
Prepare a design for the Baby Block Robot. The design should be in flow diagram form....

Prepare a design for the Baby Block Robot. The design should be in flow diagram form. This diagram should help you identify the sequence of steps needed to solve specific situations that the robot will encounter. Be specific. Break down the actions into small steps. Test you design by using example block sequences. Think it through. I would expect the diagram to require multiple pages. If you have a program that supports flow diagrams, like PowerPoint, then use that. Hand drawn diagrams are acceptable - make sure that they are neat and are easy to read. You can take a picture of them and paste into a Word (or other ) doc to upload.

The baby block program instructions are:

Thank you for your purchase of the Baby Block 270 Robot (BB270). In order to use the BB270 you must write a program using the basic robot operations stated below:

  1. get_block – Removes and holds one block from the chute. The user must type in each block by hand. (There are six functions that can be used to test the robot described below.)
  2. put_block – Inserts the block currently held by the robot into an empty slot.
  3. remove_block – Removes a block from a given slot. The slot is then set to a space.
  4. switch_blocks – Removes a block currently in a slot and replaces it with the block being held by the robot. When finished the robot is holding the block it just removed from the slot.
  5. robot_ltoreq_slot – Compares the value of the block (letter) being held by the robot to that of a block in a slot. (If the block held by the robot is less than or equal to the block in the slot the result of the compare is TRUE. If the block held by the robot is greater than the block in the slot the result of the compare is FALSE)
  6. shift_left – Shift the robotic arm one slot to the left. (Cannot go to the left of slot 1)
  7. shift_right – Shift the robotic arm one slot to the right. (Cannot go to the right of slot 20)
  8. test_empty – Determines if a slot is empty. The array of slots must be initialize to all spaces or to NULL. (Returns True if empty or False if the slot contains a block.)
  9. print_slots – Prints the contents of the 20 slots to the screen. You need to submit the output from each of the five test cases when you are finished. Print the slots after each block is placed.

Included with the robot are functions for each of the above operations coded in the C++ Programming Language. The code may be downloaded from the assignments tab in Canvas.

To test your robot write a program that will place a series of blocks into 20 slots in alphabetic order. Specifically the robot must be able to accomplish this task according to the following requirements:

  1. To begin with all slots must be empty: Set the array of slots to all blanks or to all NULL
  2. The robot must be able to start at any of the 20 slots. (Specified at program start.)
  3. Blocks will enter the chute in random order.
  4. Blocks entering the chute will have a value from ‘A’ through ‘Z ‘. (Uppercase alphabetic characters.)
  5. Blocks may repeat. (e.g. there may be two or more blocks with the same letter value.)
  6. The robot can take only one block from the chute at a time.
  7. The robot can switch the block it is holding with a block in a given slot.
  8. The robot can only shift (left or right) one slot at a time. (If you want to shift more than one position you will need to use a loop.)
  9. As blocks are placed into the slots they must be in alphabetic order. (You are not allowed to randomly place all the blocks and then sort them.)
  10. The robot cannot go to the left of slot 1 or to the right of slot 20. (This means that you will have to allow for movement of multiple blocks to the left or right in order to stay within the 20 slots.)
  11. You must use the functions provided. However, if you have a better implementation for any of the functions then you may use yours after approval from the instructor.
  12. You may ( and you will need to ) write additional functions which are composed of calls to the provided functions. For example, to shuffle multiple blocks left or right to open a slot for a new block.

Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in a 10% deduction for each requirement that is not met.

The Robot Challenge: Your robot will be judged by the fewest number of swapped blocks. To keep up with that number you will need to maintain a count of the number of times the Switch Blocks function is called.

Robot Test Cases

There are five test cases that your robot must pass. They are:






Six functions are provided to assist you with these test cases. By using these functions you do not have to enter each block one at time as required by the get_block function. There is one function for each individual test case plus another that can be used for any of the five individual test cases. All six functions return one block at a time.

Your output should show the configuration of the blocks in the slots after each block is placed. You may call the print_slots function to generate that output. You will also need to print out the number of times the robot switched blocks. (Number of times the switch_blocks function is called.

I really only need help with the design document.

Thank you!

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Answer #1


using namespace std;

char get_block(void);
unsigned int put_block(char block, unsigned int position, char array[]);
unsigned int shift_right(unsigned int position);
unsigned int shift_left(unsigned int position);
bool compare_blocks(char robot, char in_slot);
char switch_blocks(char robot, unsigned int position, char array[], unsigned int &switch_count);
bool test_empty(unsigned int position, char array[]);
unsigned int findMid(char *blocks);
void printBlockLayout(char *blocks);
char *sort(char *blocks, unsigned int index, char ¤t_block, int &increment, unsigned int &switch_count, unsigned int sort_iteration);
unsigned int search(char ¤t_block, char *blocks, unsigned int increment_coefficient, int &increment, unsigned int &switch_count);

int main(void){
char *blocks, current_block;
unsigned int start_pos = 0, increment_coefficient = 1, switch_count = 0;
int increment = 1;
blocks = new char[20];
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
blocks[i] = 0; //Initialize all of the elements in our block array to zero.
cout << "Hello, I am the Baby Block 270 Robot. Please specify the starting slot (0-19):" << endl;
cin >> start_pos;
cout << left << "Your starting position is " << start_pos << "." << endl;
cout << "Please enter character for the first block." << endl;
blocks[start_pos] = get_block();
for(int j = 0; j < 19; j++){
cout << "Please enter a character for the next block" << endl;
if(j < 9)
increment_coefficient = 2;
increment_coefficient = 1;
current_block = get_block();
blocks = sort(blocks, search(current_block, blocks, increment_coefficient, increment, switch_count), current_block, increment, switch_count, 0);
cout << "Total switch count: " << switch_count << endl;
return 0;

void printBlockLayout(char *blocks){
cout << endl << "Current block layout: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (blocks[i] != 0)
cout << setw(3) << blocks[i];
cout << setw(3) << "-";
cout << endl;
unsigned int findMid(char *blocks){ //Function used to find the index of the current middle baby block.
unsigned int N = 0, mid = 0, index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
if(blocks[i] != 0)
if(N % 2 == 0)
mid = N/2;
mid = (N/2)+1;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
if(blocks[i] != 0)

if(index == mid)
return i;

unsigned int search(char ¤t_block, char *blocks, unsigned int increment_coefficient, int &increment, unsigned int &switch_count){
unsigned int index = 0;
index = findMid(blocks);
if(current_block > blocks[index])
increment = 1*increment_coefficient;
else if(current_block < blocks[index]){
increment = -1*increment_coefficient;
return index;
index += increment;
while(!(index >= 19 || index <= 0
|| (current_block > blocks[index] && current_block > blocks[index+increment] && increment < 0)
|| (current_block < blocks[index] && (current_block < blocks[index+increment] || blocks[index+increment] == 0) && increment > 0)
|| (current_block == blocks[index]))
|| !(test_empty(index,blocks)));

if(index < 19 && index > 0){ //if we're not outside of the array..
return index;
if(current_block < blocks[index] && increment > 0)
increment *= -1; //We'll need to go backwards to sort from here on.
//if((current_block > blocks[index] && increment < 0))
if((current_block > blocks[index] && increment > 0 || current_block < blocks[index] && increment < 0)){
index += increment;
return index;
current_block = switch_blocks(current_block, index, blocks, switch_count); //We'll switch the blocks.
return index + increment; //then we need to send our new current block into the sorting function with the next index

else{ //But if we ARE outside of the array
if (index >= 19) { //then if we're to the right of the max index
index = 19;
if(test_empty(index,blocks)) //We now need to see if it's empty. If it is, we will just put the block down
return index;
if (current_block < blocks[index] && increment > 0){
index -= increment; //If we've hit the end of the index and our current block doesn't fit there, we'll need to step back towards the center.
current_block = switch_blocks(current_block, index, blocks, switch_count); //If not, we'll need switch the current block with the last block in the array, at index 19.
increment *= -1;
return index + increment; //Then we can take a step forwards or backwards from the first or last index before we send it to the sorting function.
else{ //If we're to the left of the min index
index = 0;
if(test_empty(index,blocks)) //We now need to see if it's empty. If it is, we will just put the block down
return index;
if (current_block > blocks[index] && increment < 0) {
index -= increment; //If we've hit the end of the index and our current block doesn't fit there, we'll need to step back towards the center.
current_block = switch_blocks(current_block, index, blocks, switch_count); //We'll need switch the current block with the first block in the array, index 0.
increment *= -1;
return index + increment; //Then we can take a step forwards or backwards from the first or last index before we send it to the sorting function.

char *sort(char *blocks, unsigned int index, char ¤t_block, int &increment, unsigned int &switch_count, unsigned int eoa_count){
if(index < 19 && index > 0){ //if we're not outside of the array..
if(test_empty(index, blocks)) //see if the slot is empty
put_block(current_block, index, blocks); //if it is, put the block there and be done.
else{ //if it's not empty
current_block = switch_blocks(current_block, index, blocks, switch_count); //we'll switch the blocks
index += increment; //Then we can step to the next index.
blocks = sort(blocks, index, current_block, increment, switch_count, eoa_count); //And use recursion to sort our new current_block!
else{ //but if we ARE outside of the array..
if(index >= 19) { //If we're to the right of the max index
index = 19;
if(test_empty(index,blocks)) //See if it's empty and if we can just put the block down
put_block(current_block, index, blocks);
else{ //If it's not empty
current_block = switch_blocks(current_block, index, blocks, switch_count); //We'll need switch the current block with the last block in the array, at index 19.
if(eoa_count == 0) ///If we reach the end of the array in our first iteration, we need to switch the way that we're stepping.
increment *= -1; //But if it's not in the first iteration, we don't want to keep switching the way that we're going.
index += increment; //So now we will be stepping backwards to sort.
eoa_count++; //Increment the end of array count.
blocks = sort(blocks, index, current_block, increment, switch_count, eoa_count); //And we can use recursion to sort the rest.
if (index <= 0) { //Then if we're to the left of the min index
index = 0;
if(test_empty(index,blocks)) //See if it's empty and if we can just put the block down
put_block(current_block, index, blocks);
else{ //if it's not empty..
current_block = switch_blocks(current_block, index, blocks, switch_count); //We'll need switch the current block with the first block in the array, index 0.
if(eoa_count == 0) ///If we reach the end of the array in our first iteration, we need to switch the way that we're stepping.
increment *= -1; //But if it's not in the first iteration, we don't want to keep switching the way that we're going.
index += increment; //So now we will be stepping backwards to sort.
blocks = sort(blocks, index, current_block, increment, switch_count, eoa_count); //And we can use recursion to sort the rest.
return blocks;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//                                                                           //
//                                                                           //
//               Functions for the seven robot operations                   //
//                                                                           //
//                                                                           //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

// Function get_block
// Reads in a single character value from the keyboard
// This is the input from the chute
// Returns: a single character
// Example function call:    block = get_block();

char get_block(void)
   char block;
   cin >> block;
block = toupper(block);
   return block;

// Function put_block
// This function stores a character into the character array representing the slots
// Inputs:
// block - type char - The character to be inerted into a slot
// position - type unsigned int - index of the slot where the block will go
// array - type char - array of slots containing the blocks
// Returns:
// position - type unsigned int - the index of the slot where the block was placed
// Example function call:    put_block(block, position, slots);

unsigned int put_block(char block, unsigned int position, char *blocks)
   blocks[position] = block;
   cout << "Block " << block << " inserted into slot " << position << endl;
   return position;

// Function compare_blocks
// This function compares the value of the block held by the robot
// with the value of the block in a slot
// Inputs:
// robot - type char - value of block held by robot
// in_slot - type char - value of block in the slot
// Returns:
// true or false
// TRUE if block held by robot is LESS than or equal to the block in slot
// FALSE if block held by robot is GREATER than block in slot
// Example function call: if ( compare_blocks(robot_block, slot_block) )
bool compare_blocks(char robot, char in_slot)
   cout << endl << "Comparing robot block " << robot << " with block in slot " << in_slot << endl;
   if (robot <= in_slot)
       cout << "returning true. Robot block LESS than or EQUAL to block in slot. " << endl;
       return true;
       cout << "returning false. Robot block GREATER than block in slot. " << endl;
       return false;
// Function switch_blocks
// This function switches the block held by the robot with a block in a slot.
// After the switch the robot is holding the block removed from the slot.
// Inputs:
// robot - type char - The block to be inserted into a slot
// position - type unsigned int - index of the slot where the block will go
// array - type char - array of slots containing the blocks
// Returns:
// robot - type char. The value of the block removed from the slot.
// Example function call: block = switch_blocks(block, position, array);

char switch_blocks(char robot, unsigned int position, char *blocks, unsigned int &switch_count)
   char temp_hold;

   cout << "Switching blocks " << robot << " with " << blocks[position] << endl;
   temp_hold = robot;
   robot = blocks[position];
   blocks[position] = temp_hold;
   return robot;
// Function test_empty
// This function tests the array to determine if a slot is empty (NULL)
// Inputs:
// position - type unsigned int - index of slot to be tested
// Returns:
// true or false as value o function
// TRUE if slot is empty
// FALSE if the slot contains a block
// Example function call: if ( test_empty(index, array) )
bool test_empty(unsigned int position, char array[])
   if (array[position] == 0)
       cout << "Slot " << position << " empty. " << endl;
       return true;
       cout << "Slot " << position << " contains a block " << endl;
       return false;


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Prepare a design for the Baby Block Robot. The design should be in flow diagram form....
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