
Make the Movie struct a Movie class with private member variables for the ID, title, etc. Then make a Catalog class for the movie array and count as member variables of the class. Make both the movie array and count private. In your main function, you will create one Catalog object and use public member functions within the Catalog class to perform tasks on the movie array (add, modify, read in, write out to a file, find by title/ratings, print all, rent and return movies) Dont pass the array into function calls or return it from functions; you should have access to it within member functions of the Catalog class where all tasks performed on e done. Note that this restriction applies to the movie array not the Catalog object; you will need to pass that into main.cpp functions (not Catalog functions). Pass it by reference so that it can keep modifications between tasks. If its not too hard to do, try to do most of the user input from main.cpp file instead of the two classes. Also, do the reading from and writing to the file in the Catalog class where the movie array resides. Keep in mind that the Movie class is holding information for just one movie. So if your function needs to access the movie array, dont put the function in the Movie class; put it in the Catalog class. Keep in mind that the Movie class is a data class that basically stores information. It might do some tasks that deal with only one movie (such as printing the fields of one movie) but it shouldnt do much else. The Catalog class is the powerhouse in your program. Thats where youll do most of the tasks the user asks for from the main file Movie Rental Tasks The program should start by reading in the catalog from catalog.txt file. The format is the same as in project 2. When program is done, the catalog should be written out to the same file The task are the same as project 2 with one added task: 1. Modify a movie: Ask a user for a movie ID (like in rent/return task in project 2). Then present a menu of possible fields to change. Let the user pick a field to change; dont just force the user to change all fields just to change one value. Make sure you check the users input: IDs should be unique, valid movie ratings and no negative numbers.



#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

typedef struct{

int id;

char title[250];

int year;

char rating[6];

int totalCopies;

int rentedCopies;


int loadData(ifstream &infile, movie movies[]);

void printAll(movie movies[], int count);

void printRated(movie movies[], int count);

void printTitled(movie movies[], int count);

void addMovie(movie movies[],int &count);

void returnMovie(movie movies[],int count);

void rentMovie(movie movies[],int count);

void saveToFile(movie movies[], int count, char *filename);

void printMovie(movie &m);

int find(movie movies[], int count, int id);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


//open file for catalog.txt

char filename[100] = "catalog.txt";

ifstream infile(filename);

movie movies[200];

int count = 0;



count = loadData(infile, movies);


int choice = 0;

while(choice != 7)


cout << " ********** MAIN MENU ********** " << endl;

cout << "1 - Print Calalog" << endl;

cout << "2 - Search by Title" << endl;

cout << "3 - Search by Rating" << endl;

cout << "4 - Add Movie" << endl;

cout << "5 - Rent Movie" << endl;

cout << "6 - Return Movie" << endl;

cout << "7 - Quit" << endl;

cout << "Enter choice: ";

cin >> choice; //switch statements for different user choices



case 1:

printAll(movies, count);


case 2:

printTitled(movies, count);


case 3:

printRated(movies, count);


case 4:

addMovie(movies, count);


case 5:

rentMovie(movies, count);


case 6:

returnMovie(movies, count);


case 7:

saveToFile(movies, count, filename);



cout << "Invalid choice. Please re-enter: " << endl;



return 0;


int loadData(ifstream &infile, movie movies[])


int count = 0;

while(infile >> movies[count].id)



infile.getline(movies[count].title, 250);

infile >> movies[count].year;

infile >> movies[count].rating;

infile >> movies[count].totalCopies;

infile >> movies[count].rentedCopies;




return count;


void printMovie(movie &m)


cout << "---------- ID: " << << " ----------" << endl;

cout << "Title: " << m.title << endl;

cout << "Year: " << m.year << endl;

cout << "Rating: " << m.rating << endl;

cout << "Number of copies: " << m.totalCopies << endl;

cout << "Number rented: " << m.rentedCopies << endl;

cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl;


void printAll(movie movies[], int count)


cout << "%%%%%%%%%% Movie Catalog %%%%%%%%%%" << endl;

for(int i = 0 ;i < count; i++)




cout << endl;


void printRated(movie movies[], int count)


int r = -1;

char rating[5] = "";

cout << "0 - NONE" << endl;

cout << "1 - G" << endl;

cout << "2 - PG" << endl;

cout << "3 - PG13" << endl;

cout << "4 - R" << endl;

cout << "5 - N17" << endl;



cin >> r;

if(r < 0 || r > 5)

cout << "Invalid choice. Please re-enter: ";




if(r == 0)

strcpy(rating, "NONE");

else if(r == 1)

strcpy(rating, "G");

else if(r == 2)

strcpy(rating, "PG");

else if(r == 3)

strcpy(rating, "PG13");

else if(r == 4)

strcpy(rating, "R");

else if(r == 5)

strcpy(rating, "N17");

for(int i = 0 ;i < count; i++)


if(strcmp(movies[i].rating, rating) == 0)



cout << endl;


void printTitled(movie movies[], int count)


char title[250];

cout << "Title of Movie? " << endl;

cin.ignore(); //flush newline

cin.getline(title, 250);

cout << endl;

for(int i = 0 ;i < count; i++)


if(strcmp(movies[i].title, title) == 0)






cout << endl;


int find(movie movies[], int count, int id)


for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)


if(movies[i].id == id)

return i;


return -1;


void addMovie(movie movies[],int &count) //pass by ref


int id;

cout << "Moview ID? (must be unique) " ;

cin >> id;

while(find(movies, count, id) != -1)


cout << "That ID is already in use. Please enter another: ";

cin >> id;


movies[count].id = id;


cout << "Title? ";

cin.getline(movies[count].title, 250);

cout << "Year? " ;

cin >> movies[count].year;

cout << "Movie rating? " << endl;

int r = -1;

cout << "0 - NONE" << endl;

cout << "1 - G" << endl;

cout << "2 - PG" << endl;

cout << "3 - PG13" << endl;

cout << "4 - R" << endl;

cout << "5 - N17" << endl;



cin >> r;

if(r < 0 || r > 5)

cout << "Invalid choice. Please re-enter: ";




if(r == 0)

strcpy(movies[count].rating, "NONE");

else if(r == 1)

strcpy(movies[count].rating, "G");

else if(r == 2)

strcpy(movies[count].rating, "PG");

else if(r == 3)

strcpy(movies[count].rating, "PG13");

else if(r == 4)

strcpy(movies[count].rating, "R");

else if(r == 5)

strcpy(movies[count].rating, "N17");

cout << "Copies? " ;



cin >> movies[count].totalCopies;

if(movies[count].totalCopies <= 0 )

cout << "Copies must not be negative. Please re-enter: " ;




movies[count].rentedCopies = 0;



void returnMovie(movie movies[],int count)


char answer;

cout << "Do you want to see a list of movies first? (y or n) ";

cin >> answer;

if(answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')

printAll(movies, count);

int id;

cout << "Enter id of movie: ";



cin >> id;

if(id == -1)


int index = find(movies, count, id);

if(index == -1)

cout << "The movie does not exist. Please re-enter(or enter -1 to quit): " << endl;



if(movies[index].rentedCopies == 0)

cout << "No copies were rented." << endl;




cout << movies[index].title << " returned successfully. " << endl;






void rentMovie(movie movies[],int count)


char answer;

cout << "Do you want to see a list of movies first? (y or n) ";

cin >> answer;

if(answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')

printAll(movies, count);

int id;

cout << "Enter id of movie: ";



cin >> id;

if(id == -1)


int index = find(movies, count, id);

if(index == -1)

cout << "The movie does not exist. Please re-enter(or enter -1 to quit): " << endl;



if(movies[index].rentedCopies == movies[index].totalCopies)

cout << "There are no copies to rent." << endl;




cout << "One copy of " << movies[index].title << " rented. " << endl;






void saveToFile(movie movies[], int count, char *filename)


ofstream outfile(filename);


cout << "Error writing to output file " << filename << endl;



for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)


outfile << movies[i].id << endl;

outfile << movies[i].title << endl;

outfile << movies[i].year << endl;

outfile << movies[i].rating << endl;

outfile << movies[i].totalCopies << endl;

outfile << movies[i].rentedCopies << endl;






Singing in the Rain
Star Wars
Wonder Woman
The Mummy
The Shawshank Redemption
The Mummy


Finding Nemo

The moviestruct.cpp already works fine with catalog.txt. Just need to change moviestruct.cpp to meet the requirements and need a catalog class that works with it.

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Answer #1

//Screenshot of the code:


//Include the required header files. #include stdafx.h #include <iostream> //Use the standard naming convention using names​//Movie.cpp

//Declare the required header #include stdafx.h #include <iostream> #include Movie . h files //Use the standard naming co


//Declare the required #include stdafx.h #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ostream> #incl​//Catalog.cpp

//Include the required header files #include stdafx.h #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include #include # include <omovie[count] . setYear (year) infile.ignore (26, n); infile.getline (rating, 6); movie[count].setRating (rating); infile >>cout << endl; cout <<-- << endl; //Define the function to display the movies by their title. void Catalog::printTitled () ////Call the function setrating to input the //choice for the rating. setrating (&c); //Check if the choice entered by the user//Traverse the file. for (int i = 0; i < count; 1++) //Check if the given id exists in the movie list //or not. İf (movie [1]//Prompt the user to input and set the rating of the //movie. cout<K Movie rating? <endl; cout << 0NONE << endl; cout <1elise movie[count].setCopies (c.totalCopies); break; //Prompt the user to input and set the rented copies //of the movie. cou//Prompt the user to enter a id cout<< Enter id of movie:; while (true) setid (&c) /Check if the entered id exists or not.while (find (movie, count, !- 1) cout << That ID is ; cout << already in; cout << use. Please cout <<enter; couwhile (true) setrating (&c) cout << Invalid ; cout << choice. ; cout << Please; cout << re-enter: ; else break; elsemovie[index] .setCopies (c.totalCopies); break; break; case 6: //Prompt the user to input //and set the rented copies //of a//Prompt the user to enter a choice y or n. cout <<Do you want to see a list of movies ; cin > answer; if (answer-y ll anint rented; rented - movie[index].getRentedCopies ); rented--7 movie[index].setRentedCopies (rented); cout << movie[index] .g//main.h

//Declare the required header files. #include stdafx.h #include íost #include catalog . h using namespace std; ream //Dec//main.cpp

//Include this header file while using visual studio. #include stdafx.h //Include the required header files. #include <iostcin >> rented; //Set the rented copies of the movie. c->rent edCopies = rented; //Define the function to input the choice for/Call the function saveToFile to write the details //of the movie to the text file c.saveToFile (Catalog.txt); //Use this s//Sample Output:

1 Print Calalog 2 Search by Title Search by Rating 4AddMovie 5 - Modify Movie 6 - Rent Movie 7-Return Movie 8 Quit Enter choiTitle: The Shawshank Redemption Year: 1994 Rating: R Number of copies: 3 Number rented: 1 Title: The Mummy Year: 2017 Rating:MAIN MENU 1 Print Calalog 2 Search by Title 3 - Search by Rating 4 Add Movie 5 Modify Movie 6 - RentMovie 7-ReturnMovie 8 - QTitle: Wonder Woman Year: 2017 Rating: PG13 Number of copies: 10 Number rented: e Title: The Mummy Year: 1999 Rating: PG13 Nu3- PG13 5- N17 4 Copies? 30 rented? 10 1 Print Calalog 2 Search by Title Search by Rating 4 Add Movie 5 - Modify Movie 6 - ReTitle: The Mummy Year: 1999 Rating: PG13 Number of copies: 9 Number rented: 3 Title: The Shawshank Redemption Year: 1994 RatiNumber rented: 20 Title: Insidious Year: 2013 Rating: R Number of copies: 30 Number rented: 10 Enter id of movie : 8Θ -Modify2 - title 3- year 4 - rating 5 - number of copies 6 number of rented copies 7 - go back to main menu Enter choice: 7 1 PrintYear: 199Θ Rating: G Number of copies: 20 Number rented: 1Θ Title: Wonder Woman Year: 2017 Rating: PG13 Number of copies: 1ΘTitle: Captain Nemo Year: 202Θ Rating: N17 Number of copies: 100 Number rented: 8 Title: 3 idiots Year: 2009 Rating: PG NumbeNumber rented: 1 Title: AdamEve Year: 199Θ Rating: G Number of copies: 20 Number rented: 1Θ Title: Wonder Woman Year: 2017 RaNumber of copies: 6 Number rented: e Title: Captain Nemo Year: 202Θ Rating: N17 Number of copies: 100 Number rented: 8 Title:

//Sample Output File:



Singing in the Rain






Adam Eve






Wonder Woman






The Mummy






The Shawshank Redemption






The Mummy












Captain Nemo






3 idiots










​//Code to copy:


//Include the required header files.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

//Use the standard naming convention.
using namespace std;

//Define the class movie.
class Movie

//Declare the required public member functions of the
int getId();
char* getTitle();
int getYear();
char* getRating();
int getCopies();
int getRentedCopies();
void setId(int id);
void setTitle(char name[]);
void setYear(int year);
void setRating(char rate[]);
void setCopies(int totalCopies);
void setRentedCopies(int rentedCopies);

//Declare the required private member variables of the //class.
int id;
char title[250];
int year;
char rating[6];
int totalCopies;
int rentedCopies;


//Declare the required header files.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Movie.h"

//Use the standard naming convention.
using namespace std;

//Define the function to get the id of the movie.
int Movie::getId()
return id;

//Define the function to get the title of the movie.
char* Movie::getTitle()
return title;

//Define the function to get the year of the movie.
int Movie::getYear()
return year;

//Define the function to get the rating of the movie.
char* Movie::getRating()
return rating;

//Define the function to get the total copies of the movie.
int Movie::getCopies()
return totalCopies;

//Define the function to get the rented copies of the //movie.
int Movie::getRentedCopies()
return rentedCopies;

//Define the function to set the id of the movie.
void Movie::setId(int mid)
id = mid;

//Define the function to set the title of the movie.
void Movie::setTitle(char name[])
int i;
for (i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i++)
  title[i] = name[i];
title[i] = '\0';

//Define the function to set the year of the movie.
void Movie::setYear(int myear)
year = myear;

//Define the function to set the rating of the movie.
void Movie::setRating(char rate[])
int i;
for (i = 0; rate[i] != '\0'; i++)
  rating[i] = rate[i];
rating[i] = '\0';

//Define the function to set the total copies of the movie.
void Movie::setCopies(int mCopies)
totalCopies = mCopies;

//Define the function to set the rented copies of the //movie.
void Movie::setRentedCopies(int mRentedCopies)
rentedCopies = mRentedCopies;


//Declare the required header files.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "Movie.h"

//Use the standard naming convention.
using namespace std;

//Define the class Catalog inheriting the movie class.
class Catalog :public Movie
//Declare the array of objects.
Movie movie[256];

//Declare the required variables.
int count;

//Declare the required public member variables and member //functions of the class.
int r;
int id;
char title[250];
int year;
char rating[6];
int totalCopies;
int rentedCopies;
void readFile();
int loadData(ifstream &infile);
void printAll();
void printMovie(Movie &m);
void printTitled();
void printRated();
int find(Movie movie[], int count, int id);
void addMovie();
void modifyMovie();
void rentMovie();
void returnMovie();
void saveToFile(char *filename);


//Include the required header files.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "main.h"

//Use the standard naming convention.
using namespace std;

//Define the function to read the input file.
void Catalog::readFile()
//Open the required file.
char filename[100] = "Catalog.txt";
ifstream infile(filename);

//Check if the file is present or not.
if (!infile.is_open())
  cout << "File is not present" << endl;
  count = 0;
  //Call the loadData function to load the data
  //of the file and store the count.
  count = loadData(infile);

//Define the function loadData to load the content of   //the file.
int Catalog::loadData(ifstream &infile)
//Initialize the count variable.
count = 0;

//Load the content of the file into the respective     //fields of the movie class till the last id in the      //file.
while (infile >> id)
  infile.ignore(26, '\n');
  infile.getline(title, 250);
  infile >> year;
  infile.ignore(26, '\n');
  infile.getline(rating, 6);
  infile >> totalCopies;
  infile >> rentedCopies;

  //Increment the count in each iteration.

//Close the file.

//Return the count of the file.
return count;

//Define the function printAll to display the contents of //the file.
void Catalog::printAll()
cout << "%%%%%%%%%% Movie Catalog %%%%%%%%%%";
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  //Call the function printMovie to print the
  //details of each movie.
cout << endl;

//Define the function printMovie to display the details of //each movie in the file.
void Catalog::printMovie(Movie &m)
cout << "---------- ID: " << m.getId();
cout << " ----------" << endl;
cout << "Title: " << m.getTitle() << endl;
cout << "Year: " << m.getYear() << endl;
cout << "Rating: " << m.getRating() << endl;
cout << "Number of copies: " << m.getCopies();
cout << endl;
cout << "Number rented: " << m.getRentedCopies();
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------";
cout << "--" << endl;

//Define the function to display the movies by their title.
void Catalog::printTitled()
//Prompt the user to input the title of the        //movie.
char title[250];
cout << "Title of Movie? " << endl;
cin.ignore(); //flush newline
cin.getline(title, 250);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  //Check if the entered title match with the      //any of the movies in the file or not.
  if (strcmp(movie[i].getTitle(), title) == 0)
   //Call the printMovie function for the      //movie with the same title.
cout << endl;

//Define the function printRated to display the movies
//by their rating.
void Catalog::printRated()
Catalog c;
r = -1;
char rating[6] = "";

//Display the menu to choose a rating.
cout << "0 - NONE" << endl;
cout << "1 - G" << endl;
cout << "2 - PG" << endl;
cout << "3 - PG13" << endl;
cout << "4 - R" << endl;
cout << "5 - N17" << endl;
while (true)

  //Call the function setrating to input the
  //choice for the rating.

  //Check if the choice entered by the user is
  //valid or not.
  if (c.r < 0 || c.r > 5)
   cout << "Invalid choice. Please ";
   cout << "re-enter: ";

//Store the selected rating into the c-string      //rating.
if (c.r == 0)
  strcpy_s(rating, "NONE");
else if (c.r == 1)
  strcpy_s(rating, "G");
else if (c.r == 2)
  strcpy_s(rating, "PG");
else if (c.r == 3)
  strcpy_s(rating, "PG13");
else if (c.r == 4)
  strcpy_s(rating, "R");
else if (c.r == 5)
  strcpy_s(rating, "N17");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  //Find the movie which has same rating as     //selected by the user.
  if (strcmp(movie[i].getRating(), rating) == 0)

   //Display the details of the movie with     //the same rating.
cout << endl;

//Define the function find to check if the entered id        //is valid or not.
int Catalog::find(Movie movie[], int count, int id)

//Traverse the file.
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  //Check if the given id exists in the movie list        //or not.
  if (movie[i].getId() == id)
   return i;
return -1;

//Define the function addMovie to add a movie in the list.
void Catalog::addMovie()
//Prompt the user to enter a unique id.
Catalog c;
cout << "Movie ID? (must be unique) ";

//Call the function setid to input the id of the

//Check if the id is unique or not.
while (find(movie, count, != -1)
  cout << "That ID is already in use. ";
  cout << "Please enter another : ";

//Set the id of the movie.

//Prompt the user to input and set the title of the //movie.
cout << "Title? ";
char title[250];
cin.getline(title, 250);

//Prompt the user to input and set the year of the //movie.
cout << "Year? ";

//Prompt the user to input and set the rating of the //movie.
cout << "Movie rating? " << endl;
r = -1;
cout << "0 - NONE" << endl;
cout << "1 - G" << endl;
cout << "2 - PG" << endl;
cout << "3 - PG13" << endl;
cout << "4 - R" << endl;
cout << "5 - N17" << endl;
while (true)
  if (c.r < 0 || c.r > 5)
   cout << "Invalid choice. Please ";
   cout << "re-enter: ";
if (c.r == 0)
  strcpy_s(rating, "NONE");
else if (c.r == 1)
  strcpy_s(rating, "G");
else if (c.r == 2)
  strcpy_s(rating, "PG");
else if (c.r == 3)
  strcpy_s(rating, "PG13");
else if (c.r == 4)
  strcpy_s(rating, "R");
else if (c.r == 5)
  strcpy_s(rating, "N17");

//Prompt the user to input and set the copies of the //movie.
cout << "Copies? ";
while (true)
  if (c.totalCopies <= 0)
   cout << "Copies must not be negative. ";      cout << "Please re-enter: ";

//Prompt the user to input and set the rented copies //of the movie.
cout << "rented? ";
while (true)
  if (c.rentedCopies <= 0)
   cout << "Rented copies must not be ";
   cout << "negative. Please re-enter: ";

//Increment the count variable.

//Define the function modifyMovie to modify a movie.
void Catalog::modifyMovie()
Catalog c;
char answer;
int index, choice = 0;

//Prompt the user to enter a choice y or n.
cout << "Do you want to see a list of movies ";
cout << "first? (y or n) ";
cin >> answer;

//If user enters y, then display the list of movies.
if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')

//Prompt the user to enter a id.
cout << "Enter id of movie: ";
while (true)

  //Check if the entered id exists or not.
  index = find(movie, count,;
  if (index == -1)
   cout << "The movie does not exist. ";
   cout << "Please re-enter(or enter -1 ";
   cout << "to quit): " << endl;
   //Display the menu to change the fields of     //the movie.
   while (choice != 7)
    cout << "--- Modify --- " << endl;
    cout << "1 - id" << endl;
    cout << "2 - title" << endl;
    cout << "3 - year" << endl;
    cout << "4 - rating" << endl;
    cout << "5 - number of copies";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "6 - number of ";
    cout << "rented copies" << endl;
    cout << "7 - go back to main ";       cout << "menu" << endl;
    cout << "Enter choice: ";
    cin >> choice;

    //Switch statements for different user      //choices.
    switch (choice)
    case 1:
     //Prompt the user to input        //and set the unique id
     //of a movie for case 1.
     cout << "Movie ID? (must ";
     cout << "be unique) ";
     while (find(movie, count, != -1)
      cout << "That ID is ";         cout << "already in ";
      cout << "use. Please ";
      cout << "enter ";
      cout << "another: ";
    case 2:
     //Prompt the user to input        //and set the title
     //of a movie for case 2.
     cout << "Title? ";
     char title[250];
     cin.getline(title, 250);
    case 3:
     //Prompt the user to input and set      //the year of a movie for case 3.
     cout << "Year? ";
    case 4:
     //Prompt the user to input                        //and set the rating
     //of a movie for case 4.
     cout << "rating? " << endl;
     r = -1;
     cout << "0 - NONE" << endl;
     cout << "1 - G" << endl;
     cout << "2 - PG" << endl;
     cout << "3 - PG13" << endl;
     cout << "4 - R" << endl;
     cout << "5 - N17" << endl;
     while (true)
      if (c.r < 0 || c.r > 5)
       cout << "Invalid ";
       cout << "choice. ";
       cout << "Please ";
       cout << "re-enter: ";
     if (c.r == 0)
      strcpy_s(rating, "NONE");
     else if (c.r == 1)
      strcpy_s(rating, "G");
     else if (c.r == 2)
      strcpy_s(rating, "PG");
     else if (c.r == 3)
      strcpy_s(rating, "PG13");
     else if (c.r == 4)
      strcpy_s(rating, "R");
     else if (c.r == 5)
      strcpy_s(rating, "N17");
    case 5:
     //Prompt the user to input          //and set the copies
     //of a movie for case 5.
     cout << "Copies? ";
     while (true)
      if (c.totalCopies <= 0)
       cout << "Copies ";
       cout << "must ";
       cout << "not be ";
       cout << "negative. ";
       cout << "Please re- ";
       cout << "enter: ";
    case 6:
     //Prompt the user to input        //and set the rented copies
     //of a movie for case 6.
     cout << "rented? ";
     while (true)
      if (c.rentedCopies < 0)
       cout << "Rented copies must not be negative. Please ";
       cout << "re-enter: ";

//Define the function rentMovie to rent a movie.
void Catalog::rentMovie()
Catalog c;
char answer;

//Prompt the user to enter a choice y or n.
cout << "Do you want to see a list of movies ";
cout << "first? (y or n) ";
cin >> answer;

if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')

  //If user enters y, then display the list of                  //movies.

//Prompt the user to enter a valid id.
cout << "Enter id of movie: ";
while (true)
  //Call this function defined in the main.cpp    //file to input the id.

  int index = find(movie, count,;
  if (index == -1)
   cout << "The movie does not exist. Please ";
   cout << "re-enter(or enter -1 to quit): ";
   cout << endl;
   //Check if the total copies and rented                 //copies are equal or not.
   if (movie[index].getRentedCopies() == movie[index].getCopies())
    cout << "There are no copies to rent.";
    cout << endl;
    //Decrement the value of the rented      //copies for the selected movie.
    int rented;
    rented = movie[index].getRentedCopies();
    cout << "One copy of " << movie[index].getTitle() << " rented. " << endl;

//Define the function returnMovie to return a movie.
void Catalog::returnMovie()
Catalog c;
char answer;

//Prompt the user to enter a choice y or n.
cout << "Do you want to see a list of movies ";
cout << "first? (y or n) ";
cin >> answer;
if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')

  //If user enters y, then display the list of              //movies.

//Prompt the user to enter a valid id.
cout << "Enter id of movie: ";
while (true)
  int index = find(movie, count,;
  if (index == -1)
   cout << "The movie does not exist. ";
   cout << "Please re-enter(or enter -1 to ";
   cout << "quit): " << endl;
   //Check if the rented copies are equal to 0     //or not.
   if (movie[index].getRentedCopies() == 0)
    cout << "No copies were rented.";
    cout << endl;
    //Increment the rented copies for the                   //selected movie.
    int rented;
    rented = movie[index].getRentedCopies();
    cout << movie[index].getTitle();
    cout << " returned successfully. ";
    cout << endl;

//Define the function saveToFile to write the details of //all the movies to the file catalog.txt.
void Catalog::saveToFile(char *filename)
//Open the file in the output mode.
ofstream outfile(filename, ios::out);
if (!outfile.is_open())
  cout << "Error writing to output file ";
  cout << filename << endl;
  //Write the content of the movies to the file.
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
   outfile << movie[i].getId() << endl;
   outfile << movie[i].getTitle() << endl;
   outfile << movie[i].getYear() << endl;
   outfile << movie[i].getRating() << endl;
   outfile << movie[i].getCopies() << endl;
   outfile << movie[i].getRentedCopies();
   outfile << endl;

  //Close the file.


//Declare the required header files.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Catalog.h"
using namespace std;

//Declare the functions of the main.cpp file.
void setid(Catalog* c);
void setyear(Catalog* c);
void setcopy(Catalog* c);
void setrentcopy(Catalog* c);
void setrating(Catalog* c);


//Include this header file while using visual studio.
#include "stdafx.h"

//Include the required header files.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "main.h"

//Use the standard naming convention.
using namespace std;

//Define the function to input the id of a movie.
void setid(Catalog* c)
int id;
cin >> id;

//Set the id of the movie.
c->id = id;

//Define the function to input the year of a movie.
void setyear(Catalog* c)
int year;
cin >> year;

//Set the year of the movie.
c->year = year;

//Define the function to input the year of a movie.
void setcopy(Catalog* c)
int copy;
cin >> copy;

//Set the total copies of the movie.
c->totalCopies = copy;

//Define the function to input the rented copies of a //movie.
void setrentcopy(Catalog* c)
int rented;
cin >> rented;

//Set the rented copies of the movie.
c->rentedCopies = rented;

//Define the function to input the choice for rating.
void setrating(Catalog* c)
int r;
cin >> r;

//Set the choice for the rating of the movie.
c->r = r;

//Start the execution of the main method.
int main()
//Create an object of the Catalog class.
Catalog c;

//Call the function readFile to read the text file.

//Declare the required variables.
int choice = 0;

//Start the while loop.
while (choice!=8)
  //Display the menu.
  cout << " ********** MAIN MENU ********** ";
  cout << endl;
  cout << "1 - Print Calalog" << endl;
  cout << "2 - Search by Title" << endl;
  cout << "3 - Search by Rating" << endl;
  cout << "4 - Add Movie" << endl;
  cout << "5 - Modify Movie" << endl;
  cout << "6 - Rent Movie" << endl;
  cout << "7 - Return Movie" << endl;
  cout << "8 - Quit" << endl;
  cout << "Enter choice: ";
  cin >> choice;

  //Switch statements for different user choices
  switch (choice)
  case 1:
   //Call the function printAll to display the     //movies list.
  case 2:
   //Call the function printTitled to search     //the movie by their title.
  case 3:
   //Call the function printRated to display     //the movies by their rating.
  case 4:
   //Call the function addMovie to add a movie     //to the file.
  case 5:
   //Call the function modifyMovie to modify a
  case 6:
   //Call the function rentMovie to rent a
  case 7:
   //Call the function returnMovie to return a
  case 8:
   cout << "*** END OF PROGRAM *** " << endl;
   //Display the default message.
   cout << "Invalid Choice! Please enter a ";         cout << "valid ";
   cout << "choice." << endl;

//Call the function saveToFile to write the details
//of the movie to the text file.

//Use this system command while using visual studio.

//Return an integer value to the main function.
return 0;

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   moviestruct.cpp #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring>...
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