
Using Racket Recursion, tail-recursion, high-order functions and functional programming. 1. Modify our filter function so that...

Using Racket

Recursion, tail-recursion, high-order functions and functional programming.

1. Modify our filter function so that it is tail-recursive. You may use the letrec form but do not use any additional forms and functions besides those we've talked about in class.

(define filter
(lambda (input-list func)
    (cond ((null? input-list) '())
          ((func (car input-list))
           (cons (car input-list) (filter (cdr input-list) func)))
           (filter (cdr input-list) func)))))

2. Test your filter function on '(25 -22 44 56 88 -62 19 27 -77 -72) and using the function (lambda (x) (> x 0)). Does your tail-recursive filter function return elements in the same order as the original? If not, explain why.

3. A binary tree is called a "full" binary tree if each node has either two or zero children. Write a recursive function that accepts a binary tree and returns true if the tree is full and false otherwise. Your code should work with binary trees generated by the code below.

(define add-to-bst
(lambda (bst element)
    (cond [(null? bst) (vector element '() '())]
          [(< element (vector-ref bst 0))
           (if (null? (vector-ref bst 1))
               (vector-set! bst 1 (vector element '() '()))
               (add-to-bst (vector-ref bst 1) element))]
           (if (null? (vector-ref bst 2))
               (vector-set! bst 2 (vector element '() '()))
               (add-to-bst (vector-ref bst 2) element))])))

4. Write a function that computes the balance factor of a node in a binary tree: BalanceFactor(node) = Height(Right Subtree) - Height(Left Subtree)

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(define (filter f xs)
  (let loop ([ys '()]
             [xs xs])
    (cond [(empty? xs) (reverse ys)]
          [(f (car xs)) (loop (cons (car xs) ys) (cdr xs))]
          [else (loop ys (cdr xs))])))

2. No, tail-recursive filter function does not return elements in the same order as the original

The elements returned by tail-recursive filter function should be in following order:

25 44 56 88 19 27


(define empty?
(lambda (t)
(null? t)))

(define getLeft
(lambda (t)
(car (cdr t))))

(define getRight
(lambda (t)
(car (cdr (cdr t)))))

(define getRoot
(lambda (t)
(car t)))

(define inorderList
(lambda (t)
; if empty tree, return empty list
((empty? t) '())
(else (append
(inorderList (getLeft t))
(list (getRoot t))
(inorderList (getRight t)))))))

(define binarytree?
(lambda (t)
; empty tree is okay
((empty? t) #t)
; throw false if not a list
((not (list? t)) #f)
; throw false if not a list with length 3
((not (= (length t) 3)) #f)
; throw false if node value is not a string
((not (string? (car t))) #f)
; if we've gotten this far, recurse through left and right subtrees
(else (and (binarytree? (getLeft t)) (binarytree? (getRight t)))))))

(define bst?
(lambda (t)
; if it's not a binary tree, it can't be a binary search tree
((not (binarytree? t)) #f)
; if we've gotten this far, check if the inorder list is sorted
(else (sorted? (inorderList t))))))

(define sorted?
(lambda (lst)
((or (null? lst) (= (length lst) 1)) #t)
((string<=? (car lst) (car(cdr lst))) (sorted? (cdr lst)))
(else #f))))


#lang racket

(struct node (info left right) #:transparent)

(define empty-tree
  (node null null null)

(define init-node 
  (λ (value)
    (node value null null)

(define make-node
  (λ (left right value)
    (node value left right)

(define is-leaf?
  (λ (node)
    (and (null? (get-left node)) (null? (get-right node)))

(define get-value
  (λ (node)
       (node-info node)

(define get-left
  (λ (node)
    (node-left node))

(define get-right
  (λ (node)
    (node-right node))

(define is-node?
  (λ (node)
    (node? node))

(define is-empty?
  (λ (tree)
    (if (or (equal? tree empty-tree) (null? tree))

(define has-left?
  (λ (tree)
    (if (null? (get-left tree))

(define has-right?
  (λ (tree)
    (if (null? (get-right tree))

(define minimum
  (λ (tree)
    (if (has-left? tree)
        (minimum (get-left tree))
        (get-value tree)

(define maximum
  (λ (tree)
    (if (has-right? tree)
        (maximum (get-right tree))
        (get-value tree)

(define (get-tree-height tree accumulator)
  (if (null? tree)

      (if (> (get-tree-height (node-left tree) accumulator) (get-tree-height (node-right tree) accumulator))
          (get-tree-height (node-left tree) (+ accumulator 1))
          (get-tree-height (node-right tree) (+ accumulator 1))

(define height
  (λ (tree)
    (get-tree-height tree 0)

(define inorder
  (λ (tree)
    (if (null? tree)
        (append (inorder (node-left tree))
                (list (node-info tree))
                (inorder (node-right tree))))

(define preorder
  (λ (tree)
    (if (null? tree)
        (append (list (node-info tree))
                (preorder (node-left tree))
                (preorder (node-right tree)))

(define postorder
  (λ (tree)
    (if (null? tree)
       (append (postorder (node-left tree))
               (postorder (node-right tree))
               (list (node-info tree))

(define (get-succesor-on-left-subtree tree value accumulator)

  (if (equal? (node-info tree) value)
      (car accumulator)

      (if (< value (node-info tree))
          (get-succesor-on-left-subtree (node-left tree) value (cons (node-info tree) accumulator))
          (get-succesor-on-left-subtree (node-right tree) value accumulator))


(define (get-succesor tree value original-tree)

  (if (equal? (node-info tree) value)
        (if (not (null? (node-right tree)))   
            (minimum (node-right tree))  
            (get-succesor-on-left-subtree original-tree value '())  
    (if (< value (node-info tree))
        (if (equal? (get-value (node-left tree)) value)
            (if (has-right? (get-left tree))
                (minimum (get-right (get-left tree)))
                (get-value tree))
            (get-succesor (node-left tree) value original-tree))
        (get-succesor (node-right tree) value original-tree)

(define successor
  (λ (tree value)
    (get-succesor tree value tree)

(define (get-predecesor-on-left-subtree tree value accumulator)

  (if (equal? (node-info tree) value)
      (car accumulator)

      (if (< value (node-info tree))
          (get-predecesor-on-left-subtree (node-left tree) value accumulator)
          (get-predecesor-on-left-subtree (node-right tree) value (cons (node-info tree) accumulator)))


(define (get-predecesor tree value original-tree)

  (if (equal? (node-info tree) value)
        (if (not (null? (node-left tree)))                            ;; if has left
            (maximum (node-left tree))                                ;; go on left, max right
            (get-predecesor-on-left-subtree original-tree value '())  ;; if not, start from the top and store in list all the elements greater than it
    (if (> value (node-info tree))
        (get-predecesor (node-right tree) value original-tree)
        (get-predecesor (node-left tree) value original-tree))

(define predecessor
  (λ (tree value)
    (get-predecesor tree value tree))

(define binary-search-tree (node 9 (node 3 (node 2 (node 1 null null) null) (node 6 (node 5 null null) (node 8 (node 7 null null) null))) (node 12 (node 11 null null) (node 15 (node 13 null null) (node 21 null null)))))

;; Rebuild the tree and return a tree with the new node inserted

(define (insert-value tree value)
  (if (is-empty? tree)
      (make-node null null value)

      (if (> value (get-value tree))
          (if (null? (get-right tree))
              (make-node (get-left tree) (make-node null null value) (get-value tree))
              (make-node (get-left tree) (balance (insert-value (get-right tree) value)) (get-value tree)))
          (if (null? (get-left tree))
              (make-node (make-node null null value) (get-right tree) (get-value tree))
              (make-node (balance (insert-value (get-left tree) value)) (get-right tree) (get-value tree)))

(define insert
  (λ (tree value)
    (if (contains tree value)
        (balance (insert-value tree value))

(define (rotate-left-left tree)
  (make-node (get-left (get-left tree)) (make-node (get-right (get-left tree)) (get-right tree) (get-value tree)) (get-value (get-left tree)))

(define (rotate-left-right tree)

  (make-node (make-node
              (make-node (get-left (get-left tree)) (get-left (get-right (get-left tree))) (get-value (get-left tree))) (get-right (get-right (get-left tree)))
              (get-value (get-right (get-left tree)))) (get-right tree) (get-value tree))


(define (rotate-right-right tree)

  (make-node (make-node (get-left tree) (get-left (get-right tree)) (get-value tree)) (get-right (get-right tree)) (get-value (get-right tree)))

(define (rotate-right-left tree)

  (make-node (get-left tree)
             (make-node (get-left (get-left (get-right tree)))
                        (make-node (get-right (get-left (get-right tree))) (get-right (get-right tree)) (get-value (get-right tree)))
                        (get-value (get-left (get-right tree))))
             (get-value tree)))

(define (get-balance-factor tree)
  (- (height (get-left tree)) (height (get-right tree)))

(define balance
  (λ (tree)

    (if (equal? (get-balance-factor tree) 2) ;; the left is greater
        (if (equal? (get-balance-factor (get-left tree)) 1) ;; check the left son
            (rotate-left-left tree)                        ;; go on left left
            (rotate-left-left (rotate-left-right tree))    ;; otherwise, the balance factor can be -1

        (if (equal? (get-balance-factor tree) -2)
            (if (equal? (get-balance-factor (get-right tree)) 1)  ;; on the right - left

                (rotate-right-right (rotate-right-left tree))
                (rotate-right-right tree)

            tree)       ;; if balance factor is not 2, nor -2, then the tree is not modified

(define (union-helper tree1 acc)

  (if (null? tree1)
      (union-helper (get-left tree1) (union-helper (get-right tree1) (insert acc (get-value tree1))))

(define union
  (λ (tree1 tree2)

    (union-helper tree2 (union-helper tree1 '()))

(define (intersect tree1 tree2 acc)

  (if (null? tree1)
        (if (contains tree2 (get-value tree1))
            ;; traverse the tree on the right, then on th left, with accumulator insertion conditioned
            (intersect (get-left tree1) tree2 (intersect (get-right tree1) tree2 (insert acc (get-value tree1))))
            (intersect (get-left tree1) tree2 (intersect (get-right tree1) tree2 acc))

(define intersection
  (λ (tree1 tree2)
    (intersect tree1 tree2 '())

(define (complement-helper tree1 tree2 acc)

  (if (null? tree1)
        (if (not (contains tree2 (get-value tree1)))
            ;; the same traversal as intersect does, the difference is just at the above condition
            (complement-helper (get-left tree1) tree2 (complement-helper (get-right tree1) tree2 (insert acc (get-value tree1))))
            (complement-helper (get-left tree1) tree2 (complement-helper (get-right tree1) tree2 acc))

(define complements
  (λ (tree1 tree2)

    (complement-helper tree1 tree2 '())

(define contains
  (λ (tree value)
    (if (or (is-empty? tree) (null? tree))
        (if (equal? (get-value tree) value)
            (if (> value (get-value tree))
                (contains (node-right tree) value)
                (contains (node-left tree) value)

(define (remove-leaf tree value)

  (if (equal? value (get-value tree))
      (get-right tree)

  (if (> value (get-value tree))
      (if (equal? value (get-value (get-right tree)))
          (make-node (get-left tree) null (get-value tree))
          (make-node (get-left tree) (remove-leaf (get-right tree) value) (get-value tree)))

      (if (equal? value (get-value (get-left tree)))
          (make-node null (get-right tree) (get-value tree))
          (make-node (remove-leaf (get-left tree) value) (get-right tree) (get-value tree))))

(define (remove-root tree)
  (if (null? (get-right tree))
      (get-left tree)
      (make-node (get-left tree) (remove-leaf (get-right tree) (minimum (get-right tree))) (minimum (get-right tree)))

(define (remove-value tree value)

  (if (>= value (get-value tree))

         (if (equal? value (get-value tree))
             (remove-root tree)

           ;; right subtree
          (if (equal? value (get-value (get-right tree)))

              (if (is-empty? (get-left (get-right tree)))
                  (if (is-empty? (get-right (get-right tree)))               ;; leaf node
                      (make-node (get-left tree) null (get-value tree))
                      (make-node (get-left tree) (get-right (get-right tree)) (get-value tree)))  ;; right son

                  ;; nodes on left
                  (if (is-empty? (get-right (get-right tree)))   ;; nothing on right
                      (make-node (get-left tree) (get-left (get-right tree)) (get-value tree)) ;; delete it
                      (make-node (get-left tree) (remove-root (get-right tree)) (get-value tree)))) ;; both children
              (make-node (get-left tree) (remove-value (get-right tree) value) (get-value tree)))) ;; go on in finding the remove value

         ;; left subtree

          (if (equal? value (get-value (get-left tree)))

              (if (is-empty? (get-left (get-left tree)))     ;; nothing on left
                  (if (is-empty? (get-right (get-left tree)))  ;; nothing on right
                      (make-node null (get-right tree) (get-value tree))  ;; leaf node
                      (make-node (get-right (get-left tree)) (get-right tree) (get-value tree))) ;; right son

                  ;; I have right son
                  (if (is-empty? (get-right (get-left tree)))   ;; see if I have right son
                      (make-node (get-left (get-left tree)) (get-right tree) (get-value tree)) ;; (if not)
                      (make-node (remove-root (get-left tree)) (get-right tree) (get-value tree))))

              (make-node (remove-value (get-left tree) value) (get-right tree) (get-value tree))) ;; go on in finding the remove value


(define remove
  (λ (tree value)
    (if (contains tree value)
        (remove-value tree value)

(define (get-subsets set)
     (if (null? set)
         (let ((accumulator (get-subsets (cdr set)))) 
            (append accumulator
                   (map (λ (subset) (cons (car set) subset))

(define k-subsets
  (λ (set k)

    (filter (λ (x) (equal? (length x) k)) (get-subsets (inorder set)))

(define (perms L)
  (let rec ((SolPart '()))
    (if (= (length SolPart) (length L))
        (list SolPart)
        (apply append (map
                       (λ (e)
                         (if (member e SolPart)
                             (rec (cons e SolPart)) 
                             )) L)))))

(define zig-zag-subsets
  (λ (set)

    (filter (λ (x)
              (or (is-zig-zag x 0) (is-zig-zag x 1))) (perms (inorder set))))

(define (is-zig-zag list token)
  (if (null? (cdr list))
      (if (equal? token 1)
          (if (< (car list) (cadr list))
              (is-zig-zag (cdr list) 0)
          (if (> (car list) (cadr list))
              (is-zig-zag (cdr list) 1)

(define parser
  (λ (expression)

    (if (number? expression)
        (make-node null null expression)    
        (make-node (parser (car expression))
                   (parser (caddr expression))

                   (cadr expression))

(define evaluate
  (λ (expr-tree)

    (if (is-leaf? expr-tree)
        (get-value expr-tree)
        (if (equal? (get-value expr-tree) '+)
            (+ (evaluate (get-left expr-tree)) (evaluate (get-right expr-tree)))
            (if (equal? (get-value expr-tree) '-)
                (- (evaluate (get-left expr-tree)) (evaluate (get-right expr-tree)))
                (if (equal? (get-value expr-tree) '/)
                    (/ (evaluate (get-left expr-tree)) (evaluate (get-right expr-tree)))
                    (* (evaluate (get-left expr-tree)) (evaluate (get-right expr-tree)))

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Using Racket Recursion, tail-recursion, high-order functions and functional programming. 1. Modify our filter function so that...
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