
597690/viewContent/7888874/View The Science of Popular Diets The Impact of Nutrition Practices on Human Wellness Understandin
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shendan date- o Sech Rx Undemtanding Perna Dt l x C mps/ Movi
Ban dabe Yahoe Search Re Undentanding Pen Dc x ttps// STEP 3: Ac
l chatr 3:47 PM Notes My topic is diabetes

My topic is diabetes

mT UIS COurse. In a Word document, you are asked to discuss the following points in a thoughtful, accurate and supported mann
597690/viewContent/7888874/View The Science of Popular Diets The Impact of Nutrition Practices on Human Wellness Understanding the Dietary Needs of Special Populations Consider that up until this point in Module 2, we have been focused on the nutritional needs and diet plans for healthy, adult individuals. The AMDRS used to calculate caloric needs have been determined to fit a general population of these individuals. In addition, there has been little need to consider deficiencies or toxicities of various nutrients because a balanced diet that follows the AMDRS (and Canada's Food Guide) is considered sufficient. Please also consider the article found in the Module 2: Required Readings & Resources entitled "Overfed and Undernourished: Nutrient Deficiency in Our Modern Diet" Hopefully we can all appreciate that not every human fits into the sometimes narrow category of a healthy adult. With this, we need to start to appreciate that with select populations deviating from the "norm", nutritional requirements and dietary considerations are important. For example, let's consider the potential dietary/nutritional challenges that the elderly population might face as compared to younger generations. How do nutrition requirements change when a woman is pregnant or nursing? What about when that same woman reaches menopause later in life and has an increased risk of osteoporosis? Consider the populations of individuals with chronic medical/health issues such as dlabetes, cardiovascular disease or kidney disease. Their nutritional needs are certainly different than their healthy counterparts. On a different note, what unique nutrient profile might an elite athlete/marathon runner require as compared to a typical active adult?
te- Yahoo Search Re X Population Diet Analysis - NUTR x 74/View The purpose of this unit is for you to explore one of these special populations of people, and to predict and discuss some of the nutritional and dietary challenges that they face. In doing this, you will be working through a report (10% of your final mark) that will be submitted via the assigned Dropbox (Case Study Report) and will also be asked to share your findings and comment on the findings' of your peers in specified Discussion posts (5% of your final mark). Both of these evaluations will require you to provide valid and current sources of information to support suggestions, conclusions and discussions. For the report, APA-style referencing is required, including a full reference sheet and in-text citations, where applicable. Detailed marking schemes/rubrics will accompany the assignments, linked below. For help with APA, please visit the following link: Cite it Right: APA LibGuide Consider the following 4 special populations of individuals and a "starter" resource for each to get you thinking... Diabetes: Prevention & Treatment of Diabetes with Nutrition PDE Cardiovascular & Related Diseases: Nutrition &Peripheral Artery Disease PDF Chronic Kidney Disease: Nutrition & Kidney Disease POF Prenatal & Pregnancy: Prenatal Nutrition As you progress through this research, you may want to consider the following online resources to help support your findings: +
dan slate - Yahoo Search Re Population Diet Analysis - NUTR X x + As you progress through this research, you may want to consider the following online reso to help support your findings: Pubmed - Be sure to select only "free text articles" World Health Organization Health Canada National Institutes of Health Google Scholar Sheridan Library databases NOTE: You are not limited to using these resources! As indicated above, this Nutrition Case Study is divided into two separate evaluations: First, "Case Study Report" to be completed independently according to the report guidelines below. Second, you willl be required to participate in a "Special Topics Discussion" post, with details of Group selection and Discussion directions & rubric found below. Be sure to reach out to your professor if you are unsure of how to set yourself up for success on these evaluations! Case Study Report Instructions: This report will be worth 10% of your final mark in this course. In a Word document, you are asked to discuss the following points in a thoughtful, accurate and supported manner using key pieces of information from the literature: Compare a "typical" diet (using the pre-set AMDRS found within the Harris Benedict Calculator) with the diet that would be required for your special population of people; Highlight 3 key adjustments (think nutrients, vitamins, minerals) to your special population diet that wOuld be reauired to maintain ontimal health
slate- Yahoo Search Re Population Diet Analysis-NUTR X X https// This report will be worth 10% of your final mark in this course. In a Word document, you are asked to discuss the following points in a thoughtful, accurate and supported manner using key pieces of information from the literature: Compare a "typical" diet (using the pre-set AMDRS found within the Harris Benedict Calculator) with the diet that wou ld be required for your special population of people; Highlight 3 key adjustments (think nutrients, vitamins, minerals) to your special population diet that would be required to maintain optimal health; Suggest replacement food options for your population, ensuring that you include a description of why these replacements will be beneficial; Describe the health (or other) consequences of not adjusting the diet for your special population properly All references must be properly cited using APA-formatting, inclusive of in-text citations and a full reference list at the end of the document. You must provide a minimum of 2 valid references to support your thoughts A clear, APA-formatted title page should accompany your document as well. Your report (not including your reference list or title page) should between 750 and 1000 words. This will require clear, concise descriptions of your thoughts to the above points. You will submit your completed report in ONE file to the Case Study Report Dropbox A full marking rubric for the Case Study Report can be found by clicking the link: Case Study Report Marking Rubric Special Topics Discussion Instructions: Your participation in this discussion post will be worth 5% towards vour final mark in this course You will be selecting the topic (from the four described above) by putting yourself into the Group labelled with your chosen topic- For example, If you want to work on Dlabetes, you will be selecting the "Diabetes Group" from the list of Special Topic Discussion groups available on SLATE
ete Yahoo Search Re x Population Det Analysis NUTR https//slate Group selection will be done on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are not able to select your first choice, please put yourself into your second choice of topic. If you do not select a Group by the date indicated by your professor, you will be automatically assigned to a Group. To select a Group for the Special Topics Discussion, click the More Tools drop-down menu and click Groups. Click View Available Groups. Under the Special Populations groups, click Join Group if the group is not full. You will now see yourself enrolled in the group. Expectations and Evaluation of Discussion Post After the research you conducted to complete the above Report, you have become somewhat of an "expert" on the topic you selected. Based on the knowledge you acquired through this exploration, answer the following questions within thee Discussion section for your topic, labelled with your topic and your name (for example, Diabetes: John Smith). What would you say is the most challenging nutritional/diet consideration for the population of people you looked at? And brlefly, how might this challenge be overcome? .Answers should be clear and concise, coming in between 250-500 words .You should cite (using APA-formatting) at least one resource at the end of your discussion post. There is no need for in-text citation ora formal reference ist .Your audience for this post is your classmates, so be sure to clearly explain any detals that might not be common knowledge. Special Pooulations Diet Analysis Discussion Discussion Post Response Expectation You will each be required to respond to one Discussion post from a ciassmate withln one of the other 3 specific topics NOT your own topic In your response, comment on what you specfically fournd interesting.OR somietbing that vou learned while reading the post Your response should be between 100 and 250 words, and does not require any formal citations
ahoo Search Re Understanding Personal Diet Fa x X https// STEP 1: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Press To See Formula Gender Female Welght 64.8 kg OR 143 bs Helght 165 om OR s ft s inches Age: 27 Calculate BMR 1434 Step 2 Here, a 27-year-old female, weighing 143lbs and at a height of 165cm is determined to have a BMR of 1434. This means that this particular female needs to take in approximately 1434 calories each day just to maintain basic body functions. To use this calculator, simply enter the required information, and press "Calculate", and the BMR determined will be displayed in the green BMR box. To move on to Step 2, click on "Step 2. Moving on to Step 2 of the "Harris Benedict Calculator", we see this screen shot Horie Penediet Celoulator
shendan date- o Sech Rx Undemtanding Perna Dt l x C mps/ Moving on to Step 2 of theHarris Benedict Calculator, we see this screen shot Harris Benedict Calculator Harris Benedict Formula - Revised 1984 STEP 2: Daily Energy (Calorie) Requirements (DER) Press To See Fomula Choose your activity cto 13 1375 1.30 Sedentary-Le or no eare ght Activity-Light ercisgarts 1-3 days per we rActivty-Modere exercee t Extra Active-Vary hard aiaports and physical j or 2 1725 18 -Hand esarciseports & days ger per week ing BM 1434 Activity Fater DER Step 3 Notice that the BMR calculated from Shep 1 automaticy move inbe St2 wth youNet daxs necanek, The a factor of 1.55, whic s inacve.ofa ty of the persoa in this sarial iouire 2223 you choose case, we ha Activty fector that best reffects te aveadeae Lin this 2223shich.a nts ta vty g place 3-5
Ban dabe Yahoe Search Re Undentanding Pen Dc x ttps// STEP 3: Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges Calculations (AMDR) Press To See Formula Notice that cicking the "Press For Information" button will allow you to see the pre-set AMDR %'s, as well as to disable these pre-set values for further exploration Press For Information AMDR Average For an average healthy adult the percent values are 55 % carbs 15% protein 30% fat Press the switch below to disablelenable preset mtations The restricted AMOR limits are 45-65 % carba 10-35 % protein 20-35% far Restricted Limits DER AMDR % Grama Par Day 306 Carbohydrates 2223 Protein 83 2223 Fats 74 2223 30 100% Total The "Grams Per Day" values shown in the blue box above are the resut of calculations much ike we have already reviewed For example, let's take a look at the Carbohydrate example shown above
l chatr 3:47 PM Notes My topic is diabetes
mT UIS COurse. In a Word document, you are asked to discuss the following points in a thoughtful, accurate and supported manner using key pieces of information from the literature: Compare a "typical" diet (using the pre-set AMDRS found within the Harris Benedict Calculator) with the diet that would be required for your special population of people; Highlight 3 key adjustments (think nutrients, vitamins, minerals) to your special population diet that would be required to maintain optimal health; Suggest replacement food options for your population, ensuring that you include a description of why these replacements will be beneficial; Describe the health (or other) consequences of not adjusting the diet for your special population properly
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Answer #1

1. Typical diet that we eat is full of carbohydrates, fats and less proteins. But the typical diet should be equal propotioanl with the carbs, lipids and high protein rich diet, with minerals and vitamins in proper amount.

2. Three adjustment to the special population diet are :

I. Include lots of seasonal fruits in the diet.

II. Includes protein rich diet.

III. Include green leafy vegetables in the diet

3. The replacement food therapy should be replaced lipid rich diet with more green leafy vegetables.

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My topic is diabetes 597690/viewContent/7888874/View The Science of Popular Diets The Impact of Nutrition Practices on...
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