
The goal of the game is to order unbroken row of five signs horizontally, vertically, or diagonal...

The goal of the game is to order unbroken row of five signs horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. You play by clicking with mouse on any empty field of the board. Then it is turn of Player 2 or computer. And then it is your turn again and so on.
Gomoku is an abstract strategy board game and is also called Five in a Row. It is traditionally played on a board with size 19x19. However, because once placed, pieces are not moved or removed from the board, Gomoku may also be played as a paper and pencil game. This game is known in several countries under different names.
The name Gomoku comes from the Japanese language, in which it is referred to as gomokunarabe. Go means five, moku is a counter word for pieces and narabe means line-up.

Student needs to implement the project with basic functions finished at the end of this phase. Student will present the prototype, the development detail (tool, code), and next step plan.

Basic Mode - Player 1 and Player 2 is required.
● Advanced Mode - Player and Computer is optional

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Answer #1

Basically there are 2 things a student needs to submit for the Gomoku board game:

1. Prototype

2. Tool and Code

1. Prototype

Now by prototype of the game, we mean the basic logic behind working of the code and the game.

I am taking C as the basic language to explain and code. First we must create a 2 dimentional array the size of the board.
int[][] board = int[19][19]; for example

Now Basic Mode, meaning 2 human players
1. What we want to do is print out the new board after every turn is over.
2. We can implement this in a while(1) loop
to print out the board simply use a for loop for(int i, j; i < 10 && j < 10; i, j ++){ printf(%d, "board[i][j]"); if(j==10) printf(%c, "\n")}
//this is not real code

3. Now we need some sort of referencing point to place our move, just like on a chess board. We could simply use the raw coordinates like 1 4 ( 1 means row 4 mean column) and you use a scanf statement to get this: eg scanf(%d %d, &column &row);

4. Then we check it with the board so see if it's occupied, if not update it and p[rint out the new board, if it's occupied then prompt the player to re enter the move.

5. To represent empty slots you could simple initialize all the array elements to 0. Then if player 1 makes a move, set that slot to 1, if player 2 makes a move set that slot to 2.

2. Tool and Code

Tool that can be used for coding in c/c++ can either be Codeblocks or Dev C++. I would recommend codeblocks as it is very stable and has a flexible IDE.

Below is the code in C which works fine. Comments are present for easy understanding. I hope the answer helps. 

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* Size of the board */
#define SIZE 19

/* Importance of attack (1..16) */
#define AttackFactor 4

/* Value of having 0, 1,2,3,4 or 5 pieces in line */
int Weight[7] = {0, 0, 4, 20, 100, 500, 0};

#define Null 0
#define Horiz 1
#define DownLeft 2
#define DownRight 3
#define Vert 4

/* The two players */
#define Empty 0
#define Cross 1
#define Nought 2

char PieceChar[Nought + 1] = {' ', 'X', '0'};

int Board[SIZE + 1][SIZE + 1];/* The board */
int Player;                     /* The player whose move is next */
int TotalLines;                 /* The number of Empty lines left */
int GameWon;                    /* Set if one of the players has won */

int Line[4][SIZE + 1][SIZE + 1][Nought + 1];

/* Value of each square for each player */
int Value[SIZE + 1][SIZE + 1][Nought + 1];

int X, Y;                       /* Move coordinates */
char Command;                   /* Command from keyboard */
int AutoPlay = FALSE;           /* The program plays against itself */

_PROTOTYPE(void Initialize, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(int Abort, (char *s));
_PROTOTYPE(void WriteLetters, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void WriteLine, (int j, int *s));
_PROTOTYPE(void WriteBoard, (int N, int *Top, int *Middle, int *Bottom));
_PROTOTYPE(void SetUpScreen, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void GotoSquare, (int x, int y));
_PROTOTYPE(void PrintMove, (int Piece, int X, int Y));
_PROTOTYPE(void ClearMove, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void PrintMsg, (char *Str));
_PROTOTYPE(void ClearMsg, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void WriteCommand, (char *S));
_PROTOTYPE(void ResetGame, (int FirstGame));
_PROTOTYPE(int OpponentColor, (int Player));
_PROTOTYPE(void BlinkRow, (int X, int Y, int Dx, int Dy, int Piece));
_PROTOTYPE(void BlinkWinner, (int Piece, int X, int Y, int WinningLine));
_PROTOTYPE(int Random, (int x));
_PROTOTYPE(void Add, (int *Num));
_PROTOTYPE(void Update, (int Lin[], int Valu[], int Opponent));
_PROTOTYPE(void MakeMove, (int X, int Y));
_PROTOTYPE(int GameOver, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void FindMove, (int *X, int *Y));
_PROTOTYPE(char GetChar, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void ReadCommand, (int X, int Y, char *Command));
_PROTOTYPE(void InterpretCommand, (int Command));
_PROTOTYPE(void PlayerMove, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(void ProgramMove, (void));
_PROTOTYPE(int main, (void));

/* Set terminal to raw mode. */
void Initialize()
  srand(getpid() + 13);         /* Initialize the random seed with our pid */

/* Reset terminal and exit from the program. */
int Abort(s)
char *s;
  move(LINES - 1, 0);

/* Set up the screen ----------------------------------------------- */

/* Write the letters */
void WriteLetters()
  int i;

  addch(' ');
  addch(' ');
  for (i = 1; i <= SIZE; i++) printw(" %c", 'A' + i - 1);

/* Write one line of the board */
void WriteLine(j, s)
int j;
int *s;
  int i;

  printw("%2d ", j);
  for (i = 2; i <= SIZE - 1; i++) {
  printw(" %-2d\n", j);

/* Print the Empty board and the border */
void WriteBoard(N, Top, Middle, Bottom)
int N;
int *Top, *Middle, *Bottom;
  int j;

  move(1, 0);
  WriteLine(N, Top);
  for (j = N - 1; j >= 2; j--) WriteLine(j, Middle);
  WriteLine(1, Bottom);

/* Sets up the screen with an Empty board */
void SetUpScreen()
  int top[4], middle[4], bottom[4];

  top[0] = ACS_ULCORNER;
  top[1] = ACS_HLINE;
  top[2] = ACS_TTEE;
  top[3] = ACS_URCORNER;

  middle[0] = ACS_LTEE;
  middle[1] = ACS_HLINE;
  middle[2] = ACS_PLUS;
  middle[3] = ACS_RTEE;

  bottom[0] = ACS_LLCORNER;
  bottom[1] = ACS_HLINE;
  bottom[2] = ACS_BTEE;
  bottom[3] = ACS_LRCORNER;

  WriteBoard(SIZE, top, middle, bottom);

/* Show moves ----------------------------------------------- */

void GotoSquare(x, y)
int x, y;
  move(SIZE + 2 - y, 1 + x * 2);

/* Prints a move */
void PrintMove(Piece, X, Y)
int Piece;
int X, Y;
  move(22, 49);
  printw("%c %c %d", PieceChar[Piece], 'A' + X - 1, Y);
  GotoSquare(X, Y);
  GotoSquare(X, Y);

/* Clears the line where a move is displayed */
void ClearMove()
  move(22, 49);

/* Message handling ---------------------------------------------- */

/* Prints a message */
void PrintMsg(Str)
char *Str;
  mvprintw(23, 1, "%s", Str);

/* Clears the message about the winner */
void ClearMsg()
  move(23, 1);

/* Highlights the first letter of S */
void WriteCommand(S)
char *S;
  printw("%s", S + 1);

/* Display the board ----------------------------------------------- */

/* Resets global variables to start a new game */
void ResetGame(FirstGame)
int FirstGame;
  int I, J;
  int C, D;

  if (FirstGame) {
        move(1, 49);
        addstr("G O M O K U");
        move(3, 49);
        WriteCommand("Newgame    ");
        WriteCommand("Quit ");
        move(5, 49);
        move(7, 49);
        move(9, 49);
        move(14, 60);
        WriteCommand("Left, ");
        WriteCommand("Right, ");
        move(16, 60);
        WriteCommand("Up, ");
        move(18, 60);
        move(20, 49);
        WriteCommand(" NOTE: Use Num Lock & arrows");
        mvaddstr(14, 49, "7  8  9");
        mvaddch(15, 52, ACS_UARROW);
        mvaddch(16, 49, '4');
        mvaddch(16, 54, ACS_RARROW);
        mvaddch(17, 52, ACS_DARROW);
        mvaddstr(18, 49, "1  2  3");
        FirstGame = FALSE;
  } else {

  /* Clear tables */
  for (I = 1; I <= SIZE; I++) for (J = 1; J <= SIZE; J++) {
                Board[I][J] = Empty;
                for (C = Cross; C <= Nought; C++) {
                        Value[I][J][C] = 0;
                        for (D = 0; D <= 3; D++) Line[D][I][J][C] = 0;

  /* Cross starts */
  Player = Cross;
  /* Total number of lines */
  TotalLines = 2 * 2 * (SIZE * (SIZE - 4) + (SIZE - 4) * (SIZE - 4));
  GameWon = FALSE;

int OpponentColor(Player)
int Player;
  if (Player == Cross)
        return Nought;
        return Cross;

/* Blink the row of 5 stones */
void BlinkRow(X, Y, Dx, Dy, Piece)
int X, Y, Dx, Dy, Piece;
  int I;

  for (I = 1; I <= 5; I++) {
        GotoSquare(X, Y);
        X = X - Dx;
        Y = Y - Dy;

/* Prints the 5 winning stones in blinking color */
void BlinkWinner(Piece, X, Y, WinningLine)
int Piece, X, Y, WinningLine;
  /* Used to store the position of the winning move */
  int XHold, YHold;
  /* Change in X and Y */
  int Dx, Dy;

  /* Display winning move */
  PrintMove(Piece, X, Y);
  /* Preserve winning position */
  XHold = X;
  YHold = Y;
  switch (WinningLine) {
      case Horiz:
                Dx = 1;
                Dy = 0;

      case DownLeft:
                Dx = 1;
                Dy = 1;

      case Vert:
                Dx = 0;
                Dy = 1;

      case DownRight:
                Dx = -1;
                Dy = 1;

  /* Go to topmost, leftmost */
  while (Board[X + Dx][Y + Dy] != Empty && Board[X + Dx][Y + Dy] == Piece) {
        X = X + Dx;
        Y = Y + Dy;
  BlinkRow(X, Y, Dx, Dy, Piece);
  /* Restore winning position */
  X = XHold;
  Y = YHold;
  /* Go back to winning square */
  GotoSquare(X, Y);

/* Functions for playing a game -------------------------------- */

int Random(x)
int x;
  return((rand() / 19) % x);

/* Adds one to the number of pieces in a line */
void Add(Num)
int *Num;
  /* Adds one to the number.     */
  *Num = *Num + 1;
  /* If it is the first piece in the line, then the opponent cannot use
   * it any more.  */
  if (*Num == 1) TotalLines = TotalLines - 1;
  /* The game is won if there are 5 in line. */
  if (*Num == 5) GameWon = TRUE;

/* Updates the value of a square for each player, taking into
   account that player has placed an extra piece in the square.
   The value of a square in a usable line is Weight[Lin[Player]+1]
   where Lin[Player] is the number of pieces already placed
in the line */
void Update(Lin, Valu, Opponent)
int Lin[];
int Valu[];
int Opponent;
  /* If the opponent has no pieces in the line, then simply update the
   * value for player */
  if (Lin[Opponent] == 0)
        Valu[Player] += Weight[Lin[Player] + 1] - Weight[Lin[Player]];
        /* If it is the first piece in the line, then the line is
         * spoiled for the opponent */
  if (Lin[Player] == 1) Valu[Opponent] -= Weight[Lin[Opponent] + 1];

/* Performs the move X,Y for player, and updates the global variables
(Board, Line, Value, Player, GameWon, TotalLines and the screen) */
void MakeMove(X, Y)
int X, Y;
  int Opponent;
  int X1, Y1;
  int K, L, WinningLine;

  WinningLine = Null;
  Opponent = OpponentColor(Player);
  GameWon = FALSE;

  /* Each square of the board is part of 20 different lines. The adds
   * one to the number of pieces in each of these lines. Then it
   * updates the value for each of the 5 squares in each of the 20
   * lines. Finally Board is updated, and the move is printed on the
   * screen. */

  /* Horizontal lines, from left to right */
  for (K = 0; K <= 4; K++) {
        X1 = X - K;             /* Calculate starting point */
        Y1 = Y;
        if ((1 <= X1) && (X1 <= SIZE - 4)) {      /* Check starting point */
                Add(&Line[0][X1][Y1][Player]);      /* Add one to line */
                if (GameWon && (WinningLine == Null))   /* Save winning line */
                        WinningLine = Horiz;
                for (L = 0; L <= 4; L++)     /* Update value for the
                                                 * 5 squares in the line */
                        Update(Line[0][X1][Y1], Value[X1 + L][Y1], Opponent);

  for (K = 0; K <= 4; K++) { /* Diagonal lines, from lower left to
                                 * upper right */
        X1 = X - K;
        Y1 = Y - K;
        if ((1 <= X1) && (X1 <= SIZE - 4) &&
            (1 <= Y1) && (Y1 <= SIZE - 4)) {
                if (GameWon && (WinningLine == Null))   /* Save winning line */
                        WinningLine = DownLeft;
                for (L = 0; L <= 4; L++)
                        Update(Line[1][X1][Y1], Value[X1 + L][Y1 + L], Opponent);
  }                             /* for */

  for (K = 0; K <= 4; K++) { /* Diagonal lines, down right to upper left */
        X1 = X + K;
        Y1 = Y - K;
        if ((5 <= X1) && (X1 <= SIZE) &&
            (1 <= Y1) && (Y1 <= SIZE - 4)) {
                if (GameWon && (WinningLine == Null))   /* Save winning line */
                        WinningLine = DownRight;
                for (L = 0; L <= 4; L++)
                        Update(Line[3][X1][Y1], Value[X1 - L][Y1 + L], Opponent);
  }                             /* for */

  for (K = 0; K <= 4; K++) { /* Vertical lines, from down to up */
        X1 = X;
        Y1 = Y - K;
        if ((1 <= Y1) && (Y1 <= SIZE - 4)) {
                if (GameWon && (WinningLine == Null))   /* Save winning line */
                        WinningLine = Vert;
                for (L = 0; L <= 4; L++)
                        Update(Line[2][X1][Y1], Value[X1][Y1 + L], Opponent);

  Board[X][Y] = Player;         /* Place piece in board */
  if (GameWon)
        BlinkWinner(Player, X, Y, WinningLine);
        PrintMove(Player, X, Y);/* Print move on screen */
  Player = Opponent;            /* The opponent is next to move */

int GameOver()
/* A game is over if one of the players have
won, or if there are no more Empty lines */
  return(GameWon || (TotalLines <= 0));

/* Finds a move X,Y for player, simply by picking the one with the
highest value */
void FindMove(X, Y)
int *X, *Y;
  int Opponent;
  int I, J;
  int Max, Valu;

  Opponent = OpponentColor(Player);
  Max = -10000;
  /* If no square has a high value then pick the one in the middle */
  *X = (SIZE + 1) / 2;
  *Y = (SIZE + 1) / 2;
  if (Board[*X][*Y] == Empty) Max = 4;
  /* The evaluation for a square is simply the value of the square for
   * the player (attack points) plus the value for the opponent
   * (defense points). Attack is more important than defense, since it
   * is better to get 5 in line yourself than to prevent the op- ponent
   * from getting it. */

  /* For all Empty squares */
  for (I = 1; I <= SIZE; I++) for (J = 1; J <= SIZE; J++)
                if (Board[I][J] == Empty) {
                        /* Calculate evaluation */
                        Valu = Value[I][J][Player] * (16 + AttackFactor) / 16 + Value[I][J][Opponent] + Random(4);
                        /* Pick move with highest value */
                        if (Valu > Max) {
                                *X = I;
                                *Y = J;
                                Max = Valu;

char GetChar()
/* Get a character from the keyboard */
  int c;

  c = getch();
  if (c < 0) abort();
  if (c == '\033') {    /* arrow key */
        if ((c = getch()) == '[') {
                c = getch();
                switch (c) {
                case 'A': c = 'U'; break;
                case 'B': c = 'D'; break;
                case 'C': c = 'R'; break;
                case 'D': c = 'L'; break;
                        c = '?';
                c = '?';
  if (islower(c))
        return toupper(c);
        return c;

/* Reads in a valid command character */
void ReadCommand(X, Y, Command)
int X, Y;
char *Command;
  int ValidCommand;

  do {
        ValidCommand = TRUE;
        GotoSquare(X, Y);       /* Goto square */
        *Command = GetChar();   /* Read from keyboard */
        switch (*Command) {
            case '\n':          /* '\n', '\r' or space means place a */
            case '\r':
            case ' ':
                *Command = 'E';
                break;          /* stone at the cursor position  */

            case 'L':
            case 'R':
            case 'U':
            case 'D':
            case '7':
            case '9':
            case '1':
            case '3':
            case 'N':
            case 'Q':
            case 'A':
            case 'P':
            case 'H':

            case '8':   *Command = 'U'; break;
            case '2':   *Command = 'D'; break;
            case '4':   *Command = 'L'; break;
            case '6':   *Command = 'R'; break;
                        if (GameOver())
                                *Command = 'P';
                                ValidCommand = FALSE;
  } while (!ValidCommand);

void InterpretCommand(Command)
char Command;
  int Temp;

  switch (Command) {
      case 'N':{                /* Start new game */
                ResetGame(FALSE);       /* ResetGame but only redraw
                                         * the board */
                X = (SIZE + 1) / 2;
                Y = X;
      case 'H':
        FindMove(&X, &Y);
        break;                  /* Give the user a hint */
      case 'L':
        X = (X + SIZE - 2) % SIZE + 1;
        break;                  /* Left  */
      case 'R':
        X = X % SIZE + 1;
        break;                  /* Right */
      case 'D':
        Y = (Y + SIZE - 2) % SIZE + 1;
        break;                  /* Down  */
      case 'U':
        Y = Y % SIZE + 1;
        break;                  /* Up    */
      case '7':{
                if ((X == 1) || (Y == SIZE)) {  /* Move diagonally    *//* t
                                                 * owards upper left */
                        Temp = X;
                        X = Y;
                        Y = Temp;
                } else {
                        X = X - 1;
                        Y = Y + 1;
      case '9':{                /* Move diagonally    */
                if (X == SIZE) {/* toward upper right */
                        X = (SIZE - Y) + 1;
                        Y = 1;
                } else if (Y == SIZE) {
                        Y = (SIZE - X) + 1;
                        X = 1;
                } else {
                        X = X + 1;
                        Y = Y + 1;
      case '1':{                /* Move diagonally   */
                if (Y == 1) {   /* toward lower left */
                        Y = (SIZE - X) + 1;
                        X = SIZE;
                } else if (X == 1) {
                        X = (SIZE - Y) + 1;
                        Y = SIZE;
                } else {
                        X = X - 1;
                        Y = Y - 1;
      case '3':{                /* Move diagonally    */
                if ((X == SIZE) || (Y == 1)) {  /* toward lower right */
                        Temp = X;
                        X = Y;
                        Y = Temp;
                } else {
                        X = X + 1;
                        Y = Y - 1;
      case 'A':
        AutoPlay = TRUE;
        break;                  /* Auto play mode */
  }                             /* case */
}                               /* InterpretCommand */

void PlayerMove()
/* Enter and make a move */
  if (Board[X][Y] == Empty) {
        MakeMove(X, Y);
        if (GameWon) PrintMsg("Congratulations, You won!");
        Command = 'P';
}                               /* PlayerMove */

void ProgramMove()
/* Find and perform programs move */
  do {
        if (GameOver()) {
                AutoPlay = FALSE;
                if ((Command != 'Q') && (!GameWon)) PrintMsg("Tie game!");
        } else {
                FindMove(&X, &Y);
                MakeMove(X, Y);
                if (GameWon) PrintMsg("I won!");
  } while (AutoPlay);

int main()
  ResetGame(TRUE);              /* ResetGame and draw the entire screen */
  X = (SIZE + 1) / 2;           /* Set starting position to */
  Y = X;                        /* the middle of the board  */
  do {
        ReadCommand(X, Y, &Command);
        if (GameOver())
                if (Command != 'Q') Command = 'N';
        if (Command == 'E') PlayerMove();
        if (Command == 'P' || Command == 'A') ProgramMove();
  } while (Command != 'Q');
  Abort("Good bye!");
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The goal of the game is to order unbroken row of five signs horizontally, vertically, or diagonal...
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