
wirte a c++ program blackjack please write it short and simple please dont make so complicated.

wirte a c++ program blackjack please write it short and simple please dont make so complicated.
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#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <algorithm>

#include <cstdio>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ctime>

using std::cout;  // To be used for standard input & output.

using std::cin;

using std::endl;

// classes for error exceptions.

struct BadSuit {};

struct BadNumberDecks {};

// Some global constants.

const int PLAYER_CHIP = 100;  // Initial number of player's chips.

const int DEALER_CHIP = 10000;  // Initial number of dealer's chips.

const int MAX_BET = 5;    // Maximum number of chips for a bet in a round.

const int MAX_CHARACTER = 1000; // Maximum number of characters in a line

        // to be used for standard input.

// Class that represents a card. It needs a value (rank) and a suit.

class Card {


    // Constructor.

    // num should be in the range of 1<= num <=13

    // (1: Ace, 11:J, 12:Q, 13:K),

    // suits: 'c' (club), 's' (spade), 'h' (heart), 'd' (diamond).

    Card(int num1 = 1, char suit1 = 's') {

      // Assigning the rank of the card using a number.

      if (num1 < 1) num = 1;

      else if (num1 > 13) num = 13;

      else num=num1 ;

      // Assigning the suit of the card.

      if (suit1 == 'c' || suit1 == 'C') suit = 'c';

      else if (suit1 == 's' || suit1 == 'S') suit = 's';

      else if (suit1 == 'h' || suit1 == 'H') suit = 'h';

      else if (suit1 == 'd' || suit1 == 'D') suit = 'd';

      else throw BadSuit(); // Error exception for bad input.



    // Get the value of the card (1~13).

    int getValue() const {

      return num;



    // Get the rank of the card (A, 2,..., 10, J, Q, K) as strings.

    std::string getRank() const {

      if (num == 1) return "A";

      else if (num == 2) return "2";

      else if (num == 3) return "3";

      else if (num == 4) return "4";

      else if (num == 5) return "5";

      else if (num == 6) return "6";

      else if (num == 7) return "7";

      else if (num == 8) return "8";

      else if (num == 9) return "9";

      else if (num == 10) return "10";

      else if (num == 11) return "J";

      else if (num == 12) return "Q";

      else if (num == 13) return "K";



    // Get the suit of the given card.

    char getSuit() const {

      return suit;




    int num;  // The value (rank) of the card.

    char suit;  // The suit of the card (c, s, h, d).


// outstream operator overloading for the Card class.

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Card &c) {

  return s << c.getRank() << "(" << c.getSuit() << ')';


// Class that represents the decks of cards for the game of blackjack.

// Number of decks allowed here are 1, 2, and 4.    

class Decks {


    // Constructor. The number of decks should be given (default=1).

    Decks(int nDeck = 1): cards(), current(0) {

      create(nDeck); // create all cards.



    // Create all cards of given number of decks.

    void create(int nDeck) {

      if (nDeck != 1 && nDeck != 2 && nDeck != 4)

        throw BadNumberDecks();

      cards.resize(nDeck*52); // size of the array resized.

      int index = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < nDeck; i++)

        // Creating and storing cards for nDeck decks.

        for (int n = 1; n <= 13; n++) {

          cards[index++] = Card(n, 'c');

          cards[index++] = Card(n, 's');

          cards[index++] = Card(n, 'h');

          cards[index++] = Card(n, 'd');




    // Randomly shuffle all cards in the deck and set current as 0.

    void shuffle() {

      // using the standard library.

      std::random_shuffle(cards.begin(), cards.end());

      current = 0;



    // Deal a card that are pointed by current and add 1 to current.

    Card deal() {

      // If all cards are dealt, shuffle cards again.

      if (current == cards.size()) shuffle();

      return cards[current++];



    // Print all cards at the current shuffled state.

    void print() const {

      for (int i = 0; i < cards.size(); i++)

        cout << cards[i] << endl;




    std::vector<Card> cards;// Array for all cards.

    int current;    // The pointer for the current card.


// Class that represents a hand of a player or a dealer.

class Hand {


    // Constructor.

    Hand(): cardsAtHand() {}


    // Add a card to the hand.

    void addCard(Card card) {




    // Compute the value of the hand for the blackjack using S17.

    // This function will be used to determine whether the dealer

    // should hit or stand (S17 rule is used here), and to find out

    // the value of the player's hand,

    // for example, after the player decides to stand.

    int getValue() const {

      int value = 0;

      // true if an ace exists in the hand.

      bool ifAce = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < cardsAtHand.size(); i++) {

        int cardValue = cardsAtHand[i].getValue();

        // Give 10 for all face cards (J, Q, K).

        if (cardValue > 10) cardValue = 10;   

        if (cardValue == 1) ifAce=true;

        value += cardValue;


      // Ace is always counted as 11 if doing so dose not

      // make the hand bust (S17 rule for dealer's hand).

      if (ifAce && value < 12) value += 10;

      return value;



    // Return the number of cards of the hand.

    int size() const {

      return cardsAtHand.size();


    // Returns true if the hand is "blackjack"

    // (getting the value 21 with 2 cards).

    bool blackjack() const {

      return (cardsAtHand.size() == 2 && getValue() == 21);



    // Remove all cards of the hand.

    void removeAllCards() {




    // print the cards in the hand.

    // (if hideFirst==true, the first card will not be shown).

    void print(bool hideFirst=false) const {

      if (cardsAtHand.size() == 0)

        std::cout << "No card." << std::endl;

      for (int i = 0; i < cardsAtHand.size(); i++)

        if (i == 0 && hideFirst) cout << "?(?) ";

        else cout << cardsAtHand[i] << ' ';

      cout << endl;




    std::vector<Card> cardsAtHand;  // Array of cards in a hand.


// Class that represents the game (displaying texts using standard output,

// and managing the flow of the game using 5 stages).

// User inputs are obtained also using standard input, and only the first

// character (excluding white spaces) of an input (a line ending with \n)

// is assumed to be the only user input to reduce confusions.

class Game {


    // Constructor.

    Game(): myDecks(), playerHand(), dealerHand() {

      nPlayerChip = PLAYER_CHIP;

      nDealerChip = DEALER_CHIP;


    // Manage the flow of the game.

    void play() {

      // Setting the random seed.


      // Starting the game (stage1).

      char input = beginGame(); // one-character user input.

      // Keep playing rounds if the player wants.

      while (input == 'n') {

        beginRound(); // (stage2)

        do {

          input = inRound(); // (stage3)

        } while (input == 'h');

        // There are three cases for ending a round:

        // (1) player busting (input == 'b'),

        // (2) player stands (input == 's').

        // (3) player forces to quit while playing.

        input = endRound(input); // (stage4)


      endGame(); // (stage5)



    // Beginning of the game (stage 1).

    // Returns the input (n, r, q).

    // (n: next round, r: rule, q: quit.)

    char beginGame() {

      cout << "###########################" << endl;

      cout << "# The Game of Blackjack #" << endl;

      cout << "###########################" << endl;

      cout << endl;

      int nDeck;

      // Get the input, the number of decks (nDeck).

      do { // (will be repeated until a right input is given).

        cout << "Choose the number of decks to use ";

        cout << "[1/2/4] (default: 1): ";

        cin.getline(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        // extract a number from the first char.

        nDeck = firstChar(temp, MAX_CHARACTER) - '0';

        // default value is 1 when no input.

        if (nDeck == 0) nDeck = 1;

      } while (nDeck != 1 && nDeck != 2 && nDeck != 4);

      cout << endl;

      myDecks.create(nDeck); // Creating the decks of cards.

      cout << nDeck << " deck" << (nDeck == 1 ? "" : "s");

      cout << " (" << 52 * nDeck << " cards) ";

      cout << (nDeck == 1 ? "has" : "have");

      cout << " been created and shuffled." << endl;

      cout << "You are given " << PLAYER_CHIP;

      cout << " chips now, and you can bet";

      cout << " upto " << MAX_BET;

      cout << " chips for each round.\n" << endl;

      char input; // For user input.

      do { // (will be repeated until a right input is given).

        cout << "Type n for a new round, r for rules, ";

        cout << "and q to quit [n/r/q] (default: n): ";

        cin.getline(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        // extract the first char.

        input = firstChar(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        if (input == '0') input = 'n';

        if (input == 'r') displayRules();

      } while (input != 'n' && input != 'q');

      cout << endl;

      return input;


    // Beginning of a round (stage 2)

    // Returns the input (amount of bet; 1-5).

    void beginRound() {

      cout << "===================================" << endl;

      cout << "* Starting a New Round (your chips: ";

      cout << nPlayerChip << ").\n" << endl;

      bool insufficient = false;

        // Used when checking (remaining chips) < nBet.

      do { // (will be repeated until a right input is given).

        if (insufficient) {

          cout << "You only have " << nPlayerChip;

          cout << " chip(s)." << endl;


        cout << "How many chips do you want to bet? ";

        cout << "[1-5] (default: 1): ";

        insufficient = false; // Set it for a new input.

        // Read a line and store in temp.

        cin.getline(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        // extract a number from the first char.

        nBet = firstChar(temp, MAX_CHARACTER) - '0';

        if (nBet == 0) nBet = 1; // Default is 1.

        // Check if chips are sufficient.

        if (nBet > nPlayerChip || nBet > nDealerChip)

          insufficient = true;

      } while (nBet < 1 || nBet > MAX_BET || insufficient);

      cout << "You bet " << nBet << " chip";

      cout << (nBet == 1 ? "." : "s.") << endl;

      dealerHand.removeAllCards(); // return all cards

      playerHand.removeAllCards(); // return all cards

      myDecks.shuffle(); // Shuffle the cards.

      // Dealing two cards to each player.






    // Middle of a round (stage 3).

    // Returns a character (h, s, b, j, q).

    // (h: hit, s: stand, b: busted, j: blackjack, q: quit).

    char inRound() {

      int playerValue = playerHand.getValue();

      // Check for the blackjack.

      // Then stop the round automatically, and return 'j'

      if (playerHand.blackjack()) {

        cout << "You got the blackjack!" << endl;

        return 'j';


      // Check for the player busting

      // (if busted, stop the round and return 'b').

      if (playerValue > 21) return 'b';

      // Show hands (with dealer's first card hidden).


      char input; // user input in this stage.

      do { // (will be repeated until a right input is given).

        cout << "Type h for Hit, s for Stand, r for ";

        cout << "rules, q to quit [h/s/r/q] ";

        cout << "(default: h): ";

        cin.getline(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        // extract the first char.

        input = firstChar(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        // Default is h(Hit).

        if (input == '0') input = 'h';

        if (input == 'r') displayRules(); // for rules.

      } while (input != 'h' && input != 's' && input != 'q');

      // Add a card for "Hit".

      if (input == 'h') playerHand.addCard(;

      return input;


    // End of a round (stage 4)

    // (busted=true if the player got busted, false if not).

    char endRound(char in) {

      int playerValue = playerHand.getValue();

      if (in == 'b') {  // if the player is busted.

        cout << "\nYou have:\t ";


        cout << "You got busted, and lost ";

        cout << nBet << " chips." << endl;



      else if (in == 'q') { // if the player quits the game.

        cout << "\nYou lost " << nBet << " chips.";

        cout << endl;


        return in;


      else if (in == 'j') { // if player gets the blackjack.

        showHands(); // Show cards.

        if (dealerHand.blackjack()) {

          cout << "It is tied, and the bet is ";

          cout << "returned." << endl;


        else {

          cout << "You won, and gained ";

          cout << nBet << " chips." << endl;




      else { // if the player stands. We need to look at the

        // dealer's hand. The dealer hits until (

        // the value of the hand) >= 17 (S17 rule).

        while (dealerHand.getValue() < 17)


        showHands(); // Show cards.

        int dealerValue = dealerHand.getValue();

        // If the dealer gets busted.

        if (dealerValue > 21) {

          cout << "Dealer got busted, and you ";

          cout << "gained " << nBet;

          cout << " chips." << endl;



        // Dealer wins.

        else if (dealerValue > playerValue) {

          if (dealerHand.blackjack()) {

            cout << "Dealer got the ";

            cout << "blackjack!\n";


          cout << "Dealer won, and you lost ";

          cout << nBet << " chips." << endl;



        // Player wins.

        else if (dealerValue < playerValue) {

          cout << "You won, and you gained ";

          cout << nBet << " chips." << endl;



        // A tie.

        else {

          // If the dealer has the blackjack and

          // the score is tied, the dealer wins.

          if (dealerHand.blackjack()) {

            cout << "Dealer got the ";

            cout << "blackjack! ";

            cout << "You lost " << nBet;

            cout << " chips." << endl;



          // the score is tied, and the dealer

          // doesn't have blackjack.

          else {  

            cout << "It is tied, and the ";

            cout << "bet is returned.";

            cout << endl;




      cout << "\n* End of the Round (your chips: ";

      cout << nPlayerChip << ")." << endl;

      cout << "===================================" << endl;


      // If all chips are used up, the game ends.

      if (nPlayerChip == 0 || nDealerChip == 0) return 'q';

      char input; // character for the user input.

      do { // (will be repeated until a right input is given).

        cout << "\nType n for a new round, r for rules";

        cout << ", q to quit [n/r/q] (default: n): ";

        cin.getline(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        // extract the first char.

        input = firstChar(temp, MAX_CHARACTER);

        // Default is n(new round).

        if (input == '0') input = 'n';

        if (input == 'r') displayRules(); // Rules.

      } while (input != 'n' && input != 'q');

      return input;


    // End of the game (Stage 5)

    void endGame() {

      cout << "\nYour remaining chips: " << nPlayerChip;

      cout << " (you ";

      int diff = nPlayerChip - PLAYER_CHIP;

      if (diff > 0) cout << "gained " << diff << " chips).";

      else if (diff < 0)

        cout << "lost " << -diff << " chips).";

      else cout << "have the same number of chips as started).";

      cout << endl << endl;

      cout << "###########################" << endl;

      cout << "# End of the Game #" << endl;

      cout << "###########################" << endl;


    // Display rules.

    void displayRules() {

      cout << endl;

      cout << "===================================" << endl;

      cout << "# How to play the game of Blackjack. " << endl;

      cout << "\n\tThere are two players: a dealer, ";

      cout << "played by a computer, ";

      cout << "and a player, played by you. ";

      cout << "The game will be played as many ";

      cout << "rounds as the player can or wants, ";

      cout << "and the winner is determined ";

      cout << "each round. At the beginning of the game, ";

      cout << "the player chooses ";

      cout << "how many decks are used for all rounds, ";

      cout << "where each deck ";

      cout << "consists of 52 cards, 13 for each suit ";

      cout << "(Club, Spade, Heart, and Diamond); ";

      cout << "here the number of decks can be 1 or 2 or 4. ";

      cout << "You, the player, start with 100 chips and ";

      cout << "can bet at least 1 chip each round. ";

      cout << "The maximum number of chips a player can bet ";

      cout << "at each round is set at " << MAX_BET;

      cout << " chips here. The dealer is assumed to have ";

      cout << DEALER_CHIP << " chips in the beginning. ";

      cout << "If either the player or the dealer loses all ";

      cout << "chips, the game ends.\n\n";

      cout << "\tAt each round, the objective of the player ";

      cout << "is to win the bet by creating a card total ";

      cout << "that is higher than the value of ";

      cout << "the dealer's hand, but not exceeding 21 ";

      cout << "(called, \"busting\"). ";

      cout << "The value of a hand is determined by summing ";

      cout << "over values of all ";

      cout << "cards in a hand: 2~10 have the same values ";

      cout << "as the face values, ";

      cout << "while J, Q, and K (face cards) are counted ";

      cout << "as 10 and an ace, A, ";

      cout << "can be counted as 1 or 11. The suits of the ";

      cout << "cards don't have any meaning.\n\n";

      cout << "\tOnce the amount of the bet is chosen for ";

      cout << "each round, ";

      cout << "two cards are dealt at the beginning of the ";

      cout << "round: both cards of the player are revealed,";

      cout << " while only one card is revealed for the ";

      cout << "dealer. ";

      cout << "The player has two options: Hit or Stand.\n";

      cout << "\n(1) Hit: Take another card from the dealer.";

      cout << " If the player's hand ";

      cout << "is not busted by exceeding 21, ";

      cout << "the player has another chance ";

      cout << "to choose to hit or stand,\n\n";

      cout << "(2) Stand: Take no more card. ";

      cout << "Then, the player's value is ";

      cout << "determined by summing over all cards in ";

      cout << "the hand (An ace, A, can be either 1 or 11, ";

      cout << "whichever is better).\n\n";

      cout << "\tIf the player gets busted by exceeding 21, ";

      cout << "the dealer wins. If the player choose to ";

      cout << "stand at a value 21 or lower, ";

      cout << "the dealer should hit until the value is ";

      cout << "17 or greater (the ace, A, is counted as 11 ";

      cout << "as long as the sum is less than 21, ";

      cout << "even when the sum becomes 17, which is ";

      cout << "called \"S17\" rule). ";

      cout << "If the dealer gets busted, the player wins. ";

      cout << "If both are not busted, ";

      cout << "the winner is determined by comparing values;";

      cout << " the player wins ";

      cout << "if the player's value is greater, and the ";

      cout << "dealer wins if the dealer's value is greater.";

      cout << " If tied, the bet is returned to the player.";

      cout << "\n\n\tIf the first two cards has the value ";

      cout << "21 by having an ace and ";

      cout << "a 10-valued card (10 or J or Q or K), ";

      cout << "it's called the \"Blackjack\" and ";

      cout << "wins every hand except another blackjack (if ";

      cout << "both get blackjacks, it's a tie).\n\n\n";

      cout << "# Card representation.\n\n";

      cout << "The ranks: A (ace), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ";

      cout << "10, J, Q, K.\n";

      cout << "The suits: c (club), s (spade), h (heart), ";

      cout << "d (diamond).\n\n";

      cout << "Then, for example, A(s) stands for the spade ";

      cout << "ace, 10(d) stands for the diamond 10, ";

      cout << "and Q(h) stands for the heart queen.\n\n\n";

      cout << "# Player inputs.\n\n";

      cout << "\tThe player can give inputs using keyboards ";

      cout << "at the prompt, and only the first character ";

      cout << "(excluding white spaces) of a line, followed ";

      cout << "by Enter, will be regarded as a valid input. ";

      cout << "Possible input characters are: n (new round),";

      cout << " r (rules), h (hit), s (stand), q (quit), ";

      cout << "and 1~5 (size of the bet, number of decks).\n";

      cout << "===================================" << endl;

      cout << endl;


    // A function that extracts a first character from a c-string

    // (returns '0' if none exists).

    // temp: character array, size: size of temp.

    static char firstChar(char *temp, int size) {

      int i=0;

      // skipping white spaces.

      while (i < size && temp[i] != '\0' && (temp[i] == ' '\

        || temp[i] == '\t' || temp[i] == '\n'))


      // If there is no character in temp, return '0'.

      if (temp[i] == '\0' || i >= size) return '0';

      else return temp[i];



    // Show hands of both players

    // (if hideFirst==true, the first card will not be shown).

    void showHands(bool hideFirst = false) {

      cout << "\nDealer has:\t ";


      cout << "You have:\t ";


      cout << endl;


    // Chips changing hands.

    // (amount > 0: dealer to player; < 0, player to dealer).

    void takeChips(int amount) {

      nPlayerChip += amount;

      nDealerChip -= amount;



    Decks myDecks;  // All cards for the game.

    Hand playerHand, dealerHand; // Hands for the game.

    int nPlayerChip, nDealerChip; // Numbers of chips for players.

    int nBet;   // Bet of the current round.

    char temp[MAX_CHARACTER+1]; // C-string for temporary storages.


// Main function (driver).

int main() {

  Game g;

  try {;


  catch(BadSuit e) {

    std::cerr << "*** Bad card suit is given.\n";



  catch(BadNumberDecks e) {

    std::cerr << "*** Bad number of decks is given.\n";



  return 0;


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wirte a c++ program blackjack please write it short and simple please dont make so complicated.
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    C++ program please. As simple as possible. 1.(40) Write a program that will find the smallest value entered by the user and print out the entered numbers with the smallest value subtracted. The program is to ask for the number of points and then read in that many points.

  • Write a simple and short MIPS assembly language program that asks the user for 6 numbers,...

    Write a simple and short MIPS assembly language program that asks the user for 6 numbers, merge-sorts them, and then prints them out in ascending order comment each and every programme .(USING WINDOWS QtSpim) Note : This question is not giving desired solution may you please try it in a simple manner for six number inputed by the user.

  • C Programming Exercise: Write a simple program in C so that takes a four charachter string...

    C Programming Exercise: Write a simple program in C so that takes a four charachter string from a file and puts it into a two dimensional array. Make sure your program satisfies the following: (i) uses a 2D Array(rows and columns) (ii) get and put functions (iii) use multiple functions/methods : -In your Main function take input from file using the get functions. In your Second function, call it print2DArray, which takes the string from the file in main method...

  • Write a C++ code to make a simple program that imports the input file in and...

    Write a C++ code to make a simple program that imports the input file in and gets the results as specified Please follow the instructions and paste the code below as the answer with a screenshot of the output to prove it worked. Input file -> Scoring Names You will be using the provided names.txt file, text file containing over five-thousand first names, and you will calculate a score for each name. Begin by reading the names from the...


    *** SIMPLE C PROGRAM WILL RATE GOOD**** PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS THROUGHOUT THE CODE SO I CAN SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING AND LEARN, THANK YOU! Write a program that implements the following disk-scheduling algorithms: a. FCFS b. SSTF c. SCAN d. C-SCAN e. LOOK f. C-LOOK Your program will service a disk with 5,000 cylinders numbered 0 to 4,999. The program will generate a random series of 1,000 cylinder requests and service them according to each of the algorithms listed above....

  • Please make a JAVA program for the following using switch structures Write a program that simulates...

    Please make a JAVA program for the following using switch structures Write a program that simulates a simple Calculator program. The program will display menu choices to the user to Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide. The program will prompt the user to make a selection from the choices and get their choice into the program. The program will use a nested if….else (selection control structure) to determine the user’s menu choice. Prompt the user to enter two numbers, perform the...

  • C++ Write A Program: //Please DONT use stdio.h or fancy things like classes Given the following...

    C++ Write A Program: //Please DONT use stdio.h or fancy things like classes Given the following header: vector<string> split(string target, string delimiter); implement the function split so that it returns a vector of the strings in target that are separated by the string delimiter. For example: split("10,20,30", ",") should return a vector with the strings "10", "20", and "30". Similarly, split("do re mi fa so la ti do", " ") should return a vector with the strings "do", "re", "mi",...

  • I need help with my assignment. It is a java program. Please make it as simple...

    I need help with my assignment. It is a java program. Please make it as simple as you can. Create an ArrayList with elements the objects of previous class. Using a simple loop populate the ArrayList with data from some arrays with data, or from console. Use a loop with iterator and write the information in a File using PrintWriter. Use this address for the file (c:\\result\\MyData.txt). Use the Scanner class to display the content of the file on console.

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