
SIGN_GROUPS = '[ARI,LEO,SAG]-[TAU,VIR,CAP]-[GEM,LIB,AQU]-[PIS,SCO,CAN]' def get_sign_group(sign): ''' (str) -> int Given a three character string representing a...

def get_sign_group(sign):
    (str) -> int

    Given a three character string representing a star sign, return
    which group (out of 0, 1, 2, or 3) this star sign belongs to.

    Use the SIGN_GROUPS string (already defined for you above) to figure
    out the group.
    i.e. As given by this string '[ARI,LEO,SAG]-[TAU,VIR,CAP]-[GEM,LIB,AQU]-[PIS,SCO,CAN]'
         the signs ARI, LEO and SAG are in group 0, the signs TAU, VIR, CAP are in group 1,
         and so on.

    >>> get_sign_group('ARI')

    >>> get_sign_group('CAN')

Looking for a way to complete this function by accessing the string SIGN_GROUPS


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Answer #1

Given a e chovadv s reDxese albov) bờ Ar .[aes·LEC. SA4].[TAU, VI R , CAI. en 0

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SIGN_GROUPS = '[ARI,LEO,SAG]-[TAU,VIR,CAP]-[GEM,LIB,AQU]-[PIS,SCO,CAN]' def get_sign_group(sign): ''' (str) -> int Given a three character string representing a...
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