxMovies)

resizeMovieArray(); //increase size by 2

moviesArray[numMovies] = oneMovie;



void Movies::removeMovieFromArray()


int movieChoice;

cout << numMovies << endl

<< endl;

//delete a movie if there is more than one movie in the library.

if (numMovies <= 1)


cout << endl

<< "There must always be at least one movie in your library. You can\'t";

cout << " remove any movies right now or you will have no movies in your library.\n";




cout << "\n\nChoose from the following movies to remove:\n";


cout << "\nChoose a movie to remove between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";

cin >> movieChoice;

while (movieChoice < 1 || movieChoice > numMovies)


cout << "\nOops! You must enter a number between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";

cin >> movieChoice;


int movieIndexToBeRemoved = movieChoice - 1;

Text *movieTitle;

movieTitle = moviesArray[movieIndexToBeRemoved]->movieTitle;

//destroy this movie


int numElementsToMoveBack = numMovies - 1;

for (int x = movieIndexToBeRemoved; x < numElementsToMoveBack; x++)


moviesArray[x] = moviesArray[x + 1]; //move array elements!


//set the last movie to a null pointer

moviesArray[numElementsToMoveBack] = NULL;

//decrement the current number of movies


cout << "\n\nThe movie \"";


cout << "\" has been successfully deleted.\n";



void Movies::editMovieInArray()


int movieChoice;

cout << "\n\nChoose from the following movies to edit:\n";


cout << "\nChoose a movie to remove between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";

cin >> movieChoice;

while (movieChoice < 1 || movieChoice > numMovies)


cout << "\nOops! You must enter a number between 1 & " << numMovies << ": ";

cin >> movieChoice;


Movie *oneMovie = moviesArray[movieChoice - 1];



void Movies::destroyMovies()


//delete each movie

for (int x = 0; x < numMovies; x++)


//delete myMovies->moviesArray[x];



//delete movies array

delete[] moviesArray;

//delete myMovies

delete myMovies;


void Movies::displayMovies()


if (numMovies > 0)


for (int x = 0; x < (numMovies); x++)


cout << endl

<< right << setw(50) << "----------MOVIE " << (x + 1) << "----------";

printMovieDetails(moviesArray[x]); //function is in Movie.cpp




cout << "\nThere are no movies in your library yet.";


void Movies::displayMovieTitles()


Text *movieTitle;

for (int x = 0; x < (numMovies); x++)


cout << "\nMOVIE " << (x + 1) << ": ";

movieTitle = moviesArray[x]->movieTitle;




void Movies::readMoviesFromFile(char *filename)


int numMoviesReadFromFile = 0;

ifstream inFile;

char temp[100];

Text *title;

Text *genre;

Text *rating;

Movie *oneMovie;

int movieLength; //length of movie in minutes

int movieYear; //year released

int movieOscars; //number of oscars won

float movieNumStars; //from IMDB out of 10 stars;

if (inFile.good())


inFile.getline(temp, 100);

while (!inFile.eof())


title = createText(temp); //create a text for the movie title

inFile >> movieLength;

inFile >> movieYear;

inFile.ignore(); //get rid of \n in the inFile buffer

inFile.getline(temp, 100); //read in genre

genre = createText(temp); //create a text for genre

inFile.getline(temp, 100); //read in rating

rating = createText(temp); //create a text for rating

inFile >> movieOscars;

inFile >> movieNumStars;

inFile.ignore(); //get rid of \n in the inFile buffer

//one movie has been read from the file. Now create a movie object

oneMovie = createMovie(title, movieLength, movieYear, genre, rating, movieOscars, movieNumStars);

//now add this movie to the library

if (numMovies == maxMovies)

resizeMovieArray(); //increase size by 2

moviesArray[numMovies] = oneMovie;


//confirm addition to the user

cout << endl;


cout << " was added to the movie library!\n";

inFile.getline(temp, 100); //read in the next movie title if there is one



cout << "\n\n"

<< numMoviesReadFromFile << " movies were read from the file and added to your movie library.\n\n";




cout << "\n\nSorry, I was unable to open the file.\n";



void Movies::saveToFile(char *filename)


ofstream outFile;;

for (int x = 0; x < (numMovies); x++)


printMovieDetailsToFile(moviesArray[x], outFile); //function in Movies.cpp



cout << "\n\nAll movies in your library have been printed to " << filename << endl;


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    I keep getting errors and i am so confused can someone please help and show the input and output ive tried so many times cant seem to get it. main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "functions.h" int main() {    char option;    vector<movie> movies;     while (true)     {         printMenu();         cin >> option;         cin.ignore();         switch (option)         {            case 'A':            {                string nm;                int year;                string genre;                cout << "Movie Name: ";                getline(cin, nm);                cout << "Year: ";                cin >> year;                cout << "Genre: ";                cin >> genre;                               //call you addMovie() here                addMovie(nm, year, genre, &movies);                cout << "Added " << nm << " to the catalog" << endl;                break;            }            case 'R':            {                   string mn;                cout << "Movie Name:";                getline(cin, mn);                bool found;                //call you removeMovie() here                found = removeMovie(mn, &movies);                if (found == false)                    cout << "Cannot find " << mn << endl;                else                    cout << "Removed " << mn << " from catalog" << endl;                break;            }            case 'O':            {                string mn;                cout << "Movie Name: ";                getline(cin, mn);                cout << endl;                //call you movieInfo function here                movieInfo(mn, movies);                break;            }            case 'C':            {                cout << "There are " << movies.size() << " movies in the catalog" << endl;                 // Call the printCatalog function here                 printCatalog(movies);                break;            }            case 'F':            {                string inputFile;                bool isOpen;                cin >> inputFile;                cout << "Reading catalog info from " << inputFile << endl;                //call you readFromFile() in here                isOpen = readFile(inputFile, &movies);                if (isOpen == false)                    cout << "File not found" << endl;...

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