
How would you explain the various management approaches to budgeting?

How would you explain the various management approaches to budgeting?

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There are various approaches adopted by the management of an entity. Few of the approaches to budgeting can be-

1. Incremental budgeting- Under this method the budget of the previous year is used as the starting point for the current year's budget. The historical data is then increased as per the needs of the business that year.

2. Zero based budgeting -It usually starts with the building a brand new budget from the scratch. It starts from a zero as its base.

3. Rolling (Continuous ) Budgeting- It is a rigorous method as compared to the other two budgeting methods. Under this method people continuously keep adding a new budget period to replace the previous one on its expiry.

4. Activity-based budgeting (ABB)- It is a method based on calculating the total cost needed for the goals decided by the company. The anticipated level of activities are targetted by deciding the amount of cash needed by the entity for attaining the particular goal.

5. Performance based Budgeting- Under this approach, a set of goals or objectives is initially decided. These objectives act as the benchmark or the rationale for the course of activities that the organisation expects to undertake as well as the cost associated with it.

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How would you explain the various management approaches to budgeting?
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