
1. Write a function in Tree class which returns true if and only if the tree...

1. Write a function in Tree class which returns true if and only if the tree satisfies the binary search tree property.

The function’s header line is

public boolean isValidBST()

And in the attached code, you just need to finish the function after the comment: “//Instructor hint: please write your code here:

Make sure you execute your code, and the result in the main function after calling your function should be same as the prompt message I write. Clearly you can add extra functions in the class to help you finish this function.

Use this code:

// demonstrates binary tree
// to run this program: C>java TreeApp
import java.util.*;               // for Stack class
class Node
   public int iData;              // data item (key)
   public double dData;           // data item
   public Node leftChild;         // this node's left child
   public Node rightChild;        // this node's right child

   public void displayNode()      // display ourself
      System.out.print(", ");
      System.out.print("} ");
   }  // end class Node
class Tree
   private Node root;             // first node of tree

// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Tree()                  // constructor
      { root = null; }            // no nodes in tree yet
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Node find(int key)      // find node with given key
      {                           // (assumes non-empty tree)
      Node current = root;               // start at root
      while(current.iData != key)        // while no match,
         if(key < current.iData)         // go left?
            current = current.leftChild;
         else                            // or go right?
            current = current.rightChild;
         if(current == null)             // if no child,
            return null;                 // didn't find it
      return current;                    // found it
      }  // end find()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void insert(int id, double dd)
      Node newNode = new Node();    // make new node
      newNode.iData = id;           // insert data
      newNode.dData = dd;
      if(root==null)                // no node in root
         root = newNode;
      else                          // root occupied
         Node current = root;       // start at root
         Node parent;
         while(true)                // (exits internally)
            parent = current;
            if(id < current.iData)  // go left?
               current = current.leftChild;
               if(current == null)  // if end of the line,
                  {                 // insert on left
                  parent.leftChild = newNode;
               }  // end if go left
            else                    // or go right?
               current = current.rightChild;
               if(current == null)  // if end of the line
                  {                 // insert on right
                  parent.rightChild = newNode;
               }  // end else go right
            }  // end while
         }  // end else not root
      }  // end insert()

// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayTree()
      Stack<Node> globalStack = new Stack<Node>();
      int nBlanks = 32;
      boolean isRowEmpty = false;
         Stack<Node> localStack = new Stack<Node>();
         isRowEmpty = true;

         for(int j=0; j<nBlanks; j++)
            System.out.print(' ');

            Node temp = (Node)globalStack.pop();
            if(temp != null)

               if(temp.leftChild != null ||
                                   temp.rightChild != null)
                  isRowEmpty = false;
            for(int j=0; j<nBlanks*2-2; j++)
               System.out.print(' ');
            }  // end while globalStack not empty
         nBlanks /= 2;
            globalStack.push( localStack.pop() );
         }  // end while isRowEmpty is false
      }  // end displayTree()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public boolean isValidBST() {
           return true;
   }// end isValidBST()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class Tree
public class TreeApp
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      int value;
      Tree theTree = new Tree();

      theTree.insert(50, 1.5);
      theTree.insert(25, 1.2);
      theTree.insert(75, 1.7);
      theTree.insert(12, 1.5);
      theTree.insert(37, 1.2);
      theTree.insert(43, 1.7);
      theTree.insert(30, 1.5);
      theTree.insert(33, 1.2);
      theTree.insert(87, 1.7);
      theTree.insert(93, 1.5);
      theTree.insert(97, 1.5);
      System.out.println("It is a BST tree, after call your function, your result should be true: ");
      //Instructor: I change the node's value from 75 to 40, and now it is NOT a BST tree.
      Node found = theTree.find(75);
      found.iData = 40;
      System.out.println("It is NOT a BST tree since one node's value is changed from 75 to 40, after call your function, your result should be false: ");

      }  // end main()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public static char getChar() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return s.charAt(0);
   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   }  // end class TreeApp
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Answer #1

Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. If not, PLEASE let me know before you rate, I’ll help you fix whatever issues. Thanks

//completed code

// demonstrates binary tree

// to run this program: C>java TreeApp


import java.util.*; // for Stack class


class Node {

      public int iData; // data item (key)

      public double dData; // data item

      public Node leftChild; // this node's left child

      public Node rightChild; // this node's right child

      public void displayNode() // display ourself




            System.out.print(", ");


            System.out.print("} ");


} // end class Node

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class Tree {

      private Node root; // first node of tree

      // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public Tree() // constructor


            root = null;

      } // no nodes in tree yet

            // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public Node find(int key) // find node with given key

      { // (assumes non-empty tree)

            Node current = root; // start at root

            while (current.iData != key) // while no match,


                  if (key < current.iData) // go left?

                        current = current.leftChild;


                        // or go right?

                        current = current.rightChild;

                  if (current == null) // if no child,

                        return null; // didn't find it


            return current; // found it

      } // end find()

            // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public void insert(int id, double dd) {

            Node newNode = new Node(); // make new node

            newNode.iData = id; // insert data

            newNode.dData = dd;

            if (root == null) // no node in root

                  root = newNode;

            else // root occupied


                  Node current = root; // start at root

                  Node parent;

                  while (true) // (exits internally)


                        parent = current;

                        if (id < current.iData) // go left?


                              current = current.leftChild;

                              if (current == null) // if end of the line,

                              { // insert on left

                                    parent.leftChild = newNode;



                        } // end if go left

                        else // or go right?


                              current = current.rightChild;

                              if (current == null) // if end of the line

                              { // insert on right

                                    parent.rightChild = newNode;



                        } // end else go right

                  } // end while

            } // end else not root

      } // end insert()

      // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public void displayTree() {

            Stack<Node> globalStack = new Stack<Node>();


            int nBlanks = 32;

            boolean isRowEmpty = false;



            while (isRowEmpty == false) {

                  Stack<Node> localStack = new Stack<Node>();

                  isRowEmpty = true;

                  for (int j = 0; j < nBlanks; j++)

                        System.out.print(' ');

                  while (globalStack.isEmpty() == false) {

                        Node temp = (Node) globalStack.pop();

                        if (temp != null) {




                              if (temp.leftChild != null || temp.rightChild != null)

                                    isRowEmpty = false;

                        } else {





                        for (int j = 0; j < nBlanks * 2 - 2; j++)

                              System.out.print(' ');

                  } // end while globalStack not empty


                  nBlanks /= 2;

                  while (localStack.isEmpty() == false)


            } // end while isRowEmpty is false



      } // end displayTree()

            // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public boolean isValidBST() {

            // calling helper method 1 to check if it is a valid bst, passing root

            // node

            return isValidBST(root);

      }// end isValidBST()

      // helper method 1 to check if it is a valid bst

      private boolean isValidBST(Node node) {

            // empty node is a valid bst

            if (node == null) {

                  return true;


            // if node is leaf, it is a valid bst

            if (node.leftChild == null && node.rightChild == null) {

                  return true;


            // getting value at current node

            int value = node.iData;

            // if any value left of node is bigger than current value, not a valid

            // bst

            if (node.leftChild != null && value <= max(node.leftChild)) {

                  return false;


            // if any value right of node is smaller than current value, not a valid

            // bst

            if (node.rightChild != null && value >= min(node.rightChild)) {

                  return false;


            // otherwise checking if left subtree is a valid bst and right subtree

            // is a valid bst, returning true if both return true

            return isValidBST(node.leftChild) && isValidBST(node.rightChild);


      // helper method 2 to find the maximum value starting from a given node, to

      // assist helper method 1

      // pre condition: node is not null

      private int max(Node node) {

            // if this is leaf node, returning data

            if (node.leftChild == null && node.rightChild == null) {

                  return node.iData;


            // storing current value as maximum

            int max_value = node.iData;

            // if left node is not null,

            if (node.leftChild != null) {

                  // calling max() method passing left node, and if the returned value

                  // is bigger than max_value, setting it as new max_value, otherwise

                  // no change

                  max_value = Math.max(max_value, max(node.leftChild));


            // if right node is not null,

            if (node.rightChild != null) {

                  // calling max() method passing right node, and if the returned

                  // value

                  // is bigger than max_value, setting it as new max_value, otherwise

                  // no change

                  max_value = Math.max(max_value, max(node.rightChild));


            // returning the maximum value

            return max_value;


      // helper method 3, very similar to max, but finds minimum value instead.

      // this is also to assist helper method 1

      private int min(Node node) {

            if (node.leftChild == null && node.rightChild == null) {

                  return node.iData;


            int min_value = node.iData;

            if (node.leftChild != null) {

                  min_value = Math.min(min_value, min(node.leftChild));


            if (node.rightChild != null) {

                  min_value = Math.min(min_value, min(node.rightChild));


            return min_value;


      // -------------------------------------------------------------

} // end class Tree

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

public class TreeApp {

      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

            int value;

            Tree theTree = new Tree();

            theTree.insert(50, 1.5);

            theTree.insert(25, 1.2);

            theTree.insert(75, 1.7);

            theTree.insert(12, 1.5);

            theTree.insert(37, 1.2);

            theTree.insert(43, 1.7);

            theTree.insert(30, 1.5);

            theTree.insert(33, 1.2);

            theTree.insert(87, 1.7);

            theTree.insert(93, 1.5);

            theTree.insert(97, 1.5);



                        .println("It is a BST tree, after call your function, your result should be true: ");


            // Instructor: I change the node's value from 75 to 40, and now it is

            // NOT a BST tree.

            Node found = theTree.find(75);

            found.iData = 40;



                        .println("It is NOT a BST tree since one node's value is changed from 75 to 40, after call your function, your result should be false: ");


      } // end main()

            // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public static String getString() throws IOException {

            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;

            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

            String s = br.readLine();

            return s;


      // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public static char getChar() throws IOException {

            String s = getString();

            return s.charAt(0);


      // -------------------------------------------------------------

      public static int getInt() throws IOException {

            String s = getString();

            return Integer.parseInt(s);


      // -------------------------------------------------------------

} // end class TreeApp

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////




                25                              75                             

        12              37              --              87             

    --      --      30      43      --      --      --      93     

-- -- -- -- -- 33 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 97


It is a BST tree, after call your function, your result should be true:




                25                              40                             

        12              37              --              87             

    --      --      30      43      --      --      --      93     

-- -- -- -- -- 33 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 97


It is NOT a BST tree since one node's value is changed from 75 to 40, after call your function, your result should be false:


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