
you will implement the A* algorithm to solve the sliding tile puzzle game. Your goal is...

you will implement the A* algorithm to solve the sliding tile puzzle game. Your goal is to return the instructions for solving the puzzle and show the configuration after each move. A majority of the code is written, I need help computing 3 functions in the PuzzleState class from the source code I provided below (see where comments ""TODO"" are). Also is this for Artificial Intelligence


You are to create a program in Python 3 that performs the following:

  1. Loads the mp1input.txt file from the current directory. This represents the starting state of the sliding puzzle. The format of this file is composed of 3 rows of 3 values, each value separated by a single space. The values are the integers 0 through 8 that represent the puzzle. The 0 integer represents an empty space (no tile). Here is an example of the input file contents:
    3 1 2
    4 7 5
    0 6 8
  2. Displays heading information to the screen:
    Artificial Intelligence
  3. Executes the A* algorithm with the Manhattan distance heuristic (as discussed in the textbook). The goal state is this configuration:
    0 1 2
    3 4 5
    6 7 8
  4. Shows the solution in form of the puzzle configurations after each move, the move number, and the action taken. This format should match the sample output shown on the last page.

Displays the number of states that A* had to visit in order to get to the solution

Additional Requirements

  1. The name of your source code file should be All your code should be within a single file.
  2. You can only import numpy and queue packages.
  3. Your code should follow good coding practices, including good use of whitespace and use of both inline and block comments.
  4. You need to use meaningful identifier names that conform to standard naming conventions.
  5. At the top of each file, you need to put in a block comment with the following information: your name, date, course name, semester, and assignment name.
  6. The output should exactly match the sample output shown on the last page. Note that for a different input state, the output may be different. I will be testing on a different input than shown in the sample.
import numpy as np
import queue

class PuzzleState():
    SOLVED_PUZZLE = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))

    def __init__(self,conf,g,predState):
        self.puzzle = conf     # Configuration of the state
        self.gcost = g         # Path cost
        self._compute_heuristic_cost()  # Set heuristic cost
        self.fcost = self.gcost + self.hcost
        self.pred = predState  # Predecesor state
        self.zeroloc = np.argwhere(self.puzzle == 0)[0]
        self.action_from_pred = None
    def __hash__(self):
        return tuple(self.puzzle.ravel()).__hash__()
    def _compute_heuristic_cost(self):
        """ TODO """
    def is_goal(self):
        return np.array_equal(PuzzleState.SOLVED_PUZZLE,self.puzzle)
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return np.array_equal(self.puzzle, other.puzzle)
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.fcost < other.fcost
    def __str__(self):
        return np.str(self.puzzle)
    move = 0
    def show_path(self):
        if self.pred is not None:
        if PuzzleState.move==0:
            print('Move',PuzzleState.move, 'ACTION:', self.action_from_pred)
        PuzzleState.move = PuzzleState.move + 1
    def can_move(self, direction):
        """ TODO """
    def gen_next_state(self, direction):
        """ TODO """

# load random start state onto frontier priority queue
frontier = queue.PriorityQueue()
a = np.loadtxt('mp1input.txt', dtype=np.int32)
start_state = PuzzleState(a,0,None)


closed_set = set()

num_states = 0
while not frontier.empty():
    #  choose state at front of priority queue
    next_state = frontier.get()
    #  if goal then quit and return path
    if next_state.is_goal():
    # Add state chosen for expansion to closed_set
    num_states = num_states + 1
    # Expand state (up to 4 moves possible)
    possible_moves = ['up','down','left','right']
    for move in possible_moves:
        if next_state.can_move(move):
            neighbor = next_state.gen_next_state(move)
            if neighbor in closed_set:
            if neighbor not in frontier.queue:                           
            # If it's already in the frontier, it's guaranteed to have lower cost, so no need to update

print('\nNumber of states visited =',num_states)
0 0
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Answer #1

The view of every programmer towards the program is different.

I will try to solve the Puzzle in my own ways and I will try to complete your TODO list.

I was solving this using 3 files

Save the first file as (Class name is Gamestate)


import numpy as np
class GameState():
    def __init__(self, state, goal_state, level, parent = None, heuristic_func = "manhattan"):
        self.__state = state
        self.__goal_state = goal_state
        self.__level = level
        self.__heuristic_func = heuristic_func
        self.__heuristic_score = level
        self.__parent = parent
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(str(self.__state))
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.__heuristic_score < other.__heuristic_score
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__heuristic_score == other.__heuristic_score
    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.__heuristic_score > other.__heuristic_score
    def get_state(self):
        return self.__state
    def get_score(self):
        return self.__heuristic_score
    def get_level(self):
        return self.__level
    def get_parent(self):
        return self.__parent
    def calculate_fitness(self):
        if self.__heuristic_func == "misplaced_tiles":
            for cur_tile, goal_tile in zip(self.__state, self.__goal_state):
                if cur_tile != goal_tile:
                    self.__heuristic_score += 1
        elif self.__heuristic_func == "manhattan":
            for cur_tile in self.__state:
                cur_idx = self.__state.index(cur_tile)
                goal_idx = self.__goal_state.index(cur_tile)
                cur_i, cur_j = cur_idx // int(np.sqrt(len(self.__state))), cur_idx % int(np.sqrt(len(self.__state)))
                goal_i, goal_j = goal_idx // int(np.sqrt(len(self.__state))), goal_idx % int(np.sqrt(len(self.__state)))
                self.__heuristic_score += self.calculate_manhattan(cur_i, cur_j, goal_i, goal_j)
            print('Unknown heuristic function is being used.')
    def calculate_manhattan(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)

Save the second file as (Class name is Solver)


from queue import PriorityQueue, Queue
from game_state import GameState
import numpy as np
import time

class Solver():
    def __init__(self, init_state, goal_state, heuristic_func = "manhattan", max_iter = 2500):
        self.__init_state = init_state
        self.__goal_state = goal_state
        self.__heuristic_func = heuristic_func
        self.__MAX = 100000
        self.__max_iter = max_iter
        self.__path = []
        self.__number_of_steps = 0
        self.__summary = ""
    def set_max_iter(self, max_iter):
        self.__max_iter = max_iter
    def get_path(self):
        return self.__path
    def get_summary(self):
        return self.__summary
    def solve_a_star(self):
        x_axis = [1, 0, -1,  0]
        y_axis = [0, 1,  0, -1]
        level = 0
        visited_nodes = set()
        start_time = time.clock()
        nodes = PriorityQueue(self.__MAX)
        init_node = GameState(self.__init_state.flatten().tolist(), self.__goal_state.flatten().tolist(), level, parent = None, heuristic_func = self.__heuristic_func)
        epochs = 0
        while nodes.qsize() and epochs <= self.__max_iter:
            epochs += 1
            cur_node = nodes.get()
            cur_state = cur_node.get_state()
            if str(cur_state) in visited_nodes:
            if cur_state == self.__goal_state.flatten().tolist():
                self.__summary = str("A* took " + str(cur_node.get_level()) + " steps to get from initial state to the desired goal, visited total of " + str(epochs) + " nodes, and took around " + str(np.round(time.clock() - start_time, 4)) + " seconds to reach the desired solution.")
                while cur_node.get_parent():
                    cur_node = cur_node.get_parent()
            empty_tile = cur_state.index(0)
            i, j = empty_tile // self.__goal_state.shape[0], empty_tile % self.__goal_state.shape[0]
            cur_state = np.array(cur_state).reshape(self.__goal_state.shape[0], self.__goal_state.shape[0])
            for x, y in zip(x_axis, y_axis):
                new_state = np.array(cur_state)
                if i + x >= 0 and i + x < self.__goal_state.shape[0] and j + y >= 0 and j + y < self.__goal_state.shape[0]:
                    new_state[i, j], new_state[i+x, j+y] = new_state[i+x, j+y], new_state[i, j]
                    game_state = GameState(new_state.flatten().tolist(), self.__goal_state.flatten().tolist(), cur_node.get_level() + 1, cur_node, self.__heuristic_func)
                    if str(game_state.get_state()) not in visited_nodes:
        if epochs > self.__max_iter:
            print('This grid setting is not solvable')
        return self.__path
    def solve_bfs(self):
        x_axis = [1, 0, -1,  0]
        y_axis = [0, 1,  0, -1]
        level = 0
        visited_nodes = set()
        start_time = time.clock()
        nodes = Queue(self.__MAX)
        init_node = GameState(self.__init_state.flatten().tolist(), self.__goal_state.flatten().tolist(), level, parent = None, heuristic_func = self.__heuristic_func)
        epochs = 0
        while nodes.qsize() and epochs <= self.__max_iter:
            epochs += 1
            cur_node = nodes.get()
            cur_state = cur_node.get_state()
            if str(cur_state) in visited_nodes:
            if cur_state == self.__goal_state.flatten().tolist():
                self.__summary = str("BFS took " + str(cur_node.get_level()) + " steps to get from initial state to the desired goal, visited total of " + str(epochs) + " nodes, and took around " + str(np.round(time.clock() - start_time, 4)) + " seconds to reach the desired solution.")
                while cur_node.get_parent():
                    cur_node = cur_node.get_parent()
            empty_tile = cur_state.index(0)
            i, j = empty_tile // self.__goal_state.shape[0], empty_tile % self.__goal_state.shape[0]
            cur_state = np.array(cur_state).reshape(self.__goal_state.shape[0], self.__goal_state.shape[0])
            for x, y in zip(x_axis, y_axis):
                new_state = np.array(cur_state)
                if i + x >= 0 and i + x < self.__goal_state.shape[0] and j + y >= 0 and j + y < self.__goal_state.shape[0]:
                    new_state[i, j], new_state[i+x, j+y] = new_state[i+x, j+y], new_state[i, j]
                    game_state = GameState(new_state.flatten().tolist(), self.__goal_state.flatten().tolist(), cur_node.get_level() + 1, cur_node, self.__heuristic_func)
                    if str(game_state.get_state()) not in visited_nodes:
        if epochs > self.__max_iter:
            print('This grid setting is not solvable')
        return self.__path

Save the third file as


import numpy as np
from solver import Solver
import sys, getopt

#goal_state = np.array([[3, 1, 2],
#                       [4, 7, 5],
#                       [0, 6, 8]])
#init_state = np.array([[0, 1, 2],
#                       [3, 4, 5],
#                       [6, 7, 8]])

def BFS(init_state, goal_state, max_iter, heuristic):
    solver = Solver(init_state, goal_state, heuristic, max_iter)
    path = solver.solve_bfs()
    if len(path) == 0:
    init_idx = init_state.flatten().tolist().index(0)
    init_i, init_j = init_idx // goal_state.shape[0], init_idx % goal_state.shape[0]
    print('INITIAL STATE')
    for i in range(goal_state.shape[0]):
        print(init_state[i, :]) 
    for node in reversed(path):
        cur_idx = node.get_state().index(0)
        cur_i, cur_j = cur_idx // goal_state.shape[0], cur_idx % goal_state.shape[0]
        new_i, new_j = cur_i - init_i, cur_j - init_j
        if new_j == 0 and new_i == -1:
            print('Moved UP    from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
        elif new_j == 0 and new_i == 1:
            print('Moved DOWN  from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
        elif new_i == 0 and new_j == 1:
            print('Moved RIGHT from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
            print('Moved LEFT  from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
        print('Score using ' + heuristic + ' heuristic is ' + str(node.get_score() - node.get_level()) + ' in level ' + str(node.get_level()))
        init_i, init_j = cur_i, cur_j
        for i in range(goal_state.shape[0]):
            print(np.array(node.get_state()).reshape(goal_state.shape[0], goal_state.shape[0])[i, :]) 

def A_star(init_state, goal_state, max_iter, heuristic):
    solver = Solver(init_state, goal_state, heuristic, max_iter)
    path = solver.solve_a_star()
    if len(path) == 0:
    init_idx = init_state.flatten().tolist().index(0)
    init_i, init_j = init_idx // goal_state.shape[0], init_idx % goal_state.shape[0]
    print('INITIAL STATE')
    for i in range(goal_state.shape[0]):
        print(init_state[i, :]) 
    for node in reversed(path):
        cur_idx = node.get_state().index(0)
        cur_i, cur_j = cur_idx // goal_state.shape[0], cur_idx % goal_state.shape[0]
        new_i, new_j = cur_i - init_i, cur_j - init_j
        if new_j == 0 and new_i == -1:
            print('Moved UP    from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
        elif new_j == 0 and new_i == 1:
            print('Moved DOWN  from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
        elif new_i == 0 and new_j == 1:
            print('Moved RIGHT from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
            print('Moved LEFT  from ' + str((init_i, init_j)) + ' --> ' + str((cur_i, cur_j)))
        print('Score using ' + heuristic + ' heuristic is ' + str(node.get_score() - node.get_level()) + ' in level ' + str(node.get_level()))
        init_i, init_j = cur_i, cur_j
        for i in range(goal_state.shape[0]):
            print(np.array(node.get_state()).reshape(goal_state.shape[0], goal_state.shape[0])[i, :]) 

def main(argv):
    max_iter = 5000
    heuristic = "manhattan"
    algorithm = "a_star"
    n = 3
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hn:",["mx=", "heur=", "astar", "bfs"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print('python -h <help> -n <matrix shape ex: n = 3 -> 3x3 matrix> --mx <maximum_nodes> --heur <heuristic> --astar (default algorithm) or --bfs')
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print('python -h <help> -n <matrix shape ex: n = 3 -> 3x3 matrix> --mx <maximum_nodes> --heur <heuristic> --astar (default algorithm) or --bfs')
        elif opt == '-n':
            n = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("--mx"):
            max_iter = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("--heur"):
            if arg == "manhattan" or arg == "misplaced_tiles":
                heuristic = (arg)
        elif opt in ("--astar"):
            algorithm = "a_star"
        elif opt in ("--bfs"):
            algorithm = "bfs"
    while True:
            init_state = input("Enter a list of " + str(n * n) + " numbers representing the inital state, SEPERATED by WHITE SPACE(1 2 3 etc.): ")
            init_state = init_state.split() 
            for i in range(len(init_state)):
                init_state[i] = int(init_state[i])
            goal_state = input("Enter a list of " + str(n * n) + " numbers representing the goal state, SEPERATED by WHITE SPACE(1 2 3 etc.): ")
            goal_state = goal_state.split()
            for i in range(len(goal_state)):
                goal_state[i] = int(goal_state[i])
            if len(goal_state) == len(init_state) and len(goal_state) == n * n:
                print("Please re-enter the input again correctly")
        except Exception as ex:
    init_state = np.array(init_state).reshape(n, n)
    goal_state = np.array(goal_state).reshape(n, n)
    if algorithm == "a_star":
        A_star(init_state, goal_state, max_iter, heuristic)
        BFS(init_state, goal_state, max_iter, heuristic)
if __name__ == "__main__":

I hope it will help you.


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you will implement the A* algorithm to solve the sliding tile puzzle game. Your goal is...
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