
11) Stretching should always be preceded by a brief aerobic warm up True False 12) A...

11) Stretching should always be preceded by a brief aerobic warm up




A client asks you for an example of activities that are at the top tier of the Activity Pyramid. Your best answer is:

Swimming 5 days per week

Crocheting or knitting

Performing chores around the house

Lifting weights daily


Your 65 year old client asks you about his treadmill exercises “Is there another way I could tell if I’m reaching the required intensity without having to check my pulse?” Your best answer is:

Try to go as hard as you can and push yourself to work a bit harder every day

Unfortunately, there isn’t. But learning how to check your pulse is very easy.

You should not be able to speak or breathe normally

Aim for breaking a sweat while still able to speak in short sentences


Your older client asks you how to ensure that he is using proper technique when lifting weights. Your best response is:

Lift using slow and controlled movements

Maintain the natural curve of the spine

Exhale on exertion

None of the above

All of the above


Advocates of exercise recommend walking a minimum of ___ steps per day:





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Answer #1


11) TRUE. Stertching should always be preceded by a brief warm up.

12) Examples of activities under the top tier of activity pyramid is

     Crocheting or Knitting.

13) Best answer is Aim for breaking a sweat while still able to speak in short


14) Best response is All of the below

                  * Lift using slow and controlled movements.

                  * Maintain the natural curve of the spine.

                  * Exhale on exertion.

15) Advocates of exercise recommend walking a minimum of 10000 steps

       per day.

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11) Stretching should always be preceded by a brief aerobic warm up True False 12) A...
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